Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

2. Walk Past My Grave In The Dark Tonight

by frankxgerard 6 reviews

Frank was led to a *much* larger, grandly decorated, walk-in tomb. On top, it had an angel holding in one hand a sphere, and in the other a sort of dagger. A thorn covered crown was wrapped around ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-13 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 470 words - Complete

Title from "The Truth About Heaven" - Armor For Sleep

Frank sat down beside the pile of junk for a few minutes before getting up and walking the streets more. He was almost ten blocks away from the cemetery, when he remembered that he'd left his messenger bag back behind the stone he'd been sitting behind. By the time he got back, it was 10:00PM. He'd never been in the graveyard this late at night before, but he still had no trouble finding his bag. Picking it up, he took the penlight he had, out. Shining it around, he realized that if people told you that everything at night was the same, only darker, they were totally wrong. Every time he looked away from a spot, he could see something faintly move out of the corner of his eye. If he told anyone that they would most likely say that it was a bird or a dog, but Frank knew that it probably wasn't. He examined the headstones around him more carefully. The first few were names like Derrick Eiberson and Mia Shepherd. After almost 15 more stones, he was led to a much larger, grandly decorated, walk-in tomb. On top, it had an angel holding in one hand a sphere, and in the other a sort of dagger. A thorn covered crown was wrapped around its head. Franks breath caught in his throat as he read the name inside the small room:

Gerard A. Way
1631 - 1648

"Maybe it's a different Gerard... A different 17 year old Gerard..."

Frank muttered to himself, not exactly believing, and shutting off the light.

"It's not."

Frank jumped for probably the millionth time that night. Gerard was standing behind him in the doorway, his eyes glistening even though there was no light at all in the room.

"No, you're lying! You can't be dead; you're right in front of me!"

Gerard shrugged and led Frank out of the grave, walking him toward the mausoleum at the other end of the yard.

"You want to see my house?"

"Uh... sure? You live in the mausoleum?!"

"Um, yeah. Come on, stay close."

Frank followed him into the building. Gerard paused at a locked iron gate and opened it with a key, ushering Frank inside and locking it behind them.

"Sheesh, it's alright! We're the only ones here except for, well... yeah... uh... come on."

Frank didn't understand but followed the taller boy into the building further anyways. The walls were dirty until they got to a heavy wooden door at the bottom of a stone spiral staircase. Gerard looked at Frank for a moment.

"It's not all old fashioned inside, you know? Sheesh, I'm not that old... Well maybe I am... I mean I'm not that out of style."

"So you've got a normal house inside?"

"Pretty much."
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