Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

3. Am I More Than You Bargained For?

by frankxgerard 1 review

"You want to leave don't you? Every single person I've told, or tried to tell, left and died years ago..." "No, I don't want to leave. Well, unless you want me to..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-14 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 753 words - Complete


Title from "Sugar We're Goin Down" - Fall Out Boy

Gerard unlocked the door and let them in, turning on a light. Frank was surprised to find that the inside was normal. It was mostly white. There was a kitchen and a few doors to what Frank presumed were to a bedroom or bathroom.


"Yeah, I thought it would be all castle dungeony or that, you know?"

"Heh, Yeah."

Gerard sat down on a chair and looked at Frank.

"So, will you stay? I'm not forcing you or anything..."

"Sure, if it's okay."

"Yeah! But... you'll have to get used to some stuff..."

Gerard cleared his throat anxiously.

"Like what?"

"Um... Not tonight. I'll explain tomorrow. I don't have an extra bedroom... yet, so you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the sofa if you want."

"The couch is fine! I won't take your bed from you."

"You sure?"


"Okay, I'll get you some blankets okay?"


Gerard stood up and patted one of the barstools for Frank to sit down. He did. Gerard rummaged through a closet for a while before bringing out a pile of fabric. He dumped the sheets on the couch and grinned. Frank noticed his teeth again, but didn't have to ask. Gerard sighed and sauntered over, plopping down on a stool next to Frank, looking him in the eye.

"Please, don't hate me... It's... It's not my fault."

Frank asked even though he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"What's not your fault?"

"These stupid things!"

He pointed at his mouth, baring his fangs. Frank saw his eyes were red and on the brink of letting go tears.

"So you really are... that really was your grave? You're dead?"

Gerard nodded, twisting his fingers and wincing when he went too far.


"I- I'm..."

"You want to leave don't you? Every single person I've told, or tried to tell, left and died years ago..."

"No, I don't want to leave. Well, unless you want me to... But are there any more of you?"


"Not one?"

"Not really, but you know how I was talking about my brother?"


"Well, he was, is, one of me... but this sort of evil guy, he cursed him to be trapped in my head, well, not literally, just his mind in mine. We can't communicate, but his pain sends it into /me/..."

"That's what happened before right?"

"Yeah. Mikey's been gone for... almost 50 years."

"Whoa. No way!"

"Yeah. Right now that guy is probably torturing him."

"Is there any way to get him back?"

"Yeah, I guess so... I don't really know..."

"How did you all die?"

Frank hoped he wasn't being too nosy, but Gerard looked "happy" to answer him.

"There was this plague or something and only Mikes and I survived somehow..."

"Were you born like that?"

"No, come over here, and I'll tell you where it's more comfy."

They sat down on the sofa. Gerard folded his legs under himself and sat facing Frank.

"OK. My people were probably originated in the 1500's. At first they would just breed to increase our race, but that proved to be too slow a process. They started recruiting humans, training them, and then turning them when they were strong enough. They still bred, but it wasn't their main "production" method. At the age of 200, you had to get a mate. I was blooded earlier than most. The average age that a vampire would recruit a human at was in their mid-twenties because of size, knowledge, and other skills. I was... an exception. I was 16, almost 17 when they got me, so technically I'm gonna be 17 forever."

Gerard paused to let Frank ask a question or think.

"So, did you get a mate?"

"I... had one... like 100 years ago."

"Did you..."

"No... Something... got in the way. Her name was Miana and we were pretty much forced together. But then the "something" came along and then half a century later, the plague..."


Frank was dying to know what the something was, but didn't want to anger Gerard.

"Ahh... The something, yeah."

"What?! Can you like read my mind?!"

"Heck no! I wish, but I can see it in your eyes, you're curious..."

"Uh, yeah... sorta."

"You're definitely gonna hate me for it."

"No! Whatever happened can't be too bad! You won't believe what I did to get kicked out..."

"Fine, but you have to tell me what you did after I tell you."

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