Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Clanluna

Chapter 4: Zar

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Who is this Man?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-09-29 - Updated: 2007-09-30 - 2931 words - Complete


Chapter 4: Zar

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Earth’s Children is owned by Jean Auel

Luna didn’t know who this woman was, but her death had clearly upset the entire Clan, Ayla most of all. Luna began pulling things out of her pocket and enlarging them. It was mostly mammoth parts, until finally, she found her trunk. After enlarging it, Luna rooted through the trunk until she found what she was looking for. The ring she had found in the forbidden forest. She knew very well that this ring was a Deathly Hallow when she first saw it. She hoped that what she was about to do would not disturb the Clan too badly. Luna placed the ring on her finger and held her hand over Iza’s body. There was a glow and Iza sat up.

“What have you done, Spirit?” asked Iza.

The eyes of the Clan were glazing over as they tried to pretend that their late Medicine Woman had not come back to life.


Tears streaming down her face, Ayla gathered flowers. Her arms were almost full when she looked up and saw him!

His head and neck looked like a man of the Clan. But his body was tall and lanky like Ayla’s. He had black straight hair and tanner skin that any man of the Clan she had ever seen.

Chapter 4: Zar

Looking at this strange man, Ayla wondered if he was a man of the Others. She’d never seen one before. She somehow thought that a man of the Others would look more like her and Durc. Then she remembered the story that Oda had told her at the Clan gathering about the men of the Others who wanted to the women of the Clan to relieve their needs but didn’t give ‘the signal’. Mentally preparing herself to assume the position, Ayla stepped forward and sat at his feet looking down. He promptly tapped her in the shoulder and signed in the ancient Clan language.

“Do you understand this woman’s signs?” signed the man.

“Yes, this woman understands the ancient Clan signs,” replied Ayla.

“What is your name?” asked the man.


“This woman is called Zar” replied the man. “Do you know where I can find the Clan of mog-ur one eye?”

“Our mog-ur has one eye,” replied Ayla. “He is The Mog-Ur of all the Clans.”

“Take the woman to them,” commanded Zar.

When Ayla stood, she realized just how tall this strange man was. At nearly seven feet tall, he towered over her the way she did over the men of the Clan. With the bundle of flowers in her arms, she led the way back to the cave. When she approached the cave, she noticed that the members of the Clan were acting strangely.

“Ayla, who is this strange man you have brought back to the cave?” asked Brun.

“This woman is called Zar. This woman has traveled far in search of your Clan,”

“You are no woman!” signed Broud.

“He signs the ancient language in a strange manner,” observed Brun. “He must be from far away indeed.

Zar, you should sign ‘this man’ instead of ‘this woman’. We have just had a death, why don’t you come to my hearth and tell me your story.”

Ayla took this statement as her cue that she had been dismissed by Brun. She returned to Iza’s grave to find Iza sitting upright in it, still covered in the red ochre paint. On the way there, she had noticed that everyone was trying to avoid looking at Iza.

“Ayla, can you see me?” begged Iza.

“I can see you,” replied Ayla. “Are you Iza’s spirit?”

“Yes, the Spirit, Luna, has brought me back from the spirit world,” signed Iza. “Tell her to send me back! Everyone refuses to acknowledge me! I don’t want to be a wandering spirit! I want to go back to the Spirit World!”

Iza lay back down in her grave and curled up in a fetal position.

“Luna, you must send her back!” commanded Creb. “It’s wrong to bring back spirits form the spirit world! Her time had passed!”

Tears steaming down her face, Ayla leaned over and hugged her adopted mother.

“Ayla?” asked Luna.

“Please Ayla, tell her to send me back!” begged Iza.

Ayla remember how it had felt when she had endured a Death Curse before. As much as she loved her adopted mother, she wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone.

“Do what she says,” agreed Ayla, as she laid the flowers on top of Iza. “These are Iza’s tools!”

Sadly, Luna waved her hand over Iza and canceled the effect of the ring. Iza’s chest stopped rising and Ayla started keening again. Creb made the signs a mog-ur was supposed to when there was a death, then the three of them started piling rocks on Iza’s body. Seeing this, Uba rushed over to help them.

When they returned to their hearth, Ayla noticed that Zar was starting to tell his story. Ebra had already made a meal for him and Brun, which they had eaten and they were now sipping some tea as Zar began his tale. Ayla knew that it would be rude to watch him talk, but she was burning with curiosity about the strange man.

“This man was raised by his mother, far to the south,” began Zar. “We had no Clan. As a child, we had no furs to wrap our selves in and we ate only the plants that my mother found. My mother told me stories of life with the Clan including hunting stories. These reminded me how to hunt. Eventually, I taught my self to hunt and I was able to bring meat and furs to our cave. When she died, I tired joining a Clan. I visited many Clans but they always turned me away, saying I was deformed and unlucky. I also tried joining a cave of the Others, but they yelled and threw rocks if they saw me. I learned to avoid the Others. One Clan took pity on me and told me of the Clan of Mog-Ur one eye, a mog-ur who was born deformed, but still accepted by his Clan and has become the most powerful of mor-urs. I had hoped that I have found that Clan and that you will accept me.”

“Why did you have no Clan?” asked Brun.

“This man does not know,” replied Zar. “My mother wouldn’t speak of the how we came to have no Clan. She only spoke of the time with her Clan, before she was a woman and the time after I was born, when we were alone.”

“You have arrived at a time of great change for our Clan,” observed Brun. “Tomorrow we will have a hunt. If you succeed in bring down a large steppe animal, you will be accepted into this Clan. For tonight, you will stay at my hearth.”


Luna was very disturbed by the implications of her conversations with Iza. She hoped her knowledge of the Clan’s language would enable her to make herself understood.

“Luna No Spirit! Luna No dead! Luna, Witch!” said Luna.

“Weech?” asked Creb. “What is Weech?”

Luna pulled out her wand and levitated a basket.

“Wand,” said Luna as she pointed to her wand.

“Witch,” said Luna as she pointed to herself.

“Luna, are you saying that the things you can do with that stick make you a Weech?” asked Ayla.

“Yes! Yes! Wand stick, Weech!” replied Luna as she shook her wand and a shower of sparks came out. She then handed her wand to Ayla and indicated for her to shake it. She had planned to say “No Weech,” when Ayla failed to produce sparks. Much to her surprise, as weak stream of sparks came out of her wand when Ayla shook it! Luna’s eyes bulged in shock.

“Ayla Weech!” said Luna excitedly as she took the wand from Ayla and handed it to Creb for him to shake.

Creb understood what she wanted and shook the wand. A tiny spark came out.

Luna’s jaw dropped at the sight!

“Creb, Wizard!” proclaimed Luna.

“Weez-Ur?” asked Creb.

“Yes! Yes! Creb Weez-Ur!” proclaimed Luna happily as she pulled out her trunk and enlarged it. She dug through it until she found what she was looking for. During the last battle of Hogwarts, she had won four wands in combat. After learning that a won wand was more compatible than a gift, she held onto her prizes in case she ever need a spare wand. After having Ayla and Creb try out each of the wands, she found a semi-compatible wand for each of them.

Once they each had wands, Luna tried teaching Ayla and Creb a simple levitation charm. Ayla was able to learn it with great difficulty. Luna thought that after she succeeded in teaching Ayla English, it would be easier for her to learn incantations. But Creb was unable to pronounce: “Wingardium Leviosa”


The next morning, Brun called together the male hunters for a hunt. Ayla, Ovra and Uka were brought along to carry the meat back. Ayla made certain to bring her Medicine bag and sling. Now that she was back from the Clan Gathering, Ayla was once again allowed to use her sling. This cheered her up tremendously as she felt more naked without her sling than she did without her wrap.

Once the men had gathered, Broud took notice of the strange Spears that Zar had.

“Why are you using children’s spears and why do you have a knife and tied to it?” asked Broud, derisively.

“When I was tried to learn to hunt, I tried to run down prey in the Clan way, as in my memories and the hunting stories,” said Zar. “I I found I couldn’t run down prey by myself. Then, one day I saw some men of the Others hunting. I hid myself and watched. They threw their spears from a distance. One of them broke a spear and left it. I tired my best to imitate his spear. Once I learn to throw spears, I was able to kill large animals by myself.”

“If you want to be part of this Clan, it would be better to take an animal in the Clan way,” replied Brun. “But I would like to see you throw a spear too. Perhaps you could throw the other two while we are trying to separate one from the herd?”

“I will do as you say,” replied Zar.

Soon the men found a herd of Aurochs. Under Brun’s direction, the women watched from the top of a hill, while the men snuck up and approached the herd. They circled around to cut one off, with Zar approaching the closest to the herd. At Brun’s signal, Zar and Goov ran at the herd from opposite directions trying to cut a cow off from the herd. As he ran at the herd, Zar cast one of his spears and then another at the herd. When the cow ran away from Zar, Broud was there to cut it off. It changed directions and ran away from Broud, only to find Grod running towards it. It ran from Grod only to be cut off by Droog. Next, Crug cut it off, then Brun. By now, it was surrounded and tiring out. At Brun’s signal, Zar ran forward and thrush his remaining spear into the heart of the Aurouchs!

When the women saw the Zar make his final kill, they rushed forward to begin the butchering. As they approached, Brun cut open the cow and gave the first piece of liver to Zar before sharing it with the rest of the men. The men were chewing on their raw liver and expecting the women to begin butchering the aurochs when Ayla sat at Brun’s feet.

The leader couldn’t imagine why the woman wasn’t beginning her duties, but his curiosity got the better of him. He tapped her on the shoulder, giving her permission to speak.

“This woman begs to report that we will not be able to carry all three aurochs,” signed Ayla.

Brun looked at where she was pointing. The herd had run away. But each of the two spears that Zar had thrown at the herd had been a lucky cast and there were two more carcasses lying on to steppe.

“This woman begs to ask if she may return to the cave to fetch more women to carry all of the meat?” signed Ayla.

Brun nodded his ascent.

As Ayla ran off, Broud thought: (Where is that lazy good for nothing woman going now when there’s work for her to do? Brun is way too tolerant with her. When I am Leader, I will put her in her place!)

Ayla returned, riding behind Luna on her broom.

“Ayla!” demanded Brun. “Where are the other women?”

“Ebra, Oga and Uba are on their way,” explained Ayla. “Luna offered to carry me here sooner so that she could carry the animals back by herself.”

Seeing the angry looks on the men, especially Broud, Ayla joined Ovra and Uka and started teaching Luna how to butcher and aurochs. Luna levitated the other two carcasses over by the one they were working on. Once the butchering was done, Luna pulled out the luggage cart from Kings Cross Station and enlarged it until is was big enough to hold all three aurochs. She then levitated it to carry the three animals back to the cave. They set out for the Cave with Zar in the lead, since he had made the kills.


That night, Creb had Ayla outfited Luna with a Clan style wrap. He and Brun had been conferring together for large block of time since the Clan gathering, especially since they’d arrived back at the cave. Ayla didn’t know what they had planned but she knew that it was a specially occasion.

After the whole clan had eaten some of Zar’s kill in a feast, the hunters reenacted the hunt. Zar mimed the final thrust of the kill when he stopped his dance in front of the Mog-Ur. Creb was dressed in his cave bearskin cloak with the cave bear’s head as a headdress. He looked frightening. First, he painted a stripe of oche on Zar and said: “The man’s name is: Zar!”

After giving Zar a amulet to wear around his neck, he made the marks on Zar indicating his to totem was the Cave Bear.

“This man’s totem is the Cave Bear!”

Creb had discussed this with Goov and assured his acolyte that although the new man had the Cave Bear Totem, he would never be a mog-ur and was not replacing Goov. When Creb had mediated on Zar’s totem, his vision had been of a Cave Bear that turned into an enormously fat woman of the Others.

Creb then cut the mark and the base of his throat announcing: “This Man is now a Hunter of the Clan!”

Goov applied the healing salve to the marks on Zar, then brought Luna before the Mog-Ur.

The Mog-Ur painted the red stripe on Luna’s forehead and announced:

“This Weech’s name is: Luna!”

The Mog-Ur gave her and amulet. Creb then marked her with a token mark that none of the Clan had ever seen before. After his vision of a bright purple animal that resembled a reindeer with a single, crumpled, horn, Creb had made up a new totem symbol that was based on the symbol for reindeer.

“This Weech’s totem is Spirit deer!”

Creb then made the signs to call the ancient Spirits. He made the cut at the base of Luna’s throat and announced:

“This Weech is a Woman who Hunts!”

“You are permitted to hunt with the sling or with your Weech stick,” confirmed Brun.

Goov applied the healing salve to Luna’s cuts.

Next Ayla and Zar were brought before the Mog-Ur by Goov. The Mog-Ur painted the sign of the Cave Lion over Ayla’s scars. He then painted the sign of the Cave bear over them.

“The Spirit of the Cave Bear has over come the Spirit of the Cave Lion!”

Ayla couldn’t believe it! She was mated! She sat at Zar’s feet and waited until he tapped her on the shoulder. When he did so, She got up and followed him as he led her back to Creb’s hearth.

Goov then, brought Luna back before The Mog-Ur. He painted the Sign of the Spirit Deer on Luna again, Then painted his own Cave Bear Sign over it.

“The Spirit of the Cave Bear has over come the Spirit of the Spirit Deer!”

Luna didn’t know what was going on, so Goov helped her by gently pushing her into a seated position. Creb then tapped her on the shoulder and headed back to his hearth. Luna followed.

The hands of the Clan flew into a flurry of motion as they couldn’t believe what they had just seen!

Authors note: Zar is an original character who’s biography is roughly based on Echozar’s. He is from the Middle East. His hair color and skin tone would not look out of place on a modern Arab. He is half-Clan.
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