Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Clanluna

Chapter 3: Iza

by selenepotter

The Clan arrives back at the Cave

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [?] - Published: 2007-09-28 - Updated: 2007-09-28 - 1406 words - Complete


Chapter 3: Iza

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Earth’s Children is owned by Jean Auel

Crug was sent to get the women so they could butcher the mammoth. Once Luna understood that they wanted to carry the meat back to the camp, she levitated it for them.

Chapter 3: Iza

Once the carcass was back at the camp, the women began butchering it and building fires to dry the meat. This took the rest of the day. Luna transfigured a stick into a knife and did her best to help. But she was more of a hinderence than a help. In the end, she gave Ayla the knife and gathered firewood for the fires. The process took the rest of the day.

While the women were busy, Brun took advantage of an opportunity to speak with Creb alone about how Luna had felled the Mammoth.

That night they had fresh mammoth steak for dinner. It was the best Luna had ever had. Throughout the day and after dinner, Luna and Ayla continued to teach each other their languages. Creb watched the two women share words. He couldn’t believe the variety of sound of which the two women were capable of making. He guessed that the language of the Others must consist entirely of sounds. To his surprise, he found himself becoming aroused watching the exaggerated motions that Luna made as she tried to speak as a Clan woman. Finally, Ayla took her son to Oga to nurse.

“Luna,” commanded Creb as he gave her “the signal”.

Luna had learned last night that the sign Creb had just used was a request for sex. She had no idea that according to Clan custom she had right to refuse. It was fortunate that she wanted to comply. Like most Ravenclaw girls, she had thoroughly studied the subject of sex. In fact Ravenclaws tended to become sexually active at a much older age than members of other Houses because that made sure that they understood the theories and techniques before they tried gaining practical experience. Indeed, if not for her capture by the Death Eaters, she would certainly still be a virgin. As it was, last night had be her first positive sexual experience. Although the act it self was only mildly pleasurable, the tender manner it which he’d held her afterwards had touched her heart. Now that he was asking to have her again, she wanted him to be pleased with her.

Luna stood up and pulled her robe off. She unzipped her boots and slid them off, then looking intently into Creb’s eyes began unbuttoning her blouse once she had it open all the way down the front, she slid it off, baring her breasts to him. She was not used to the chill of an Ice Age summer and without the warming charm she had on her robe, her nipples stood up prominently. She then slip down her skirt and stood there before him naked for a moment. Luna then knelt over Creb and planted him lips on his. She tried her best the excite him in what was her first kiss. She used all her theoretical knowledge as best she could.

Creb didn’t understand why the Spirit had removed her strange wraps or why she was pressing her puckered lips to his. But he found that it felt good to pucker his lips too. When she licked his lips, he licked her’s back and soon they were licking each other’s tongues. The sensation strengthened his need for her. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her bare breast, so he started rubbing it as she started untying his wrap. Once she had removed his wrap, she straddled him and placed him inside her. As she bounced up and down on him she began to emit odd moaning sounds until she paused and held her breath for a moment. Then she resumed her movements until he felt his own release. When he was done, she leaned forward and pressed his lips on his again. They fell asleep conjoined together.


When Luna awoke, Creb was behind her spooning her again. Luna smiled and hugged his arm, pulling it to her breast. Looking around, she noticed that Ayla was already awake and making breakfast. There was a cup of tea waiting by her bedside.

“This Spirit, grateful, tea,” signed Luna before sipping the tea.

Breakfast was some newly dried mammoth meat. It was pretty bland and not as good as the fresh meat they had last night.

After breakfast it was time to pack up and resume their journey. Ebra gave Luna a share of the mammoth meat to carry which Luna shrank and put in her pocket. When Ebra came back to her and saw that Luna didn’t have anything to carry, she gave her another load of meat to carry. When she saw Luna shrink this too, she let Luna do the same with the rest of the mammoth.

Brun was surprised when they set off that they weren’t leaving anything behind. He was sure that the women of his Clan would not be able to carry the whole mammoth back with them.


As their journey continued over many days, the Clan was surprised to see The Mog-Ur relieving his needs with the strange Spirit and in such a strange manner every night. They were also becoming accustomed to the sound she made while he relieved his needs.

Finally, the Clan reached their cave. Zoug came out to greet them when they arrived.

“How is the rest of the Clan?” signed Brun.

“Dorv has gone to the Spirit World,” replied Zoug. “And this man fears that Iza will soon join him.”

“Iza!” shouted Ayla as she ran into the cave.

When Luna had caught up with her, Ayla was tending to a old woman of the Clan who was coughing up blood.

“No! no, Ayla, there is no time for that,” signed Iza, with a cough. “Soon this woman will be gone to the Spirit World! (cough! cough!) Ayla, you must leave the Clan and go to live with the Others. You must find your own mate! (cough! cough!) Who is this?” (cough! cough!)

“Iza, this is Luna,” replied Ayla. “Creb says that she is a Spirit of time-to-come and that it is permissible to acknowledge her.”

“Even if it were not, this woman would not be afraid,” signed Iza, with a cough. “This woman is prepared for you to take her now.” Signed Iza as she reached out to Luna, exhaled her last breath a collapsed.

Ayla began keening as Creb signed “Walk with Ursus.”

As the Clan began funeral preparations, Creb rubbed a mixture of red ochre and cave bear grease all over the body of his female sibling. He then gathered up Iza’s tools and placed them in the grave. The baskets and bowls, her Medicine bag, the broken remains of the special white bowl for the mog-ur’s ceremony.

“These are not Iza’s tools!” signed Ayla as she ran out of the cave.

Luna didn’t know who this woman was but her death had clearly upset the entire Clan, Ayla most of all. Luna began pulling thing out of her pocket and enlarging them. It was mostly mammoth parts until finally, she found her trunk. After enlarging it, Luna rooted through the trunk until she found what she was looking for. The ring she had found in the forbidden forest. She knew very well that this ring was a Deathly Hallow when she first saw it. She hope that what she was about to do would not disturb the Clan too badly. Luna placed the ring on her finger and held her hand over Iza’s body. There was a glow and Iza sat up.

“What have you done, Spirit?” asked Iza.

The eyes of the Clan were glazing over as they tried to pretend that their late Medicine Woman had not come back to life.


Tears streaming down her face, Ayla gathered flowers. Her arms were almost full when she look up and saw him!

His head and neck looked like a man of the Clan. But his body was tall and lanky like Ayla’s. He had black straight hair and tanner skin that any man of the Clan she had ever seen.
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