Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

33. I Like Big Butts

by frankxgerard 14 reviews

Frank looked down to realize he was still in his underwear.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-12 - Updated: 2007-10-09 - 450 words - Complete

Title from "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix-a-Lot (thanks to "Ali" =) )

Frank looked down to realize he was still in his underwear. Gerard pushed himself not to stare as Frank blushed, looking helplessly at the pair of trousers on the stretcher, cut so he wouldn't be able to use them.

"Um, pants, I need pants."

Gerard looked around from his place in the doorway.

"Uh, you two... where can he get pants?"

The two nurses shook nervously.

"Sheesh, I'm not a murderer. We really didn't kill those teens. Tell me, please?"

Jen stepped up and pointed to a cabinet. Frank ran over and opened it. There were doctors scrubs piled inside. He took out a pair of dark blue pants and looked at the button up shirt disgustedly.

"I am NOT wearing this..."


"Shut up. You wouldn't."

Gerard tried hard not to stare at Frank's ass, which was hard because he was bending down straight in front of Gerard. His first urge was to run over and fuck the kid right there in the morgue, but he decided that wasn't such a good idea. For one thing,/ it was a morgue for Christ's sake/, that would be kind of disrespectful to the dead. Two,/ what the hell was he thinking? Fucking Frank, psshh, yeah.../

"Ok this is all I need."

Frank put on the pants but left without a shirt.

"Hey, how did I die?"

The nurse Anne stuttered a response, not meeting Frank's eyes as if she were a servant or something.

"You... hit your h-head pretty hard..."

Frank looked down at his hand. It had been broken at multiple points and his fingers had cuts and scratches all over it. The tire track imprinted on the back of his hand.

"Gee too?"

Frank pointed to Gerard.

" uh, same as you sir..."

"Sheesh, we're not gonna like, eat you. Why so nervous?"

"You're dead sir..."

"Oh, good point... uh, Anne, correct?"


"Gah, we'd better be out of here... oh god, was my mother called?"

Frank remembered them checking his ID and phone numbers in his record.

"Y-yes we did..."


Gerard looked at him quizzically, his eyebrow raised.

"What's so bad about that?"

"I haven't talked to her since you left."

"Well come on, we better go right now."

Gerard grabbed Frank's hand and pulled him out the door and into the hall. They ran past nurses and doctors, some trying to stop them. They came to a dead end. A security guard backed them into a corner.

"This is authorized personnel only. I can see you're not staff, tell me your names."

Gerard hesitated seeing Frank's confused face.

"Um... Uh, Gerard Way and Frank Iero..."
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