Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

32. From The Earth To The Morgue

by frankxgerard 10 reviews

"J-Jen... his heart is beating... and everything's working... except his lungs! He's *holding his breath*!"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-06 - Updated: 2007-10-09 - 1407 words - Complete

Title from "Desert Song" - My Chemical Romance

"So, have you ever wanted to see the inside of a morgue?"

They were sitting on their park bench almost a year later when Gerard asked the random question.

"That'd be awesome. But why?"

"Because, if we want to... we can act dead, and get them to put us there!"

"Wow, really?!"


"Cool. Let's try it. How?"

"Well, let's not get shot again, that was gross... hoe bout we jump offa building?"

"But... that'll be grosser and won't we like be all broken up?"

"I guess soooooo... but we'll get fixed easier and plus, vampires bodies are stronger than humans. Most likely we'll get s few broken limbs and lots of blood."

"Um... Nah... you do that, I'll take a car if you don't mind."

"Suit yourself..."

"Will it hurt?"

"No. It shouldn't."

"You mean it could?"

"Just trust me, it'll be fine..."

"You'd better be sure."

"I am... I think..."

Gerard decided not to jump off a building because technically that counts as "self inflicted damage". Standing off the side of the intersection, Gerard instructed Frank, who was still skeptical.

"You're sure?"


"You've done it before?"

"Um... Well, I got hit by a car by accident before. So I think it'll work if you just stand out there when a car is coming and not think about it."

"You'd better be right."

"Okay, when the ambulance comes, just hold your breath You don't really need that much oxygen anymore, breathing is just out of habit."

"This is scary. It's your fault if I die."

"We don't have to."

"No, I will."

A bright red SUV was coming toward the intersection with no intention of stopping.

"I'll go first if you want."

"Uh, no. I don't really wanna see your guts everywhere!"

"Okay, but go now if you wanna go at all."

Frank nodded and walked straight out into the street as if he was unaware of the oncoming vehicle. Both he and Gerard flinched as the car hit him, knocking him to the ground. Frank was surprised it didn't hurt. It was a strange heavy feeling in the places that were supposed to be in unbearable pain. He felt the tire run over his hand and tried to stifle a groan. It felt like a weight was on top of it. The car stopped and he heard someone shriek as the door opened. They rushed over and started calling an ambulance. He felt his lungs burning as he held his breath, but found the longer he held it the less he noticed the lack of air. Right before the ambulance came he felt Gerard lean over him and whisper something in his ear.

"You'd better be alive, but I'll join you in a sec. It'll be kind of weird if two people die being hit by a car at the exact same time and same place. See ya."

A moment later he was gone. Thankfully Frank's eyes had been open when the lady in the car saw him first, so he could see what was going on. A minute later the paramedics came and pronounced him dead. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the man who had been checking his vitals talking on a radio. No one was allowed to touch him until some sort of forensic team got there. A woman started taking pictures and two other men were questioning the woman who hit him. Apparently they recognized him from the shootings years before. After a while of the investigating, they took him to the hospital in a black body bag. He could hear muffled talking once they were there/

"Is an autopsy needed?"

"He told us to because of something that happened before, so..."

Frank felt himself being moved onto a stretcher and wheeled someplace.

"Here, I'll take it from here. They're busy at the moment, so he'll have to stay in here for a bit."

Some one unzipped the bag and light streamed in. A man and woman were looking in at him.

"Mm, he's hot."

"Yeah, and he's dead. You're so weird sometimes... Come on, let's get him on a table."

Frank shuddered at the thought of being cut up, but dismissed it as another voice spoke.

"Hey, we've got another one. Uh, he's probably about 20 or something. I'll bring him in."

Frank heard another stretcher being rolled next to him, but the sides of the bag were in the way of his view.

"So, let's see what we have here..."

Another voice rang in Frank's ears. He felt the bag being unzipped further and someone gently rolled him onto a table. He could see Gerard in the same situation a few feet away. He could also see that he was close to laughing. A woman, probably in her mid-twenties, was examining his arms with cold, latex gloved fingers.

"Mmm, you're right Anne, he is hot."

The voice from before responded from across the room.

"Told you. How old?"

"He looks like a teen. Huuh, kids die so young. Maybe, I dunno, 16, 17? Lemme see if he has an ID of something..."

Frank felt her look in his pockets and take out his wallet.

"Frank Iero... he'd be 23 now right? Wow, he looks younger... His ID expired 5 years ago. Lemme go get some info on him, kay?"


The woman who had called him hot the first time appeared above him again. She began inspecting his neck, chest, and head, writing notes as she went. A few minutes later, the second lady came back, records in her hand.

"He hasn't been seen of heard from by anyone in his family for about 4 years... not even his parents, but people say they saw him often at that bar, Bryar's, up until about a year ago. The cops fired on him and this guy over here a few times... and they didn't die?! It says that no matter how many times or where they shot them it didn't seem they were affected at all, and after a while got bored and walked away, blood and all dripping from them. And... Frank here's own father called the police on them for being vampires and killing all those teens on the news!"


"Come on! Don't you think that's so cool? They could be alive right now!"

"Don't be stupid Jen, that's not possible."

"Well, according to this it is!"

"Whatever, we need to finish before that guy rots."

Anne picked up a scalpel and cut a "Y" shaped incision up Frank's chest. He resisted the urge to squirm under the sudden pressure and the feeling over cold liquid welling up in his inside. She had cut away his shirt and pants and left him in his boxers. He tried not to blush.

"Man, he's got some muscles."

"Sheesh, stop admiring dead people... but seriously Anne, what if they ARE alive? I'm not joking..."

"You're being silly... And why would you care?"

"Because maybe he doesn't want to be cut up!"

"Then ask him yourself."


"Ask him if you're so insistent."


"Okay, Mr. Iero? Do you want to be cut open?"

Frank almost answered, but decided against it.

"Told you. He's dead Jennifer. Let's get back to work."

Anne continued cutting open Frank's chest and pulled open the skin and tissues with her still-gloved hands. She gasped, backing away, her eyes wide.

"J-Jen... his heart is beating... and everything's working... except his lungs! He's holding his breath!"

"I told you so! What do we do?"

"Run! We gotta tell someone!"

Frank decided that this was the time to make himself known. He sat up, holding his hands to his stomach to hold his insides in.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The girls backed toward the door, but before they could get there Gerard was behind them, mysteriously disappearing from his stretcher.

"Oh my GOD; I was right!"

Frank groaned and stood up, still trying to hold together his stomach.

"Gerard! My guts are leaking out!"

"Sorry, I didn't know they'd do an autopsy!"

Frank hobbled over to the metal cabinet next to the small sink and found it locked. He hesitated, then gripped the handle and ripped the door off as gently as he could. Inside, there were rolls of gauze. He picked one up and wrapped around his torso, pinning it down with white tape.

"Ahh, that's better..."
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