Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

31. Breaking The Habit

by frankxgerard 7 reviews

It was his choice and his battle to fight.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-10-09 - 277 words - Complete

Title from "Breaking The Habit" - Linkin Park

Gerard was too shocked to speak, but nodded. Frank was crying now.

"I'm gonna stop, okay? I will, I promise, this time I mean it, but you're gonna help right?"

Gerard nodded again. It took months for Frank to stop completely. Gerard would find bottles under the mattress and towels in the bathroom and see the corner of a plastic bag sticking out of his back pocket when he came back from wherever he went during the night, but he wouldn't punish him or yell at him, he would just tell him he was disappointed but he wasn't going to force him because it was his choice and his battle to fight. It snapped Frank out of it quickly because of how ashamed he got if he let Gerard down even a teensy bit.

"I don't wanna go."


"Cause you can help me better than them! I'll do better if you just help me."

Gerard tried multiple times to get Frank to get professionally help, but each time was rejected. Gerard was still convinced Frank didn't see him the way he saw Frank, and that the kiss was only a one time thing, but the only thing stopping Frank from jumping on Gerard and fucking him right there on the carpet or vise versa was the noticeable insecurity and shyness between both. When Frank went without drugs or alcohol for 3 months, Gerard was as good as satisfied. Frank would lose the health and mental effects of the episode overtime because of his shifting brain, and would probably be susceptible to getting addicted again, like it never happened before.
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