Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

27. Who Was I To Make You Wait?

by frankxgerard 5 reviews

He said he'd be back in "a while", but it turned out to be *5 years*.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-24 - Updated: 2007-10-08 - 262 words - Complete

Title from "Far Away" - Nickleback

Over the next two years Frank learned more from Gerard. Even though the two were inseparable most of the time, Mikey especially noticed them getting more and more distant, an almost bored-of-life look in their eyes. Gerard began to get irritated, still ashamed for turning Frank. He would have little arguments with Mikey over the subject from time to time.

"You don't get it Mikey... I should've never done it in the first place. Look at him; he's miserable!"

"Gerard, he doesn't blame you..."

"Well, you know what? He should. I ruined his life, I ruined everything. He would've been better off a human and he knows it..."

Gerard left after one of those arguments. He said he'd be back in "a while", but it turned out to be 5 years. Meanwhile, Frank became distressed and broke up with Alexis after she found him drinking heavily in his car one night. He would lock himself in Gerard's room for days and not come out no matter what Mikey said. Just thinking about Gerard made him break down because of his over-powerful emotions.

"Mikey, why'd he leave?"

"I don't know... please, just come out..."

"Will he come back...?"

"I hope so... stop drinking Frank, he wouldn't like it."

"When? Did he leave cuz of me?"

"No, he just wanted to be alone for a while..."

"5 years Mikey, 5 YEARS! That's not a while! He's not coming back."

Mikey sighed as the sound of a bottle smashing into something blasted his ultra-sensitive ears.

"I miss him Mikey..."

"Yeah, me too..."
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