Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

15. Well I May Have Faked It

by frankxgerard 4 reviews

The police fired 2 more shots point blank into Gerard's chest, but he didn't even flinch.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2007-05-19 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 512 words - Complete


Title from "But It's Better If You Do" - Panic! At The Disco

Gerard fell to the ground, Frank following. Frank's mom rushed over, crying out his name. The police were inspecting the bodies when Gerard grabbed an officer's hand, startling them. They fired 2 more shots point blank into Gerard's chest, but he didn't even flinch. Frank, fascinated, sat up too, watching bullet after bullet enter his friends body. Frank got free of his mom and watched Gerard take a gun from the officer's hands, breaking his fingers as he pried it from his grip, and pointed it at the man. The still armed man fired at him, but the bullets didn't faze him. Gerard laughed, dropped the gun at their feet and stood back. They shot randomly around and almost hit Frank's mom, and got Frank 4 more times. They stopped shooting when they realized it wasn't helping. They ran, hopping in the patrol car and drove away, fleeing the scene. Frank's mo was still kneeling on the ground. Frank knelt beside Gerard. He was nonchalantly examining the blood pouring from his chest. Frank took off his own sweatshirt. There were bullet holes littered across his body.

"This city has pathetic protection management..."

"Yeah. Whoa, Gerard this is so cool!"

Frank lifted his shirt up to his neck. Blood seeped from the holes.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up."

Gerard sat Frank down on a headstone.

"We should take out the actual bullets, huh?"

"Yeah, have you done that before?"

"Um... No."

Gerard pulled out the shards of metal from the bloody bullet holes.

"Hi mom."

Frank absently greeted his mother, who came running toward him, looking as if she was having a heart attack. She shakily pointed a finger at the two boys' blood-soaked shirts.

"You- You're..."

"Alive? Yeah, well, no actually... Mom, I'm already dead... I died a week ago. Gerard killed me, but in a good way!"

Gerard snorted. He had gotten 6 of 8 bullets out of Frank, when the boy unexpectedly leaned down and smeared some of Gerard's blood off his chest with his index finger, staring at it intently. He brought it halfway up to his mouth before looking back at his mom.

"Mmmmm, you shouldn't be so negative... It tastes goooood..."

He licked his finger, trying to be as gross as he possibly could while Gerard giggled.

"Oh my g-god... y-you're a monster!"

Gerard shook his head, answering this time.

"Nope. It's just what we need to do. Sort of a survival of the fittest kind of thing; we eat to live, not live to eat, so it's not like we just go around eating people for fun. And if it means killing someone, so be it."

Gerard got the last bullet out and used Frank's shirt to wipe the still flowing blood as much as possible, then threw the useless garment on the ground.

"Okay, your turn, get on there.

After Frank dislodged the metal Gerard, they went into the house to get new clothes and bandages. Once they got back, Frank's mom was still there.
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