Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

14. In A Hail Of Bullets

by frankxgerard 3 reviews

Gerard roared as he pretended to fling his arm toward them. The police fired 7 bullets into Gerard's chest and 4 into Frank's stomach by accident.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2007-05-19 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 222 words - Complete


Title from "Demolition Lovers" - My Chemical Romance

Frank's mom backed away, horrified. A police car drove into the cemetery and two police officers stepped out, holding guns.

"I told them you're an armed child abductor, and you pretty much are."

Gerard calmly stood next to Frank, his hands in his jacket.

"You can't die remember? Just stay still, let's mess with their heads a little, kay?"

"Okay. I think we could have a little fun with this..."

The police got closer. Gerard put his hand into his jacket halfway, as if he was taking a gun out. He stepped behind Frank, pushing his hand into Frank's back so they couldn't see he didn't actually have a weapon. He yelled at them over Frank's shoulder.

"I've got a gun! I'll kill him if you move!"

Gerard pushed Frank closer to the police. If he calculated right, they would shoot as he swung his arm toward them and away from Frank. He whispered in Frank's ears again.

"Ready? They're gonna shoot okay?"

"Yeah, let's do it."

Gerard roared as he pretended to fling his arm toward them. The police fired 7 bullets into Gerard's chest and 4 into Frank's stomach by accident. The only thing the vampires could feel was a dull ache in their stomachs, but mostly from holding in laughter.

"Pretend to die."
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