Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

13. They Don't Understand Us

by frankxgerard 3 reviews

Frank's mom turned to look at him. His eyes were red, burning with anger at his mom for being so skeptical.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-19 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 1464 words - Complete

Title from "Not Gonna Get Us" - tATu

Almost a week later, Frank woke up and started crying, trying to hold it in. Gerard noticed and rushed in, kneeling next to Frank and petting his hair.

"Hey, what's wrong? Oh my god, are you mad?"

"No! I just... I miss m-my mom... She d-didn't dare disagree with my d-dad, so she just sat in the corner w-while he h-hurt me or y-yelled at m-me..."

"Do you want to see her?"

"We can't get past my dad! And even if we did, she'd probably hate me for... this!"

"If you need to we can."

"I guess... today?"

"Sure, if you want."


Frank sniffed and wiped his eyes, embarrassed for having to cry when he was his age. Gerard sat down on the sofa above his head.

"Aw, it's okay. Come here."

He pulled Frank onto his lap, running his fingers through the younger boy's hair, which was much shorter than his.

"Go ahead and cry. I don't care. No one should be kicked out like that at 15, Especially not you, who did nothing to deserve it!"

Gerard looked into Franks eyes. They were more hollow than usual.

"Here, lie down. It's only 7:00 in the morning. Sleep some more."

"Can you stay?"

"Sure, as long as you need."

Gerard lay down next to the boy, who nestled into Gerard's chest, trying hard to cry silently. They slept until 9:00. After getting dressed and eating their regular breakfast of cereal, they walked around the empty cemetery. Frank had learned a lot in the past week.

"Have you ever gotten caught while feeding?"

"Yeah, and the police almost got me, but I ran and hid for a really long time."

"Whoa, that must've been hard."

"Yeah, it was. But the people were reacting pretty funny."

Gerard helped Frank feed again and decided to go to Frank's house. This time his mom answered the door. Her eyes were red and puffy, presumably from crying.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"I got rid of your father..."

"Can I come in?"


"Gerard too?"

"Um... yeah, sure."

They sat across from her, exchanging questions.

"When your father started drinking, I knew I had to do something, but when he beat you that was just it. I was mad, but I never thought it was right to throw you out for that."

"Thanks... I guess..."

"Are you coming back?"

"I... cant."

"What do you mean?"

"Did Dad say anything about the time we came here about a month ago?"


"Good. Well, I really physically can't..."

"Is he forcing you to stay with him Frank? If he is I'll-"

"No Mom! If I told you, you would most likely not believe me and call the police, or never talk to me again!"

"Frank, I love you, you're my son and I won't do any of those things. Please, tell me!"

Frank looked at Gerard, who had been silent the whole time.


"Tell her. It can't hurt. She probably won't believe you though..."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, try it."

Frank took a deep breath, looking at his mom straight for the first time.

"You look...different."

"Yeah mom... I'm not...human anymore."

"Frank, be serious."

"Really, I'm a vampire."

Frank's mom looked at Frank like he was crazy.

"Frankie, really, what's wrong?"

"I mean it mom."


"Believe me!"

Gerard saw Frank's eyes flash red with exasperation.

"I...I can't believe that."

"Why not?"

"Vampire frank? This is just getting unrealistic. Please, don't mess with my head right now..."

Frank looked at Gerard for support.

"Gerard, tell her it's the truth!"

"It is."

"Thanks, that was really convincing..."

"Are you two crazy?" Frank, what on earth have you been doing for a month with some guy you don't even know?! I'll call the police if he keeps feeding this junk into your mind. Did he kidnap you? That's it, I'm calling."

A low growl issued from Franks throat involuntarily.

"No, he's my friend, don't!"

"Frank, he's done something to you! You're... vampires Frank? Please, you need to face reality."

Frank's mom turned to look at him. His eyes were red, burning with anger at his mom for being so skeptical.

"Frank, your eyes! Are you on drugs?"

"I told you mom, believe me!"

She sighed and picked up the phone, dialing.

"No mom, we'll be gone by the time they get here! There's no point!"

"The doors are locked; he's not going anywhere until the cops come to take him away."

Frank hissed, his teeth showing menacingly, adding to the effect of his blood-red eyes. He tried to get the phone from his mother, but failed.

"Frank what have you done to yourself?"

"I already told you!"

Gerard stepped beside him, a tooth revealing grin on his face.

"Sorry Mrs. Frank's mom, but we're getting out of here."

"Sorry, Gerard, but the doors and windows are locked. You messed with my son."

"Oh, I don't think we'll be needing those."

He dragged Frank over to the living room wall.

"Mom, you lied. But we'll talk about that later..."

Gerard took Frank's hand and stepped halfway through the wall.

"Concentrate Frank..."

Frank got through the wall perfectly. Before Gerard continued through, Franks mom screamed at him and he paused, slightly bored.

"What are you and what the heck have you done to my son?!"

"I am Gerard Way, I died 348 years ago, and your son is my... mate, for now. You can't stop me, and Frank doesn't want you to, so I suggest you back down before things get out of hand."

He slid fully through the wall, joining Frank on the other side. They ran back to the mausoleum, Franks mom watching them disappear into the land dominated by the dead.

"My mom is a bit overprotective I guess... Sorry."

"That's okay."

"I just felt so mad when she threatened you! Why?"

"Well, because we're..."

"...connected? I'm your mate now, aren't I? Are you mad? I forgot about that part..."

"No. I'm not mad, but yeah, we are connected and vampires instinctively stick up for each other. It's in our blood now."

"Will the police get us?"

"I don't know, probably. But even if they do, nothing can hold us in, can it?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

They were leaned against the inside wall of the mausoleum. Gerard got up and went outside, Frank following.

"Frank? Where are you?"

His mom was looking for him. Gerard whispered.

"Do you want to talk to her before they come?"

"Yeah, come on. But I kinda feel like pissing her off, so let's make it weird, alright?"

They stepped out of the mausoleum and walked over to sit on Gerard's unoccupied grave, watching Frank's mom look in the completely wrong direction.

"Mom, I'm over here."

His mom rushed over and stood a good 5 feet away from them.


"Frank, what happened to you?"

"I helped my best friend restart his race..."

"Our race."

"Yeah, our race."

Frank yawned unintentionally, his fangs sparkling in the daylight.

"When did you supposedly become "vampires"?"

"9 days ago; I slept for 3 and woke up a week ago."

"So he bit you and "bam"?"

"No... he tied me to his bed, bit me, and then "bam"."

A smirk played on both the boys' mouths. Franks mom looked shocked, her mouth hung open.

"And he bit me on the lip."

"No Frank, you just got fake teeth a-and..."

"Come on Mom! We walked through the wall! I don't think we could fake that..."

"I-I don't believe you."

Gerard hopped off his grave, following Frank.

"Yeah, and that's Gerard's grave. We don't have proof, but it is. He's supposed to be dead and rotted in there."

"This is all just a prank, I won't believe you."

Frank got up close to his mom, their noses almost touching.

"I drank human blood like 10 times already! I need it to survive! And yes, it tasted freakin delicious."

The red flecks of humor in Frank's eyes gave him a slight maniacal look. His mom backed away a few steps, shaking head.

"Want me to prove it? Give me your arm. Or wait, better yet... Gerard?"

Gerard looked at him questioningly.

"Bite me."

"Uh... okay, where?"


Frank reached up, lips locking over Gerard's. He felt the older boy's fangs press down hard on his lips. Their teeth and tongues fought for dominance in the small space between their mouths, the salty metallic taste of crimson leaking onto their taste buds. They heard sirens and somewhat reluctantly pulled away, licking the blood that was now flowing freely from their mouths as a result of their brief lip-splitting battle. Frank smiled, the bright red liquid trickling down his fangs.

"Mmmmm, tasty... But the thing is... I'm still definitely not gay..."
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