Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

12. Levitation Is Possible

by frankxgerard 2 reviews

Frank sniffed. His nose filled with the aroma of blood, thousands of different scents; healthy blood, intoxicated blood, sick blood, animal blood, and many he didn't recognize.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-17 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 847 words - Complete


Title from "Vitamin R ( Leading Us Along )" - Chevelle

Frank held out his hand and Gerard pulled him up, steadying him.

"Follow Me."

They stood in the middle of the cemetery.

"Do you just go into someone's house and suck their blood?"

"Sometimes. It depends. When there were a lot of us, they would find the very few willing humans out there who would let us drink from them, or "blood donors". But their all dead I guess, 'cause vampires have faded almost completely into fiction I guess.... Cant you smell it?"

"Smell what?"


Frank sniffed. His nose filled with the aroma of blood, thousands of different scents; healthy blood, intoxicated blood, sick blood, animal blood, and many he didn't recognize.

"Yeah... God, I'm so dizzy..."

"Well, we'd best hurry then, huh? Come on, I think I smell something good."

They walked for about 2 blocks until they stopped in front of a hotel. Frank could smell the mass of humans in the building.

"How do we get in?"

"Sort of a teleport thing I guess..."

"That's what you did when I met you? Were you gonna eat me?"

"No. I just wanted to talk. I'd seen you before a few times so I wondered why you came so often."

"Cool. So now what?"

"We go up, unless you want to walk up the wall?"

"You can do that?"

"Yeah. I'll teach you everything later, just hold onto my arm, okay?"

"Uh, okay."

Frank latched onto Gerard. The older boy put a foot vertically on the wall, winking at Frank before putting his free arm up as well, explaining.

"It'll look retarded to walk up completely sideways!"

"Oh, right."

Gerard crawled silently up the bricks, Frank trying his best to scramble his feet up the wall. Stopping at a dark window, Gerard put a finger to his lips. He checked to see if the window was locked; it was. Frank gasped as Gerard put his hand right through the glass, testing. Then he told Frank to concentrate and imagine his atoms separating to let the windows atoms pass through. Frank did, and before he knew it, they were in the hotel room. Frank could easily make out a woman's body sleeping in the bed. Gerard put his hands on the sides of her head. Then, he spoke in a normal voice.

"Ok, it should be okay now."

"What? Won't she hear us?"

"No. You saw what I did; she's out for a while. Now, you have to feed."

Frank listened to Gerard explain that even though the neck gives the best blood, he usually drank from either the arm or side, because people got suspicious if they woke up with two very sore holes in their neck.

"Don't people die if you bite their neck?"

"If you bite them in the wrong places, yeah."


"So, you wanna go first?"

"Uhh... No! Let me watch you first."

"Uh, okay."

Gerard found a place on the woman's upper arm. He looked at it for a second before pressing his mouth against his chosen spot, puncturing the skin. Frank watched with awkward interest, knowing he'd be in Gerard's place in a moment. Gerard let go of the arm, wiping his mouth, his reddish tinted eyes already fading back to their normal color. He scooted over to make room for Frank.

"Look. You don't want to bite there, or she'll die by morning bleeding to death, right? Here's a good spot."

"What do I do?"

"Okay, you know how your fangs come out even more when you're expressing a strong emotion?"


"Well they also come out when you're hungry. So think about the smell."

Frank could physically feel the blood rushing in the human lying before him, pulsing through her veins and the sensation transmitted straight to his brain, tempting him. It was as if he was inside the person's arteries, the liquid flowing around him. The feeling almost overwhelmed him. He was naturally drawn to it. He felt his senses get stronger at the slight hint of the substance.

"You feel it. Do you want it?"

"Yeah, I do. It's so messed up..."

"You'll get used to it. Now bite."

Gerard pointed to the patch of exposed flesh. Frank's teeth were fully extended and his eyes were bright red. Sinking his canines as gently as he could into the soft tissue, he drank. As soon as the fluid was in his mouth, he felt strong animal instincts take over. Fighting them back, he drank until he was energized enough, and pulled back. Gerard smiled.

"Good job, you didn't kill her. A lot of new vampires kill their first meal because of the urge to drink it all. I probably wouldn't have stopped you."

"Why do our eyes change?"

"Because there are two parts of you now; the bit of human that's left, and the main vampire. You switch between those. Here, lets get going, she'll wake up in the morning fine."

Gerard took Frank home, trying to teach him as much as he could on the way back.
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