Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The power of the elemental

Chapter 2

by wimvincken 3 reviews

A Romantic!Grey!Powerful!Harry becomes an elemental fire, thunder, wind, earth and water will be his companions in the battle against evil.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Bill Weasley, Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Lupin, Molly Weasley, Narcissa, Petunia Dursley, Ron, Snape, Tonks, Vernon Dursley - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 4491 words

Editor: The Resident

The morning came with the sun shining though the window from the smallest room in the house at Privet Drive. Harry's world slowly became in focus again. He still wore his glasses from when he fell asleep.

The first thing he noticed was the smell... from unwashed bodies... his own. Then he noticed the discomfort. He had the feeling that he was laying in bed for days. He felt tired tremendously and he was hungry. It was a very long time ago that he was so hungry.

Then he suddenly was aware of the floating light bulbs above his head. Harry looked puzzled to those lights... they did not seem to move. What the hell was that? Suddenly he remembered what happened before he fell asleep. The terrible pain and looked again to the light bulbs above his head. He wanted to move his arm to grab his spectacles, but that was a problem, because his arm felt like weighting a ton.

Harry moved his attention back to the lights. He could see the lights gentle floating in the air. They seem to move slightly, barely noticeable. There were differences in colours; he saw some bulbs in red, green, white, and blue. There were around... fifty of such lights. Harry attempted to count them... yes... about fifty.

He tried to lift his arm again... it felt heavy... but he managed it. He reached up and tried to touch on the lights... but they were floating too high for him to reach. He wondered if all those lights came from his body. What must he do with all those lights? What do they mean and what were they? It would be nice to ask Professor Dumbledore about those things, but how was he going to reach the professor?

Harry looked to Hedwig's cage, but she was not there. He saw that the window was open; he assumed that Hedwig was searching for food. Food! He was feeling starved. He needed to see the bathroom desperately.

Slowly Harry stood up. Standing, his head reached the floating light bulbs now. Hesitatingly he tried to touch the light bulbs, but could not. When his hand tried to touch a bulb, the bulb moved away from his hand. The urge to go to the bathroom was stronger then his alarm and curiosity, so he moved quickly to the door, opened it and went to relieve him self in the bathroom. He was not aware that all the light bulbs were following him!

Feeling much better, he closed the bathroom door and wanted to go back to his room and search for a change of clothes. The first thing he saw after closing the door were the light bulbs. They followed him! How in Merlin's name was that possible.

Harry hurried to his room, and searched for fresh clothes. He looked sideways to the light bulbs, and yes, there they were. He found his clothes, put them on, and studied the bulbs in the meanwhile.

Dressed in fresh clothes, he went softly and carefully downstairs. Arriving in the kitchen he saw his aunt sitting, drinking her tea. She looked up surprised, and scowled.

"Where have you been for the last days? You went to your room three days ago and you did not come out since," his aunt glowered.

"Three days? I do not know. I was sick and fell asleep... I woke up thirty minutes ago."

His aunt frowned, but said nothing further.

Harry noticed that the lights had followed him... they were all floating above his head again, but his aunt did not seem to notice. That was very strange, because she would start a rant when she saw those lights following him. Such 'weirdness' would set her off for sure.

"There is food in the fridge, take that and clean up after yourself." She stood up, took her bag, and left the house. Harry open the fridge, took his food, warmed it, and started to eat as fast as he could.

It looked like that only he could see those lights. He cleaned the silverware, plate, and glass and stared thoughtfully to the floating lights above his head. He went upstairs to his room, and he was considering writing Dumbledore a note to ask him if he had any idea what it was.

He also realized that he was not asleep as he assumed before, but he was unconsciousness for three full days. That explained why his body smelt so bad. Three days without food, that would even make him hungry!

Harry hurried upstairs and took a long and hot shower. He went to his room and sat on his small table, staring on an empty piece of parchment.

What must I write to Dumbledore?

The lights had followed him up into the shower, where he tried to spray them with water to see how the lights would react. The result was mixed. The blue lights reacted differently then the rest. All the bulbs, except the blue ones tried to avoid the water. The blue bulbs seem to love it!

He grabbed an old and dirty sock, and threw it to the light bulbs. They did not change, they did not react, and the sock fell against the wall, then the ground. There was no reaction of the bulbs.

"Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I have a problem here. Above my head are fifty light bulbs floating in the air, and I don't know what they are.

It seems that I gave birth to those light bulbs"

Harry took the parchment, tore it in pieces, and threw it to the light bulbs. Of cause, nothing happened... those bloody light bulbs were still floating useless in the air. He could not write that! Dumbledore would send him to a mental hospital first thing.

Mental hospital? Was it possible that he slowly went mad? It seemed that he was the only one who noticed the light bulbs, which were floating in the air above his head.

Suddenly Harry realized that the light bulbs were looking like light bulbs, but they did not behave like it. First, there was no light, and second there was no warmth. When he tried to touch one of them, they seem to avoid him.

When he threw things to them, or it went straight through the lights or they avoided it, with the exception of water. The blue lights seem to enjoy the water. How could light bulbs in his head, while floating above his head, enjoy water?

He went to his cot and lay down, staring at the floating lights above his head. He noticed that the lights were not divided into colours evenly. He saw only five blue lights, and he counted five green lights, while there were twenty red and white lights.

The white lights were somehow nicer, he liked the colour white, while green was his favourite colour, only five were floating above his head. Suddenly he was aware that the lights were moving... before the lights were floating above his head without any order, but suddenly the lights were regrouping... per colour. All the lights were floating above his head, grouped in a colour. They were closer to each other within the same colour group.

Harry frowned. What the hell is that and why did they regroup suddenly? He looked to the white lights, and they started slowly to rotate. Then he looked at the green lights, and the lights started to rotate as well, while the white lights rotating movements stopped!

Wait a minute... Harry remembered a lesson in Divination. Green was associated with earth, red was associated with fire, white with air and blue with water. Those blue lights seem to like water. Wait a minute, that was not Divination, but it was History of Magic with professor bloody boring Binns.

Harry tried to remember what it was when talking about the four elements. He got it! That was Merlin. Harry jumped from his bed and started to look for his History of Magic textbooks.

Very soon, he found the chapters about Merlin, and started to read. Merlin was an elemental sorcerer. He could control elemental creatures! Harry looked to the lights above his head. Could they be elemental creatures? Elemental creatures... those exist in the form of light bulbs... what a joke. He could not help but to smirk... yeah... right.

'Every creature belongs to certain elemental type (earth, fire, air, and water)' the book said. Aha, that is more logical, because the lights above his head, were grouped in the four colours, which were representing the element types, where Merlin talked about.

'... with its specific attributes, and its power is limited to that of the sorcerer'. The last sentence he did not understand. Elemental creatures with specific attributes he could understand... in a way. The power for such creatures was limited to the sorcerer. That means that the creatures had a power, and that power would not be able to surpass the sorcerer. Yeah... it sounds very logical in this way.

He obsessively continued to read, focused on his textbook. "Only the elements of the same type can be merged, the output power increases with every elemental creature." Interesting... he could merge the elements together, as long as they are from the same type.

Practically this would mean that he could use the magical power of one white elemental creature, or he could increase the magical power with twenty! But how could he use the magical power of a white element creature?

"Attempts to merge elements from different types will lead to violent death of the sorcerer." Oops, that sounds dangerous, or better fatal.

Harry continued to read, but could not find anything anymore about elemental magic or elementals or elemental creatures. He read all his books he had, which might have a reference to the elemental magic in any way.

I need more books!

He grabbed parchment and started to write.

Dear Professor Lupin,

I have a request to make. I need books about elemental magic, everything you can get for me, please. It is about a project at school, and I found out I don't have any books about the subject.

Because I am stuck here, I can't get those books for my self. Can you be so friendly to get those books for me as fast as possible? Please?

When you have the books, I pay you back with a bank transfer.

Best regards,

Waiting for you,


Hedwig returned an hour ago, and came hopping to him. He rubbed her soft feathers and kissed her head. "Here Hedwig, can you deliver this parchment to Remus Lupin for me, please? And can you also be sweet and wait for him?"

Hedwig hooted softly, took the parchment, and flew out of the window. She did not even wait until he could bind the parchment.

He went back to his bed and looked again to the lights, floating above his head. He realized that not even Hedwig had seen the lights; otherwise, she would react very different.

He laid on his back watching his lights in four different colours. He realized that he was at Privet Drive already a week, and he had not heard anything from anybody! He knew that Dumbledore asked his friends not to write because he needed to get over the death of Sirius, but to let him alone here in the hell hole, was truly too much. Thinking about his relatives, he was aware of their strange behaviour.

When he arrived at Privet Drive, his relatives ignored him totally. They did not say a word to him, except his aunt today. And Sirius was gone. He was death, never would he write him a letter or saw his face, or could listen to his ranting about Dumbledore or telling him stories about his parents and about his time at Hogwarts, and the prank wars. He lost again another dear figure, a figure that could be like his father was.

Now he was dead, and he would never leave this hellhole until he was of age. Knowing Dumbledore, he would find a way to force him to stay after his seventeenth birthday as well. Well, it was not really a hellhole, because the situation was truly improved... his relatives were not talking to him anymore, they simply ignored him, and that was much better then it was before.

But what hurt was Ron and Hermione. They did not owl him. There was not a proof that they were still alive. They might be death, they might be immigrated to Australia, they might have a lot of fun, or they might have started a relationship and shagging each other every available minute.

Harry woke up by the sound of hooting. "My books!" he shouted to his owl. There was Hedwig with a large package bound on her talons. "Books", Harry said to Hedwig happily. He unbound the package... grabbed the paper and ripped it open.

"Books!" squealed Harry.

Harry saw four books and two letters. One letter he recognized immediately, it was a letter from Lupin, but the other letter was an unknown for him. He studied the handwriting. It seemed to him that this handwriting was female.

Harry studied the letter more closely. He wished that those floating light bulbs would give off some light, because it was dark outside. A small point of light appeared right above the letter. Harry dropped the letter in fright. What the hell was that? The light disappeared.

He warily watched the lights... one red light bulb was floating closer to him then the rest of the lights. That was strange, especially because all lights were floating group wise again, except that red light. Harry could see the light bulbs very clearly, because even that they did not seem to radiate any light, the glowed their colour.

Harry carefully took the letter and looked at it. He tried to repeat the process and wished for a small light above the letter. A point of light appeared indeed above the letter, and it radiated some light. He wanted the light to give some more light, and the light increased a little.

He smiled. At last something. He turned to the letter and ripped it open... oh... that smell... flowers... maybe a rose or something like that. He opened the letter and saw the letter written in a flowerily script. It was Ginny!

Dear Harry,

Professor Lupin was at the Burrow this evening to speak with my parents about Order business. I took that opportunity to write a letter and to give it too him with the request to give it to you. We are not allowed to owl you this summer from Professor Dumbledore. He said that you are hurting because of the death of Sirius, and that you need time to recover.

I think that is a lot of bull, because you don't need loneliness, but company, cry time and support.

This is not the reason why I am writing you this letter. Since the beginning of the summer, Luna, Hermione, and Susan are living with us at the Burrow. We are building a study group, and wanted to ask you and Ron to join us.

Ron is not interested, but we hope that you are.

I know that you can't write us, because officially we did not write to you. The coming weekend is four days away. We got the permission from Dumbledore to visit you at the house of Arabella Figg.



P.S. Love from Luna, Hermione, and Susan

Harry laughed. Study group the want, he? He for sure would like to join that study group, except no studying. He laughed again. That would be so perfect, a relief from this prison, to see other faces, to see the faces of three good-looking girls.

The light was still floating above the letter. Harry was looking to the red light bulb, which seem to be responsible for the small point of light. He wondered of the light might listen to more commands. He wished that the light point would climb higher and increase the light intensity. The light point floated higher and the light appeared to intensify a lot. The whole room was bathed in light!

Harry took the next letter, the letter from Remus.

Dear Harry,

I hope that you are recovered from your adventures from last school year, and that you feel all right. I was very surprised to receive your owl, even that Professor Dumbledore forbids you and us to owl you. I was pleased that you want to make your homework, because it proofs that you are recovering well.

I bought several books for you about elemental magic, and because there are two types of elemental magic, I bought four books.

On a much lighter note, I will be collecting you at Saturday 3pm at your relatives' house and I bring you to Arabella Figg's house, where a surprise is waiting for you. I know this is not your birthday, and the surprise is not a birthday present, but I guarantee you that it is even better.

Talking about your birthday, I will pick you up then, and we are going to have a nice day out. What do you say about that? I hope you like it.

I need to go, Harry. There are some Order things, which need to be done.

I see you the coming Saturday at 3pm. Take care you are ready.

Remus Lupin

"Yeah Remus, I know that surprise already... and I love it!" Harry exclaimed against the walls of his little room.

He laid the letter on Ginny's letter and looked at the books. Now we will see what the hell those elemental creatures really are, and he started to read.

He wished the light to come closer to the book and to decrease its intensity. After several hours of reading, he understood that there were two types of elemental magic users. One wizard or witch could use the elements of nature. Such wizard was called an elemental. The other type was the elemental sorcerer, who possessed a certain number of elemental creatures. Every such creature possessed the same raw power as his owner has.

According the book, Merlin controlled seventy of such creatures, and he was very powerful with fire- and earth elementals. The same book claimed that Merlin was also the last elemental sorcerer. There were cases of people with elemental powers, but most of those people died when they lost control of the terrible powers.

Harry looked at the last book, which contained a lot of information about the elemental sorcerer as Merlin. The book was originally written by Merlin him self, but other writers made their additions to the book. The publication date of the book was 1907.

It was also interesting, that Merlin used his elementals to read books. According the book, Merlin would use an elemental to read a book. When the elemental would be finished with reading, the knowledge of the book would be transferred to the owner of the elemental.

The transfer of knowledge would not take place, when the elemental sorcerer would not understand the contents. For example, when the element would read the book in Chinese, and the elemental sorcerer does not understand Chinese, the knowledge would not be transferred.

That was intriguing for Harry. He also read that earth elementals were much faster with reading then the rest.

Harry looked up to the floating lights above his head. "Let's test the theory, shall we?" Harry said to the floating lights.

He looked to one specific green element, and wished that it read the first elemental book from the pile. The green light went immediately to the book, and disappeared in the book. The book glowed briefly green, but that was the only visual proof that something happened. Harry continued to stare at the book for several minutes, but there was no visible change.

He had five of such green elementals. He could read four more books the same time, if the book was correct. He went to his trunk and took all his Transfiguration books out. He took the Transfiguration books from year one, two, three, and four and laid them on his bed.

He then looked to a green light, and willed it to read the Transfiguration book from your one. The green light immediately disappeared in the book and the book flashed briefly green. He repeated this for the three remaining books and now it was only waiting for a result.

After thirty minutes waiting, the green elemental appeared from his book about Elemental Magic, and resumed its position between the other elementals. Harry frowned. What must he do now? He looked to his Elemental Magic book, and he knew instantly what it contained. He could visualize the full book, he knew what page contained what text... and he understood!

Harry was amazed... he had a treasure here. If Hermione would know, she would be green of jealously. It took thirty minutes to read a volume of 800 pages! He looked quickly to his Transfiguration books, but saw nothing. Then he looked up to the lights above his head, and he saw that there were three green lights. Great, that means that he knew the knowledge of transfiguration for the first two years of his Hogwarts education. At last he knew, because he seldom bordered him self to learn anything when it really was not needed.

Harry realized what a potential treasure he had. He needed to make a study plan, so that he could read as much as possible. He knew that he had a lot of books about curses, and battle tactics. He got those from several people over the years for his birthday and Christmas.

He looked up, and saw that the elements were back to their places. Then he laid his books about elementals on his bed, and willed three earth elementals to his three books. What he understood was that those books did not require any foreknowledge of any theory, so it was rather safe to read them independently.

While the three elementals were busy to read his three remaining books about elemental magic, he was focusing himself on what he already knew from the first book.

Earth elementals he could use for healing and growing, he could fertilize any piece of ground, even when it would be desert. The problem with manipulating plants, ground, and trees was that the laws in nature did rule. If he would fertilize a piece of desert, it would work, and plants would grow immediately on the changed grounds, but they would soon die because of the lack of water.

Healing would be better. He could use the green elements to heal anything what was sick, but it could not heal mental problems or diseases. He could use the green elementals to correct his eyesight, his length because of years of abuse and lack of nutrition.

He looked up and concentrated on a green elemental. He willed it to cure his eyesight. The elemental came down immediately and flew straight into his eyes. Harry shrieked and grabbed his face with both hands.


He was screaming of fright and pain. Soon, the pain disappeared... and Harry took his hands from his face and opened his eyes. His sight was blurry, he hardly could see anything, and he got immediately a headache. He took off his spectacles, and rubbed his eyes. He tried to see, and everything looked very sharp to him. Much better then he could see with the glasses. It worked and his eyesight was restored!

Now he felt excited. He could do many things now. He realized what a power he had. He could use the green elements to cure anything from anyone, as long as they are physically sick. Harry thought immediately about the parents of Neville Longbottom. He would never be able to cure Neville's parents.

Suddenly he thought about the dream he had at the beginning of the holidays with Tonks. Tonks had dreamed about a demigod. That demigod had no glasses, had long hair, and was much taller.

He realized that he had the knowledge of all his elemental magic books, and he knew that he could combine the elements to make it stronger. Harry lay down and closed his eyes. He focused on all his earth elementals and willed them to cure his body from years of abuse and lack of nutrition. The fact that there was a reaction from the elementals was evident from the green flash he noticed even through his closed eyes.

Slowly he could feel pain coming up from his spine, his hands, arms, legs... everything in his body started to hurt. He concentrated him self on lessening the pain, and the pain lessened dramatically. He willed the pain to go away, and the pain stopped. He felt that his limbs were shacking, stretching, and moving somehow, so the process was still busy. He lost his consciousness again.

Harry woke up with a shock. He took a deep breath. A feeling of wellbeing washed over him, and that feeling was extremely rare. He could not remember ever having that feeling. He stretched himself out, and he felt that his legs were sticking out of his bed. He moved his body up, because he thought that he was not laying with his head on the pillow, but he was very much surprised. He lay on the top of his bed, but his legs were still sticking out of his bed.

Suddenly he remembered. He looked up and saw the now familiar lights floating above his head. The lights were much more clear then he remembered, but that might be because his eyesight had dramatically improved, compared with yesterday.

He sat on his bed and looked around. Then he looked to his cot. What a small thing this was. It seemed that he could see everything from a higher viewpoint than he was normally used to. He grew! Harry stood up with shaking legs. Everything was much lower then normal... and the hair! His hair! What happened with his hair? He grabbed his hair and pulled it over his shoulder on his chest. It grew as well. If he was right, his hair grew to his waist! Oh Merlin, the Dursley's are going to have a heart attack when they see me like this.

Suddenly he remembered his dream again. That - What had Tonks called him? - demigod had hair to his waist, carrying it in a tail. Harry moved carefully to the door of his room, and went to the bathroom. He stepped in the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

The same face as in his dream was watching him in the mirror!

He was the demigod. Saturday he had a visit three attractive girls!
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