Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Ritual

Chapter 11

by Balder 3 reviews

The next part of the Ritual

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2014-01-13 - Updated: 2014-01-13 - 1212 words - Complete

The Ritual #11

Disclaimer: See first chapter.

The ritual sweat sharing in the sauna on Friday morning was easy for Harry after the previous few days and afterward they showered and drank some ice water. Then they had a nice lunch of roast beef and cheddar sandwiches. “Are you ready for your rune now Harry?” Ginny asked after she'd eaten.

Harry nodded, “I am. Do you still want yours in the same place?”

She grinned, “Yes, and for the same reasons. I guess I’ll be eating standing up again tonight but on the plus side I’ll get to have you to rub lotion into my butt again.”

Harry grinned, “I’m willing to do that any old time, just ask.”

She giggled, “I’ll have to remember that. Let’s get going then.” She lead the way to her bedroom and along the way they collected the special powdered ink and a scalpel.

“This is the rune of Mind,” Ginny said. “It should bring us clarity of thought and excellent memory. It should also block our minds from any mind reading magics.”

Harry nodded, “That seems well worth the pain.” He tried to add extra force to his numbing charm when he cast in just the same. After she was numb he made sure he had the proper amount of ink ready and carefully cut the rune into her skin. Then, as soon as he was done, he coated it with the prepared ink powder in his other hand. He cried out the name of the rune, “Mana!” and it flashed and suddenly it looked like a fresh tattoo. He hit it with another overpowered numbing charm and said, “Are you alright?”

She looked over her shoulder and grinned at him, “Aside from having a numb left leg I feel fine. You’ll have to wait until the numbness wears off a little for yours because I doubt I can stand on it right now.”

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Maybe you can sit on the bed and do it? Or kneel maybe?”

“Why don’t you start rubbing the cream in now so that it doesn’t have a chance to get too sore or red and I’ll do your rune when I can?”

He nodded, “Works for me.” He went and came back with the first aid cream and worked a large amount of it in.

“Having fun back there?” she said giggling. “You’ve been at it awhile. Are you sure you aren’t just rubbing my butt for the fun of it now?”

He assured her he wasn’t. “If I was,” Harry said smiling, “I’d be doing both cheeks so you could feel it too.”

She giggled again, “In that case, when you are done with the numb one start rubbing the other so I know you are done. You did promise to do it for me at any time.”

Harry smiled, “Sure, I can do that. Rubbing the parts that don't feel numb is more fun anyway.” Soon he switched to the other cheek and rubbed it with his bare hands. He massaged it then her right leg then back to her butt until she told him to stop.

“Okay,” she said. “It’s time for your rune.” She cut the rune into his left shoulder right under the other one then coated it with the ink. After the wound flashed and turned into a tattoo she kissed it and rubbed the cream in. “Unless you’d rather I rubbed your butt?”

He smiled, “No. At least not this time. Why don’t you lay down on your stomach and I’ll fetch a library book to read to you.”

“Sounds good,” she said.

They spent the rest of the day taking turns reading except for dinner which they both ate standing and watching the sunset.

They spent the weekend exploring the island. Ginny even convinced Harry to leave his robe behind. They traipsed all over the island wearing only their shoes and laughing at the feel of the sun and wind on their skin.

“Wow,” Harry said. “This feels awesome!” He took off running and she quickly caught up to him laughing as she ran.

“I’ve felt amazingly well since the first rune,” Ginny said. “All this energy and stamina. Now it’s my mind is suddenly clear and it seems as if everything is right with the world.”

Harry said, “If we keep feeling better with each rune, I’m not sure I can stand it. I might never stop laughing.”

“Well the next one is supposed to hurt a lot,” she said. “So I doubt you’ll be feeling so happy after it.” She looks over at him, “Maybe what you are feeling is the closing of your link to Tom.”

Harry grins, “Maybe that’s it. Imagine no more nightmares! Or visions of him doing unspeakable things that I can’t stop. No more waking up with my head hurting and my scar bleeding. Definitely worth the little bit of pain so far involved and a lot more too!”

Monday came around soon enough and after breakfast Harry asked, “So how do we do the blood sharing again?”

“We each spill a bit of blood into the same bowl and chant a joining spell over it at the same time,” She replied. “It will take up to five days for our magic to align our blood so that’s its exactly the same. The more different it is to start the more time it will take and the more it will hurt. I gave the elementals orders on what to do if we pass out or can’t get out bed in the morning.” She grimaced, “It’s the simplest step in terms of what we have to do but its also the step that kills the most people.”

“That’s if they don’t do the Saili to prepare themselves right?” Harry said.

“Mostly,” she replied. “Some still die regardless. Don’t worry though, our chances are very good.”

Harry sighed, “If I’d known I’d never have let you swear that oath.”

“If I’d known I’d have done it anyway,” Ginny replied. “Almost certain victory in this war is worth a few percent chance of death.” She frowned at him, “If it was only you at risk you’d have no problem I bet.”

Harry winced at her tone but couldn’t truthfully argue that. So he sighed again and said, “Well, let’s go get it over with then.”

She nodded and they left their breakfast nook to go to their makeshift lab. “Give me your hand Harry,” she said. She opened a small cut on his hand and said, “Hold it over the bowl for a minute while I do my hand then I’ll heal us both when we have enough.” She cut her own palm and held it over the bowl next to his for a little while then healed both cuts with her wand.

“Thank you,” Harry said. “Chant on three?”

“Sure,” she replied. They said the chant in unison, then fell unconscious. The elementals carried them to bed and cared for them as the magic changed their blood.
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