Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the power of Oa

chapter 20: Rise of Darkness

by bluminous 18 reviews

the shadow makes plans

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2009-05-18 - Updated: 2009-05-18 - 8593 words

Harry Potter and the Power of Oa

By: Bluminous

A/N: I don’t own Harry Potter or Dc comics.

Chapter 20: Rise of Darkness

Forests of Albania, 20 kilometers east of Tirana

“I almost gave up… no one… not one of my followers even sought me out. Some hid themselves in the most unlikely of places… some lied to the ministry claiming they were imperiused… IMPERIUSED! My mark is a brand of loyalty and allegiance to me! It is the ultimate betrayal, despicable. They are worse than Dumbledore’s puppets at least they never wavered in their faith even as they stood against my might. Stand, let me look at you, the last of my faithful servants.” The shadow beckoned and the young man kneeling in front of him moved closer.

“Bartemius Crouch Junior… how long has it been? Why are you not with my loyal followers, imprisoned in Azkaban?”

“Thirteen years master. My father smuggled me out of prison and kept me under the imperius curse for years… I recently broke the curse last week.” He replied, kneeling before the figure.

“And what happened to your father?” The cold voice asked. It was like a soft wind, whispering in his ear.

“In our house master… Under my imperius curse.” Bartemius Crouch junior replied back. He tried to peer through the shadows to get a better look at his master but it seemed as if the shadow itself was alive, blocking his sight.

“You wish to see your master Bartemius?” The dark figure asked. “I shall oblige you.” The shadow seemingly collapsed, melting into the shadows like the trickle of blood on the floor.

Bartemius stepped back in fear as the head of a snake, as large as his own head stared at him.

“Bow before your master, Bartemius.” Crouch Jr. looked around, wondering where the voice came from. After a few moments his eyes widened when he realized he was hearing the voice in his own head!

“Yes you finally realize Bartemius. Lord Voldemort maybe weak for the moment, but my legillimency has no equal. It seems that your arrival here heralds the change in the wind, and ultimately the tide of the war. Your father is the key… and you have done well to keep him under your control. Take me to your home, faithful servant, we shall plan and yes we shall succeed.”


“Again” Sirius said as he yawned. He was reading his current must have muggle magazine, Sports Illustrated. The articles were so informative, and he loved to learn.

“Stupidtie!” Neville slashed the wand to Sirius’ general direction.

“PFFFFT!” His wand let out a puff of smelly smoke.

“Again.” Sirius said turning a page. Wow, good article. He turned the magazine and folded it out completely. Very good article indeed. Yum yum gimme some.

“Stufffullofpie!” Neville yelled louder, and this time a few sparks came out of his wand.

“Again” Sirius said. He really should join Xenophilius’ petition for women to wear Fishnet stockings. It was a brilliant idea, especially whenever Zatanna walked past him in the Watchtower.

“Stuartsaidhi!” Neville yelled again. This time sparks flew from his wand and the magazine Sirius was drooling over transformed into a small white rat.

“Hey! You know how hard to smuggle those things?” Sirius sighed. They’ve been at it for a week, and still Neville still can’t produce even a stunning curse. Of course the curse was taught in fifth year, but even a big third year like Neville should be able to send even a weak red light.

Another problem for Neville is that his nose kept stuffing up with snot and booger. Whenever the boy got sweaty, his nose would stuff up, making it hard for him to pronounce the spells correctly.

“Blow your nose Neville.” Sirius said.

Neville took out his week old hanky, actually it was owned by Sirius first, but he decided to give it to the boy when Neville dyed his white hanky with the color “mucous green.” What was Augusta doing in when she raised Frank and Alice’s kid?

“That’s it for today… practice the pronunciation alright? Remember it’s STUPEDBOY… I mean STU PEH FAY… Stupefy.” Sirius said. “Dumbledore has called a meeting with the staff and I have to be there. Practice the wand movements and the correct pronunciation”

“Thank you Mr. Black.” Neville said eagerly. He couldn’t wait to show Ron Weasley what he was capable of. He had been trained since he was six by the best of the best, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick and now Black. They always told him he was very special. Bursting with pride, he blew again on his special hanky and squeezed the excess goo from it and wiped his sweaty forehead and neck. He stuffed it in his back pocket then headed towards their Herbology class with Ron Weasley before dinner.

Yum yum gimme some.


He was near… although the voice kept telling him to stay inside the house, a voice in his mind started to question the command. ‘Why should I stay in the house? I have work at the ministry!’ He thought defiantly. He felt the tendrils in his head slowly unraveling, and then he felt the curse weaken. Two more days and he will be able to break it.

“But you are too late Bartemius Crouch. I have arrived. IMPERIO!” A voice in his head spoke loudly, clearly, overpowering his son’s earlier command. This was strong, and his weak defense crumbled against it.

“GO, and retrieve the Black Heart for me... You are among the few that have the authority. Go!” The shadow commanded.

Bartemius Crouch nodded and left their home, intent on recovering one of the most closely guarded objects in the Magical World.

There were always four Aurors that guarded the room that contained the jewel, and they left their post except to be relieved by other Aurors. The Aurors did not know what was inside the room, but they had the strictest orders to guard the door against unauthorized intruders.

A figure appeared in the hallway and the four young rookies drew their wands. “Halt!” The team leader said. “What business do you have here?”

“I have the authorization from the Wizengamot to be here. I am Bartemius Crouch Senior.” Crouch snapped.

“Uh sorry Mr. Crouch, it’s just the shadows hid you and well our orders…” The team leader said but was stopped from his apologetic rant when Crouch raised his hand.

“Enough, I did not come here to listen to your excuses. I have come here to inspect the room. You know I have authorization yes?” Crouch asked.

The leader nodded.

“Then let me through. Release the seal.” Crouch said.

The four Aurors simultaneously cast the spell to open the thick stone door. Crouch immediately slipped through, and the thick stone wall immediately sealed itself.

Crouch found himself in an empty room that had another door opposite to the one entered. It was made of wood that strangely enough started to blacken, as if it was being corrupted by what was beyond it. As he moved closer he immediately felt the chill coming in, and if it were not for the voice commanding his mind he would have started to run away in fear.

He pushed the door and immediately he heard the thousand wails of lost souls, and he staggered back at the onslaught of dark energies. On the middle of the room a black jewel glowed on top of a podium with an eerie color, and its glow did not brightened its surroundings, it seemed to suck the ambient light around it and replace them with its own malevolent darkness.

The Black Heart jewel, the size of a child’s fist stood ominously on top its podium. Dust and cobwebs covered it, fluttering and shifting as the jewel occasionally pulsed with arcane energies. Crouch hesitantly took it, and he gasped when the stone touched his skin. It was cold, so very cold that it almost burned his hand. He wrapped it in cloths and placed a replica that he was given by his son. The voice told him to go back immediately and he obeyed.

The Aurors jumped in surprise as the stone door budged open. Crouch swiftly went past them, not even bothering to look at the guards.

“Mr. Crouch?” The Team leader asked hesitantly, but the Department Head moved swiftly past them and soon disappeared back into the shadows.


Watchtower 1

“The Providence was going under a shake down, we still didn’t have fighters on board during that time, and basically we got surprised.” Barda addressed the assembled Executive League, with Orion, the High Father’s son.

“You couldn’t fight them off? Even with fighters, you should not have sustained that much damage, with that experimental ship. The Providence is the latest of New Genesis’ tactical carrier ship, she has advance armor plating and the latest engine.” Orion said.

“Those enemy fighters never registered on our sensors and they were extremely fast for our targeting systems! Darkseid has revealed his latest fighters and we cannot match them!” Barda slammed her fist on table, making a huge dent. “But how did they attain such technology that surpasses our own?”

“I don’t know… cloaking technology? It’s still in the development stage in New Genesis, and we are the most advance technology in this sector.” Orion said.

“Something’s tipping the balance in the sector. I think someone’s aiding Apokolips, sharing technology with them.” Batman observed. “He couldn’t have developed that technology that fast.”

“Once again, your impressive deductions are correct, Batman.” Dr. Fate said, as he appeared before the executive council chamber.

“Do you have any information that can solve this mystery, Dr. Fate?” Superman asked.

“No, but I made contact with someone who can shed light in this mystery. You know her before her well betrayal.” Dr. Fate said.

“No… I don’t trust her. Do not bring her to the Watchtower, Dr. Fate, or you’ll have to answer to me.” Batman warned him, while the rest of the executive council realized who Dr. Fate and Batman was talking about.

“I will respect your wishes, Batman. But heed my warning. Her help will be crucial if you want to survive in the upcoming war. You will realize that not all of them are betrayers or traitors. To think that will be like being those wizards and witches that you disapprove of, still clinging to their prejudice on the human world.” Dr. Fate said.

“Fine… take her to the league base in Sector 9. The executive league will meet her in 2 hours. Meeting adjourned” Batman said. Dr. Fate bowed and disappeared in a flash of light.

“Dad? Who are you guys talking about?” Apollo asked while Kara looked on with confusion. Katma eyed John Stewart who looked very nervous for some reason.

“An old member of the League, Shayera Hol, better known as Hawk girl.” Batman said. “Apollo, follow us down with Barda and Orion after two hours.” He gave his son a pat on the shoulder and headed to the transporter room, followed by Superman, Flash, Jonn Jones, and a nervous John Stewart.

“Kat, why are you staring so hard at John? Did you two have a fight?” Kara asked.

“Not yet… it’s just another one of his ex girlfriends is visiting. Hawk girl’s his ex, and I expect things will get wild when Vixen hears about this. Oa knows things are a bit awkward between us even after years when they broke up. What more if this Hawk girl arrives on the scene?” Katma mused.

“I don’t like her. From the reports I read from the database, she betrayed the original league and was acting as a spy all along. Who knows, maybe this is an act too?” Apollo said, echoing the sentiments of his father.

“Nevertheless, if this Hawk Girl can shed light on Apokolips’ sudden acquisition of a new technology, we must meet her.”

Apollo shrugged and stretched his arms and lied down on the seat, placing his head on Supergirl’s lap. “I’m going for a nap, I feel sleepy.” Apollo said.

Barda smiled at the antics of the two teenagers. Children were rare now in New Genesis, as most of her citizens were focused on the increasing clashes with Apokolips. New Genesis was also known for its low birthrate, her female citizens were known for bearing only a child every decade. That’s what you get for the price of near immortality.

“I wonder though how she will help?” Orion asked as he removed his helm. They have two hours before the meeting, and Apollo’s decision to catch a nap wasn’t half bad.

“Probably because of her Thanagarian connections, I suspect the Thanagar Gondarian conflict has reached this sector, and the Gondarians had decided to back Apokolips. You know these two civilizations are the most advanced race the league has ever encountered, spanning several sectors except for the Oans.” Apollo yawned. Snuggling closer to Supergirl, he buried his face in her lap and fell asleep.

Orion and Barda looked at each other with wide eyes while Katma and Kara looked on with amusement. By now they were used to Harry’s unpredictable but correct ramblings and usually what he said made very good sense.

“What he said… that’s perfectly logical… and the most likely scenario! How come we did not think of it in the first place? Our intelligence on the Gondarian fleet revealed that they use cloaking technology!” Orion said.

“How did he do that?” Barda whispered as she observed the seemingly cute and innocent teenager, belying the fact that he possessed formidable powers at his command and a keen mind.

“Harry usually does that whenever he’s bored or sleepy. He’s really observant and thinks things through objectively. I guess it’s a talent.” Kara replied as she stroked her boyfriend’s hair.

“I wish I had that talent” Orion mused.


“Absolutely not! I forbid it!” Minerva McGonagall demanded as she stood up and paced around the office like a cat stalking its prey.

“But why do you keep insisting on imposing the age restrictions? These three tasks are mild compared to the earlier tournaments.” Igor Karkarof said from the floo. “My students here in Durmstrang are well taught, from first year to seventh. We do not cuddle them unlike some… schools.”

“You Dare?” Minerva flashed her teeth. “Our students Igor, are not the spoiled arrogant novices you claim they are by spreading false rumors around the academic circles! And this institution provides a well rounded education, unlike some schools that have darker tendencies."

“Albus, why do you continually block the passage of the Triwizard Tournament? You always keep on insisting that there should be an imposed age limit. This is unprecedented, something that has never been attempted.” Madame Olympe said from another floo connection.

“My dear Olympe, it is for the children’s safety… I just want to ensure that no first year will get chosen...” Albus said.

“You underestimate the powers of the Goblet of Fire Albus… do not pretend that you are an expert in the tradition. No one is. The goblet’s magic is a wonder to behold, its creators geniuses in the field. It will choose the right candidate per school, once we submit the three tasks to it.” Olympe added.

“You seem Afraid Albus? Are you not confident of your schools teaching methods? Maybe this is some ploy of yours... perhaps you have specially trained your sixth years so by next year they will hold a high advantage over us.” Igor said.

“How dare you accuse Dumbledore of that! We are just concerned about the death toll! Like you said Madame Maxime, none of us are experts in the tournament. Would you risk your student's life?” Minerva said as she fumed beside Albus.

Madame Olympe, headmistress of Beauxbatons academy of magic appeared thoughtful for a moment. She started a rapid conversation in French with the magical French Foreign minister beside her, and it look like a heated debate was on. Finally the foreign minister looked liked he appeared to surrender, as he nodded his head in defeat.

“If I may suggest Dumbledore, Karkaroff? There will be an age limit… 14 years of age and above can join. That way, we can ensure that there will be a good chance that at least that the champions if they are fourteen will be able to survive long enough for us to rescue them. Fourth years can do the basic shield charm and stunning right? And I’m sure the Goblet will pick the brightest and best students, and most likely sixth or seventh years will become the champions.” Madame Maxime suggested.

Igor Karkaroff, High Master of Dursmtrang Academy, stroked his beard as he considered the Madame Maxime’s suggestion. It really didn’t matter, as Viktor Krum would get chosen. He thought about some fourth year up against Viktor and he grinned.

This was why he blocked Albus’ attempts to impose an age limit. He hoped a third or fourth year would get chosen to compete against Viktor and the Triwizard cup would soon be sitting on his office at Durmstrang. “It is acceptable… yes I agree with Madame Maxime’s suggestion.”

Albus Dumbledore and McGonagall shared a glance. Madame Olympe’s suggestion was reasonable and her logic was sound. The Beauxbatons headmistress was correct, a fourth year students has the basic skills to throw and defend against curses. By fourth year Dumbledore himself was ready to take on his newts. And there’s the possibility that perhaps Neville can use this opportunity to practice the skills his mentors had beat into his brain.

Yes this was the perfect opportunity… if Neville becomes a Triwizard champion, he can slowly start a campaign to work on the boy’s image as the ideal hero and savior of the wizarding world. Yes this will do, he couldn’t have asked for a better situation. “I agree with Madame Olympe’s wise suggestion. There will be an age limit, which is 14 years old for candidates that want to join the Triwizard Tournament.”

The various ministry employees of the three magical governments breathed a sighs of relief, the conference was a success! Madame Maxine spoke again. “Thank you for considering my suggestion, I am glad we can all agree on the terms. We shall reconvene again this summer, after the Quidditch World Cup. We shall see you, and your respective contingents, Headmaster Dumbledore and High Master Karkaroff, on Beauxbatons on the first of October at the Beauxbatons grounds.”

Albus looked at his Deputy as the various Floo connections died down. “Call for a meeting with the heads of houses and the Elective teachers. We need to prepare.”


“Good work Crouch… your usefulness is not yet over…” The snake curled around the Black Heart Jewel, its tongue flickering as it looked upon the jewel with glee. He will need to absorb the jewels energies, and in time of he was strong enough, break the jewel’s casing and absorb the essence of the captain of the Dementors.

“Master… why do I feel like I am near a Dementor? Is that the effect of the Jewel?” Barty Crouch Jr. asked.

“Yes it is… the essence of the Captain of the Dementors rests inside this jewel, trapped by the ancient wizards who fought them.” Lord Voldemort was In a rare mood, he never expected to acquire the jewel so easily and in a timely manner and so indulged his faithful servant.

“Where do Dementors come from Lord? I have never read about their origins in books” Crouch asked.

“Fool… you have not read enough then… or check the old libraries of the Blacks or Malfoys. But I am a generous master, and this will be your reward, lost knowledge that I possess. But first bring me a rat… a fat juicy one… dip it in ketchup… yes good.”

The rat whose upper half of its body was soaked in red tomato ketchup squeaked blindly, before it was suddenly swallowed hole by the snake. “MMmm” Now that his hunger had been satiated, the Dark Lord began to tell its tale to an eager servant.

“A few millennia ago… the world was invaded by beings from another plane, or another reality. Some call them demons… but I call them alternative life forms that consume life energy instead of organic food for sustenance. This horde invaded the world wielding great power, and among its leaders were the Dementors.’ Lord Voldemort looked at the north, facing Azkaban as he felt the whispers of the Dementors. He continued his story.

“The wizards of the time overcome these demons using magic and most were sent back to the portal. But the Dementors remained, as they were immune to the magic of the wizards… except one. Twelve Wizards of great power sacrificed themselves, capturing the leader of the Dementors, Its captain. They placed the captured wizard in the jewel and since then the wizards have some form of control over the remaining Dementors, until today.”

“I will gain that power soon, and the path to immortality. With the blood of Dumbledore’s weapon, I will be invincible! If you succeed in the task ahead, you Bartemius will stand in my inner circle and command legions of my forces… soon.”

Lord Voldemort finished his very first tale and looked at his servant. Barty Crouch Jr. was sleeping, his head cushioned by his folded arms. He was sucking his thumb like a three year old whelp.

The fool slept on him!

Lord Voldemort positioned the body he possessed and slammed its enormous tale to Bartemius Crouch Junior’s face. He wanted a” tale?” He got one.

“THWACK!” He struck again. He vowed this will be the last time he will share stories with his followers. Was he not a good orator back in Hogwarts?


Sector 9, Justice League hidden base.

“You’ve got some nerve coming here” John Stewart said.

“John Stewart, I see the rumors are true. The Corps are back.” Shayera looked at him, inspecting his physique.

“We are not here to discuss that. Dr. Fate mentioned that you can shed light on Apokolips’ new technologies?” Katma asked. she saw a threat and moved to step in.

“I see you finally bagged him huh? Took you long enough.” Shayera eyed Katma. The female Green Lantern stared back, her eyes narrowing. Shayera responded, and everyone in the room could feel the tension heat up the room.

“Do not play games Shayera, now what information can you give us.” Batman glared at her. It was so effective that Shayera’s two Thanagarian Companions tensed, their wings slightly extended.

Shayera gazed at her ex team mates minus Wonder Woman and her face slightly softened, as if remembering the good times she shared with them.

“I’m sorry Batman. Stand down you two.” She said to her companions as she removed her mace from her waist and placed it on the table as a sign of peace.

The League members and the Thanagarians sat down and made themselves comfortable on the chairs. Before the meeting began, a flash of green light appeared in the middle of the room, and from it stepped out Apollo, Supergirl, Barda and Orion.

“Wow… you got a new mage? Nice costume.” Shayera commented as she looked curiously at the new arrivals.

Apollo stood beside Batman, and eyed Shayera with distrust. Father and Son wore similar expressions that Shayera had to laugh.

“Batman… is that your son with you?” She joked, but when she saw no one laughed her eyes widened. “By Polaris' eyes!” she exclaimed.

“I am not in the mood Shayera. Now, are the Gondarians aiding the Apokolips Space forces? I assume you are here to represent the Thanagarian Empire to offer an alliance?” Batman asked.

“The fighters the Providence met had the cloaking capability your foes use… are we correct in that assumption?” Superman added.

“How did… well like I said you were the only person I can’t figure out. Yes, your assumptions are correct. Civil War broke out in our homeworld, and the faction I sided with won. We cannot allow the Gondarians to spread to this sector unchecked. Look at this recording.” Shayera placed a disc in the middle of the table. It activated and showed a three dimensional optical recording of the Gondar fleet moving across worlds. Dozens of massive ships surrounded by patrolling fighters moved across the hologram.

“That’s the Arvis system! That’s near New Genesis!” Orion exclaimed.

“Yes… you will not be able to detect them until it is too late. We have the technology to counter this and we willingly offer them to you as a sign of peace and trust. The only contact we have with this sector is with Earth, and the high council decided to send me.” Shayera said.

“Terms? This is good to be true… you want something from us.” Apollo voiced his opinion.

“That confirms it, you are his father.” Shayera smiled at Apollo. “An Alliance… Thanagar requests that we base a fleet here, that can rapidly respond to any threats.”

“Will that not only make Earth a valid military target by the Gondarians?” Batman asked.

“It would, but consider the combined forces of the Thanagar fleet and the Justice League, we can repel any attacks. And we will be able to share technologies faster. We also have two Green Lanterns here, and that greatly boosts the defenses.” Shayera said.

“You’re desperate to gain this alliance… you need help don’t you? You’re losing the war.” Apollo observed.

“Very perceptive… you’re very unusual. Yes we are losing the war. They are just too many, only by gaining alliances with Earth and I hope New Genesis will we be able to repel them… and we are looking for a homeworld. Thanagar is dying… Our star is dying. We ask that we terraform Mars and make it a colony.” Shayera said sadly, her wings dropped slightly.

The executive league looked at each other. This will take a long time to discuss.

“If you agree to this, look at the possibilities. Thanagar and Earth will share a closer bond, and our combined forces will greatly enhance both planets defensive capabilities. Earth will gain new technologies that will solve your famines, energy crisis and the general health of your citizens. Commerce will bloom in this sector.” Shayera added.

“You understand that you will have to propose this to the World Leaders. They are wary of your race, Shayera. Trust is an important issue here.” Superman said.

“I know… that is why one of the Elders of Thanagar, at great risk, travelled here and is in now in our ship orbiting the moon, to speak on behalf of the people Thanagar.” Shayera said.

“I will have to arrange this.” Superman sighed. “But tell me this… can you offer anything to assure us of your sincerity?”

Shayera thought for a moment then said. “Jonn, you can look at my mind… and see the truth in my mind. I will open my mental defenses for you.”

“We can do that later… But now I sense the truth in your words. You have changed, you no longer wear your mask. The problem that we must need to address now is the status of New Genesis. She cannot fall, as she is the only one in the quadrant that keeps Darkseid’s forces in check.” Jonn said.

“We need help now… once Providence is repaired I will head back to New Genesis.” Barda said.

“We are prepared to send a task force with the Providence to protect her, If you want. Our Scientists will come, and help develop technologies to counter the Gondarians.” Shayera said.

“I will send a seven man team… John, Katma, myself, Captain Atom, Metamorpho, Long shadow and Captain Marvel will go with you.” Superman said.

“Agreed. objections?” Batman asked, and when none answered he said. “Meeting adjourned. I need to arrange this with the rest of the League and their affiliates.”

As the various superheroes and aliens departed, Apollo approached his father and Superman. “Why can’t I come?”

“You need to stay here Harry. The force we will be sending mostly comprises of our best space fighters.” Superman said.

“I know you can fight… but we need you here. You’re our hidden ace, the last line of defense. If this is some trick by the Thanagrians, you can unleash your might against them. Don’t you understand, you’re our deterrent against any aggression by the Thanagarians. Besides, you have school tomorrow.” Batman said, messing his son’s hair.


The months passed quickly for Harry as he was constantly busy with school and patrolling for the League on weekends. Remus was a savior as he constantly provided excuses for Harry during Saturdays, and shielded him from Dumbledore’s curiosity.

Tonks thrived in the league, and became the object of many affections, specially from Wally who constantly bugged her to no end. The ravishing and good natured 19 year old stole many hearts once she stepped foot on the Watchtower.

Sirius’ and Harry’s relationship grew, as the doting godfather continually showered his godson with gifts and advice. Harry appreciated the gesture, and it was a common sight in the Watchtower to see the two sharing jokes and cracking with laughter. Sirius loved playing with his Godson’s sister, as he continually tried to amuse the growing baby by changing into his animagus form.

A funny development happened when Sirius first encountered Hippolyta in Gotham Manor during Christmas, as the Black lord was immediately smitten by her. Hippolyta continually rejected the wizard’s advances until little by little she grew irritated and amused at the man’s antics.

Andromeda worked closely with Bruce, as she discreetly expanded Black enterprises in England in partnership with Wayne industries and the Delacour group. She was slowly expanding her influence, under the sight of powerful players of the Magical World.

The Thanagarian proposal was at first met with fierce opposition, but with Superman’s backing, some of Shayera’s proposals were approved. A fleet now circled the moon, and the newly upgraded Javelins and Watchtower 1 and her support satellites orbited the Earth. Watchtower2 became a base of operations for space fighters from the various world governments, increasing Earth’s defenses.

A group of Humans and Thanagarians were now based in Mars, slowly transforming the planet to be habitable. The colony, called the Ark, provided a symbol of cooperation between Earth and Thanagar. It was a showcase of peaceful coexistence, and various world leaders excitedly visited it from time to time.


February 2, Staff Room, Hogwarts

The heads of houses were meeting again in to discuss the possible delegation that will be sent to Beauxbatons to represent France. It was a battleground, as the various teachers fielded their preferred candidates to the list. Only seven per batch would come, from fourth year to seventh year, and these slots were greatly sought. Although it was still a secret, the students noticed the increased workload that had been suddenly dumped to them as the time for the selection neared.

After an intense debate, the staff finally agreed on a list of candidates for the fifth to seventh year students and they were now working on the fourth year list.

“The fourth years should have the best students, Merlin knows if in the actual chance that a champion was chosen among them, they will need to be very good to survive.” Minerva voiced her thoughts.

“I agree we need the seven that will participate to be adepts in their magical knowledge. Who do you propose?” Pomona Sprout said.

“Someone that’s well rounded in his or her education… Remus, who is the best in your class?” Albus asked, as his eyes twinkled “Longbottom”

“I’d say Dean of Gryffindor, Wayne and Granger of Ravenclaw, Macnamillian of Hufflepuff and Zabini of Slytherin.” Remus said.

Dumbledore’s expression fell. No Longbottom? He was training for months with Remus and Black!

“Why don’t we just use the list of who has the highest grades in the theory and practical exams.” Filius said.

“Oh please, and here you gloat again that most of your birds are on the top of it? This is not a Ravenclaw contingent.” Severus said.

“I agree with Severus, the tournament is not only a contest of Magical Prowess, but also of character.” Dumbledore added, his twinkling eyes blazing with “Longbottom.”

“Fine… Minerva who do you suggest on the top of the list?” Filius asked.

“Harry Wayne no doubt, the boy’s a prodigy in Transfiguration. I’m currently teaching him Newts level lessons. I wish he was in my house… but he’s really a raven through and through.” Minerva conceded and Flitwick beamed at this.

“He’s good at charms too… not on the level of granger… but he’s the second or third in his year.” Filius said, hiding his excitement at the prospect of the best student he’d seen in years becoming a candidate.

“He washes his hands after herbology…” Pomona joked, causing the staff to chuckle and Dumbledore’s twinkling eyes to diminish slightly. “He’s a good, if he applies himself he can be at par with Longbottom.”

Albus eyes flashed once again and a smile blossomed on his face. His eyes wrinkled in amusement that said “Longbottom!” Sadly the staff did not take the hints he was giving through his eyes.

“The boy’s too studious… he’s an adequate potions brewer. I do not have any objections if he will be on the list.” Severus said as considered that it would be better if Ravenclaw fill the least than a Gryffindor. At least they will not embarrass the school. Though he preferred if his Slytherins were to fill the list, he knew that most were not up to the task, and grudgingly admitted that Wayne will do.

“Agreed then.” Albus said, and waved his wand and Harry Wayne’s name appeared on the list. “Next?”

The next choices proved difficult to agree on. Snape especially rebuffed Granger’s inclusion, but supported his best potion brewer, Greengrass to the list. After thirty minutes of debates and insults, the final list were: Wayne, Granger and Greengrass of Ravenclaw, Zabini and Davis of Slytherin, Parvati of Gryffindor and Bones of Hufflepuff.

Filius gloated after the meeting, since almost half the candidates were of his house. They were about to leave when the Headmaster stopped them.

“I also have a choice, as Headmaster I am allowed to pick one student to join the list for the candidates that will participate in the Tournament in Beauxbatons.” Albus said.

“Who? Bell of Gryffindor?” Minerva asked hopefully. Johnson and Spinnet were included on the list, and she hoped Bell will be able to join her friends.

“No I pick… Neville Longbottom.” Albus said proudly. Minerva and Severus shared a look and for the first time in their lives they thought along the same lines. They both laughed together while Remus snickered and hit it as a cough.

Fawkes flapped his wings and trilled a tune of amusement, and fell of his perch as he tried to regurgitate his food from laughing too hard.

“Oh Albus… that is so funny!” Pomona slapped the Headmaster on the arm as she giggled.

“Is this an attempt to make us laugh? Imagine the boy eating…Eating on the Beauxbatons grand hall.” Filius said.

“I’m Serious.” Dumbledore said as he looked on with disapproval on his face. He glared at his familiar who was languishing on the floor and subtly nudged Fawkes with his boot.

“No I am…” Sirius said causing the whole staff to groan. “Seriously? Longbottom? He can cast the Stunning curse… thank Merlin. But it took three months for him to do it! It was like I was teaching him to cast the Patronus Charm or something!”

“I am very serious.” Albus said. He drew his wand and flicked it, and the name of Longbottom appeared on the paper, as the eight member of the fourth year contingent.

“NO!” Minerva screamed.

“What have you done? The enchantment in the paper forbids us to remove a name!” Severus said.

“I hope your happy… the grade point average of the fourth year contingent now dropped from Exceed Expectations to Acceptable.” Filius said scathingly.

“And the boy does not wash his hands! They eat some food in France with their hands!” Pomona added.

“I will give him gloves… do not worry. You must respect my decision, as Headmaster it is my right.” Albus said, a tone of finality on his voice.

“Fine… at least we know one of the fourth years will not get chosen for sure.” Snape said. He left the room with a swirl of his cloak and headed to potions and grinned. Longbottom was in his next class and will be good to relieve some frustration off his chest.


2pm May 1, Hogwarts Express, 10 kilometers from King’s Cross Station

“Harry are you positive the dress I have will be enough for Astraea’s birthday? From what you told me the party will be full off high profile guests.” Hermione said nervously as she smoothed the material of her silver off shoulder dress.

“It’s fine… Hermy. You look beautiful, it’s perfect. Why are you so nervous? You’ve been to our parties before… look at Daphne she’s a vision of calm, and Luna she’s so relaxed.” Harry said as he looked at Daphne who looked lovely in a off white knee length dress. Luna wore an unusual light blue dress that went nicely with her blonde hair.

“Well this party is for the public! Your dad’s guests… press, celebrities. And Daphne’s been attending high class parties since she was one. Luna… well she’s always relaxed.” Hermione said.

The birthday party for the Wayne heiress would held a day early on board the Warrior. The massive Wayne yacht was currently anchored on the docks as various personalities, celebrities and businessmen eagerly prepared to board her.

The party was one of the biggest and most glamorous of the year, and the press considered it to be the place to be if you are someone with power or fame. The guest list was extremely exclusive, and the uninvited celebrities and personalities aired their complaints on the media. Security was extremely tight, with many security personnel manning the docks and grounds, and they had to constantly warn yachts filled with press that strayed too close to the Warrior hoping to get in uninvited.

Harry tugged his long sleeved charcoal gray polo as he looked outside the window. He decided to dress inside the cubicle and sent his luggage and the girls’ on board his room on the Warrior.

As the train stopped, the four left their cubicle and drew appreciative looks from the students. As Harry passed by the twins, he gave them a wink and the twins gave him a thumbs up sign.

Katie noticed their exchange and whispered. “You’re friends with him? Why didn’t you tell me? You could have set me up with him during the Hogsmeade visits!”

“Sorry Katie, it’s top secret. And Harry already has a girlfriend, you saw her on the three broomsticks and on the village from time to time. You got no chance.” Fred said.

“I know… but wow! he’s gorgeous… I wonder where he’s going dressed up like that…” Katie asked.

“I know… I’d give anything to have a man like that on my arm.” Alicia said.

“His sister’s first birthday. Apparently it’s a big event in the muggle world. Anyway, me and Fred here have some candy… you want to try some?” George asked as he removed an orange colored candy from his pocket.


As Harry and his party walked towards their awaiting limousine outside the station, London’s sharp eyed paparazzi spotted the Wayne heir who’s cooking show gained a good following in Britain after its success in America.

“Go” Harry murmured and gently nudged Hermione towards the car while he slowed down on purpose.

“Mr. Wayne! How about a bit for an interview!”

“Harry! Will there be a second season?”

“Harry! Is it true that the party tonight cost a million pounds?”

“Harry smile for the camera!”

“Harry! Is it true you made your girlfriend pregnant?”

The paparazzi converged around, and the bright flashes alerted some of London’s commuters.

“It’s Chef Harry!” One Girl squealed.

“Harry! Over here!”

Harry used his considerable strength and gently pushed past the crowd, smiling and occasionally giving an autograph or posing for a photo. Finally the chauffer held the door open and he jumped inside and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wow our best friend Harry’s a certified celebrity now…” Hermione teased her friend.

“That was intense! How come they asked all those questions?” Daphne asked as she peered through the heavily tinted window. The paparazzi were still following them through bikes and scooters.

“You know the paper needs celebrities and gossip to increase their circulation… Harry here is a certified celebrity that has a good following for the younger audience. Mom said so. She was glued to the telly whenever Harry’s show was up, and she would gather the other housewives and watch the show together.” Hermione grinned at Harry.

“I didn’t know was that successful.” Harry said. “Anyway I’m glad that’s over, I can’t wait to meet Astraea and Kara.” Harry smiled, thinking of her one year old baby sister. Astraea was started to speak one syllable words now, and for a baby of only 12 months it was a pleasant surprise.

His baby sister shouted “MA!” whenever she saw her mother, and when the first time she said it, Diana burst into tears in happiness.

After ten minutes of navigating the light London Traffic, the limousine finally stopped by a guarded drop off for those who intended to board the Warrior. The limousine pulled over and the Harry stepped off the car and into a red carpet. The guards immediately recognized the Wayne heir and herded journalists and photographers out of his way.

Harry looked on curiously, wondering why some of the women who wore strange gowns actually stopped by the carpet to pose for photographs. He ignored the calls by the media and strode through the walk path with Hermione, Luna and Daphne behind him.

“The staff greeted him and he headed to the private part of the deck to meet his family, as guests lingered on the hallways sipping wine and chatting. A band was playing near the pool, as waiters moved around offering appetizers and drinks to guests.

“Harry!” Kara shouted and rushed towards her boyfriend. She wore a beautiful sleeveless silver dress that hugged her figure. Her hair was styled simply, just the way Harry preferred it. Harry opened his arms and engulfed Kara in a tight hug.

“You look very dashing!” Kara murmured and kissed him on the lips then looked at his companions. “Wow Hermione! Nice dress! And Daphne you look gorgeous! Luna look at you! You’re becoming a woman!” Kara hugged each girl and after a few pleasantries, she latched herself on Harry’s side.

“Come on, Astraea’s a bit fussy, she can sense something’s big is going on and she wants to see her brother.” Kara said as she led them through the private deck. “Hermione, Daphne, your parents are upstairs, so feel free to bring them here if they want.”

Hermione replied. “Sure, but I want to greet Astraea first. Right Daph?”

Daphne nodded. “Yeah, she’s so cute I can’t wait to meet her.”

They finally reached the parlor and Harry found himself staring at Astraea who crawling along the carpet while her mother tried to put on a fancy dress for her daughter.

“BA!” Astraea shouted when she spotted her brother. Harry immediately picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.

“Astraea! Keep still honey! Harry! Thank goodness you’re here!” Diana engulfed her son in a hug. Diana used the time Astraea was busy playing with her big brother’s clothes and managed to snap on the baby blue dress to her daughter. “There! Thank goodness. Hello girls!” Diana greeted Harry’s schoolmates.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Wayne!” The girls chorused as they greeted the Wayne Matriarch.

“She’s getting adventurous, your sister. You better watch her carefully Harry. I’ll prepare now for the party and wait for your dad.” Diana said and gave her son and daughter a peck in their cheeks before she left.

“Hello baby sister. Happy birthday!” Harry said while Astraea looked curiously at his face.

“Harfff” Astraea gurgled happily and turned her attention to the smiling faces of Harry’s companions.

“Ba!” Astraea greeted them and smiled, as if welcoming them to her birthday party.

“AWWWWww” Daphne and Hermione said while Luna made happy faces for the birthday girl’s amusement.

“She’s excited, but we need to let her sleep if we want her to last till 7 where she will blow her birthday cake.” Kara said.

“Ok, I’ll make her take a nap. Why don’t you girls freshen up, I’ll take Astraea along the top deck. She loves it there, and she always falls asleep whenever she hears the sea and its windy.” Harry said.

“We’ll go with you on the way, I have to go to mum and dad anyway.” Hermione said as she followed Harry, Kara and the birthday girl.

“Yeah me too. You want to come Luna?” Daphne asked and the blonde girl nodded and followed her housemate through the corridor.

Harry, Kara and Astraea were interrupted by many well wishers on their way up. Astoria Greengrass delightfully greeted Astraea, and the baby even allowed herself to be carried by a happy Emma Granger before she fussed and tried to move back to her big brother’s arms.

“She’s still shy around unfamiliar people.” Harry said as Astraea looked curiously over her brother’s shoulder at the guests. “She needs her nap this afternoon so that she’ll be awake later tonight, so I’m taking her to the deck. Thank you for coming, Mrs. Greengrass, Mrs. Granger.” He gave them a smile and headed up, all the while talking softly to Astraea while Kara followed them, Astraea’s bottle bag strapped on her shoulder.

“Honey?” Emma Granger began.

“Yes mum?” Hermione asked.

“If you’re thinking of dating boys in the future, make sure you compare them to that young man okay?” Emma Granger said.

Astoria laughed and added. “The same goes for you, young lady.” Hermione and Daphne exchanged looks, that was a very high standard their mother’s asked of them.

“We’ll never get dates if looked for someone like him mum. Might as well become old maids.” Hermione grumbled and Daphne, Astoria and her mother laughed as they watched the boy they were talking about gently rocked his baby sister to sleep.


The party went well into the night, and after Astraea blew her candle (with the help from Mum), she enjoyed watching from her mother’s arms various guests dance and mingle. At eight pm the birthday girl fell asleep, and Hippolyta volunteered to watch her so as to avoid the come ons and advances by guests who did not know her.

The Delacours arrived at seven, and Harry and Kara eagerly welcomed Fleur. They managed to secure a table near the rails and chatted for most of the night, sipping small quantities of wine. Harry took great pleasure in Dancing with Kara, and the guests that were invited realized that the mysterious Wayne heir is clearly in love. Some celebrities, hoping to get their hooks or seduce the young man sadly backed away realizing they were too late.

Harry showed his dancing prowess as she danced with Hermione, Fleur, His Mother, Daphne and Luna. By the time he was finished Mrs. Granger was his partner, and she proved to be the most an adept dancer. Celebrities and several personalities approached him and talked for a little while, where he politely declined offers for appearances in shows or interviews.

Luna was a delight in the party as she mingled with the guests.

“Hi!” The blonde girl greeted a woman with the same dirty blonde hair as her. “I like your hair!”

The older woman looked at the young girl and said. “Thank you?”

Luna narrowed her eyes as she spotted a creature on the older woman’s head, but remembered that in the muggle world, it was rude to ask about weird creatures. “Oops, I did it again. Nearly” Luna said and she giggled and moved on, leaving a confused pop artist behind.


Bartemius Crouch Junior sneaked closer towards the yard silently. His master taught him all the concealment charms that were needed to avoid detection by the paranoid ex Auror Alastor Mad eye Moody.

As he neared the house he cast a complicated detection charm and the various proximity wards lit up. One by one, he meticulously disabled one after another, and after fifteen difficult and tense minutes, the wards collapsed into themselves.

Crouch Junior smiled, his master was a genius, and his knowledge of wards was unparalleled in the Wizarding world. He opened the door and peered inside. The small house was a mess, unkempt bottles of firewhiskey and other brands littered the floor. It smelled too and obviously the auror did not bother to clean his home in a long time.

He spotted a figure lying on the couch snoring loudly. Crouch smiled, this was too easy. He walked closer towards the sleeping man and drew a knife. He would kill the man, and scalp his head and impersonate him through the polyjuice potion.


“EEEP!” Crouch jumped up in surprise and gave a small girly shriek. HE clamped his mouth with his hands and looked at Moody, the man was still sleeping, only he was mumbling words like death eater and stupefy. The man was unpredictable, Crouch thought. Even in his sleep and in his dreams Moody still kept chanting that idiotic mantra.

As he took a final step to get a better view of Moody, the ex auror screamed again in his sleep.


It was louder than his previous attempt and it had the desired effect on its enemies. Crouch did not notice that his foot lay on top of an empty bottle and slipped, crashing into the ground. Unfortunately his wand was placed in his back pocket and it activated, and with some sick twist of fate it vanished parts of his buttocks and lower abdomen.

Crouch tried to scream but he was in shock. He began to shake from blood loss as his guts slowly dropped to the now open space.

Moody would wake up later to find a buttocks less man dead in his floor. It only cemented his belief on elementary wand basics


A/N: Reviews?/ Suggestions?

I’m seriously having trouble thinking of a call sign for Hermione. Yes she will apply for membership as a junior League member. What’s a good name?
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