Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the power of Oa

chapter18: Revelations

by bluminous 15 reviews

shit hits the fan

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2009-05-14 - Updated: 2009-05-14 - 5655 words

Harry Potter and the Power of Oa

By: Bluminous

A/N: I don’t own Harry Potter or Dc comics.

Chapter 18: Revelations

October 8

Peter Pettigrew alive! Admitted to betraying the Potters! Sirius Black innocent!

The Truth always comes out in the end, no matter how long it will take and for thirteen years, Sirius Black waited in a dark cell in Azkaban. At an accident inside a third year transfiguration class, the truth behind who betrayed the Potters to He-who-must-not-be-named was suddenly unraveled when Pete Pettigrew, supposedly dead after being murdered by Sirius Black was suddenly found out during a Transfiguration spell exercise.

Minerva McGonagall was the one who discovered that the pet rat of one Ronald Weasley is actually an illegal animagus. The supposedly dead man later confessed as a death eater in the presence of Amelia Bones, DMLE Director, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Potions Master Severus Snape. When asked for comment, this was all Minerva McGonagall has to say:

“I’d rip the shit out of that F#$%^ Son of a b#$% . That perverted rat climbing into my dress and making me #$%^^$3!!! If I see a hair of that traitor I would #$%#$$ and #$## his #$$ to the Acromantulas! Now Fu#$ OFF!”

The Deputy Director was later escorted by Madam Pomfrey, resident healer of Hogwart for some medications. The Transfiguration mistress is understandably upset after having been “In very, very close proximity “(reported by anonymous student) to the rat animagus. The only other person in need of medical treatment is one Ronald Weasley, owner of the rat animagus. He had suffered slaps in his face for unknown reasons, presumably caused by Peter Pettigrew.

Another interesting piece of news though is who finally apprehended Peter Petigrew who had reported to have nearly escaped capture. The hero of the hour is Harry Wayne, muggleborn foreign student from America that is supposedly related to the Magical wizard Wayne Family that had died out 100 years ago and his Ow familiar Hedwig. Mr. Harry Wayne was also the same boy who had exposed and captured defense Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, sexual predator of Hogwarts students. The Magical community of Britain thanks Mr. Wayne for his help in capturing another dark wizard. In Picture, Mr. Wayne is seen playing with his familiar Hedwig, a rare breed of snowy Owl.

Sirius Black, who had escaped the wizarding prison Azkaban last July, was declared innocent by the Minister of Magic this morning. In ironic twist, the animagus Pettigrew will use Black’s old cell, plus a couple of magical suppressants attached to his limbs to prevent escape. Sirius Black had turned up and surrendered himself in the office of Madam Bones yesterday, and has been officially pardoned and given compensation. After a brief psychological and physical exam, rumor has it that Mr. Black will be given his old job as senior Auror.

In other news, Albus Dumbledore pushed for amendments to ensure that…

“This is your fault Hedwig, look at what you did. We got even more famous.” Harry grumbled as Hermione, Luna and Daphne grinned at his antics.


“Of course! But you should have landed on Longbottom’s shoulder or something” Harry said as he read the other articles on the daily prophet.


“Keep quiet Hedwig. I haven’t told you when I got mad didn’t I? Ask the Thanagarians, I bet one of them is your cousin.” Harry said scathingly although there was no real bite in his tone. He was in a bit of a mood as hundreds of letters suddenly arrived, all addressed to him during breakfast that morning. Gratitude, offers of endorsement and… majority of them were offers of marriage were the content of the letters.

If Kara saw this… Harry shivered when he remembered whenever his Kara got mad. Their relationship was not perfect, (it was close) but they loved each other and that was all that mattered. Kara was the not the type of person to get mad easily, if she did get mad it hurt the ears. But Kara did not hold grudges, and after a few hours of steaming she would be back to her jovial and cheerful self.

“Harry, don’t scold Hedwig, she’s a hero you know.” Daphne said as she fed Hedwig with pieces of bacon.

“Hero… she just watched that cartoon of Birdman and his side kick the Avenger and suddenly Hedwig kept imitating him by swooping up and down the watchtower. You should have seen her… it drove Green Arrow mad." Harry chuckled, Oliver Queen actually threatened too shoot Hedwig if she kept on stealing his archer's cap.

"So what happened to Ron Weasley then?” Harry asked as he piled the letters into three categories : respond, throw away and burn immediately.

“He’s fine, although he got 50 points removed from Gryffindor for inappropriate behavior.” Hermione said, blushing a bit at Ron Weasley’s actions towards their Transfiguration Professor. It was scandalous, and the worst is Professor Dumbledore kept on teasing Minerva on her forwardness with students. First, with the embarassing kiss by Harry when she was a cat, the rat dance and now her squeezing incident with Ron Weasley.

“At least he can say he’s the only one that felt up Professor McGonagall…twice.” Harry grinned at the memory.

“So what’re you planning to do now about the study group?” Daphne asked, trying to change the subject from the troubling memory.

“Well I did ask for advice from Professor Filius, he was at least happy with the idea but unless we have a permanent meeting place he won’t formally allow us to become a recognized club. And most of the rooms that fit our requirement for our practices are already claimed by older, more established clubs.” Harry said.

“Surely we can find something, Hogwarts is a big place.” Daphne said as she also ran a list of possible places on her mind.

“That’s the thing, there are pre approved areas that we can claim as possible meeting places. Outside of that area is not allowed. And the available rooms are so far that we would be wasting 15 minutes just to get there, and it’s not much larger than this dorm room. So our only choice is to either find an undiscovered room and form our secret, unsanctioned club or just use those smaller closet size rooms and make do with what we have.” Harry said.

“I like the closet sized rooms. We can do many, many things inside, Harry.” Luna said as she swung her legs as she sat on his bed. Harry looked at her for a moment and winked at her, acknowledging her teasing comment.

“Have you tried asking for help from the older students?” Hermione asked.

“Not yet… who do you recommend?” Harry asked curiously.

“Well the Weasley Twins… perhaps they can show us a room nobody else knows except for the faculty. They’re reputed to know more about the secret passages and rooms than anyone, including Filch.” Hermione said. She really wanted to start this study group, so that she can catch up with Harry in transfiguration. He was so fast in soaking up lessons that McGonagall had to actually teach him different modules than the rest of the class.

“I’ll talk to them then.” Harry said, and gathering a pile of envelopes, he waved his wand and sent them to the fireplace.


October 10

Three Broomsticks

“And I’m telling you! He is dead smart, and just when Pettigrew was about to escape, he uses his owl to catch him!” Remus said as Sirius laughed again.

“And? C’mon! How’s Minnie!!! Once I read that article I knew I had to see it.” Sirius begged.

“Well she was dancing like crazy… and then that Ron Weasley started trying to catch Pettigrew but only ended up groping her! He actually…” Remus leaned closer and whispered something to his ear.

“He did that!?” Sirius exclaimed. Remus nodded, smiling, a bit tipsy from the firewhiskey.

“Twice?? Squeezed them twice?” Sirius started laughing again, he really needed a pensieve account.

"Ah it is good to see Azkaban has not ruined your sense of Humor, Sirius.” Albus Dumbledore said from behind them and it instantly destroyed the jovial mood inside the bar. Even Rosmerta frowned a bit and moved away from the two.

“What can I do for you Headmaster?” Remus looked at the Headmaster and politely indicated for him to sit down. Sirius instantly lost his celebratory mood and stared hard at the headmaster.

Albus sat down and smiled at the last two marauders. “Thank you. I just want to inform you that Pettigrew...” Remus and Sirius’s expressions darkened at hearing the name. “…Has been successfully transferred to Azkaban, shackled with magical suppressants to prevent escape.”

“Good, I hope that rat rots in there. He doesn’t have the luxury of knowing he was innocent.” Sirius looked at Dumbledore in the eye. “That’s what saved me from madness from the dementors you know, knowing I was innocent, although I still blame myself for asking James to change secret keepers.”

“We all make mistakes… we cannot change them but we can ensure such mistakes never happen again. And that is why I am here… I ask you to train Longbottom in dueling.” Albus said, as he nodded gratefully to Rosmerta as she delivered his favorite drink.

“What for? The boy’s average… he learns but he simply does not have the natural skill and talent like Wayne or Diggory.” Remus asked.

Sirius’ eyes narrowed and looked at Dumbledore. “He’s the other one isn’t he? The other one aside from Harry.”

Albus’ eyes widened in surprise and he coughed from drinking his mead, to Sirius’ satisfaction. “I assume James told you about it didn’t he? You really were close as brothers… yes Neville is the other one. I ask you not to repeat this matter except inside my office. Even my wards here in the three broom sticks can be breached.”

Sirius smiled in triumph and responded to Remus’ questioning look. “We’ll speak of it once we are in a safe environment. Fine I’ll teach Augusta’s grandson, and if he doesn’t improve in a month, that’s it.”

Albus nodded and said. “That’s all I can ask, you were a great dueler in your day Sirius, I hope you can pass these skills to Neville, in honor of James and young Harry.”

Sirius nearly cursed Dumbledore for involving Harry’s name, good thing Remus was holding his wand since Sirius gets more drunk easily.

“Never speak of my Godson’s name in my presence!” Sirius Black shouted as he slammed his fist on the table. He took a deep breath trying to control his temper. “We’re done talking, Headmaster." He turned to his friend and said. " I’m going back to Andy’s Remus.”

Remus handed the wand back to Sirius and the former convict walked briskly out of the bar and disappeared with a loud pop.

“He’s still bitter about learning about Harry’s… death.” Remus said diplomatically.

“I completely understand, Although I am impressed as he managed an amazing display of restraint, I was actually expecting him to hit me.” Albus chuckled. “That is all Remus, kindly tell me when Sirius plans to teach Neville and what is his proposed schedule?”

Remus nodded and the Headmaster walked away, disappearing in the exact spot Sirius vanished. He smiled, knowing that they were the ones that kept the secrets, it was a refreshing change of roles.


November 3, Tonks Residence

“Well? What did you find out?” Sirius asked eagerly. Tonks had just come back from her investigation of Harry Wayne’s background in America, and now he, Remus and Andromeda eagerly waited for her report.

“He’s a celebrity! You know like those Hollywood stars and those rock artists? And listen to this, he has his own TV Show! I’m going to get his autograph when I meet him later!” Tonks said as she removed dozens of shopping bags, boxes of shoes and clothes from her pocket.

“Slow down! And is that what you did for the budget I gave you? Shop?” Sirius asked as he eyed the pile that suddenly enlarged to full sized shopping bags.

“Nooo…" Tonks scuffed the floor with the toe of her boot. "I did chat about Harry Wayne with the saleslady at the mall, and the other one from the Diner, ooh and another one from Marks and Spencer… and the girl from Gap… the fellow from Powerbooks… see? I did ask around!” Tonks said proudly. Remus palmed his face while Andromeda sighed with resignation.

“Tonks… can you just report what intelligence you were able to gather? And quit acting like a kid, you’re an auror! Show us some professionalism!” Remus pleaded.

“Fine… Sorry I guess I got carried away from my first trip outside the Isles… well I did write notes and I got a DVD set of his cooking show…“ Tonks placed a box with the titled Chef Harry printed on its cover and continued with her report, using her journal as a guide.

“He’s the son of Bruce and Diana Wayne, Bruce Wayne is the second richest muggle on the planet…recently Harry’s mother Diana gave birth to a baby daughter whose name is Astraea Martha Wayne… Salem had offered him a spot in its exclusive school but the kid chose to study here...” Tonks flipped the page and continued.

“…and he was adopted to the Wayne Family when he was five.” Tonks grinned, and Sirius and Remus high fived each other, as this was the final evidence to remove any doubts about what they suspected.

“The kid’s pretty mysterious, and the press and paparazzi always had a hard time catching him on film. Here’s the only magazine that has their whole picture.” Tonks tossed an issue of Life magazine, with the Wayne Family at its cover.

Sirius, Andromeda and Remus looked at the magazine eagerly, looking at the pictures of Harry’s parents in a mall, and one where Harry was carrying his baby sister protectively, shielding her face from the blinding cameras.

“That’s his girlfriend… lucky girl.” Tonks said as she pointed at a picture at the bottom of the page. It showed Harry walking inside the mall while Kara leaned on his shoulder.

Sirius looked pensive for a moment as he absorbed the pictures. Harry looked like his adoptive father, it could almost be mistaken that they were actually related. They had the same hair, build, posture and the intense expression in their eyes… like a predator always on the alert.

The other pictures showed Harry hugging his adoptive and very hot and attractive mother and baby sister, and the last page showed him with his goddess of a girlfriend. Sirius smiled at this, his godson’s a regular babe magnet!

“Remus… he looks happy here… it’s like he’s content with his life… should we add to his problems? He’s just a kid and I don’t want to complicate his life anymore than it already is.” Sirius said softly.

“Sirius…” Andromeda whispered. She grabbed her cousin’s hand and squeezed them giving him her support. “The least you can do is tell him the truth… you owe him that much. Even if he is happy there, it is our duty as friends of his parents to tell him of his heritage as a Potter, and the sacrifice his birth parents made for him.”

“Andy’s right Sirius, he can decide if he wants to keep on contact with us, right now our only objective now is to tell him the truth.” Remus added.

“Yeah! Mum’s right, and I want to see ickle baby Harry! I played with him when he was a baby, well what mom told me at least.” Tonks said.

“Alright, alright! Yeah I was just scared to ruin my godson’s life. We all will tell him the truth. He goes back to his country every break right?” Sirius looked at Remus.

“Yeah, from what the records told me. Are you planning to tell him at his home?” Remus asked.

“That’s the idea Moony.”


Sirius Black’s sudden presence inside Hogwarts did not create much stir in the student population, as they were already well informed of the true events that happened during that faithful day. Exams continued and the quidditch battles rose to a fervor pitch as the Gryffindors wanted to win one before their all star Keeper and Captain Oliver Wood graduated.

Taunts and jeers were exchanged between the Gryffindors and Slytherins, bitter rivals from anything from Quidditch to Academics. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students enjoyed their neutrality to the “prejudice wars” as Hermione labeled them, as they were able to roam the grounds without being harassed by either of the two houses.

Harry however got a new case to relieve him of his boredom at school, the mystery of Remus Lupin.

The man was very good at teaching, one of the best and even on par with Zatanna in knowledge the subject. However, his sudden friendship with newly freed Sirius Black made him a suspicious character. Harry recalled the unusual events that transpired during Pettigrew’s capture, the sudden lesson on animal and human transfiguration, the presence of Remus Lupin… and his choice of singling out Ron Weasley’s pet as an example for the spell. Could it be just coincidence?

Harry frowned as gazed at the night sky. There are no such things as coincidence, no this was a set up, planned by a master tactician, and he was used as a pawn to help move the pieces. Instead of feeling angry he felt a small satisfaction that the true betrayer of his parents was finally revealed, and an innocent man was set free.

He was troubled though, because upon learning of his dead parent’s betrayer, he did not feel the urge to hunt the criminal down and give him the justice he was due. Did he feel too detached from his birth parents? Sometimes he wished Kara was here beside him, she would offer new perspectives to his always provided new insights, and Harry had come to value her opinions and ideas. For a powerful hero, she was also very perceptive and smart.

The full moon bathed his silhouette and he removed his black mask to allow the cool breeze to tickle his face. Tonight was peaceful and relaxing, it had been months since he patrolled outside the Hogwarts grounds.


Harry’s eyes snapped open and he hurriedly pulled the mask over his face. The sound came from the Hogwarts grounds, near the whomping willow. He decided to investigate and he jumped from the astronomy tower into the Ravenclaw tower, using a burst of strength and agility from his unusual physique. He landed lightly on the slanted roof and jumped again, until he reached the battlements.

He ran forward, enjoying the burn of his muscles as he they stretched and contracted. Reaching the corner he made a fantastic leap from the wall and landed on the grassy floor. He crouched low to the ground as he landed and focused on the sound.


There! Harry ran towards the sound and upon reaching the tree line, he leapt from one branch to the next. He was getting closer and finally he came across a clearing, where the moonlight bathed an old wooden house. It was the shrieking shack, the most haunted place in Great Britain.

Harry decided that his vantage point was the best for the moment and he crouched under the thinner branches to hide him better against the moonlight. The wooden door opened and a large gray wolf with a humanlike body and long arms bounded from the house. A werewolf.

Harry spotted a figure running out of the house shouting. “Remus!... Moony! Wait for me! Just because you drank Wolfsbane doesn’t mean you can just run around!” The man ran and suddenly he leapt forward until he transformed into a large black dog. Animagus.

His teachers were certainly interesting, Harry thought. Clearly they were not out to harm anyone as both werewolf and dog ran around, playing and tackling each other. Deciding he had seen enough, Harry leapt from the branch he was hiding to the next and back to Hogwarts. As he burst from the tree line Harry swiftly moved across the grounds until he reached the castle wall. He swiftly scaled the wall with ease until finally he was inside.

As was his habit since first year, Harry stalked the now familiar grounds when suddenly he heard a trap door opening behind him and the rustling of a tapestry. He suddenly leapt back and as he righted he saw the surprised faces of George and Fred Weasley. They were looking to ambush him, but they were the one surprised instead!

“Merlin… how did you do that?!!” Weasley one said as he pointed a wand to Harry’s direction. Harry remained unmoving before he decided to incapacitate the two. He did not want anyone to give away his midnight patrols. With a burst of speed he suddenly crouched and leapt forward and swept his leg, sending the twins to the floor. He quickly grabbed their wands and faced them.

“Don’t hurt us Wayne! Don’t hurt us!” Weasley two said. Harry was surprised, how did they know it was him? He heard footsteps approaching their location and he pulled the twins roughly into the trapdoor behind the tapestry and followed them. He closed the door softly and turned towards the twins. They were inside an old unused classroom, and the twins must have used it as headquarters since he saw couches, a gas lamp and packets of chocolates from what the moonlight provided. He used his wand and sealed the door while he placed the twin’s wands on his belt.

“How did you know it was me?” Harry asked as he removed his mask. He needed to talk to them anyway, perhaps this was a good time.

“Our secret’s our own…” Twin one said weakly, trying to show a face of bravado even though he was scared shitless of the third year in front of him.

Harry glared at him with a gaze that said ‘I’m not taking that crap from you’ and for better measure added the batman glare. Twin one immediately folded and cried. “Don’t Kill us! Murder!”

“Relax, I won’t hurt you.” Harry said diplomatically. “Now can you tell me how you found my location?”

“You’re something else Wayne… I’m George Weasley, and the crying baby there’s my twin Fred. If you don’t tell on us then we won’t tell on you. Sounds fair?”

Harry thought about it for a moment and then agreed. “Sounds fair… can we sit?” He tried to look kess imposing, but it was difficult with the all black clothes he wore. He was like a shadow.

“Alright just pick any chair… well what we have is the Marauder’s map… Fred, if you please” George finally said.

Fred immediately stood up and pulled something from what Harry guesses was his pocket and placed it on the table. He looked at Harry and asked “Can we have our wands back? We need it to activate the map.”

Harry pulled the two identical wands and tossed them to their owners.

Fred tapped the wand and said “I Solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”

Harry smiled a bit at hearing this and watched in fascination as the black parchment suddenly came to life as ink started to appear on the empty spaced.

“Messrs. Moony, Padfoor, Wormtail and Prongs Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present the Marauder’s Map.” Harry read aloud and smiled as he remembered his incident earlier.

He guessed his professor Remus Lupin the Werewolf to be the one called Moony, as a sort of joke for the full moon. Padfoot might be Sirius Black, as he noticed the Dog’s large pad like paws Then Wormtail must me Peter Pettigrew, as the rat’s tail looked like a worm when he captured it last October. Who was prongs and what was his animal? He remembered that Sirius was a close friend of his Birth Father from what he heard from the rumors… Prongs has to be James Potter!

He was surprised when the twins folded out the parchment and it showed the complete and detailed map of Hogwarts! He saw hundreds of names clustered together in their common rooms, and the teachers and the Headmaster on their private office. He saw his name, Harry Apollo Wayne standing beside Fred and George Weasley. It was brilliant! It was the ultimate monitoring equipment! The possible use of this in the watchtower or in their other bases as a security device was phenomenal!

“This is brilliant!” Harry said.

“It is… and it’s the secret to our success.” George said, he was more relaxed now, assured that the scary Harry Wayne wouldn’t murder him and his twin in some dark corridor.

“So how long have you been observing me?” Harry asked as he looked at Hermione Granger and Daphne Greengrass pacing around the raven claw common room. Uh oh.

“Just this term… you’re gaining a bit of a reputation in Hogwarts Harry…” Fred joked.

“What reputation?” Harry’s eyes narrowed, making Fred swallow in nervousness.

“You know… the scary tough guy that’s gonna break your bones if you even look at him the wrong way… and the other one… the prince charming that every young woman fancies... you know the panty wetter.” Fred joked and George immediately wacked his twin in the head.

“Ouch! Whatcha do that for George?” Fred asked and his twin leaned and whispered something to his ear. “Oh right too young.”

“They think I’m scary? I only warned off a few Slytherins for trying to intimidate and abuse Daphne.” Harry said. “Nobody does that to my friends.”

“So that’s the story… Well when did you do this oh intimidating one?” George asked.

“On the train first year, Adrian Pucey was very rude and demanded that Daphne do sexual favors to him! that’s just sick! I mean who does that? So I broke his hand. Then this group of older Slytherins tried to force Daphne again so I got mad that time and taught them a lesson.” Harry said.

Fred and George looked at him with surprised expressions. It was one thing to hear rumors, it was another thing for the person himself to admit it. The kid was the real deal.

“What about that Dementor?” George asked, trying to confirm if Oliver’s wild claims was true.

“Oh that, I saw Oliver looking at the wall I smashed the Dementor with. It was bugging the rest of the students so I told it to leave.” Harry shrugged.

“By smashing it’s head on the wall?” Fred said, getting nervous… even frightened. What kind of boy is this? Is he even human?

“It was scaring the girls… I told it to leave but it didn’t listen so I grabbed its neck and bashed its head on the wall. I did it only once though, and by the way don’t tell anyone about that.” Harry said looking intently at the Twins.

The twins weakly nodded, stunned at this revelation… Harry Wayne is scary if provoked, that’s for sure.

“Anyway, how much do you want for the map?” Harry asked.

George and Fred looked at each other… they didn’t want to take advantage of Harry Wayne and they also don’t want to part with the map, it was a useful map that saved their skins from detention countless of times.

“It’s not really for sale Harry…” George said.

“Oh..” Harry’s expression fell. Do you mind if I copy it then? I have a friend that’s really good at magic, and I bet he can replicate the enchantments on this wonderful thing. And I insist that I compensate you for the time you parted with this wonderful map, and a little extra. 50 galleons a day, plus the initial 200 galleons for allowing me to borrow the map.” Harry grinned at them

Fred and George realized their dream of establishing a joke shop was now within their grasps. “Deal.” Fred gave out an arm and Harry promptly shook it.

“To turn off the map, say ‘Mischief Managed” George said and Harry nodded in thanks and followed his instructions. The map slowly vanished and seconds later it was just an ordinary piece of parchment.

“Cool!” Harry said as he looked at the wondrous parchments in his hands reverently. “I’ll give you the money tomorrow, same time same place. It’s getting late gents, I have to go or else Hermione would have my hide. It's a pleasure doing business with you! Bye!” Harry put on his black mask and swiftly vanished from the shadows.

Harry Wayne was not what the twins expected. they thought he was either a cold blooded killer, an elitist snob similar to the Malfoys or a book geek. A prankster was not what they expected.

Fred looked at the empty corridor and said. “He’s a bit scary but…”

“…we like him.” George finished.


“Alright class! Form a line, and remember, think of something funny!” Remus said as he looked on as the Ravens and Puffs formed an orderly line. He wished the Gryffindors and the Snakes were this orderly yesterday.

The teacher’s cabinet in front of them suddenly jumped and some of the students stepped back in fear. “Come on! it’s just a boggart! Remember pronounce Ridikulus clearly. Susan! You’re up!” Remus said.

Susan Bones slowly stepped forward and took out her wand in preparation for the exercise. Remus waved his wand and the cabinet door opened slowly…

A Death Eater in a white pale mask stepped out of the cabinet, causing several girls and even some boys to scream in fear. Susan stepped back at the sight of a death eater but then she remembered Professor Lupin’s instructions

“Ridikulus!” Susan shouted and the Death Eater’s robes grew so long that he tripped and fell, breaking his wand. The class laughed at this and the boggart stood still at the power of laughter.

“Good! Hannah, you’re up!” Remus said, delighted at the performance of this class.

The boggart changed shapes, revealing the greatest fears of his classmates. Hermione’s fear was her failing every subject in Hogwarts, to Harry’s amusement. That proved Hermione was very brave indeed to consider dark wizards as less of a threat than grades.

Daphne’s was her drunken father, and she immediately rectified it when her “Father” suddenly turned into a very ugly puppy. Harry was interested about his greatest fear. He didn’t know his greatest fear and decided to lower his Occlumency shields when he faced the boggart.

Strangely enough, Mr. Lupin never did call him to his irritation and decided to stay after class to ask for an explanation. As the students filed out, Harry, Hermione and Daphne waited while Professor Lupin waved his wand, restoring the chairs to their normal position.

“Professor, why didn’t you call me? Can’t I test it now?” Harry asked.

“Are you sure Harry? Is it alright for your friends to see your greatest fear?” Remus asked, he thought that Harry’s boggart would turn into Voldemort, and he wanted Harry to keep his secret identity a secret.

“I trust them professor” Harry said, he was eager to see his greatest fear.

“Alright then… remember, Ridikulus, and think of something funny!” Remus waved at the cabinet and the shapeless black creature suddenly transformed to an exact replica of Apollo… only the boggart Apollo was grinning madly as he enjoyed the lust of battle, the thrill of death and carnage. He was uncontrollable, powerful beyond imagining as a bright green aura flashed before them

Boggart Apollo walked through the dead bodies of innocents as his sword dripped with blood.

Harry immediately raised his Occlumency shields and shouted “Ridikulus!”

Boggart Apollo collapsed and a thousand green butterflies flew in all directions.

Harry looked at the white faces of Daphne, Hermione and Professor Lupin who looked at him with fear.


“What was that Harry?”Remus asked as he herded Harry, Hermione and Daphne to his office.

“I can’t tell you professor.” Harry said stubbornly while Hermione and Daphne tried to distract their teacher.

“Harry always had a wild imagination professor, you know he likes to read fantasy books.” Hermione said.

“Nice try Ms. Granger… but I know what I saw… and I think you three are keeping something from me. I remember particularly well… my friend Lily Potter was a muggleborns and she taught me much about the muggle world.” Remus said, emphasizing the name of Harry’s birth mother. Harry’s eyes narrowed.

“And three years ago, I heard in the muggle news that an asteroid was actually on its way to destroy half the world’s population. I was on a bar that time and I saw a green being smash through that asteroid before it hit the planet. And that green being greatly resembles you boggart Harry.” Remus looked at him intently.

“Will you tell the others like the Headmaster about this?” Harry whispered as he gazed at outside the window,

Remus laughed. “Of course not! That man nearly killed you when he placed you with the Dursley’s when you were five, why would I tell him of your existence Mister Potter?”

A/N: Comments? Suggestions?

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