Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the power of Oa

chapter16: Cooking Lessons

by bluminous 15 reviews

the display of culinary skills

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Published: 2009-05-11 - Updated: 2009-05-11 - 10761 words

Harry Potter and the Power of Oa
By: Bluminous
A/N: I don’t own Harry Potter or Dc comics or The First.
Wow, we’ve reached 53,559hits on this story alone. Thank you for reading!
I just watched Star Trek the movie with my friends. Watch it! It will not disappoint you.
Chapter 16: Cooking Lessons.

The dog finally reached the coast after a long swim throughout the night. It was lucky his current form was more buoyant, he didn’t think he could make it back. The black dog lied down on the sand, panting as it struggled to regain its strength.

Half an hour later, the scruffy black dog was gone from the isolated beach, and only the foot prints of the dog showed where it was headed. It could not risk yet changing into a human, not yet. He needed to warn his Godson of the hidden danger that lurked within Hogwarts.

But where can he get help? His former colleagues at the Auror force would kill him before he had a chance to explain his side. He knew he was the reason his friends got killed and he thought he rightly deserved his punishment. But seeing the traitor again inside Hogwarts spurned him to act. He needed someone that he trusted, someone that will help him in his mission. He needed to see Remus Lupin.

He remembered his old house and hoped the old wolf still lived there. The sound of a rabbit alerted his ears and he bounded off into the field to chase his first meal outside Azkaban
July 25, Wales.

“Fuck you.” Remus Lupin immediately closed the door when he saw one of the faces he hated the most. He turned around to head back to his couch only to find the Old Coot sitting in his favorite chair.

“Get the fuck out of my chair!” Remus said, throwing his half empty bottle of fire whiskey at Albus Dumbledore. The bottle almost hit the Headmaster when Fawkes suddenly appeared in a burst of flames, flapping his majestic wings as he prepared to sing a calming song. Unfortunately the bottle hit the ageless Phoenix right at the mouth, and the Headmaster’s familiar inadvertently swallowed the slim cylindrical bottle.

Fawkes immediately crashed into the wooden floor, where it coughed and retched until the wretched bottle popped out of his beak. Albus immediately kneeled down on the floor to check if his familiarwas all right.

Fawkes crooned and swayed, as he had swallowed the remaining firewhiskey in the bottle. The headmaster carried his dazed and drunk familiar and placed him on the table and turned to Remus Lupin with a raised eyebrow. “You were not so vulgar and violent the last time I saw you.”

“I said get out. I don’t want to see your meddling face anymore.” Remus said. He dropped down to his favorite seat and looked around for another bottle. He shouldn’t have thrown the last one, but it would be worth it if the bottle connected and hit Dumbledore in the face.

“Remus, as I have said hundreds and hundreds of times before, I accept that I am partly responsible and I took the blame for the tragedy. I fear that I relied too much on the goodness of people. I never thought that there are people that are capable of extreme cruelty actually existed.” Albus removed his glasses and looked at his former student and friend.

“Out with it, you came here because you want something. What is it?” Remus said, his tone held no patience for Dumbledore's antics.

“It seemed your vaunted patience is also gone…” Albus mused and immediately continued after a
dangerous look from Remus. “Pardon, here it is: A contract to take up the post of Defense against the Dark Arts for the incoming school year. I urge you to consider.” Albus took out leafs of parchment and placed them on the small table between them.

Remus stared at the contract and various papers. His eyes sparkled for a moment when he saw the Hogwarts Crest but then it soon returned to its dull shade. “No. there’s nothing for me there. It will only remind me of the pain of what I lost. You had your answer, now please leave me in peace.”

Albus Dumbledore’s hopeful expression fell when he received the reply. Not quite giving up, he nodded in acknowledgement. He picked up his phoenix that was now swaying precariously on the edge of the dining table and headed towards the door. Before he left he added. “You will notice that I left the contact papers with you. Please reconsider Remus, you have one week to decide before I start looking for a less qualified professor.” He gave a nod and walked out the door, holding his familiar who was singing drunken phoenix songs.

Harry raised an eyebrow as he saw the kitchen of the Teen Titans. It was not messy as he expected, on the other hand it was clean. Very clean in fact as if it hadn’t been used even once to cook a single meal. He gazed back to the unusually large metal trash bin and looked inside. It was full of Pizza Boxes, Burger wraps, Chinese take outs and… McDonald’s Happy Meal bags?

He looked back at Tim who was standing nervously behind him. “I thought we were having breakfast?” Harry asked.

“We are. We’re just about to about to order. So what do you prefer? We are V.I.P. clients of most of the fast food joints here. In and Out? KFC? Pizza? McDonald’s? Burger King? Wendy’s?” Robin said.

Unsure of his new team mates weird habits, he decided on the one he knew that Kara liked. “In and Out then, I heard they have Good Burgers.” Harry said and Robin nodded. Tapping his communicator in his ear, he ordered their meals.

Harry realized by Lunch Time that the Teen Titans do not know how to cook. They ordered everything they ate! No wonder they were VIPs of the fast food business. Beast Boy alone raised the profits of Mario’s Pizza by a quarter every week. It was a good thing the titans took their exercises and training seriously, or else they would indeed be the Teen Titans with ‘Titanic’ weight.

Even if they are in shape, they are not in optimum condition as their diet consisted of prefabricated ready to cook meat and cheese. Harry was no food guru and he enjoyed eating out as much as the next person, but this five times a day take out is getting ridiculous.

August 5, Teen titans Tower

“I’m going to the city as a civilian, if it’s ok with you Robin?” Harry asked while they were eating lunch with the rest of the team.

“Uh sure, Is your ear piece’s frequency synchronized with the Titan Tower’s signal?” Robin asked, making sure that he can contact Harry immediately if there’s an emergency.

“It’s synchronized, Cyborg helped me adjust it. Anyone want to tag along?” Harry asked as he stood up, pushing away his half eaten burger.

“I will go with you friend Harry!” Starfire said. To Harry’s surprise she gobbled up her remaining food in two mouthfuls. It must have been her alien Physiology, nobody can do that here on earth… oh wait there was Ron Weasley. But comparing him to Starfire was big insult: she was clean and neat when she ate, just fast. “Where are we going?” Starfire asked.

Harry gave a naughty smile and said “Shopping”

Raven and Starfire perked up when they heard the “s” word while Beast Boy, Cyborg and Robin exchanged weird looks. The last time they accompanied their two female members they nearly died… of boredom.

The three boys exchanged looks and Robin said “We’ll pass, I think the Titan Tower’s security systems due for maintenance anyway. You three enjoy, and don’t forget to call when there’s trouble.”

“Alright then.” Harry remembered an empty alley near his destination when he scouted yesterday and visualized the image in his mind. Creating a rune with his finger in the air, a green runic portal made of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Bye” Harry said and waved his hand as the rune portal engulfed him and his two teammates, and they disappeared in a fantastic display of green light.

“What was that?!” Beast boy asked in concern.

“I didn’t know he can do that…” Robin muttered.

“What did he do?” Cyborg asked. He rarely saw magical displays, and when Raven usually used hers it was black and white, making it hard to see.

“That’s a transportation portal, similar to the Justice League’s teleport machine. But that uses magic.” Robin said.

“Magic? I thought Harry’s a green Lantern?” Cyborg asked.

“Well he is… and he’s also a wizard, like Zatanna.” Robin added.

“Zatanna….” Beast Boy and Cyborg sighed as they visualized the pretty, sexy magic user in fishnet stockings…


“You misled us…” Harry heard Raven’s cold dry voice and he just smiled as he pushed the grocery cart. “You gave the impression that you were going to the mall.” Raven scowled as she followed Harry, wearing a very original black sweater and black pants. She thought he was going to the mall, and planned on picking a newly released death metal album. Instead Harry transported them to the Supermarket.

“I did not mislead you Raven. You assumed we are going to the mall. We are shopping right now… shopping for food.” Harry stopped the cart and inspected the vegetable produce section. Starfire appeared beside them holding two cans of condensed milk.

“Is this the right type of liquid dairy product friend Harry?” Starfire held the two large cans for him to inspect.

“Yeah, thanks Starfire. You know, you can just call me Harry, all of my friends do.” Harry smiled and leaned towards the vegetables, inspecting the red and green bell peppers. He picked up four pieces of each type and placed them carefully inside the cart.

“I understand frie… Harry.” Starfire said, smiling at her new friend. “How did you learn how to cook? Robin confided in me that it is a very hard skill to master.”

“Well, I learned how to cook when I was very young…. And then my mother bought me a cookbook when she noticed how I eagerly watched cook shows or Alfred when he's cooking. I learned to love cooking, and now I use it as a form of relaxation.” Harry said grabbing some lemons.

In truth Harry was forced to learn how to cook when he was four or five, he really didn’t remember that much. He vaguely remembered that he used a stool to step on so that he could see the food he was cooking properly, and then he would serve it to his relatives. He would be forced by his Aunt to watch them eat the food he cooked, and then he would only be allowed to pick up the crumbs and the leftovers from their messy plates. He remembered that he loved picking after his cousin’s plate, as Dudley was so messy when eating that he usually forgot a scrap or morsel of food to stuff in his mouth.

Harry shook out of his reverie and continued shopping for ingredients. “I suddenly felt your sadness Harry…” Starfire said. Harry looked at her and was surprised as he saw tears falling down her face.

“What’s up Starfire? Are you ok?” Harry asked. Why was she crying?

“The skill of empathy is inherent to my race, Harry. Sometimes when someone close to me feels a strong emotion or a memory related to that emotion, I can feel it and I also get flashes of their memory.” Starfire admitted. She wiped the tears on the sleeve of her white sweater and sniffed.

“I couldn’t help it, when people are broadcasting intense emotions I can’t help but feel and see what they are thinking and feeling.”

Harry was shocked, he forgot about his Occlumency shields! He was so relaxed picking food ingredients and planning what to cook that he left himself vulnerable to mental intrusions. Restoring his shields, he looked at Starfire. “It’s ok Starfire, I was just remembering some memories when I was young, forget about it, ok? Now, let’s head to the fish section, I bet they have nice salmon…” Harry pushed the cart and headed towards the back.

“What did you see?” Raven asked curiously. Starfire was not that sensitive, it must have been one strong emotion for her team mate to react like that.

“It was so very sad friend Raven… I saw a very young boy, cooking on a stove. He was standing on a wooden stool wearing large dirty clothes… and he was very thin. The young boy was very hungry!” Starfire burst into another round of tears again. Raven looked around, good thing they were the only customers in the large grocery or they would have attracted attention.
“And then... when he finished cooking, he just stood there and watched as his very large human companions consumed the food! They are so full of greed and gluttony!” Starfire’s eyes burned green, similar with Harry’s yet very different in power.

“Calm down Starfire, you don’t want to make a scene. Here take this.” Raven calmly said and handed a tissue to Starfire.

“Thank you friend Raven, I will not tell anyone of what I saw in the vision, for I understand it is very private for him.” Starfire said, wiping her face. This was the first time she encountered an emotion so deep and strong a human that it confused her. After a few minutes they found Harry in the meat section, happily chatting with the butcher. Starfire and Raven looked intently at Harry. He’s certainly very interesting.

“Harry, I apologize for my outburst earlier. Please do not get mad at me.” Starfire said softly, taking his hands in hers to show her sincerity.

“Starfire, honestly, it’s ok. I understand that you don’t have much control yet of your advance senses, so it’s fine. Since your power is based from your emotions, I assume it must be hard to control in the beginning.” Harry said.

“Why yes! You understand frie... Harry! Thank you!” Starfire hugged her teammate. Harry was taken aback by her hug, but returned the hug. He released her and looked at Raven who was standing near the beverage shelf... “So what’s your story?”

“Nothing of significance…. Although I may ask of your time later in regards to the use of your magic.” Raven said.

“No problem Raven, I’d like that, I’m also curious about the magic you wield. I understand that you’re the most powerful member here in terms of potential.” Harry mused. “We’re done shopping, do you want to add anything?” Harry asked the girls.

Starfire immediately grabbed her favorite snacks from the neighboring aisle, and even Raven grabbed a few big bags of cheetos. The basket soon filled as snacks upon snacks and chocolate bars and chips filled the shopping cart.

As they waited while the food was getting tagged by the bar code reader, the bag girl looked over at the dozens of chocolate bars, chips and snacks that Starfire unloaded onto the counter.

“How do you stay so thin?” The bag girl asked enviously, eyeing Starfire’s slim figure.

“I have a fast metabolism… and I exercise regularly, grocery logistics officer” Starfire replied while the bag girl looked at her in a weird fashion. The bag girl sighed, some girls have all the luck, maybe this summer job can tone down her weight, but those snacks of chocolate bars in aisle seven kept on seducing her.


“What’s that smell?” Robin asked. Beast Boy suddenly rushed into the room and shouted.

“There’s smoke coming from the kitchen!”

“Titans, Go!” Robin shouted, and he, Cyborg and beast boy dashed towards the lower floor.
They opened the door to see Harry in front of the stove peering down a large pan with high walls. The smoke came from the covered pan, and it rose up to be absorbed by the smoke outlet over the stove.

Raven and Starfire sat on the tall stools, looking at Harry’s progress.
“What are you doing?” Robin asked, calming down as he saw that the never used kitchen was not burning after all.

“I’m cooking dinner for all of us, that is, if you want to brave it and eat my cooking.” Harry joked.

“You cook? Uhhh no go ahead…” Robin said, exchanging glances with beast boy. Cyborg though looked fascinated, and he sat beside his two team mates to get a closer look at the arranged ingredients. “I already ordered food for beast boy and myself.” A boy who knows how to cook? That was unheard off, and he wasn’t sure he could risk his stomach for this. He better order extra servings of foodif his other team mates found Harry’s cooking to be inedible.

“If you’re sure.” Harry said. Robin and Beast Boy took their leave and he turned back to his companions who were watching him with extreme interest

“So what are you making?” Cyborg asked.

“I’m making smoke salmon for appetizer, and some baked salmon. I already have baked potatoes roasting in the oven.” Harry took another slice of the fish and deftly cut it, slicing cleanly through the middle and removing the bone. He sliced them into manageable pieces and took out a mortar and pestle.

He took out some herbs and sliced them blindingly fast, and placed them into the stone bowl. He looked back to his team mates and noticed their faces. They looked fascinated, as if seeing something new, even Raven. “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen anyone cook before.”

“Of course we have… it’s just that we’ve never used the Titan’s kitchen before.” Cyborg said.
“Can you explain what you are doing? I thought cooking’s hard, but you make it look easy.” Starfire nodded eagerly from her seat while Raven just observed Harry.

“It is easy, as long you understand what you are doing. It doesn’t matter if you chop or slice fast, the important thing is you understand the properties of your ingredients and how they react with one another.” Harry explained.

“Like Chemistry.” Raven said and Harry beamed at her. “Exactly, just like chemistry. Now, let me explain.”

“What I’m doing now is making a marinade for the salmon that we are going to bake later. I’m going to use herbs, some lemons, and the zest of the lemon.” Seeing their confused expression, Harry explained further. “The zest, that’s the top most skin of the lemon. You think it’s sour and bitter, but that’s not true. The secondary layer that is colored white is the one that’s bitter, so lightly use an old cheese grater and rub off the yellow bits. That’s the zest.”
Harry followed his own instructions, and soon he was holding a handful of yellow zest.

“What’s a Marinade, Chef Harry?” Starfire asked and Harry cheekily smiled at the name.

“It’s what flavors the food, and depending on the mixture, it can control the cooking process while in the oven.” Harry said. He started pounding the basil leaves in stone bowl, and once they were mushy enough, he added a good quantity of Olive oil and then added the zest. He squeezed the lemons and added them to the mix, all the while explaining what he was doing to his captive audience. Starfire and Raven were actually leaning forward, while Cyborg used his built in optic device to record what Harry was doing.

“Smell that?” Harry said once he finished the marinade. He beckoned the three to take a good whiff of the stuff.

“I smell the herbs, the olive oil, the lemon, it smells great.” Cyborg said.

“Yeah it does. When I crushed the leaves, that brought out the flavor and once it mixed with the Lemon juice, it’s brilliant. Now we are going to apply the marinade to the Salmon. Raven, why don’t you help me?” Harry asked.

Raven stood up and lowered her hood and moved beside Harry. “Thanks. Now I want you to grab a handful of the marinade, and massage it over the salmon, then place them in this tray here. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, it’s all part of cooking.”

Raven followed his instructions and soon they had six marinated salmon pieces lying in the tray. Harry added a dash of salt and a pinch of pepper and said “Never forget to season your food properly. It’s what makes or breaks a dish. Salt enhances the flavor and that mouth watering goodness, while the pepper helps give the zest a distinct taste.” Harry grabbed the tray and placed it inside the oven.

“I already have the oven pre heated at 175 degrees Celsius. We’re going to cook them for twenty minutes. While we’re cooking that we’ll finish cooking the appetizer.” Harry said. He took out the large circular pan and removed six pieces of Smoked raw salmon.

“You got here late Cyborg, so you didn’t see how we prepared the smoked salmon. But basically it’s just the use of the proper type of wood chips to give flavor to the salmon. We don’t want to put marinade on this one as we want to taste the smoked salmon itself. The smoke adds the flavor you see, that’s the point of the dish. So we’ll just add some lemon to remove the fishy smell and it’s done.” Harry said, dripping some lemon to the salmon.

“Any questions?” Harry asked.

“You make it all so simple and easy…” Cyborg said. His mouth watered as he inhaled the smoked salmon, and his senses tingled.

“We’re not finished yet.” Harry smirked as he cleaned the apparatus he used.

“We’re not finished Chef Harry? What is it that we still need to accomplish” Starfire asked.

“Presentation of course, so we need to learn the fine art of plating.” Harry said, taking out different types of unused plates.

The four of them began to debate on what placed look best for the two mouth watering dishes.

“Can you imagine? A boy cooking? That’s insane.” Beast Boy said as he leaned back on the couch while he waited for the delivery.

Robin replied. “I know, but at least the kitchen isn’t burning… he seems to…” He was interrupted when the large screen flashed and Supergirl’s smiling face appeared on screen.

“Good evening Robin, do you happen to see where Harry is?” Supergirl asked.
Beast boy’s eyes widened as he eyed the beautiful woman. Robin shook his head and said “Good evening Supergirl… he’s in the kitchen, cooking! Can you believe …”

“HARRY IS COOKING?” Kara shrieked, gathering the attention of some of the League members like Zatanna and Vixen. Robin and Beast boy’s watched in confusion as Kara immediately flew off towards the teleporter. She vanished from the screen and Zatanna and Vixen’s face appeared.

“Did I hear it right Robin? Harry’s really cooking?” Zatanna asked.

Robin nodded dumbly at this. “Why? What’s the big deal?” he asked.

Vixen laughed and said. “Harry’s the best cook you can find… if he cooks, better make sure you’re going to attend that dinner. It will be worth it… his food is... heavenly.”

“It’s healthy too, he likes using natural herbs in his dishes.” Actually, the food served here is based from his recommendations.” Zatanna added.

Beast Boy noticed the security notification and said “Incoming teleport signal, source: the watch tower.”

“That’s got to be Supergirl. “ Robin said. A few moments later Supergirl materialized and she immediately looked around, using her X ray vision to look for Harry. Looking below, she finally found her boyfriend and flew out of the room.

“That’s rude…” Beast boy observed. Supergirl didn’t even bother saying hello to them!

“No that’s desperate, as we all are. Harry rarely cooks, and he only does if he feels like it.” Zatanna said. She placed a finger to her ear to listen to something. “I just got word from Kara, she said there’s a seat available! I’m so lucky!” Zatanna exclaimed.

“Hold it, what about me? I want some of his cooking too…” Vixen whined like a prepubescent teen.

“I called on it first! Well, I just couldn’t pass this up. And I remember you have a fashion show this week and that you have to keep your weight down. Sucks to be you Vixen.” Zatanna teased and she disappeared with a small pop, leaving a nearly in tears supermodel/superhero. Damn her diet.

Beast Boy gave a girlish squeal and he turned into a mouse when he felt a finger tap his shoulder. Robin turned around and found himself staring at the long fishnet stocking clad legs of Zatanna. “Hi Robin, Beast Boy, can you point out the kitchen?” She politely asked.

Robin pointed downstairs and Zatanna gave a smile in thanks before she ran off down the stairs.

Harry finished plating the food, and wiped his face that was full of sweat. The oven certainly generated a lot of heat, and the kitchen lacked proper ventilation. He made sure the six plates were properly cleaned, designed and then he added some herbs as a side dish. With the help of his three souse chefs they decided to eat dinner at the rarely used dining room.

Going back to the kitchen to clean the pans and the counter, he was suddenly turned around and kissed in the lips by an eager girlfriend. Harry smiled and gave little kisses on her lips, pulling Kara closer to him. Finally after a few minutes they parted and leaned their foreheads on one another, a habit they developed after kissing when they were both left breathless.

“Hello my favorite chef.” Kara said, placing her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. “I smell something wonderful.”

“Hello pretty lady.” Harry teased back.

“Harry, Kara, you’re becoming as cheesy as Bruce and Diana.” Zatanna said, gathering the attention of the two lovebirds.

Harry looked back and found Cyborg, a smiling Starfire and Raven watching them. “Not that I’m not happy to see you Kara, Zatanna, but what are you doing here?”

“Well I immediately rushed towards this place when I heard from Robin that you were cooking. I was trying to contact you through the communicator earlier that’s why I used the video link.” Kara said, gripping his arms with hers and leaning on her boyfriend. She placed her face and gave a sniff and sighed. He always smelled good, even when he was sweaty. It was addicting.
Harry glanced at Kara with amusement and looked at Zatanna. “Hey Zatanna, what brings you here?”

“Well I learned from Kara that you had an empty seat available, and since I’m on break, I decided to visit my favorite student and try his heavenly cooking.” Zatanna batted her eyelashes at him.

“Uhh sure, the extra two plates were originally for Robin and Beast Boy, but they declined. Since I already bought ingredients for six persons, I cooked them anyway.” Harry said. He took off the apron on his waist and cleaned his hands. “The food’s already in the dining room Zatanna.”

Zatanna followed Starfire to the Dining room and once the door opened the luscious scent seduced her nose. Her mouth watered and her eyes widened at the spectacle. Harry surely knows how to serve food.

Two plates were prepared for them, and the appetizer, Zatanna guessed was smoked raw salmon. Clumps of sticky Japanese rice cubes sat beside each slice, steaming in the light.
She looked at the main dish and her mouth watered immediately. Perfectly cooked Salmon sat in a square plates with herbs and sauce sprinkled around it. Zatanna’s eyes watered and she unconsciously licked her lips. They all sat and started eating dinner chatting and praising their newest chef.

Raven eyed the smoked salmon, she didn’t like eating raw food. Gathering her courage, she plucked a slice with her fork and placed it in her mouth. Her eyes widened as the various senses assaulted her. The smoked Salmon sashimi’s texture was quite odd, but the taste was something else, and she couldn’t help but chew. The smokiness in the flavor and the scent was perfect, reminding her of the sea, bonfires and the vast blue ocean of this world. It was marvelous.

“Mmm… I have tasted a slice of Heaven” Zatanna closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure, making Cyborg drop his fork. After savoring the moment Zatanna opened her eyes and looked at Harry. “Your cooking improves every year Harry, I love it! If you keep this up, I’ll kidnap you and marry you just so that you can cook for me everyday.” Zatanna teased him with an exaggerated wink.

Harry was used to his Instructors antics for years and ignored the teasing while Kara reacted to Zatanna’s joke. “Not on your life Zatanna, find your own handsome man with amazing culinary skills.”

Kara gleefully savored every bite of the appetizer. “Honey, for our next date, I want you to cook for me.”

Harry liked the idea and smiled. “It’s a date then.”

Robin and Beast boy entered the Dining room carrying Chinese take-out boxes. “Oh Good I was all looking for you. Why did you decide to eat here… hey, that smells good!” Robin said, sniffing the air.

Beast boy’s mouth immediately watered and he ran towards Cyborg to inspect the savory meal. “Wow… it’s so beautiful… and it smells so good!” Beast Boy exclaimed. He raised a hand to grab a piece when his arm was slapped away by Cyborg.

“Mine!” Cyborg said, protecting his plate with his arms. Beast boy’s eyes watered in attempt to make himself look cute and pitiful, but no one was buying his act. He looked at Raven’s plate and he licked his lips as he formulated a plan to steal her plate. Perhaps changing into a dog or cat would be quick enough.

“Don’t even try it.” Raven threatened with a chaos charged bolt charging up in her index finger.

The first week in Titan Headquarters proved to be an enlightening experience for Harry. Ever since he can remember, he was living with grownups and as such acted like one most of the time. His new team mates were loud, messy and rambunctious, and he admitted he found it relaxing.

He quickly found his role in the group acting as the advisor. He did not immediately rush into battle much like Raven. They would both stand back and watch the missions and observed, only stepping in when the mission became difficult.

Robin, was a great leader, and possessed a keen tactical mind. He was an excellent fighter, and trained in the same martial art as Harry. He was certain that if his body did not possess enhanced strength speed and agility his Lantern Powers had bestowed on him, fighting Robin would be difficult to defeat. Although in terms of seniority Harry was higher in rank and stature, he deferred to Robin in making decisions since his brief for his stint instructed that Robin was the team leader.

Starfire served as the powerhouse of the team, her powerful attacks were devastating, although her weakness was her hesitation when unexpected events occurred. She was innocent and easy to fool and sometimes her enemies took advantage of that.

Beast Boy provided versatility and surprise into the missions. His ability to change from any animal confused the enemy, as they did not know whether he would transform into a mouse, a lion or even an elephant.

Cyborg provided consistency in the missions. His robot enhanced strength and use of technology proved he was reliable ally and a fearsome adversary.

Raven though was the mystery of the team. He glanced at the girl standing beside him as she watched their team mates defeat the latest villain, Trident. This villain had the habit of stalking Nuclear Submarines intent on stealing the radioactive elements in the reactor. He had been stalking a ballistic missile submarine carrier in San Francisco when the Titan’s sensors alerted the team.

Harry watched Starfire throw a powerful green blast that knocked Trident to the water, and when the villain surfaced he found a green humpback whale rise out of the water and fall directly over him. Harry and Raven heard a loud scream followed by a loud splash as they stood on the docks.

“That’s going to hurt in the morning.” Harry cringed, as he eyed the Beast Boy in whale form spew forth a plume of water from his blow hole. “Remind me never to invite him to my pool party.” Harry teased and saw Raven crack a very rare smile.

“You smiled.” Harry said and Raven glanced at the tall handsome boy.

“So? It’s not like it would be the end of the world when I smile.” Raven said then she immediately tensed when she realized what she said.

“I sense something’s troubling you, ever since I came here. You know you have friends you can tell your problems to, so you won’t bear the burden alone.” Harry said, eyeing Robin as he handed a dazed Trident to the coast guard.

“My problem is my own. You’re very curious about me. Why is that? I always sense you observing me when I’m around.” Raven said.

“I don’t know… I just see myself in you… I feel like something powerful lies within you, pulsing, eager to be used.” Harry admitted.

Raven’s eyes widened and look at him surprise. “Yes… if you think about it we are very similar. You understand what it feels like then…”

“You know before I got here I read the files on every member of the Teen Titans. I was very intrigued with yours… you have a unique heritage.” Harry observed.

“You’re very observant… We have much to discuss and I too am very interested with your power. I have encountered many energies and yours is completely unfamiliar to me. Somehow deep within me I know that I should have recognized what that is. It’s all very confusing.” Raven admitted. Harry was intrigued at this Raven, scared, worried, and so different from the cold and silent member of Teen Titans.

“Agreed. Let’s talk about this later.” Harry said and turned towards the Team Titans, who after they finished signing autographs from fans headed towards the pair on the docks.
“That was easy! Here you are! What were you doing there standing when were in the middle of a mission?” Beast boy demanded.

“You had it under control from the very beginning. I can see you can handle it without my help. By the way, great job with the Shamu act.” Harry said, while Starfire landed beside him. Robin and Cyborg appeared from the other side, debating about the effectiveness of Ballistic Nuclear Submarines.

“Thanks… well I bet you two just stood there and had a staring contest. You brooding types don’t talk too much.” Beast Boy said.
Harry winked at Raven and just smiled. For the quiet type as Beast Boy labeled them they sure are talkative today.

To the capitalist restaurants’ shock and disbelief, the weekly orders of the Teen titans dramatically dropped from 30 orders to 10. The Teen Titans now had a very good chef using their kitchen, and they learned to appreciate Harry’s cooking since they felt better and lighter than when eating the usual pizza and cheeseburger. Harry continued to cook meals for them, and soon various Justice League members visited the Teen Titans Headquarters visited them from time to time by pairs.

Harry continued to teach Cyborg how to cook, and by the second week Cyborg was cooking meals for his team mates... It was not on par with Harry’s, but his cooking was far superior to the daily orders of Pizza.
July 30, Remus’ cottage, Wales.

Remus suddenly woke up as he his sharp ears heard a rustle in the bushes. He stood up and drew his wand and peered at the windows. A dark shape moved slowly outside his yard and moved closer to the door. Remus eyes narrowed, even though the rest of the Wizarding community relaxed at the downfall of Lord Voldemort, he didn’t let his guard down. There were always vigilantes and activists that hunted werewolves, thinking that they served the community by killing one.

Remus determined that the intruder was only one person and he immediately opened the door and pointed his wand at the figure. “Halt!” Remus shouted and pointed his wand at the shadow, but it was gone. Frantically looking around, he tried to peer into the gloom but found the dark shape gone.

“Must have been a wild animal” Remus muttered. He turned off the porch lights and headed inside only to find Sirius Black standing in front of him with a wand.
“Hello Moony.” Sirius said and sent a stunning spell at his fellow marauder.
“My head…” Remus groaned and he attempted to stroke his temple with hand but he found his arm tied up to his chair. He tried to move his other limbs and torso and found he was secured tightly to his chair, he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Hey Moony buddy… it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you in a hangover… when did you start drinking?” A mocking said and Remus’ eyes snapped open when he recognized the voice.
“YOU!” Remus growled when he saw his fellow marauder and traitor. Remus struggled against his restraints as anger urged him to attack the man in front of him. “Sirius Black… the traitor.”
Sirius eyes flashed in anger for a moment… he took a deep breath and exhaled, expelling the urge to scream and shout from his system.

“I did not betray them… I may be responsible for their deaths but I did not betray my brother!” Sirius exclaimed. “Remus… you have to believe me… I was not the secret keeper! We changed at the last minute!”

“Liar!” Remus spat. “Don’t think for a minute that I will believe your lies. Fine...if this is your game plan I’ll ride along. If you’re not the secret keeper, who is it then?”

“Peter Pettigrew’s the secret keeper. We switched at the last minute since I thought I was too obvious a target... now I wish I didn’t… I would have died for them… a thousand times if I have too…” Sirius said.

Remus looked at his friend for a moment and said. “You’re serious.”

Sirius looked back at him and smiled. “That’s my name.”

Remus groaned in his chair. “Oh Merlin that joke’s getting real old… fine… when they first accused you I couldn’t believe that you actually did it. Even now I still have doubts. I will give you one chance Sirius… so convince me.”

“Do you have Veritaserum around here?” Sirius asked.

Remus shook his head. “No… that stuff’s expensive, and I don’t have the ingredients and proper equipment to brew one.”

“Well, you just have to believe the story I’m going to tell you.” Sirius said. “You remember the time when we suspected a spy was feeding information to Voldemort?”
Remus nodded.

“Well when I agreed to Secret Keeper, I thought that I could outsmart them you know? To lead them away and be the decoy, increasing the Potter’s Security. I was the logical choice to be the Secret Keeper, so I thought that if we changed to someone who is also trusted but is not likely to the secret keeper… someone quiet, and is almost never noticed…” Sirius said, walking back and forth in Remus’ small cottage.

“Peter Pettigrew…” Remus whispered.

“Yes… and when… when I learned that Voldemort attacked Godric’s hallow, I knew we were betrayed and so I chased Peter. I finally cornered him but he threw an unfamiliar curse at the street and accused me of betrayal, making sure several muggles heard him. He cut of his finger and transformed into his animagus form while I lay there dazed from the explosion.” Sirius stopped by the fireplace, looking at the fire. “I begged, screamed for a trial by Veritaserum, but that bastard Crouch said evidence is sufficient for a conviction. I thought my punishment in Azkaban…” Sirius shuddered for a moment. “…was in payment for my failure to protect my friends.”

Remus looked at his friend with sympathy.”Then why did you escape after all these years?”
“I have to protect him… I saw this article about a boy in his rat.” Sirius pulled out an old issue of the Daily Prophet and turned to the back page. He placed it over Remus’ lap. Remus leaned closer to the paper as he read the article.


Mrs. Field’s magical bakery would like to congratulate Ronald Billius Weasley for winning the most pies eaten in one hour. He wins a year’s supply of pies from Mrs. Field’s magical bakery, the freshest bakery in Diagon Alley!

The article was accompanied by a picture of Ronald Weasley, smiling proudly as pieces of pie fell off his face. On his hand was a sleeping fat rat, and one of its toes was clearly missing. The picture cycled with Ronald putting his pet in his front pocket and posed for the camera.

“That’s Peter! He is alive!” Remus gasped. “I’m going to tear to pieces that little traitor!”
Sirius nodded and waved his stolen wand, and the ropes that bound Remus disappeared. Remus immediately engulfed Sirius in a big hug, crying as he asked for apology for not believing in his friend.

“It’s ok Moony, I didn’t even believe in myself. Now, we have to find a way to go to Hogwarts! My Godson’s in trouble! That filthy rat might attack him in his sleep!” Sirius exclaimed, pumped up for action and happy again as he found an old ally.
Remus’ face fell instantly and his face whitened when he realized what Sirius was talking about.

“Sirius…” Remus called out, his eyes moistening. Sirius continued talking about how Harry was now doing, probably in the quidditch team and making pranks. He didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but it has to be done. “Sirius calm down… I have something to tell you.” Sirius stopped talking about his Godson, and looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Oh I wish Prongs was here to see this! Moony’s crying!” Sirius teased but immediately stopped as he saw Remus’ face. He was serious.

“Sirius, your godson’s dead. Our Little Harry died from hunger and cold in December of 86.” Remus’ composure broke and he started sobbing as images of little Harry’s cold lifeless body flashed across his mind. He heard a thump on the floor and he looked up to see Sirius lying on the ground, unconscious.

Raven flew towards his father, raining down magical blasts and powerful spells. It was worthless though as her four eyed demon lord father laughed at her pitiful attempt. “You are no match for me daughter… I am evil incarnate, my power is unmatched!” Trigon boasted.
His massive arm swooped down and moved closer to engulf her into the darkness when a green light, humanoid in shape appeared in front of her, shielding her from the waves of fear and despair. The light soothed her, and lit a fire in her icy chest, lifting her to from the crushing depths of oblivion. Hope. Trigon hesitated and lifted an enormous hand to shield his eyes from the brightness. “Impossible.”

Raven woke up breathing hard, she looked around and closed her eyes. Another dream… but something was different for she did not wake up shaking in fear this time. Could it be a premonition, a warning of things to come? She had an idea who that being of light was, but she needed visual proof to be sure. Raven wiped the sweat from her face with a gray towel and stood up and walked to her closet. Usually Cyborg was awake at this early, as he needed less sleep than his team mates.

Donning her costume, she headed towards the tech room where she knew he would be hanging out. She needed someone with the expertise and ability to hack the Justice League Database.
Raven entered the room quietly and she was immediately assaulted by strange voices.


Raven closed her eyes. It was a good thing the television room was not facing her. “Cyborg” she said out loud and she was rewarded by a loud thump and the immediate switching of channels.
Cyborg looked at her with wide shocked eyes. “Hey Raven, why are you awake at this time? I was watching this cook show you know, it’s great and…”

“Cut the crap, I don’t care about your weird obsession with pornography. I need help in accessing some Justice League data files.” Raven said dryly as she moved closer to the room. She glanced at the TV and calmly said. “You’re still watching porn.” Raven commented.

Cyborg with cheeks blushing looked at the screen. “Uhh that’s not porn Raven. That’s just MTV.”

“It’s that dirty these days?” Raven asked, eyeing the trashy blond pop star making a fool of herself… she certainly was ‘dirty’. “Don’t answer that. Like I said, I need your expertise.”

“Accessing the League’s database isn’t a problem for us Raven, as an affiliated group we are given partial access to the network.” Cyborg said, kicking the CD case of the Porn DVD under the computer desk.

“The information I need is classified top secret. Apollo’s personal data files, specifically pictures and videos of him in action.” Raven said.

“Are you crazy?! If we get caught, Batman will have our heads! And why are you in interested in Apollo?” Cyborg exclaimed, although his face showed excitement at the challenge.

“Can you do it?”

“Yes… I have some gadgets that can hack the…”

“Can you do it without being detected?”

“Of course! What’s the point of hacking when you get caught? That’s so…”

“Do it and I won’t spread around of your nightly habits.” Raven interrupted him again, and she sat at an arm chair near the computer console.
Cyborg’s shoulders fell and he gave out a sigh in defeat. “Fine, I’ll do it. Since we are given access to the network already, finding secret files would be easier. Pictures and Videos of Apollo you say?”

Raven nodded. “Yes I need visual references when he is actively using his powers.”
“That narrows it down. We’ll bypass the text reports and directly go to media files. It should take 20 minutes with the machine and software I’m using.” Cyborg said as he typed complex commands on the software console.

“This security system is the best I’ve seen. There are so many safeguards here. And the only reason we’ve made so much progress is that our computers have access to most of the database in the first place.” Cyborg said as his hands swept across the keyboard, as if playing a masterful musical piece.

“I got it, I found a video of Apollo, it was created just this July, and it is unusually large for a video file, 3 gigabytes. And I also recovered two pictures. I’m sending them to the monitor in front of you now.” Cyborg said.

“Thank you.” Raven said. She looked at the two pictures and found a much smaller and younger Apollo fighting off several fighter ships. The second picture showed him firing off a wedge construct towards a large Thanagarian battle cruiser.

Although this was certainly impressive, she was still comparing the images to that of the being of light on her mind. That was not it, something was still missing.

“I got the video now. It had additional encryption security measures, but nothing too difficult for me to decode.” Cyborg said proudly.

“Show me.” Raven said, removing her robe to get a better look. The screen came to life and showed Apollo using his blade to defeat an imposing enemy. The fight was furious but not brutal, and Raven could clearly see that they were not fighting to the death. Near the end Apollo let out a powerful wave and the screen shook as hills and cliffs crumbled at the tremendous pressure he was letting out. Apollo was burning bright white green aura so intense that only his silhouette was seen. A being of light. That was it!

“Whoa… is this for real Raven? Jeez… this is unbelievable! Is that really Harry??” Cyborg watched in fascination at the sight. He now understood why they classified this recording as an Omega secret. Their quiet unassuming and culinary expert team mate was the most powerful being they ever met!

“Yes. But do not tell the others. Delete this file permanently, and tell no one of what you saw.” Raven instructed.

“I understand. This information is critical and crucial to the Justice League.” Cyborg said, tapping a few commands. “There the file is deleted and unrecoverable even from the hard disc. Raven, why did you want to see this?”

“It’s personal Cyborg. Remember, forget about this and keep this a secret.” Raven said and walked out of the room, leaving a puzzled Cyborg behind.

“So you are finally ready to talk to me?” Harry asked as he stirred some eggs and bacon for breakfast. He was wearing his customary gray sweat pants and shirt while wearing an apron Kara gave him.

“Yes” Raven said as she moved by his side and started helping him out by cracking the eggs and gathering them into a bowl. She looked around a cast a ward inside the kitchen to alert her of eavesdroppers. As her magic spread across the room, Harry’s powers reacted and he glowed green briefly.

“It keeps on doing that whenever you use your power. Why is that?” Harry mused. Suddenly a familiar flash of light appeared and Dr. Fate stepped out of the portal.

“Perhaps I can explain. Greetings, Apollo and Raven, daughter of Trigon.” Dr. Fate said. He opened again a portal and invited the two of them to step through. Harry switched of the stove and gave Raven a comforting smile and vanished into the portal. Raven looked unsure as she was unfamiliar with Dr. Fate although she had heard of the mysterious mystic. Trusting Harry’s judgment, she walked through after him.

Beast Boy woke up and eagerly ran down to the kitchen hoping for another fulfilling breakfast from a masterful cook. He was disappointed however when he found an unfinished dish and a bowl of eggs. He sighed and got dialed a number, to the restaurant’s great delight.
“Where are we?” Raven asked as she eyed the mysterious landscape. Inverted mountains floated around acting as islands while thin land bridges connected them to each other. The sky was a dazzling red, swirling in mystical cosmic forces, disorientating to look at.

“We are in a mystical realm, away from prying psychic ears.” Dr. Fate said as he regarded the two powerful teens. “The reason you reacted to Raven’s magic is because your lantern powers reacted to the presence of evil.”

“Raven is not evil!” Harry said hotly and Dr. Fate raised a hand to stop the youth’s rant.
“You are right. She is not, but her heritage as a half demon makes her vulnerable to her father’s influence. Isn’t that right Raven?”

Raven nodded and removed her hood. “Yes it’s true. Ever since this summer I started having dreams… visions of my Father controlling me, using me to gain a entrance to this realm. I feel his emotions within me, influencing me to become brutal, to feel the blood lust. That is why I rarely join the battle in missions these days, and I acted only as support when needed.”
“But when Harry arrived here… my father’s influence weakened, as if he is afraid of something, or someone… you.” Raven said, facing Harry.

“Me? Why would a powerful Demon fear me?” Harry asked.

“In ancient times before the formation of the Lantern Corps the legendary guardians of Oa faced off an invasion of this universe by Trigon and his demonic hordes. The guardians prevailed and pushed back his forces, destroying many of Trigon’s powerful captain level demons. He tried many ways to find back, and now he found one… through his daughter. He is going to use your power to open a portal between realms.”

“I know that… and once Trigon steps foot inside Earth, humanity will be enslaved. But now we can win with Harry and you working together, you can defeat powerful Trigon at his own realm.” Dr. Fate said.

Harry breathed deeply as he imagined scenarios and plans in his mind. “We need to prepare for this…”

“Yes we do…” Dr. Fate replied and turned to Raven who was unusually quiet. “You need fight the fear festering from within. You have been given a seed of hope within you, cultivate it. We must prepare, for this will be the mightiest foe we have ever faced.”

Raven reflected on Dr. Fate’s advice for a moment and then she turned to Harry and asked.
“Harry, can you show me your full power? Don’t hold back and I’ll do the same.”

“Why? For what purpose?” Harry asked.

“I just want to see your current level of power” Raven said.

“Ok, if you’re sure.” Harry turned to Dr. Fate. “Is it safe to unleash our powers here isn’t it?”

Dr. Fate nodded and Harry took it as a signal and focused his will and summoned all his power from within. He did not draw out his power gradually, but he called it all at once.

The effect was terrifying as the land mass they stood on shattered at the power Apollo let out. Dr. Fate transported himself and Raven to a nearby island as their shields were continuously battered.

A howling wind rushed at them as Apollo let out his power further, and Raven and Dr. Fate had to form another set of magical barriers to shield themselves from the onslaught of energies.
Even at this distance, Raven could feel the sheer power Harry generated. She stepped back as the waves of green light pulsed and passed through her body, making her shudder like being plunged in icy water. This was the being of power she saw on her dream, and blossomed in her chest. When she thought he was at his limit, silver tendrils of energy mixed with his green aura, magnifying his pressure.

Apollo bathed in green and silver light as he focused his power. He controlled his wild aura and in gradually it stabilized and he floated in the air and looked at Dr. Fate and Raven who were watching him from a nearby island. Occasional burst of power crackled from his body but it was not the terrible waves that leaked out earlier.

Raven closed her eyes and she too let out her power. The immediate area within was engulfed in darkness and it howled and screamed like a thousand tormented souls. Apollo’s power recognized the dark energies and his aura grew brighter.

The auras crashed into one another and soon a vortex formed between them mixing the two energies in a wondrous sight. Apollo flew closer to Raven whose eyes now burned white, while his glowed silver and green. The two regarded each other and they both grinned. Apollo held a hand and Raven took it and both let out their combined powers. Harry’s power provided direction and control while Raven’s chaos power followed the green energies and the effect was devastating. The floating land masses around them shattered with their combined might.
As their energies mixed further Trigon’s essence within Raven screamed in fury and struggled to gain a foothold again. But the two beings of power proved too much for the demonic essence and washed it completely from Raven’s body, destroying the psychic links and magical tethers she had with her father.

After unleashing their cosmic might the two powerhouses looked at one another and slowly powered down, breathing hard. Dr. Fate landed between them, surprised at the new development.
“Most impressive. You have managed to severe your link with Trigon.” Dr. Fate observed as his mage sight eyed the two powerful teenagers. “You have delayed his invasion of this realm, for the moment, but we must still prepare. However, you now owe me a new realm.” Dr. Fate said, eyeing the now floating boulders that were once hundreds of floating mountains.

Apollo and Raven grinned at each other. “Hey, at least we left one” Apollo said, stomping on the ground for emphasis. The land mass they were standing on crumbled and collapsed, prompting Apollo to create a green disc for them to stand on.

“You were saying?” Dr. Fate said sarcastically. He was a bit annoyed as he was planning to take Zatanna here for a date and have a picnic. Now they don’t even have anything to stand on and if they tried, the risk of thousands of floating stones hitting them was not romantic at all.
July 31, Headmaster’s office, Hogwarts

Albus Dumbledore looked up as a delivery owl swooped down to his office. After feeding the owl with treats, he opened the packet and when he saw who it was from he smiled. He knew Remus Lupin could not resist his offer. The man’s passion was teaching, as he fondly remembered when a fifth year Remus teaching first year Gryffindors about basic wand movement. He hoped the arranged intensive tutoring in Defense against the Dark Arts for Neville Longbottom by Remus would finally mold the boy to the savior that the world needed.

Albus massaged his temple as he read another note from Cornelius Fudge. The man was panicking when he discovered that Sirius Black had escaped. He thought the man would be after him after their one sided verbal spar during his embarrassing Azkaban inspection, and doubled his Auror guard at his home and office. At least Dumbledore managed to persuade him to lessen the Dementor contingent that was assigned for Hogwarts protection to a dozen. He firmly believed that these Dementors should be banished from their realm, as they are dangers to wizard kind and muggles. Sadly even with his influence the Wizengamot and the minister refused his requests, as they believed the dementors are always under their control. It had always been since the ministry was formed, shortly after Hogwarts castle was built a thousand years ago.
12 Grimmauld place, London.

“I don’t believe you.” Sirius vehemently refused to believe what he heard. “Harry is not dead!”
Remus closed his eyes, this was going on for a full day and Sirius Black was in denial. At first Sirius destroyed Remus’ furniture in Wales and then he attempted to hunt the Dursley’s, but they had died on a freak accident to his disappointment. “Sirius, we went to his grave beside his parents. We even visited his shrine at Pivet Drive. Why do you keep denying what has already happened?”

Sirius stopped pacing and gazed at the tapestry of the Noble House of Black. “It just doesn’t feel right you know? Harry’s special, he was such a lively toddler, always making us laugh. You remember when he rode his first broom during his first birthday? Lily was so mad when we gave him that broom. He’s a natural in the air, even if it was a baby’s broom and flew only a few feet in the air, he managed to weave through those vines in Lily’s garden.” Remus smiled at the memory, it was very amusing and certainly Harry was a marauder in the making.

Sirius traced the vines in the tapestry, until he traced it to Dorea Black. Her name had branched out with dull vines and connected with Charles Potter. With nothing to do he used the enchantment in the Tapestry as he was now head of the family and vines expanded down, forming the names James Harold Potter and Lily Marie Evans. New vines sprouted forth and formed Harry James Potter and Sirius’ eyes watered when he read the name, stroking his godson’s name with affection. Perhaps he needed to accept the facts as Remus said his godson’s with his parents now, their shattered family finally reunited.

Remus observed the vines and the dull gold names formed in the ancient tapestry. He looked at Harry’s name and noticed that it was shining brighter than his parents and grandparents. Remus looked at other names and noticed that Narcissa, Bellatrix and their husbands also shined with the same golden hue as Harry’s. Remus’ eyes widened in shock. Is it possible? Was Sirius right?
He stood up and approached the Tapestry for a closer look. “Sirius! Look at Harry’s name and compare it with the others.”

Sirius followed looked at his name and looked at the others. He blinked and looked at his cousins, and a grin slowly grew on his face. “MERLIN! He is alive! I told you Moony! I told you! Our little Harry’s a survivor! See? This enchantment in the tapestry shows those with Black blood and their status! It can’t be cheated!”

Sirius jumped up and down like a kid, and when Kreacher entered the drawing room to see what the ruckus was all about, Sirius spotted the old elf and gave him a hug in joy and jubilation. Kreacher blinked his eyes and he slowly withdrew, unable to react at what happened. That was weird, and old elf did not even bother to speak in his insane rumblings, confused at what his master did.
Remus laughed and celebrated with Sirius. Their little marauder was alive! It didn’t matter that they don’t know where he was currently living, as long as he was alive Remus was happy. Where was the Potter heir though?
“We have to find him!” Sirius giggled like a little school girl, drunk from happiness.
“Yeah… But where to look for him? It has to be someone powerful and magical that took him, as the body in Harry’s grave fooled Dumbledore.” Remus said.

“Will we tell the old coot?” Sirius asked. He had a grudge against Dumbledore for placing Harry with his abusive relatives.

“No… If the old man discovered what we know, he will stop at nothing to find Harry. We have to do this discreetly, and we need resources to find him.” Remus said, his mind was already thinking about their next step.

“We have resources! I’m rich, remember?” Sirius said. He couldn’t wait to meet his godson.
“No you’re not. You can’t access the Black Vaults, you’re a wanted mass murderer remember?” Remus said.

“Oh right…” Sirius’ expression fell, and then his face lit up as an idea formed in his head. “I have a plan. We just need someone with Black blood that we trust to withdraw gold from the Black vaults.”

Remus nodded in approval. “We need Andromeda.”
This is UNBETAd
A/N: Reviews? Suggestions?
I read somewhere that author’s notes annoy some readers. Is this true?
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