Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the power of Oa

chapter 14: Clash of the Titans

by bluminous 13 reviews

unplanned reunion

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Published: 2009-05-04 - Updated: 2009-05-11 - 11497 words

Harry Potter and the Power of Oa
By: Bluminous

A/N: I don’t own Harry Potter or Dc comics.

Lady2007: Thanks for the advice. Usually I don’t have problems but that airline was… grrr. I’ll hand carry my luggage from now on.
Special Thanks to Mechconstrictor for alerting me about some grammar mistakes. I like his avatar picture, looks like Colonel Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist from afar.
THANK YOU Adrian B. Dean for volunteering to help me out for Beta work of Power of Oa and Scales of Justice.

I’ll continue to update quickly, although you might notice changes in the previous chapters.

Chapter 14: Clash of the Titans.

July 20, Justice League Training Facility

“I’ve got to what?!” Harry asked and Jonn Stewart repeated himself for the third time. Was it so hard to accept the fact that one was going to fight the God of War in ten minutes? Well he wasn’t the one to fight him, Harry is.

“Again, we’ve finally found a suitable spar partner for you, only he is Ares, the God of War. We’re going to be transported there in a few minutes. You got that?” John Stewart asked and Harry finally understood what his instructor was saying.

“Are you crazy!? Me? Fight not only a god, but THE God of War? Maybe spending all that time flirting with Katma knocked out your common sense!” Harry ranted, he didn’t like surprises, never liked them one bit. Most of the time they were unplanned, or hurried, and mistakes could bubble from anywhere within the gaps. Batman taught him that, and he took it seriously, to always have precautions, to prepare for the worst. Kara burst out in laughter at what her boyfriend said and gave her trainers a teasing wink.

John and Katma glanced at each other and blushed at Harry’s words. The boy was always sharp at the tongue and can always embarrass anyone within the league.

“Harry, you have to admit, that this is a rare opportunity to unleash your full powers. You still haven’t shown us your special training with the Master Flamel, and I want to see you in action.” Katma said as she placed her fists on her waist. She wanted her student to surpass them, to rise up to a new level and she wanted harry to take advantage of this opportunity.

“Fine… I just don’t like surprises. But what can I do against a God? Ares has millenia of experience in fighting and tactics. I don’t know if I can even land a scratch on him, or if he will take me seriously.” Harry said as he paced the ready room of the training facility. He was nervous already at the thought of a spar with Ares.

“More than a scratch I think… just do your best Apollo.” Dr. Fate said as he materialized in front of the group.

“The Preparations are ready. The conditions of the spar as suggested by Ares are these: the first to surrender by being knocked unconscious will win the spar. Understood?” Dr. Fate asked and Harry nodded.

“Where will we fight? I’m concerned that we might destroy the surrounding area, and even accidentally harm the civilians.” Harry asked and Dr. Fate removed his helm and gave Harry a smile.

“It’s going to be on the foot of Mount Olympus, so that the entire Greek Pantheon can watch. Circe arranged everything.”

Harry and Kara smiled nervously at the mention of Circe. The deity was unpredictable, and although she was very fond of Harry, she always irritated Diana by making pig like sounds. Harry and Kara did not know why Diana reacted badly to that provocation, was the goddess teasing his mother that she was fat? The other league members refused to tell them their history, for they were strictly warned by Batman.

“Let’s go Apollo” Dr. Fate waved his arm and a purple portal appeared before them and the party walked through, disappearing in a flash of bright light.


“Pumpkin, are you sure we are in the right place? The snorcacks’ habitat isn’t the hilly countryside of Greece under the foot of a mountain.”Xenophilius asked as he struggled to climb up the rocky path.

“We’re about to see something important Daddy… I promise it would be better than a sighting of a Snorcack.” Luna said and received a stern gaze from her father. “Fine, so not as exciting as seeing a snorcack, but close. Ok Daddy?”

Xenophilius gave an approving nod and smiled at his daughter. Nothing was better than a sighting of famed Crumple horned Snorcacks.

“It’s ok Pumpkin… you’re still young, but you have your old daddy here to show you the right path, not some obsessed Deathly Hallow hunter.” Xenophilius said as he struggled up the steep path.

“Oh Daddy!” Luna giggled at her father’s joke. “We both know deathly hallows are myths, idiotic key elements to force a bad plot. I’m sure I won’t get swayed to the… Jowling’s side.”

“Good girl, that’s my daughter. No jowling for us eh? Now, are you sure the 8 hour trek is worth it? Couldn’t I just apparated the two of us to the crest of that hill?” Xeno asked as he peered at the misty cliff.

“I told you daddy, doing magic in this area will alert certain beings of four presence. I want to see Harry Potter …” Luna’s eyes widened in surprise. She said too much!

“Harry Potter? Pumpkin did I hear you correctly? Is this where Harry Potter is hiding all along? I was right! The boy isn’t dead!” Xeno increased his pace, he was excited now, at least he knew the purpose of their exhausting hike.

“Uhmm no? I said were here to look at Parry Hotter.” Luna replied quickly.

“Parry Hotter? Are you sure? I heard Harry Potter” Xeno frowned. He was disappointed; he thought they would be seeing something worthwhile. Finally reaching the crest of a small hill to get his bearings, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock at the unexpected sight.

“Minerva’s pussy! What an amazing sight!” Xeno gasped as he saw the marvelous congregation of seemingly weird and magical beings.

In a deep valley large white tents gleamed in the sun as hundreds of Amazons, Off duty Justice League Members and a few wizards and witches and even centaurs gathered around a circular slab of white stone. The circular floor was crisscrossed by lines and it was two meters thick, a hundred meters in diameter. Veela wandered around while fairies flew by leaving gold dust trails from their wake.

Streaks of light flew past as various beings flew down to their spots while the tall women with gold armor huddled in one of the tents.

Xenophilius could not take it anymore and grabbed his magical camera and activated it, recording the scene for six seconds. The Lovegoods felt a pulse of air wash over their bodies as a purple light flashed before them.

“Who are you? Wizards not invited are not welcome here!” A beautiful woman with a green dress and purple hair stood before them. Xenophilius’ hair stood up as he felt the heavy presence of magic.

“Hi! I’m a friend of Harry…” Luna stepped forward and boldly gave her hand to the imposing deity. This was Circe, goddess of Olympia.

Circe eyed the cute little girl and her expression softened and finally she gave a warm smile. She took Luna’s hand and gave it a shake. “Harry you say? Well I guess it is fine. Do you want to go to Harry’s tent or do you want go on your own?”

“Harry’s tent please, I want to show him my support. Can we apparate there?” Luna asked and Circe’s smile widened. “What a loyal friend! No need to apparate, it’s no problem for me. Besides, Diana’s been avoiding me.” Circe flicked her wrist and the three vanished, appearing beside the Wayne’s tent.

Xeno could not comprehend what happened, but he trusted his daughter. They encountered many situations like this, and Luna always seemed to know what to do or what to say, like the one when they met they encountered the Yeti village. He took it in stride and observed his wonderful surroundings. He couldn’t wait to publish this on the quibbler. Suddenly he spotted a dark figure walk out of the tent. It was tall, 6’6 perhaps with horns… Horns! Xeno’s eyes widened and he immediately rushed towards the figure. The Crumple Horned Snorcack!

Batman’s sharp senses immediately alerted him to a man running towards him. He gave the bat glare that had most villains running and peeing their pants, but the man was undeterred. Didn’t he know him? Batman prepared to throw a batarang when the man suddenly froze in mid stride.

“Don’t hurt him… I know that man, that’s the famous Xenophilius Lovegood.” Zatanna said and Batman slowly sheathed his batarang to its hiding place. He knew about the eccentric editor and owner of the Wizarding tabloid the Quibbler. From the reports his son told him, the man’s mysterious daughter might have something to do with it. He looked around for the girl when he felt a tug on his cape and only his training and courage kept him from leaping back. Nobody could ever get near him without him being aware, how did she do it?

“Can you please unfreeze my Dad Mr. Snorcack?” The small girl with wide blue eyes looked up at him. Batman’s stern gaze softened a little. Perhaps it was his baby daughter’s influence on him. He hoped he haven’t gone too soft, it just wouldn’t do for criminals not to run at the sight of his shadow.

“My name’s Batman, Miss Lovegood. “ Batman said stiffly while Zatanna let out a snort.
“No! You’re the crumple HORNED snorcack! You’re wearing horns!” Luna pointed her finger at his cowl.

“These are not Horns. They’re aesthetically designed batwings Miss Lovegood.” Batman said. What was this girl’s agenda? And what the hell is a Crumple horned Snorcack? He looked back at Zatanna who gave him a cheeky grin.

“Do you live in a dark cool place?” The small girl persisted in her questioning of her Snorcack. Batman chose wisely to ignore her query though Zatanna answered for him, to his irritation.

“Yes, he lives somewhere very dark and very cold, with water sometimes flooding the walls when it rains.” Zatanna said, kneeling down to take a good look at the girl Harry considered to be his friend. He described her that she was weird, but in a good way. The girl beamed as if she had proven her point and looked back to the Snorcack, but it had mysteriously vanished.
“Where did it go?” Luna mumbled looking around. Snorcacks were very tricky after all, she shouldn’t be surprised.

“He does that all the time… you should get used to it Honey.” Zatanna said, flicking her hand at the frozen Xenophilius, freeing him from his body bind. “Now let’s get some refreshments, and tell me how you got here.”

“Ok! Will I get to see the grumpy Snorcack again?” Luna asked and Zatanna chuckled.
“Oh definitely, I’ll make sure of it.” Zatanna grinned. “Now you are Luna Lovegood right? I’m Harry’s magical teacher, Zatanna…”

Xenophilius looked at her daughter and the Witch that accompanied her. He rubbed his chin in deep thought wondering if starting a petition for Witches to wear fishnet stockings in court would get approved by the Wizengamot. He would love to see Madam Bones wear it… with dragon hide leather.

Oh yes, even though they were muggle clothes he knew about them very much. After all, he got an offer from muggle mail in his mailbox to subscribe to Victoria’s secret monthly catalogues. He’d been hooked ever since, they provided such wonderful pictures, and he did not mind that the images were not moving.

He suddenly remembered about finally seeing a Crumple Horned Snorcack and hurried after his daughter, entering the large circular tent.


July 18, On board the Delacour yacht Liberty

“This is so exciting! We're about to meet with a group of Veela!” Hermione gushed as she leaned along the rail of Liberty, the Delacour’s massive yacht. While it was small compared to the Wayne’s gigantic Warrior, it was still one of the biggest yachts in the Mediterranean.
Fleur’s grandmother, Clemence had suddenly invited Fleur and if she trusted them, a pair of female magical friends to visit her in Greece for a few days where she was visiting with a coven of Veela.

Her mysterious message of ‘a spectacle never before seen’ was intriguing, and that prompted Fleur to accept her invitation. Of course she invited Hermione and Daphne to come along and they readily agreed, eager to stay again on a yacht as they fondly remembered their experience board the Warrior. She had bonded closely with Kara, Hermione and Daphne during their time in The Warrior with Harry. They had formed a sisterhood, and considered the others to be sisters.

Emma Granger and Astoria Greengrass gave their permission for their daughters to accompany Fleur, after Apoline’s encouragement and assurance. Apoline genuinely enjoyed the two women’s presence; they were sincere and had no hidden agenda, unlike the various characters she usually encountered. For once she was able to drop her guard and mask, and genuinely laughed at the women’s jokes.

Alana finally found her playmate with young Gabrielle, and it seemed they were destined to be best friends. The two took one look at each other and instantly decided they were best friends. It was a very warm and amusing sight, as the cute little girls giggled and played with Gabrielle’s dolls and dreaming of handsome princes. Of course, the ideal prince inside their minds looked like their other favorite playmate Harry Wayne.

Mr. Granger was thankfully lucky, as Gerard Delacour shared his views on shopping. The men escaped the deadly shopping sprees of the three women and Gerard finally met his match and Golf Buddy in Dan Granger. He had a nice strong swing… for an Englishman.
“Yes I can’t wait to see grandmamma. I haven’t seen her in three months. I wonder what she was up to?” Fleur mused. She sat on the yachts many wooden pool chairs as she watched Daphne cool off on the pool.

“A spectacle never before seen” Hermione quoted the letter Fleur received from her grandmother. “Hmm it might be a ritual… you know Veela worshiped the Greek God Aphrodite, known for her beauty and grace.”

Fleur nodded, she was taught her ancestry’s history, their culture and beliefs. Although she was not a pure Veela, she had veela blood nonetheless and it would carry on to her offspring. “According to myths, it was Aphrodite that bestowed great beauty to the Harpies when they helped her in some important task. That was the beginning of the race of Veela, my ancestors.” Fleur said helpfully and Hermione nodded, making a mental note inside her highly organized mind about this interesting piece of information.

After two days the Liberty finally crossed the Mediterranean Sea and she slowly anchored off a port in Greece. The Liberty’s four man helicopter lifted off the top deck and headed towards the rendezvous point where they would meet up with Fleur’s grandmother.

The three girls eyed the harbor and the coast and the buildings of Volos and they settled for the hour long flight to a small town, 10 kilometers from the foot of Mount Olympus.

“Fleur! Good to see you! And your friends as well!” Mademoiselle Clemence said in rapid French as she strode forward and hugged her granddaughter. Her fellow Veela sisters looked curiously at the three girls that had just stepped of a small helicopter.

Daphne and Hermione looked with wide eyes at the group of beautiful women. They were ageless, and Fleur’s grandmother only looked like her own mother in age! Suddenly she felt insecure about her hair and tried to pat it down to an appropriate form. At the corner of her eye, she saw Daphne ironing out the wrinkles of her summer dress.

Clemence eyed the two young women Fleur brought with her. She smiled in satisfaction, and was quite glad of their reaction. They were only insecure, and not jealous or angry, as was the usual reaction of most females, muggles or witches. Fleur had chosen her friends well, for these two young girls obviously cared genuinely with her granddaughter, and the three obviously shared a deep bond.

Effortlessly switching to English she turned to the two young women and gave them a warm smile. “Greetings, friends of Fleur, I am pleased you will join us. I am Clemence.” Hermione and Daphne curtsied and gave small smiles of their own at the unexpected warm greeting. “Before we continue, understand that whatever you see and hear must not be repeated. This is a rare privilege we are all about to see and secrecy is essential. I know you are trustworthy, for my granddaughter would never befriend you otherwise.”

Hermione and Daphne nodded seriously and Apoline smiled. “Good. Let us hurry now children, one of my sisters have prepared a portkey that will transport us to the location.” Apoline said as she ushered the three closer to her sisters. The other Veela gave the three welcoming smiles while they observed the newcomers.

“Where are we going? What are we supposed to see?” Hermione asked as she held the long blue silk scarf that would serve as their portkey. Hippolyta heard her and gave an assuring smile.
“To the foot of Mount Olympus dear, and see the Gods fight.”


Harry and Kara, together with John, Katma and Dr. Fate appeared in a vortex of purple light. Immediately Harry had to raise his hand to cover as the strong sun bore down his face. After a few seconds his eyes adjusted and he took a step back as hundreds upon the sight of hundreds of magical beings, meta humans, magical creatures and even normal humans that were around huge white tents, all surrounding an enormous circular stone floor.

“I thought this was just a simple spar!” Harry exclaimed as Dr. Fate led them towards one of the circular white tents.

“Well what do expect?” Zatanna said as she joined his side. “It’s extremely rare for a mortal, metahuman or otherwise to fight a god, and the one you’re fighting is the God of War himself! That’s bound to attract the attention of those who still worship these Greek Gods.”

“What about secrecy? I don’t quite like other beings learning about my abilities.” Harry said and Kara nodded in agreement. Apollo was still classified as a semi secret member by the Justice League; they did want most of the governments to learn that Apollo was more powerful than the average Green Lantern or learn of his true fighting capabilities.

“Oh don’t you worry Harrykins!” A playful female voice answered him and both Kara and Harry turned around to face their friend and playmate.

“It’s been a long time! Wow! Nice body there K!” Circe grinned at the two. Kara blushed and waved at her. The goddess of magic walked towards them and stopped right before Harry and examined. She whistled and grinned. “Very handsome, I knew you’d turn out to be a proud specimen of Man. So do you have a girlfriend?” She asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
Kara immediately took Harry’s arm and said “Were together now Circe” she knew of the goddess hobby whenever she wasn’t playing with her and Harry when they were children. Circe had the habit of taking in lovers and turning them into animals when she grew bored of them.
Circe smiled and pumped her fist. “Yes! I knew it! Eris now owns me twenty apples! Ha! That whiny bitch doesn’t know love when it ran up her nose!”

A crack of lightning made immediately interrupted Circe’s victory dance and she froze and looked up to the peak of Mount Olympus. “Oops, I got distracted there for a minute. Congratulations, Kara, Harry. Don’t you worry about security because I cast a perimeter divine dome around this valley. It should be enough to repel uninvited magic users and non magical beings. I got to take care of the security. Kick Ares’ butt!” Circe vanished in a cloud of purple smoke and the Dr. Fate turned around and headed towards the Harry’s tent.

“Harry and Kara certainly have strange friends. Ridiculously powerful and immortal friends. I’m surprised they didn’t use their friendship to gain favors or such.” Katma mused as she observed Harry and Kara walking hand in hand past various beings and creatures.

“It’s not in Harry’s nature to take advantage of his position or his friends. He is noble and humble and these Gods certainly know that. I think that’s why they have chosen to intertwine their fates with his.” John said.

“Spot on Stewart!” Hermes said and Katma closed her eyes to control her temper. Don’t these God know that it was rude to listen to private conversations? “That’s why we like Harry so much. He’s got godlike power and he doesn’t even use it to his advantage. He’s more noble than Hector!”

“Yes, messenger of the Gods? Do you have a message for us?” John asked.

“Nah I was just floating around… it’s an off day for me! Say…” Hermes flew immediately near Katma and eyed her figure. “Nice… you want to go out with me honey? I’ll show you some extraterrestrial love.”

“John immediately stepped between them and his eyes glowed green. “She’s with me Hermes, why don’t you go back to Hippolyta, her tent is that way.” John pointed at the tent near Harry’s where hundreds of Amazons lingered.

“Oh I know, she’s talking to Ares right now that’s why I left her. You’re no fun!” Hermes said and flew towards the direction of the Veela.

“He’s worse than Flash. I hope they never meet… can you imagine the chaos they would cause on the watchtower’s female locker rooms?” Katma said and John nodded. “It’s actually one of the League’s objectives. Wally’s up there now on monitor duty. Jonn made sure of that and is currently accompanying him. All in secret of course.”


“It’s like a Star Trek convention!” Hermione gushed as they neared the valley. Daphne eagerly turned her head from one sight to another; this was the most amazing sight she had ever seen. She had never seen such a high concentration of magical creatures and beings in one place. Suddenly a figure appeared before them in a flash of light.

The Veela immediately kneeled down, and Fleur tugged her two friends to their knees. They were in the presence of divinity. Hermione dared a peek at the god and saw a tall beautiful woman with light purple hair in a green dress. “Rise, followers of the bitch… I mean Aphrodite. I am Circe, and I see that not all of you are Veela.” Her gaze stopped at the sight Daphne and Hermione, sticking out from the sea of silver blond hair.

Apoline dusted of her dress and spoke reverently. “They are trusted friends of my granddaughter, Goddess, they are witches. They are under the jurisdiction of my coven, and the protection of beautiful and wise Aphrodite,”

“It’s up to me to decide who enters and who doesn’t. The father of the skies himself tasked with this event’s security.” Circe frowned, they might be security risks. “Rise, young little witches, and let me judge you.”

Daphne and Hermione shakily stood up as Apoline fidgeted with worry. Their high priestess assured them that they could bring any magical or non magical friends with their party, and they would be left alone. This Goddess obviously thought otherwise, but what can they do? She hoped Circe would not harm her granddaughter’s friends. She made a silent prayer to Aphrodite to help them.

Hermione and Daphne shakily raised their faces and Circe eyed them for a moment with a confused expression on her face. Suddenly her face brightened, she remembered who these are! Harrykin’s friends! Hera with her all seeing water basin kept an eye on what she considered her great grandson to watch his adventures, and these two girls almost always by his side.

“Oh! So it’s you two! Sorry about that, Hera really wanted tight security! But since it’s you two, it’s no problem at all! He’ll be so happy to learn that you’re here to give support! Such loyal friends!” Circe wiped a tear in her eye as she looked at Hermione and Daphne with a wistful look... “I wish I had loyal friends, but whenever we had BFF fights, I ended up turning them to parrots! Anyway, do you want me to transport you to his tent or do you want to stay with Aphrodite’s bitches?”

The Veela grumbled at being insulted, but kept it to a low sound. They hoped the weird Goddess wouldn’t hear them, what can they do against her divine power after all? Circe seemed unconcerned at what she said, as she looked eagerly at Harrykin’s best friends.

“Oh thank you Goddess Circe, but I prefer to stay with the coven. They are very courteous and accommodating.” Hermione spoke for her and Daphne. Circe nodded and said “Alright, if you’re sure. Goodbye Hermione! Daphne!” She vanished in clouds of smoke.

Apoline and the rest of the Veela eyed Hermione and Daphne with awe and increased respect; it seemed that Fleur’s friends were far more than ordinary witches. They were on friendly terms with the Gods!

“Did she mistake us for some other persons?” Daphne shakily asked, while Hermione still wore a shocked look on her face. Circe called her by her first name!

“I don’t think so… she called you by your names. How did you know her? The Goddess of Magic, Circe is known for her tantrums and unpredictable behavior.” Fleur asked her friend as she looked at the younger girls in a new light. It seemed these girls have some very powerful friends.

“We haven’t even met her before… it was all so confusing!” Daphne answered as she gathered her composure. She picked up their bags that both of them dropped when they gave respect to the goddess Circe.

Hermione’s analytical mind finally kicked in and she used her deductive reasoning that even impressed the world’s greatest detective.

“No, if you remember, Circe assumed we were supporting someone… and that we were loyal friends of that person.” Hermione narrowed her eyes as she slowly began to fill out the pieces of this puzzle. She swiftly turned to face Apoline, slightly surprising her and the Veela.

“Mademoiselle Apoline, you told us that we are here to see gods fight correct?”

Apoline nodded and Hermione gave a satisfied nod. “Who is our friend that can be mistaken for a God then? One who has deep connections to the ancient Gods of Olympus?”

Daphne’s eyes widened as she realized who Hermione was implicating. She immediately blurted out “Harry!” and Hermione gave an approving nod.

“What does Harry Wayne have to with this?” Fleur asked puzzled at Hermione’s deductions. Apoline and the rest of the Veela listened closely, curious about solving the identities of the two girls.

“I’m sorry Fleur, I do not have his permission to tell you. You’ll learn soon enough though, I suspect he’ll be down that valley, and fighting a God.” Hermione said the last part fearfully, concerned about her friend.

“Mademoiselle Apoline? Do you know the god’s that are going to fight? What exactly did the high priestess tell you?” Daphne asked.

“She only told me that the God of War would fight someone who also posses Godlike power. She received a vision from blessed Hippolyta in a trance last week. She saw a person wielding massive green energies, something no mortal is certainly capable of.”

“That Boy! When I get near him! Honestly! Fighting the God of War? Is he an idiot? I thought Kara was supposed to knock some sense into him!” Hermione fumed.

“All that snogging, they must have sucked each other’s brains out of their heads!” Daphne added.

“Excuse me, but are you implying that Harry… Our Harry is capable of fighting THE God of War?” Fleur asked as her voice weakened, finally realizing the gravity of the situation.
“You’ll learn soon enough Fleur… I know Veela have superior sight, can you see where if there’s a group of armed tall women in that crowd?” Hermione asked as she tightened her hiking shoes, prepared to walk faster to reach the Valley Floor.

Fleur gazed and spotted a group of tall armed women surrounding a large circular tent to the east of the large stone circle in the middle of the valley. “There, on east side, past that ridge.” Fleur pointed at the distance and Hermione nodded and headed to the indicated direction. Daphne and Fleur immediately followed her leaving a group of confused Veela in their wake. That idiot Harry was needed to some proper scolding.


“How in Oa’s name did you get here?!” Harry asked Luna who was looking around the tent looking for her Crumple Horned Snorcack. Her father was on the ground sniffing the rocky ground, they were sure they had seen the Snorcack enter this tent.

Bruce immediately removed his costume and hid it in his sealed suitcase and donned a gray sweater and pants once he entered the tent. He was very fast, and it was a good thing too for not a second longer Luna barged past the entrance and looked around for the Snorcack.
His incredible patience helped him endure half an hour of intense questioning by the eccentric and mysterious Lovegood father and daughter tandem, repeatedly denying that he had seen the Snorcack. Thankfully Harry’s party arrived right after, interrupting Luna’s questioning.

“Hi Harry!” Luna brightened and stood up from her comfortable chair. She walked over Harry and gave him a firm hug. Harry returned it and hugged his mysterious friend tightly. “Make sure not to let up, and don’t be afraid to unleash your strength, were all quite safe. And remember, your will is strong”

Now used by Luna’s occasional mysterious advice, Harry thanked her and smiled. He stepped back and introduced her to everyone while Luna introduced her eccentric father. After everything settled down, Bruce asked Harry to take a walk with around the valley, to give his son advice. Bruce knew this was a rare opportunity to help his son become stronger. He was reluctant at first to allow his son to fight a Greek God, but he finally relented when Ares himself appeared before him and explained his intentions. Assured that the fight was not to the death, and it was only a spar, he begrudgingly agreed. What the mortal and God spoke about nobody knew, and the meeting was kept secret, even from Hippolyta. Only Diana and Clark knew of what happened during the meeting.

“I got it Dad, thanks. Is mom watching from the monitors?” Harry asked. He had been given helpful advice by his father and they were almost talking non-stop for over ten minutes.
“I certainly am! How could I not watch my baby boy give Ares a kick in the butt?” Diana’s face appeared in a large monitor inside their tent. She was holding Astraea while the baby played with her mother’s long hair. Astraea fussed and turned in her mother’s arms and when she looked at the screen she spotted the familiar faces of her father and brother.

“BAAAA!” Astraea made baby noises indicating she recognized Harry and Bruce’s face. Bruce and Harry’s serious expressions when they spotted Diana and the lively Astraea. Diana burst out laughing when her husband and son moved closer to the camera and started making strange baby sounds and funny faces to amuse their beloved baby princess. It was a private moment and they only allowed such actions to be seen by the privileged few like Kara, who they considered part of the family.


“Where’s that boy!” Hermione pushed past various people and creatures as Daphne and Fleur hurried after her. Hermione finally spotted a group of Amazon warriors and she ran towards them. The Amazons immediately tensed when they spotted three figures jogging towards them, but they relaxed when they recognized the two girls who had previously stayed in Themyscira. Helena stepped out of the assembled warriors and smiled at Hermione who stopped before her, breathing hard. After a few seconds Daphne and Fleur stopped beside her and all three paused for a moment to regain their breath.

“Welcome Hermione! Daphne! I’m surprised that you knew of this event! Harry told me you girls were vacationing in France?” Helena asked.

“Uhh… yeah thank you Captain Helen…” Hermione vaguely replied. She didn’t want them to learn she was here by a mere fluke and lots of luck. “Where’s Harry? I really need to speak with him… badly.”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible, the spar is about to start. If it’s something important though I can take a message and pass it to the Queen.” Helen offered as she escorted the three girls to some benches near the Amazon’s tent. “Who is your Veela friend?”

“This is Fleur Delacour, one of Harry’s friends. She’s here with the coven of Veela” Daphne answered and Fleur gave a small nod and a friendly smile.

“Ah, Aphrodite’s favored people. Welcome, sister.” Helen offered a hand and Fleur shook it and smiled at the captain of the Amazon Guard.

Hermione shifted her weight from one leg to another as she continually looked around, hoping for a glimpse of Harry. She was hoping to spot a glimpse of untidy black hair but she was surrounded by hundreds of magical creatures, Nymphs, Amazon warriors and various practitioners of Magic.

“Let’s head over to that tent! I think I saw Kara!” Daphne shouted to Hermione. The crowd was starting to get impatient but before Hermione could reply, the crowd roared as Ares stepped out from his tent and jumped up to the stone circle.

The crowd cheered as Ares stepped continued walking towards the middle of the stone floor. The mighty God of War stood and the crowd grew quiet as they felt awe, fear and terror as he got closer. Ares wore a dark blue Spartan armor, with elaborate designed etched into the metal chest plate, helm and gauntlets. His face was not visible as his elaborate helm cast shadows on his face, only his red eyes were seen by the crowd. His dark blue, almost black cape fluttered against the wind revealing an extremely large scabbard where a mighty sword was sheathed inside. The god’s impressive seven foot frame exuded total power, intimidation and the lust for battle.

Hermione, Daphne and Fleur exchanged fearful look;, they could not speak as sheer terror stifled their throats. They were in the presence of the God of War and even from afar they could already feel the power the God possessed. This was the opponent Harry would face!?
The crowd again cheered as the challenger emerged from his own tent. Most did not know this person and they looked on curiously, not recognizing the large emblem of the Green Lantern on the front of the challenger’s chest and on the cloak he wore.

Fleur gasped out loud, as this was the first time she had seen Harry since the last time they had spent on the warrior. He looked incredibly fit and taller. Even as he wore the strange black mask, Fleur certainly recognized his unruly black hair, so similar to his father, and the handsome chin and nose. Even from afar, she could see the unique green color only Harry’s eyes possessed.

“Merde… Harry!” Fleur breathed out and Hermione gave her a comforting pat on the back. “Yes, that’s Harry, you immediately recognize him, don’t you? Ask your questions later, right now we have to find some way to convince him not to continue with this idiotic excuse to show off.” Hermione stood on her toes to get a better look at him hoping he would look at their direction.
“I think we are too late” Daphne breathed out. Fleur and Hermione followed her gaze and spotted The God of War already drawing his mighty sword.


The thud of his heart sounded loud inside his head, he felt that his heart wanted to burst in anticipation. He remembered his training and controlled his breathing, slowing his breath and soon the fast beat of heart slowed to more appropriate levels. Everything starts with proper breathing and it was the most important aspect in order to regain his center, his balance. His father once said to breathe first then walk before you run. It was sensible and he now mastered the extremely difficult technique.

Mortals instantly felt their greatest fears and panic whenever they are in close proximity of the God of War. Some could resist, those who had faced their greatest fears before or who possessed incredible strength of will. Harry Apollo Wayne was such a person, and his will rivaled none. The fear and terror that coursed through his body was expelled with every breath he took.

“I finally get to see my Grandson…” The God of War said as he placed the tip of his sword pointed down on the ground with both hands resting on the hilt.
“Grandson?!” Apollo asked, his eyes narrowed in confusion. “I don’t have a grandfather, Ares, God of War.”

Ares laughed and it was deep and rumbling like rocks crashing into one another, further frightening the captive audience. “You do know how your mother came into life, did you not?” The God asked. Apollo nodded and answered the mighty deity.
“My mother was sculpted from clay as a baby by my grandmother, Hippolyta. Her blood flows through my mother’s veins.”

“Correct, Apollo, but that is not the whole story…. My hands and Hippolyta sculpted our daughter Diana, and I gave her the spark in order along with Zeus and Hera to turn her from a sculpture of clay to a young female human baby. So now do you understand? I helped create your mother, so call me…Grandfather.” Ares said pleasantly, and Apollo could see the white of the God’s teeth as the deity smiled from beneath the shadows created by his helm.

“That may be so…. But what has that got to with the spar?” Apollo asked and Ares again barked out a harsh laugh. “Impatient aren’t we? Well nothing at all. I saw in your heart, young Apollo that you crave a good opponent that can match you. You deny it, but I can see it in your heart…. You have the gift, something very few have received, You have the gift of Fury.”
Apollo’s eyes widened as his deepest secrets in his heart were suddenly revealed by the god.

“You kept that wild passion and craving for battle locked up beneath an impressive iron will and strong discipline, trained by the Dark Knight himself, your Father.” Ares spoke out, reading the truth from Apollo, and he was not reading his mind, but his heart.

“Aren’t you curious though as to learn how powerful you truly are? Do not deny it! I know you long for a skilled opponent, where you wouldn’t worry about hurting them, or destroying your surroundings.” Ares continued speaking.

“How did you know?” Apollo asked. He didn’t want to admit it, but what the God of War said was true.

“I am the God of War, young Apollo. I can read the wild passions and the cold fury of the true warriors such as yourself. Now, do not fear Apollo as the Gods of Olympus are watching us, protecting the audience and when we fight you can finally unleash your full might. This is just a spar, but remember I won’t go easy on you. Prepare yourself!” Ares pulled his sword from the stone and lifted the massive dark blade up, pointing the tip to Apollo.

Apollo heard every word Ares said. So, he can finally go on full might, without worrying about hurting his opponent. He knew his opponent couldn’t die anyway, being an immortal god. Apollo raised his arm and held out his hand and his sword materialized in his hands. He went to the low guard position, the stance provided additional defense against surprise attacks. Apollo knew he should not take this lightly, he could feel the powerful aura surrounding the God of War.

Ares looked at Harry’s sword curiously, he has never seen such a unique design, and it looked beautiful. Perhaps Harry would let him copy its design after the spar.

The two opponents observed one another, sizing each other up, waiting for any sign of movement to give them some hint of the other’s plan of attack. The crowd drew its collective breath; this was it, the fight of the millennia.

A crack of Lightning suddenly struck the stone floor between the two fighters, and both took it as a signal to move. “Impatient Git” Ares muttered, that Zeus really had no patience to begin with.

The two blades clashed and the God of War’s greater physical strength and momentum pushed Apollo back. Without wasting time, Ares lunged towards Apollo again, not giving the young warrior time to mount a counter attack. Apollo was surprised at the initial clash, Ares’ strength was incredible! He saw the god lunging at him and he crouched into a defensive high guard stance, his blade angled to deflect the incoming blow from Ares’, as he could not prepare enough time to meet the swing head on. Suddenly a massive fist connected to his face, sending him tumbling for a good 50 feet.

“OHHHHH” The crowd said as one, they were mesmerized at the extremely rare display. “Mutterings soon flowed through the crowd, indicating their doubts about whether such a young being could stand up against the God of War.

Hermione, Luna and Daphne clutched each other’s hands tightly. They were unable to speak as their friend Harry was just backhanded with a mighty fist. They were sitting on benches that Circe constructed and when several luminous beings suddenly appeared in the other side, sitting like on the benches like the audience. The Olympian Gods had finally arrived in person, and they were late.

“I told you…. Do not be afraid to use your full power” Ares teased good naturedly. In their brief exchange he saw the quality of the boy’s blade skill, and it was wonderful. Apollo stood up, rubbing his cheek. The punch was powerful, and it was a good thing it was a graze, otherwise he would be out now like a light. They said he could finally attack with full power, and he was also excited and curious to see the results of his training. Apollo concentrated as he brought out his power to the front.

Ares spared a glance at the Amazons and Hippolyta, who were now giving him the evil eye. He gave a smile to the Amazon Queen and received a rude human gesture, causing him to snort in amusement. Suddenly he felt a blast of energy and looked at his young opponent with glee. Apollo changed his stance, resting the tip of his sword straight while it rested on his left hand. His green aura engulfed him and his eyes glowed a fierce green. The wind swirled around him as sparks of energy leapt from his body, hitting the stone floor.

The blade of his sword leaked out green flames and Apollo prepared himself. Power pulsed from him and it was glorious, satisfying, addicting. Deciding to attack, he ran full sprint towards Ares.

The god of War’s grin grew larger and he faced his oncoming opponent. Preparing his blade from a low guard, he swung it upward and it connected with Apollo’s flaming green sword. Sparks flew and Ares eyes widened as he felt incredible power from Apollo’s swing, as his grip on his ancient sword actually vibrated. He brought his sword down and was met with a fast swipe, and the dance of the blades was one.

Ares was no longer relaxed and smiling, and slowly the red pupils of his eyes grew brighter encompassing the whites of his eyes. Burning red looked at the fierce green eyes of Apollo, and both raised their energies higher. Ares let his divine aura show, and blood red light engulfed him. Apollo was certainly powerful, he was almost as strong as the newer gods!
Blurs of red and green light clashed and until finally a great light surrounded the two combatants, and an explosion was heard. Apollo’s body was caught by the energy blast that emitted from Ares’ blade and it was bone jarring. The two faced each other again, and Ares was grinning again as he scored another point against Apollo.

A bit pissed off, Apollo’s eyes glowed brighter, and his aura became more violent. He plunged the tip of his sword through the stone floor, and it sliced through like a hot knife on butter. If Ares wanted a combination of ranged and melee attacks he would get one. He ran full sprint towards Ares the tip of his blade creating sparks on the stone floor. Ares’ aura glowed brighter and he too rushed at Harry again, increasing his power after he sensed Apollo increase his own.

As Apollo neared Ares he swung his sword up clashing with Ares’ ancient dark steel blade. Not wasting time Harry flew up into the air and slashed his sword downward with a mighty swing. A crescent shaped green energy force projection erupted from the swing and headed towards Ares, forcing him to make an undignified roll to the side. Ares narrowed his eyes, he didn’t see that one coming. Was this Apollo’s full strength? His eyes widened as four more green crescent energies headed towards him and he batted them away with his blade, each time he was knocked back a few meters after deflecting the powerful attacks.

The God of War narrowed his eyes and finally decided to raise the bar. He needed Apollo to lose to motivate him to become stronger. After deflecting Apollo’s attacks Ares held up a hand and energy blasted his younger opponent, catching him by surprise. It sent Apollo tumbling down a good sixty feet away.

Apollo was into the battle now and he instantly got up and this time he changed tactics, thrusting his left palm forward he sent a series of banishing curses, sending the God of War to the ground. Ares stood up quickly and grinned. This was the fight he longed for, and it was addicting. The god of war leapt to the air and suddenly his eyes burned brighter and the clouds in the sky grew darker. Apollo stopped his attack towards Ares and watched in amazement as he saw Divine Power at full might.

Unfazed, Apollo attacked again only to be repelled by a dark energy blast that sent him crashing to the ground, creating a huge crater on the ground. Screams were heard among the audience but they were soon drowned out by Ares’ voice that seemed to reach everyone in the valley. “Get up, I know you can take more than that.”

Apollo blinked his eyes and stood up slowly. Seeing that his Opponent had laid all the cards he gathered all the power from his body and let it all out and a huge beam of green light erupted from the crater, blinding the audience that was watching. Ares covered his eyes and prepared to take the assault from

Apollo who had apparently copied him also discharged all his power. Huge chunks of the stone floor cracked and flew away towards the crowds, making the audience panic. Before the huge stones that were once part of the massive stone circle hit the crowds, they automatically disintegrated turning into sand and dust. Fleur, Daphne and Hermione closed their eyes and coughed as they struggled to see through the sand and dust. By this point the audience was too amazed and stunned that they were only yelling, burning their throats dry.

The half of the circular stone floor where Apollo once stood was obliterated to rubble and now dust covered the area, hiding the young challenger from view. A pulse of tremendous pressure emanated from within the dust, blowing the particles of dust and sand in the air. After a few seconds the audience could now see Apollo properly and their mouths fell open at the never before seen sight.

Apollo’s eyes were now blazing bright with green light as his wild aura blazed around him like an enormous burning flame. Streaks of random energy crashed into the destroyed boulders and the dirt floor, creating deep chasms hundreds of feet deep. The earth rumbled and the audience struggled to remain on their feet.

It now became a battle of who can discharge more power as Area upped the power he letting out, and soon the God of War reached his maximum limit. Black and red energies encompassed him as he floated serenely in the air. His ancient blade burst into black and red flame and his armor glowed bright and shifted, turning into a more powerful form, thicker and stronger armor. He never thought he’d have to use this armor with this spar, but apparently Apollo was more powerful than he imagined. Ares smiled in delight at the fury of the battle, it was intoxicating, and was even helping him to get stronger.

The two combatants eyed each other and after a brief moment to gauge their distance they both streaked into one another at furious speed. Red and black white from above descended and the green pulsing light from the earth rose, and both fighters shouted as they swung their blades to try and hit the other. The moment their blades met there was a vast wave of energy that was emitted from their clashing blades. Bright light engulfed the two and expanded outwards, knocking most of the audience to their backs.

The luminous humanoid beings of light of different colors, unidentifiable immediately stood up from the bench and some of them vanished. The Gods appeared in key places surrounding the combatants and near the audience. They all raised their hands and a golden transparent shield swept throughout the crowd and the tents.

The audience struggled on the ground and watched in amazement at the spectacle. A vortex of power whose source was from the two rose up to the atmosphere, turning the clouds into a rapid whirlpool of stirred air with the column of power at the center. Green and Black energy swirled against each other, fighting for dominance at the cosmic stage.

Hermione saw trees uprooted around the valley and getting sucked into the vortex in the sky and she wondered how they were protected. She spotted a glowing pair of feet in front of her and she saw what she thought must be a Greek god granting them some protection.

Struggling to regain the upper hand, Apollo was slowly being pushed to the ground as Ares had greater physical strength and he had position. Their blades shook one another and Apollo was forced to disengage from the struggle. He sent a blast of power to Ares and used the
distraction to fly high before turning around to try and hit Ares with momentum on his side. Ares merely batted the energy blast and he too rose to the sky to bring momentum to his side.
Soon streaks of light were seen swirling against each other, black against green. Every time the two energies collided, a pulse of energy exploded from their clash, hammering the Divine Shield the Gods were projecting, making the parts hit shimmer with golden light. The pulses were so intense that rocky cliffs collapsed all around the valley, creating landslides all around. Boulders rolled of the mountainside at insane speeds, disintegrating before they reached the crowd. The divine shield certainly was efficient.

Ares felt this was the best time in his life as he parried and thrust, swung and strike. He noticed that even though Apollo’s face was covered in dirt and had a few scratches, he was smiling. He was amazed at Apollo’s lantern energy; it never seemed to run out! But he knew he was stronger than the boy and he had experience.

Suddenly as Apollo and Ares prepared to clash again at the air, Ares’ black streak of light suddenly separated into 8 different beings. Apollo wavered in his attack, surprised and confused at the tactic. Suddenly he was surrounded as he looked around, from beneath, above and in the four directions different Gods of War were surrounding him! He felt a blade hit his aura shield and he was about to attack the being when he saw a burning black blade coming at him.

Apollo could barely move to defend himself as he was getting hammered from strong sword strikes, some of them even penetrating his aura and creating shallow cuts on his back and arms. He swung his sword blindly when he felt his cheek sliced open, and blood trickled down his face. He grew frustrated with himself he never wanted to lose without fighting back. He would accept a loss, but he wanted to go down fighting. There was one thing to do and he stopped trying to defend himself as he struggled to regain concentration in the midst of his body getting used as a blade sharpener. This would be hard work and he needed his whole concentration.

One of the copies of Ares watched the attack from a huge piece of stone he was standing on. It would be over soon he thought, the boy gave a good fight and he would honor him. Apollo was a true warrior, but he was almost a match for a God. Almost. He looked at Apollo closer and his eyes narrowed in confusion. Apollo was no longer defending himself, his eyes were closed and his marvelous sword was held loosely in his hands. Was he giving up? Too bad, after the valiant effort he made, it was not the honorable way to go down.

His eyes widened in surprise as Apollo now opened his eyes. It was different from his usual Green eyes as they now swirled with silver sparks. His aura too had changed as cascades of silver energies travelled up and won his body, crackling with power. The other copies of Ares stopped their attacks as they observed Apollo, amazed that their opponent still had a hidden source of power.

Apollo felt the strange buzz from his arms and legs; it felt like a thousand needles were prickling his limbs whenever he fused his magic with his lantern powers. He distinctly heard the beat of his heart hammering against his head and his breath was loud like a saw cutting wood whenever he breathed. The fusion process was difficult, but he mastered it, training alone as was suggested by Nicholas Flamel. It was a hard process, a journey of self discovery but Apollo had done the impossible and mastered it in record time.

The shallow cuts all over his body and his ripped costume quickly healed. Since Ares had duplicated himself, Harry decided to give this last attack his all. Observing the copies surrounding him, Apollo suddenly yelled as seven surges of green light erupted from his silver green aura, striking down the different target simultaneously. Without losing anytime, Apollo flashed from one copy to another, and swinging his sword and directing massive energies to the targets. The copies tried to protect themselves but the fused power proved too strong, and it penetrated their defenses sending them crashing to the ground in quick succession.

Apollo made the valiant effort, he was so quick that the copies almost had not time o react against this counter attack. Finally he sent the last one hurling to the ground. Breathing deeply, Apollo smiled as he admired his handiwork. Seven different Ares lay sprawled on the ground in various positions, groaning from the hurt from the last attack.

His eyes narrowed as he realized something. He looked at the seven figures sprawled on the ground and he instantly realized what it is. There were eight! He immediately turned around and prayed he was not too late, but as he turned he saw the hilt of the God’s dark blade hit the back of his head. Losing consciousness, Apollo threw a powerful surge of fused Oan and Magic energy before he closed his eyes. He fell to the ground in a loud crash, in the midst of the various copies of Ares lying hurt or unconscious. A few seconds later the dark blue helm of Ares crashed to the ground, the black plume that spanned the length of the helm singed and was still smoking. The spar was finished.

Above Ares grinned as he looked at his defeated opponent. Now that was THE way to go! Apollo’s desperate attack caught him off guard, and it was a good aim too as it hit him squarely on the head. The blast was so strong that it snapped back his head and his helm flew off and fell to the ground.

The various copies soon vanished as Ares slowly descended. The crowd roared its approval, deafening to the ears as they cheered. The various gods dissipated the Divine shield and they too gave respectful nods to their compatriot, before disappearing in consecutive flashes of light.

Kara, Hippolyta and Bruce immediately rushed to Apollo’s side as Circe materialized beside them.

“My grandson! Is he fine?” Hippolyta asked amidst the deafening cheers of the various congregations. Bruce immediately cradled his son, he had seen the whole fight and it was the longest time that he was speechless. He saw the final exchanges and knew his son was only out cold. Kara buried her face on her unconscious boyfriend’s chest, hugging him tightly. She was so scared, angry at Ares and proud of her Harry.

“Harry’s fine, he’s just knocked out for the moment. Kara, can you carry his sword?” Bruce asked as he carried his son on his arms. Kara picked up the familiar sword and they headed back towards the tent. It was a good thing Hippolyta’s Amazon guards were there, as hundreds of well wishers tried to touch the defeated yet honored young man. He had nothing to be ashamed of; he had almost beaten down the God of War!

They quickly reached the tent, and the guards immediately formed a perimeter to give some privacy to their princess’ son. As Kara was about to enter, her sharp ears immediately picked up Hermione’s voice among the noisy crowds who were quickly preparing themselves for a party. Kara deposited the sword by Harry’s bed before she rushed out to meet Hermione. How in Harry’s butt did they get here!?


Hermione, Daphne and Fleur struggled to reach Harry’s tent as they followed the procession of Amazon guards and well wishers. Hermione spotted a glint of gold blonde hair and shouted “KARA!”

She saw Kara look at her with surprise before disappearing inside the tent. The vivacious young woman then went out just as quick and headed towards their direction.
“She saw us.” Hermione said, relieved. A few moments later Kara was near them to shout. “Hermione! Daphne! Fleur! What are you all doing here?!” She rushed to her friends and embraced them one by one.

“We came with Fleur, her grandmother’s Veela coven was invited by the goddess Aphrodite to watch. They said we could come so here we are!” Daphne said while Fleur looked strangely at Kara.

“Why didn’t you tell us?!” Hermione asked, a bit upset.

“Hermione, Harry didn’t want to ruin your vacation in France. He said he’ll tell you all about it when we meet next week.” Kara answered.

“And me? Are we not friends? You all kept all this from me! I recognize Harry now, he was the Green Lantern in Hermione’s scrapbook, the one that saved the planet from destruction.” Fleur suddenly said.

“Fleur, were your friends, at first at the warrior I was the only one who knew. Hermione discovered his secret as the summer was nearly over while Daphne learned about it halfway during the second term.” Kara tried to appease her veela friend.

“I’m joking. I knew I would get left out sooner or later because of the distance between us. That’s why I was excited to learn that Hermione and Daphne and their families will spend the summer at my home. I hoped I would catch up there.” Fleur said giving a cute and naughty smile.
Kara grinned back and bumped her waist at Fleur, and the Frenchwoman nearly toppled over.

“Drama Queen”


A blinding light suddenly attacked his right eye and Harry frowned and twisted in bed.
“Luna! What are you doing? Stop opening his eyelids!” a voice hissed. The hurtful blinding light stopped melting his brain and Harry snuggled closer to a warm body, falling back to sleep.

“But his eyes are so pretty! It’s even greener than when he was at school, and during the end of the spar there were even some pretty silver colors!” A young voice answered back.
“I know that, that’s why most of the girls spy on him whenever he’s reading. They just watch his eyes at the common room for hours on end.”

“Wait… are you saying… My Harry has stalkers?” He heard his Kara’s voice speak and he stirred lightly before burying his face on the warm body beside him to drown out the noise. However the body he was snuggling his face with suddenly shook and he stirred again, on the verge of awaking and sleeping.

“Why did you giggle?”

“Harry, his face was buried near my waist, he tickled me.”

“That’s so romantic…”

“I’m very envious with what you to have it seemed…”

Suddenly Harry felt a stinging pain in his right arm and his eyes jumped open and he stood up on the bed. “AHHHH!” He looked at his arm, wet with a bite mark on his forearm. The teeth markings were clearly visible, but the bite did not break skin.

He looked around to see five faces looking up at him with surprise and concern. He looked to his right and saw Luna looking at him with a confused expression, but a slight smile was on her lips.

“Harry? What’s wrong?” Kara asked from his left. Harry raised his right arm and showed the bite mark. “Luna… she bit me!” Kara roared with laughter with Daphne at the strange girl’s antics.

“Luna! Why did you bite Harry! He was sleeping!” Hermione rounded on the smaller girl who had a strange expression her face.

“You and Daphne kept saying how sweet and yummylicious Harry was. I thought I’d taste him myself but he wasn’t edible… I mean I don’t eat handsome boys so I just bit him. And he was taking a long time to wake up so I got impatient.” Luna defended herself.

“I’m…. yummylicious? Hermione! What in Oa’s name does that mean? And how did you, Daphne and Fleur get here? Wait… Fleur?!” Harry’s eyes widened in shock.

“Bonjour Harry… you look very handsome like your friend Luna said. Are you trying to seduce us with your shirtless body?” Fleur teased.

“Yeah Harry… that’s so dirty of you… do... you... feel... hot?” Daphne joked, further embarrassing poor Harry.

“OUT!!!” Harry shouted, though his face was not really angry, and his red ears gave away his embarrassment.

The girls laughed harder and Hermione dragged a confused Luna out of the tent.

“Including me Harry?” Kara asked her, eyes big and her adorable mouth in a cute frown.
“Ahhh… no. You can stay” Harry said. Kara looked at the girls by the door and gave an over the top wink that sent the girls into another round of giggles.


Cornelius Fudge was conducting the yearly inspection of the prison cells thinking about how to cut costs in the prison to fund his latest luxury expedition. Thankfully the Dementors were ordered to the far end of Azkaban keep while the Minister and his assistants and aurors inspected the cells. Finally reaching the top most level that housed high security prisoners, Cornelius began his last inspection for the day.

He almost peed his pants at the aggressiveness of the inmates here, they were insane, crazy with rage and terror. Cornelius very nearly fainted when he spotted Bellatrix giving him the your dead sign by using her finger to her neck and making slashing sounds. He quickly hurried past her and noticed a fairly dirty man, but at least he appeared sane and his stink was not as bad as the Lestrange brothers.

Looking at the name outside the cell he learned that this was the infamous Sirius Black, Voldemort’s top agent. “Good Morning Minister! My my I didn’t know the Wizengamot allowed sex changes! But where are my manners! Congratulations!”

“What are you talking about Black?” Cornelius said, trying to show a bit of bravado in front of his retinue.

“Minister! Don’t get angry! I read once that that’s bad for expecting mothers… you’re pregnant aren’t you? Who is the unwilling father? Or you finally switched roles with your school crush Dolores?” Black said as he sat on the thin mattress in his cell. This was the first time Fudge was inspecting the prison himself and Sirius certainly couldn’t pass this one up. he had 13 years of jokes in store.

“I am not pregnant! I’m a man!” Fudge said his cheeks red. Some of the aurors started coughing while the staff looked confused. They didn’t have a sense of humor.

“Really?” Sirius asked, his voice laced with skepticism. “Then what’s that? That’s got to be 6 or 7 months” he pointed at Fudge’s beer belly. The hardened aurors gave each other amused looks though none dared laugh for fear of getting sack. They’ll laugh this one up later with the pensieve on the DMLE Headquarters.

Fudge tucked his gut, but it proved to much and to heavy and he started to cough. Sirius stood up and shouted “Aurors! Call a medic! The minister’s going into labor!”

“That’s it! Warden! No food for black for 3 days!” Fudge cried as he recovered his coughing fit. He rolled up the newspaper in his hand and chucked it to Black who deftly caught it.
Fudge hurried past, he did not want to get into another round full of insults with black. The warden of Azkaban stayed back, and once the minister and his retinue was clear, he chuck a basket towards the prisoner. “Here, this is the spare food in case the minister’s hungry. There’s a bottle of wine in there too, should last you a week. Thanks for the show.” The warden nodded his head and left to hurry after the flustered minister. Sirius smiled and opened the basket and pulled out freshly baked bread, already coated with butter. He stuffed it to his mouth and smiled, mission accomplished.

NOTE: this is still un betad and will be subject to changes once edited.
A/N: Poor Ricky Hatton. Won some money though as I was closest (bet round 4 – just for the heck of it) Cheers.
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