Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Way of Looking At Things

A note from an author

by radiofishlip 9 reviews

authors note telling you all where we stand

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: The Giant Squid - Published: 2009-04-21 - Updated: 2009-04-21 - 819 words - Complete

Hi there all, Yes I’m back and I’m writing again. At this time this is just an author’s note to thank you all for your wonderful comments and apologies for being out of the loop for so long.

The main reason for my extended disappearance is that my life turned to custard soon after the last chapter was posted. And not the nice egg custard, no this was shit custard with a side order of shit and a helping of what the fuck.

Basically the story is that my girlfriend (pet) became very sick, so much so that she had to stop working and she spent some significant time in hospital. The doctors (including the ones our health department imported in from the US to look at the case) have become a group of worried head scratchers and although all of them have theories none of them have answers. This worries them and us and excites more than one of them who is seeing a new named disease and a research paper which we have no objection at all as long as it results in an answer and a treatment for my girl.

Pet (my girlfriend ) is somewhat better now and we have managed to resume the lifestyle again, she still isn’t working but that has never been an issue for us as between the three of us we have inherited enough money that we don’t really need to work.

So Pet is on the mend and no longer in constant pain and is back at uni working on her masters in English ( it’s very odd to have your girlfriend be one of your students … thank god I can palm off all her assignments onto other members of the department to mark and thank god for a department head that is willing to help us work around the teacher student relationship issue … though I have to say it has raised some eyebrows in the class as I had to announce the relationship to the class .. that’s a different story ).

With all that has happened with pet over this time my wife has stood by our side with a staunchness that none of the three of us ever knew was there. My wonderful wife has been a godsend to both pet and I and its times like these that I am aware how having these two women in my life is something that I will be forever grateful for and I can only hope each of my readers has someone in their life as good to them as my girls are to me.

So any who with pet being on the mend (or at least stable) and the resumption of the life we have happily lead for a number of years now I am back to the writing. I have gone over his story and I have made some changes to the final plan (if you can call it a plan).

• Pansy will be coming out of the story and I will be entering another female character into the mix in her place. This is not because I don’t like pansy or see her as redeemable but more a need I have to go in a slightly different direction. I know who this other witch will be and she won’t be a Grif but that’s all you hear from me about this until it happens.

• Ron and Luna will be a ship that sails in this work but it won’t be a normal relationship. Ron will grow up and I hope many readers will see him as what I think JKR always wanted him to be even if in my view she failed to get him there (or even close).

• Ginny will play a role and I think it will shock and amuse you all I know both pet and my wife were in tears of laughter after I told them about my bunny named Ginny.

• Luna arrr, the lovely luscious loony lemon loving Luna, all I will say is Luna is an odd duck and it will show in this story she has no concept of “normal” as she honestly doesn’t care what people think about her. People reading this story will hopefully see her as I do. A lost girl whose eyes are far too open and uses a fantasy to shield herself from the harshness that is the whirlwind of her life.

• Luna will find in the male characters; someone who she can confide in, someone she can mother and someone she can love in her own way. Will these be the same person or not only time will tell..

Update schedule won’t be as often as the first few chapters and god willing won’t be anything like the gape in this last chapter so stay tuned and hang on for the ride
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