Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Way of Looking At Things

A punishment decided

by radiofishlip

A punishment decided

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Luna - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009-04-22 - Updated: 2009-04-22 - 2524 words - Complete

A/N OK so i got a review today telling me that my harry is a pussy and as such my story sucked ... this person is entitled to his opinion and i am entitled to mine ... mine is "opinions are like asshole we all ha them and they usually stink" .... feel free to express your opinion all you ant but that dosn't mean i will agree with you. Disclaimer: not mine, never was, never will be! live with it i have to A/N 2 i have something in mind for the punishment but i would like to hear what you all have to say about it please take into account that Harry and Hermione are both still new to D/s and Harry is being very careful to take things at the right speed

Chapter 10: A punishment decided

That night harry got little sleep and that he did get was awash with strange dreams peppered with thoughts of loss and disappointment.

Most of his waking moments were spent deep in thought about what was in his mind quickly becoming known only as ‘the incident’. Laying back in the bed that now seemed too empty Harry's thoughts turned to a comment that Hermione had made in one of their early conversations about what she wanted. The passion in her voice at the time and the conviction in her statement led him to believe her when she had said ‘I want them to have the confidence in me and in themselves to punish me when Ifail to meet their expectations.’

After an hour or so thinking about this harry remembered reading in one of the books that often people new to the D/s lifestyle seemed to stumble over this kind of first incident. Quietly he decided that he had to discover what emotion had driven Hermione’s actions and he would have to do some more research into this kind of issue to see how others thought the best way to handle it was. The one thing that he clearly remembered from his research was never to decide and enact a punishment in the heat of the moment.


The morning did as mornings are want to do and slowly sunlight and morning birdsong filtered through Harry's window and spilled over the thoughtful wizard. After a moment or two more thought he rose and went about his morning routine on his own for the first time in two weeks.

After dressing Harry went to check on Hermione finding her in the same place he had left her the previous night naked but for a pair of lace panties slumped to the floor looking truly miserable. Hardening his resolve he walked to her dresser and wardrobe extracting underwear uniform and robes for her to wear and laying them out on the bed.

He walked over to her position noticing that she was not yet fully awake. Steeling himself for what he knew he had to do harry took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.

“Miss Granger….” Harry waited as her eyes flickered open and she looked up at him the pain of recognition clear in her eyes, “It is time for you to shower dress and make ready for the day. I want you to dress in the clothes I have set out for you and meet me in the great hall in no less than ten minutes… do you understand me Miss Granger?”

Hermione could only nod her shoulders slumping even further and she was now certain that she had made a mistake and that they could work it all out. Shuddering she stood and headed for the shower trying to work out the kinks that her uncomfortable night. Exiting the shower she waledback into the bed that had been unused for the last two weeks to find the clothes that her master wanted her to wear today. Staring down at the two garments on the top of the pile her breath caught. Hermione stood there paralyzed for a moment with indecision there was underwear on the top of the pile admittedly it was sexy underwear but it was still 2 garments that had gotten in this mess. The thought of not wearing it briefly crossed her mind only to be squashed by the thought that in reality it was not the wearing of panties that had bothered harry it was that she had knowingly disobeyed him. Slipping the bra over her breasts she had a moment of clarity that if she had been wearing sexy underwear to appear sexier for her master or some other valid reason things may not have been half as bad as they were.


As Hermione was getting ready for the day harry drifted blankly into the great hall and aimlessly wandered over to sit by Ron, Ginny and Luna. As he arrived at the table and sat the other three at the table looked at each other and then back at harry.

Luna was the first to speak and had to repeat her question at least 3 times before harry realized he was being talked to.

“harry… are you ok, wheres Hermione?” she asked.

Harry looked up at the group, “She should be here soon we had a bit of an argument last night and im letting her think about things.”

Luna nodded at harry while Ron and Ginny looked at each other with puzzled looks on their faces as silence descended about the group of friends. After they had been sitting in silence for a few minutes Hermione walked into the hall and approached the group tentatively. Reaching harry she looked down at the floor and quietly asked, “May I sit here?”

Harry shuffled along a little leaving room for Hermione to sit at the end of the table. The rest of the breakfast was held n a strained silence and as it turned out the only thing that kept Ron quiet was the occasional look form Luna and her hand on his thigh.

Breakfast finished and having a free period harry stood looked at Hermione. “Coming Miss Granger?”

The three friends looked at each other and only a sharp glare from Luna and a sad shake of the head from Hermione kept Ron from asking what would undoubtedly be an awkward question. Hermione stood and smiled sadly at her friends and quietly followed her master out of the hall and with great surprise to the library. Following harry into the room she so loved she was surprised to see him head to a section she didn’t know with some familiarity. Arriving at a secluded spot harry indicated she should sit as he wandered into the stacks and soon returned with several volumes.

Placing them on the end of the table furthest from Hermione he sat and started to flick through the top volume until he found the section he needed and settled in to read. Hermione slumped back into the chair and waited she knew harry would speak when he was ready and she was determined to be as patient as possible while waiting for him to finish.

Harry was reading and occasionally watching Hermione out of the corner of his eye noticing that she was shifting in her seat.

Looking over at Hermione he asked “are you ok over there Miss Granger?”

Hermione dropped her eyes as she answered, “yes master”

Harry turned back to his reading and settled for about Thirty minutes. Sitting back up he looked over at Hermione again. “Do you understand why I’m upset with you?”

With a slight nod of the head Hermione took a deep breath,“I think so master, I thought about it a lot last night and I have realized that i was trying to push you into doing what Iwanted rather than talk to you.” Tears welled in her eyes and she dropped her chin to her chest.

Harry sat and watched her for a moment while thinking about what she had said, “Yes. you did and I have to admit it hurt to know that you had done that, but after I thought about it and had done some more reading Inow realize that we are both new to this and for a time we both run the risk of doing things that will in hind sigh end up not being the right thing.”

Listening to Hermione sniffle Harry carried on. “You said that you wanted someone who believed n you and I do. We all make mistakes it’s what we do with our lives after that makes those mistakes worthwhile. When we spoke about this to start with you wanted someone who would push you and punish you for your failures. I’m not going to ask you If you still want that as I believed you then and that has not changed for the rest of the week you will stay by my side when you’re not in class you will wear your normal uniform and I mean all of it. Do you understand me Miss Granger?”

Hermione nodded nearly imperceptibly and murmured, “Yes Sir.”

“Miss Granger! I asked you a question and I expect an answer I can understand.”

Harry’s slightly raised voice snapped Hermione out of her internal thoughts and her head snapped up to look at Harry worry etched on her tearstained face.

“Yes Sir.” She replied this time a little louder and with some conviction.

Harry smiled at her a bit and then said, “For the rest of this week and perhaps next I will contemplate what your punishment will be for this. As your punishment is my decision I don’t want you to punish yourself, if you think you start to do so I want you t talk to me about it. While I am coming up with something suitable you will do no study other than your homework and even then it will be the bare minimum!”

The look on Hermione’s face at that statement was priceless and he mouth worked open and closed for a few moments it was clear that she was at a loss for words.

A small smirk was fighting harry and very nearly succeeded in making an appearance on his face as he contuied to speak, “your marks are exelent and I know you can make up any deficite that you may find yourself in from this. From now on doing any extra study in any subject will be at my descression and based on your continued good behavior. Are you still following me?”

Hermione finally got her mouth under control about the same time that part of her brain was sniggering in the corner making statements such as ‘man harry knows how were strung that was a master’ another part of her brain was screaming at her ‘what about our grades unless we get good gra…’ that part of her brain was firmly gagged by a small consortium of other thought processes who firmly told it to shut up and deal with things. As the majority of Hermione’s thoughts were silencing the formally vocal minority she nodded to harry.

“Yes Sir.”

Harry nodded and stood in a short time he had put the books away and was standing by Hermione his hand resting in her hair and drawing her head into his hip. after a few moments of this strange hug Harry pulled away while saying. “come on Miss Granger, we don’t want to be late for potions!”

Hermione shuddered partially at the loss of contact and partially at the thought of having to face Snape and she soon found herself walking down the hall toward the potions lab a step behind Harry.


The rest of the day passes at a snail’s pace for Hermione harry hadn’t touched her in any way other than as a friend would and she was starting to go crazy with the need to feel his hand slipping up her leg on its journey to more interesting places. At supper that night just as they were leaving for the heads suite she was sure nobody had noticed much strange well other than Ron, Luna and Ginny who had only raised their eyebrows when they were told that the issue was almost sorted out. She might have thought nobody had noticed but she was wrong there were at least 3 people in the hall who adnoticed and only one of them had any idea what was going on.


About half an hour after dinner had finished Minerva McGonagall was at her desk in the transfiguration room when the door opened with an accompanying knock. Looking p from her task she was somewhat surprised to see Severus stalk into the room with his unusual sliding gait.

“Headmistress I need to have a word with you if you have amoment!”

“Certainly Severus how can I help you?” she replied placing her quill down on the stand in front of her and folding her hands on the desk with what Severus would swear was a Dumbledore move.

“Well this is somewhat delicate for me to bring up,” he started, then seeing the look on her face he quickly continued, “I think you misunderstand me headmistress it’s not a delicate problem of a personal nature to me but more a matter of my continued reputation if this information were to get out.”

Minerva nodded indicating should continue and took a sip of her tea at what would later be considered an inopportune time.

“Its Miss Granger, frankly I’m worried about her!”

Minerva sprayed the last of the hot tea in her mouth back into the cup witch then proceeded to drop from her hand as her wand came out of its hiding place and was quickly aimed across the table.

Severus quickly raised his hands. “Umm… head mistress I’m sure you have noticed that she has not been as vocal in class these last few weeks. And in the potions lab where she is normally completely aware of her surroundings I have noticed that sometimes Potter has to redirect people that are attempting to interfere with her potions. Mr Weasley hasn’t been receiving the help form her he normally dose and I have noticed that while she is getting more attached to Mr Potter she is much quieter!”

Minerva visibly slumped as Severus continued to list the same things she had seen in her classes. “Yes Severus I have also noticed these things.”

“Did you perhaps have a class with them today?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. Noticing that the headmistress was shaking her head continued,“Today there was a visible cooling between the two it started at breakfast and continued through potions lunch and dinner their normal eating companions were likewise quiet during meals but were looking back and forth between the two with somewhat worried looks on their faces. I’m sure you will understand if I don’t want this information to be spread about the castle.”

Minerva could only nod as he swept toward the door and off into the night time castle.


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