Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the power of Oa

chapter 5: Holiday drama

by bluminous 14 reviews

can you say eep!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-03-28 - Updated: 2009-03-28 - 9319 words

Harry potter and the power of Oa
By Bluminous

A/N: I don’t own Harry Potter or DC comics

Chapter 5: Holiday drama

A bald man with a serious face looked on at the computer image lighting his face. His face twisted into an evil smile as he nodded in satisfaction. This would counter the Green Lantern’s power nicely. He knew how to deal with the league; he had files on its every member stating their capabilities and weaknesses, their tendencies and habits, fighting styles. All were crucial. But the most problems he had with were the green lantern corps, each was a power house, and once they were 3600 of them, 7200 in all if you bring in their substitutes. Their power was their flexibility, immune to bullets, and energy weapons as long as their energy lasted, and it lasted long after a usual engagement.

The threat of the corps aiding the league deterred him from gathering all his allies against the league. They were so powerful they could literally rule the universe, but they were boy scouts. They only had one weakness, if he could remove that ring from the Lantern, he was powerless, an ordinary human. He was happy the corps disbanded, powerless. But one came back, and threw off his plans. He wheeled his wheel chair to another experiment. Stupid lantern should have disappeared with his fellow corps, he would pay.


Harry grunted after receiving a hit and parried with his left another strike while sending his own strike with his free right hand. He missed and received another hot to his chest and he fell down hard on the mattress. “You rely too much on your arms, use your legs to counter if the opponent is bigger and has longer reach.” Bruce said as he panted. Harry just lied on the mat, breathing hard. He stood up and prepared to spar again. “I think that’s enough Harry, get some rest. You’re stamina’s improving though. You lasted 7 rounds with me today”

“I still can’t beat you though” Harry said and Bruce just laughed. “Give it a few more years Harry and you’ll be able to beat batman in hand to hand combat.” Harry grinned and drank water from his bottle, and he grabbed his towel and headed back to his room for a shower. He met Daphne and Hermione and waved at them, and the two girls went to him, following him to his room. “You looked like a hippogriff ran you over” Daphne said looking at him from head to foot. “Nah no hippogriffs in Gotham, I had sparring with my dad. Great workout though, and we will do that this summer.” Harry said reminding them of his promise to train them. Hermione and Daphne exchanged glances looking unsure. Harry read what they were thinking as it was obvious in their faces and laughed. “We won’t spar right ahead, just simple jogging, stretches, and katas, that’s all.” He said and headed to his walk in closet. Daphne and Hermione looked relieved, while Harry looked for clothes to wear. He came out, and decided upon blue and grey colors and headed straight to his bathroom.

Hermione looked around and spotted something at the shelves. She looked at Daphne who was looking at Harry’s closet and said “Look at these Daph.” Daphne moved to see what Hermione was looking at and she smiled when she saw a small Harry in various pictures. One picture was him around 6 years old gripping the leg of a 9 year old Kara’s leg and smiling shyly. “Ooh he’s so cute!” Hermione said, she wanted a copy of that one.

One thing they noticed that was constant was Harry was always holding on to Kara. They wondered what their history was.

The door slammed open and shook them from reverie and saw Kara enter the room yawning. “What a boring night! Hey you wanna spar Harry?” She asked then stopped when she saw the two girls. “Hi! Where’s Harry?” she asked and Hermione pointed at the bathroom. Kara nodded and opened Harry’s terrace door and sat down on the couch on the terrace. The two girls shared a look, maybe they could ask her. They followed Kara and sat on the two seat couch on the long couch’ right.

“Uhmm we were looking at the pictures on the shelves.” Hermione said and Kara looked at her. “Yeah he’s a cute little bugger at 6.” She said smiling fondly as she remembered little Harry. “So if it’s not to personal do you mind sharing your history with him?” Daphne asked and heard her reply. “Actually its personal but since your Harry’s friends… I’ll tell you some, but not all. You have to ask him for that. Ok?”

Daphne and Kara eagerly nodded and leaned in closer. Kara looked toward the trees and said “I met Harry at first when my cousin Clark met Bruce at Wayne Headquarters and there he was small and thin with the brightest green eyes I have ever seen. He was just adopted but he was very friendly but quiet.”

“My cousin and Bruce sometimes went out of town, hunting or fishing and leave me alone with Alfred and Harry” she remembered the long missions that sometimes they even visited other planets. “Like all 9 year olds I didn’t pay attention to him, and sometimes I played a prank on him. Since he was so gullible.“ She said sadly, and Hermione and Daphne frowned at this.

“There was this day when my diary was missing, the last time I remember was writing it was in the forest, but I couldn’t find it. So I accused Harry of stealing it and made him look for it in the grounds and told him to not come back until he found it. A storm passed through that night and I slept soundly, when I woke up and turned in my bed I felt the diary, it was in my bed all along! It was hidden inside the covers. I went down for breakfast and when Alfred asked me if Harry was awake; I ignored him and continued eating. When Alfred told me his bed wasn’t slept in we started looking for him. While Alfred looked inside the manor I realized where I sent him and went outside to look for him. I spotted him in the forest, he was still looking under shrubs and his hands were already red and swollen with cuts.” Kara’s eyes moistened and she continued speaking.

“He had a fever then and his clothes were wet from the storm. He looked through the night looking for my diary, and he never slept.” Hermione and Daphne’s eyes were spilling tears now. “When he saw me I saw his green eyes dulled with fever, his small body was breaking but his will to find my diary was strong. So I felt ashamed and never told him that I found my diary, I just told him to stop looking for it. He just smiled at me and nodded, although I could see his body shake from weakness. His eyes were never accusing, he just accepted what I said.”

“We walked back towards the mansion and he looked at me seriously and wrote something with his crayon he always carried, a green one. He wrote it in the newspaper and said I’m sorry. He did that since he felt his throat was sore from the fever and he couldn’t speak. When he sat down at the table he fell asleep instantly, and he almost died there from the fever. I cried that night in the hospital bed, and when I woke up I saw Harry holding my hand comforting me. When he recovered enough to speak I was apprehensive of talking to him again, but I finally confessed that it was not really his fault, and that he had the right to get mad at me. But he never did, he just forgave me… said that we all make mistakes. What kind of five year old is that?”

“He was never greedy with things, he always shared them with me, and he was the most selfless person I ever met.”

“We were inseparable ever since and I grew protective of him. And I think I grew up that day he almost died, that I learned that your actions, even the smallest ones have consequences. So I grew up, and Harry growing up with me, he got a little jaded, and he learned that some people may take advantage of you. But he never lost his will, his determination to see things through, and his spirit. That’s my Harry” Kara ended her monologue, and looked at the faces of the two girls whose eyes were red from the crying but were now smiling. Kara wiped the tears from her eyes with her shirt.

Daphne and Hermione were silent and then they couldn’t hold themselves anymore and hugged Kara, thanking her for sharing the emotional story. Their talk moved on to lighter things, and the two girls and the teenager finally connected at that moment, not anymore distant and aloof and awkward. They had connected through Harry.

Harry stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a blue sweater and grey pants, ready to start the day after a brutal workout. Noticing that Daphne and Hermione were gone, he went out into the terrace for his peaceful alone time and was stumped, unsure of what to do for three girls have taken over it. Kara had fallen from her seat on the couch and was now on the floor laughing with Daphne as Hermione said: and “then… and then…. He said good bye kitty and kissed our teacher on the nose!!!” Kara laughed harder and tears were spilling out of her tightly closed eyes. She gasped saying “I can’t breathe… can’t breathe!” as his classmates still giggled with laughter.

“I find my misfortunes make you girls happy. Now why has my terrace become a girl club house?” he asked dryly. Kara’s eyes opened and she got up and grinned at him. Since their talk and kiss last week at the top of the Daily Planet office he thought things might get awkward between them, but it didn’t. They continued on, teasing and playing, but deep within their smiles at one another it had a special meaning. It was deeper, a secret and a promise of the future. Kara grew more affectionate with him, slowly changing his way of thinking of her, and he tried to respond. He still wanted a playmate though, someone to hang out with and sometimes spar or tell his problems. He hoped when Kara become his girlfriend she would still be willing to do that.

“Harry! Why didn’t you tell me of your wacky misadventures? That kiss the cat teacher was prime teasing material at the dinner table! Wait until I tell Wally, John, Kat, Clark…” Kara trailed off naming names she thought would get the best kick out of it. Harry huffed and decided to fight fire with fire. “Well I also remember who used to sleep wearing her pink tutus and dancing at Bruce’s party wearing only a…” Kara interrupted him immediately. “Stop! Ok Harry no blackmailing you through that.” Kara said weakly, then asked “So what do you want to do for today?” She was trying to change topics immediately.

Harry looked for an idea and spotted his very British friends.

“I was thinking since we are in America and we have British guests we’ll let them taste American culture by visiting uhmm…” Harry trailed off thinking of cultural museums or monuments in Gotham City.

“The Mall?” Kara asked suddenly. Hermione and Daphne perked up at this.

“No! Not the mall, if we went there you girls would only go shopping!” Harry said quickly, trying to head them off. He shouldn’t have said the “s” word and it wasn’t shit.

“Shopping?” the three girl’s heads turned to Harry and gave him a weird look. Harry shook his head and said something that was a mistake yet again.

“No, and I’ll only spend time there looking bored, while you look at sales and end up with me paying for your shopping sprees, like it was free.” He said. The shopping sprees with Kara never really reached more than a hundred dollars, she enjoyed the experience more than what was bought.

“Free?” they said and Harry saw Hermione’s eyes burning with fire. Shopping and Girls.

He sighed, it was coming now, he knew Kara’s secret weapon and it was his weakness. Kara looked at him with her big beautiful eyes that reflected the blue sky; they were wide and mesmerizing to look at. “Please Harry?” Kara asked. Then the second stage was launched and Kara bit her lip and pouted, raising her eyebrows slightly. “Please?” She asked and blinked a few times. An unexpected attack was launched on his crumbling resolve when he felt her hand reach up and massage his forearm. He gave up, defeated and gave a nod.

“YES! The three girls gave each other high fives and Kara told them” “He can never resist that” she said proudly. “Yeah I was told I had nothing on you.” Daphne replied grinning, she was excited to shop on the muggle world. Harry called his dad to tell him of today’s plans. “Yes Dad, ok I will, yes Kara will come you don’t need to ask that… what? That’s great ok you too bye.”Harry dropped the phone on the desk and, said “well Dad said we could go, he only asked us to take care and be back by dinner.”

“Harry does this color suit me?” He heard Kara ask. He looked at the red dress with gold sequins on a coat hanger draped over her body. “Too flashy” he said and went back to reading the brochure for proper eating habits that was given free at the counter of the clothes shop. ‘It’s a freakin anorexic brainwashing propaganda.’ He thought. Eat Nuts and drink water? That was the dumbest thing he ever heard. He really didn’t like the shop with the snooty salesladies giving fake plastic smiles at Kara, Hermione and Daphne while making ugly faces at their backs. They thought their male companion didn’t notice as he was reading a brochure. He wasn’t the son of the world’s greatest detective for nothing as he watched all their actions, observing analyzing. They were jealous of Kara he noticed from the whispers they heard.

He had enough, and stood up.” Were going, take what you want now, I really don’t like this place.” He said rather loudly and the Female manager narrowed her eyes at him. Kara and Daphne handed him a pair of bags and he walked towards the counter where the manager is and deposited the items on the desk while he took out the card and gave it to her. The manager took it and once everything was cleared she went to him to have him sign the receipt. “Thank you for shopping here Mr....“ she stopped and read the receipt then continued weakly “Mr. Wayne, thank you.” The salesladies at the side instantly stopped their annoying chattering. “I would have stayed, but they were very rude to my friends” he said and walked out the store with the three girls with smug expressions on their faces.

The shopping was not that bad as he feared, the girls had left him alone, only asking for an opinion unlike his last time with Zatanna and Kara. They entered a coffee shop, and took seats at the corner. “Well well lookie lookie” Kara suddenly said and pointed with her eyes who she spotted. Clark and Lois were talking, well Lois was talking while Clark stammered everything he said, almost like professor Quirell Harry thought and he suddenly frowned. He needed to solve that mystery and see past the manipulations and lies.
“Harry! Let’s greet them” Kara insisted, tugging his arm. He followed her and prepared to make Clark’s life hell. “Clark!” he shouted and Superman saw him and groaned. Lois saw Harry and she stood up and opened her arms wide. “Come here Harry, I haven’t seen you in months, give your old auntie a hug.”

Harry hugged her warmly, he had met her when Bruce brought him to the Daily Planet. He wandered and explored the building, and read the picture frames with news clippings in them. That’s where he met Lois Lane.



Harry looked at the very cramp busy place, it was very different from the spacious interiors and quiet ambiance of Wayne Corporate Headquarters. People zoomed in left and right, sometimes shouting, even yelling. It was fun!

Little Harry always like to read and write, and he spotted a large newspaper front page in a glass picture frame. It had big letters that said “Who is superman?” by Lois Lane. He walked along looking at the various frames showing the same reporter with stories about Superman and he frowned. This reporter Lois Lane was very curious about his Uncle Clark’s secret job, and he wondered if she was like one of his uncle’s enemies. He knew how to keep a secret though and promised earnestly never to tell anyone about his families’ weird jobs. He investigated, and brought out his brown pad paper and pencil, gathering facts about the reporter he read on the news clippings, writing down big words he didn’t even know the meaning of. Like Bruce taught him he used his investigative nature and speculated. He would show this to Uncle Clark later.

Unknown to him a cubicle’s occupant was looking at him with an amused expression. ‘Little Reporter how cute’ she thought. She stood up and walked over to him, and read over his shoulder what the little tike had written.

Lois Lane – a lady reporter from the Daily Planet
She is a joornalist
Very interested in Superman
She is looking for Superman’s secret identity. She came from Smallville. She is 26 years old. The newspaper says he has black hair.


Lois Lane was pleasantly surprised and was very amused at this inquisitive future journalist. “Hello little reporter” she said loudly and the small boy turned around, and when he saw her exclaimed “Lois Lane!” She wanted to laugh, her a villain? “I’m no villain, little reporter, I’m just doing my job.” She said and kneeled in front of him. “What’s your name?” she asked. Deciding that giving her his name was ok, he spoke out “Harry, my name is Harry” Lois smiled and said “ok Harry, who did you come with? Little children don’t belong in the news room, you might get hurt.” Harry defended himself and said “I got bored, so I walked around. I’m lost though” “Let’s get you back to who you came with then, let’s go I’ll show you my cubicle.” Lois replied and gave out her hand, and the little boy took it. She walked back to her cubicle, afraid the boy might get run over by rushing reporters beating a deadline.

Harry spent an hour in the very noisy newsroom in Lois Lane’s cubicle, having decided she was not looking to harm Superman, just curious. He was well behaved and quiet while she worked, only interrupting her when he read over her shoulder and ask the meaning of a word that she was typing. He still refused to tell her who he came with though, not yet trusting her fully. She might connect the idea of Superman and Uncle Clark. He was playing with drawings while crouched on the floor when Clark suddenly ran to Lois cubicle, and he said in a worried voice. “Lois have you seen a small boy around? About this tall with green eyes?”

Having heard Clark Harry stood up and shouted “Uncle Clark!” Clark Kent breathed a sigh of relief and said “Don’t wonder around Harry, you might get hurt! Good thing Lois found you. Bruce would have kicked me in the butt if you got hurt. Oh, Harry, meet my long time friend Lois Lane, and this bundle of energy is Harry Wayne.” Harry smiled at her and asked him “You know each other?” “Yeah Harry, since high school. We went to school together.” Clark replied.

He sometimes stayed with Clark when Bruce went to other countries. He didn’t want Harry going to these dangerous places with him. He knew Harry would be much better off with company, rather than staying in an old mansion with just Alfred for days. Staying with Clark was good for him, and he had a playmate in Kara, those two were inseparable.

Lois was very surprised that this was the mysterious Wayne heir that Gotham Paper gossip columns were talking about. She agreed not to write him in her column though, as she didn’t want to do that to a child, and she liked this little reporter.


A year later

Clark and Lois were brainstorming over an article about Lex Luthor’s recent actions of giving public donations to hospitals and schools at Clark’s apartment while Harry read a book. “I just don’t get it; he might be trying to gain public trust again trying to regain his popularity.” Clark said aloud. “That might be possible, but why so much money? Is he trying to bribe the society?” Lois theorized.

Harry listened absently while he read, he knew very well about Lex Luthor, public enemy number 1. He voiced his thoughts while he read and said “I think he is trying to look good because he feels bad, you know like my classmates at school. They would do something good like chores, trying to cover up the bad ones they did like breaking the vase, without telling their moms. Maybe he did something bad, and even though no one knows it he is still trying to cover himself as a reaction.”

Clark and Lois looked at each other with wide eyes, and looked at the small boy lying on his belly reading. “Really Harry? What else do you think he is planning?” Lois asked, very impressed. “Well I read on the papers that he donated money at schools, churches, orphanages… these are all maintained by the government right? He’s planning to run as mayor or something to show the voters he cares for the public” he replied, and then turning a page of the book he was reading.

Clark was wide eyed; he needed to tell this to Bruce right away, while Lois was looking at Harry like she wanted to adopt him.


End of Flashback.

“I don’t know about old, Aunt Lois, you look very pretty like when Clark told me the other day…” he said, teasing Clark who blushed further.

“Really! What does Clark tell you about me?” Lois asked. This was a game she and Harry started playing a year ago, she knew Clark’s crush on her, and Harry’s teasing of it. Since then Clark tried not have Lois and Harry at the same table, like now.

“Well, he said that you’re really pretty, and you would be better off with him than your stupid Crush on Superman” Harry said, teasing Lois this time.

“Harry, I don’t have a crush on Superman” Lois said but Harry interrupted her and said “You’re right, you’re obsessed with him. Clark can you check if she has that red cape in her closet? The one that can be bought at novelty stores.” Lois blushed at this, looking at Clark.

“Anyway Aunt Lois, I heard your name last night, Clark kept saying it last night when… “A hand clamped on his mouth, it was super fast, as if Superman himself covered his mouth from preventing him from speaking. He looked back at Kara who was leaning on a nearby chair, laughing silently.

Lois was not one to be beaten in a verbal teasing, and she countered. “So this new school of yours in England, I bet you met many girls, have a girlfriend already?”
“Not really Aunt Lois I already have plans, anyway you see those two girls over there?” Harry pointed at two girls sitting on the corner chatting. ” They’re my classmates, c’mon ill introduce you.” He said, dragging her elbow.

After everyone got introduced, Clark insisted that he go with kids as they headed home, for a bit of protection. Lois came with them, wanting to spend more time with Harry, her little reporter.

The holidays breezed past, and for Harry and Kara, too quickly. He said goodbye to his family and to Kara who was in a better mood, since he would now see her weekly at the watch tower. He soon found himself on the train back to Hogwarts with his mask on, not wanting to show his emotions.

“Hey Harry, we’ll start our training this new term right?” Daphne asked, trying to lighten his spirits. “Ohhhh yeah! I wanted to kick that Terry Boot’s but, he kept on teasing me for getting higher marks than him!” Hermione added.

“This training I’m going to give you…” Harry said as he looked at his friends seriously. “They’re not to be used to look for fights… you only use them to defend yourselves, when you clearly see there is no other way… you get me?” Harry asked, looking at his wide eyed friends. “I mean you are no better than them, just because I taught you this martial art you go looking for them abusing what I will teach you.” He said quietly.

“I get it Harry, this new training you’re going to give us is for self defense only, or if your helping an innocent person, like when you helped me that time” Daphne said and Harry smiled at her. “You got it Daph, do you understand now Hermione?” he asked, looking at her. “Yeah, we shouldn’t abuse your power, because doing that will make us bullies ourselves.” Hermione said softly.

“That’s why I like smart girls” Harry said jokingly and then he closed his eyes for a nap. Daphne and Hermione exchanged smug looks, happy for Harry’s praise.

A figure prowled the darkened halls of Hogwarts silently. It was like a shadow, blending in, moving swiftly like a shade. Mrs. Norris paused, thought that she saw something, and looked around. When she saw nothing, the cat moved on, prowling for out of bed students. The figure moved on, until he finally reached the forbidden third floor corridor. After a few minutes, the figure stepped out of the door and closed it again.
Professor Severus Snape rushed to the area, he had placed wards if Quirell made a move, and tonight it alerted him. He opened the door with his wand raised, prepared to bound the massive three headed dog when what he saw befuddled him. The Cerberus was shaking in the corner and all three head were whining, the tail between its legs. Snap cast the detection charm and let out the breath he was holding, confirming the trapdoor was not opened. He looked back to the Cerberus, scared like a kitten and walked out of the room. The intruder was obviously not Quirell, so it must have been a student. But what sort of person scares a Cerberus like that? He shuddered at encountering such a person and walked away, lost in thought. He didn’t notice a shadow watching him.

Neville looked at the mirror with fascination, he saw himself making Malfoy cry. He was bigger, and obviously heavily muscled, and wearing auror robes. He shouted “Spank his skinny ass!” over and over again, his one dream against his tormentor. The image of the older Neville finally kicked the crap out of Malfoy with an amazing spell that he didn’t know, and then he was surrounded by Lavender and Parvati who cried “Oh Neville!” Neville left the room a grin on his face; he would have to come back soon. This new Invisibility cloak Dumbledore gave him was neat.

Albus shook his head, disappointed with Neville’s fondest desire. He thought he would see him looking at his parents with their sanity intact, but this immature childish vision made him irritated. Why would anyone spank the young Malfoy in defeat? A spell was enough…. He popped a Lemon Drop and walked away.


Hermione was pacing and forth in the common room when the door opened and Harry Potter went in. She was about to scold him when she stopped and looked at his get up and hesitantly said “Harry?” Harry nodded, and took off his belt and sat on the couch and looked sheepishly at her and said. “Hey Hermione, why are you still up? It’s nearly 1.” “Don’t Hermione me Harry Wayne where were you? I went to your dorm to borrow a book for some late night reading and found your bed empty! And what are you wearing! You look like some burglar!” She replied and added a rant.

Harry sighed, he figured he could tell her his suspicions, since this was not League classified. He said “Alright I’ll tell you, keep your voice down and let’s talk.” Hermione sat on the other arm chair, intrigued, her worry turning into curiosity. “So would you mind telling me what you are up to?” she asked. Harry looked around, observing the shadows. When he was satisfied that they were alone, he began to explain.

“I recently became suspicious last October, when a Troll was able to go inside the castle. It was no accident, there had to be a motive, and I found the motive just now.”
“What is it? Is it related to the forbidden corridor?” Hermione asked, and Harry smiled. She was truly smart as a batarang. Almost nothing missed her observant mind.

“Yeah, I suspect the Headmaster has something of immense value there, and I discovered the first layer of defense when I went there earlier.” He held up his hand to stop Hermione from scolding him.

“Wait Hermione, rant later, anyway I had two suspects, but I just confirmed the obvious choice. The troll was let in last October as a distraction, but the thief did not succeed since I guess some of faculty headed him off. The thief I suspect is Professor Quirell since I found a clove of garlic in the garden entrance. That’s the route the troll might have taken to gain entrance to the castle.”

Hermione nodded, impressed by his deduction. She said “So Professor Quirell’s stuttering is just an act. But isn’t Professor Snape the likely culprit? He obviously favors his Slytherins, most of which had dark wizards as parents. ” Harry nodded, expecting the question.

“That I think is an act as well, but I saw him earlier when I investigated the first corridor. He went inside and then went outside right after, he looked worried someone had tried to steal whatever it is.” Harry said and then got up, ready to take a shower. His black over all suit was hot.

Hermione was quiet for a moment thinking, and when Harry was about to climb the stairs, she asked the question nagging her for months. “Harry, who are you?”

“I’m just Harry Wayne” he said and vanished to the shadows of the stairs. Hermione frowned and sat back in front of the fire. She had a lot to think.


“Where’s Harry?” Daphne asked Hermione one Saturday, they were sitting beside the lake taking a break from the studies. Some of the Gryffindor boys were playing with the giant squid, and the Weasley twins were trying to feed it some of their special candy. The squid only threw back their candies at their foreheads. “I don’t know, he wasn’t at the dorm when I invited him to hang out here” Hermione said looking around hoping to spot messy black hair among the boys playing in the grass. “Let’s find him then” Daphne said as she stood up and Hermione followed her.

Their quest was unfruitful as they spent their whole afternoon exploring Hogwarts castle and its grounds but they found no Harry Wayne. “Where could he be?”Daphne growled, frustrated at Harry’s disappearance. They looked at Harry’s usual spots, the Library, Common room, his dorm and the owlery. They finally gave up and went for an early dinner, hungry with all the walking. They found their query happily eating dinner sitting alone. “Where were you?” Daphne hissed, and Hermione nodded her face showing irritation.

“Just somewhere for some private time” Harry said and took a mouthful of mashed potatoes. “I don’t believe you” Daphne said, her bitchy side acting up as she sat beside him as Hermione sat on his other side. “Look, sometimes I need some time for myself, to do some things” He said, he really did not want to outright lie to his friends, and hoped they thought he was training. “Fine, but we are your friends Harry, and I accept you need to keep some things for yourself. We’re just worried about you” Hermione said diplomatically and Harry gave her a smile in appreciation.


“We’re going to crash! Engine 3 and 4 are down!” Captain Sutherland said to his co pilot, and he pressed a button for the speakers and said “Braise for impact! Braise for Impact” as he struggled on the controls. He manage to level the huge plane, but his speed was still too fast, and an attempt to land in the water at high speed would tear the belly of the plane into scrap metal. His co pilot kept on talking with flight control when his plane was suddenly enveloped in green light. They started to gained altitude, and it kept on rising. It was impossible as their speed was too slow to regain lift, when a green figure flew beside their plane and nodded at their window. Captain Sutherland and his co pilot exchanged glances and grinned, and they thanked God for the Justice League.

“Great job Apollo” Supergirl said as she flew beside him. Apollo nodded and said “I can take the load, where shall we land this plane?” Supergirl with his super vision spotted the airport the plane was suppose to make an emergency landing and said “Follow me”

Emergency Vehicles littered the Runway, as well as press vans who managed to get inside the private airport. The enormous plane approached, surrounded with green light, and then it stopped and slowly lowered to the ground. Cries of relief and jubilation were heard from the rescue workers, and the reporters rushed to the two figures that landed beside the plane.

“Supergirl! Who is your new team mate?”

“Are you a green lantern sir?”

“When did you join the Justice League?”

Having strict orders from Batman that only a few senior League members were allowed to talk to the press, Apollo remained impassive and Supergirl just smiled as they flew off towards the Watch Tower. Both preferred flying directly instead of the teleporting since Harry had the capability of space travel, and it provided them time to talk for a few minutes. Harry enveloped them both in a green sphere as they approached a higher altitude and flew to Space.

Bruce and Diana were at first hesitant about allowing him to go, but they also missed their son. Harry, always prepared argued that there were no rules preventing students to go out of Hogwarts during weekends, only that portkey and floo travel were prohibited while inside Hogwarts grounds.

Hogwarts staff, once prohibiting these most common types of transportation, now assumed that their students would be forced to stay inside Hogwarts since it was isolated. They had only added that only third years and higher can visit Hogsmeade, thus allowing a loophole. It had worked for hundreds of years, until a student with near light speed and space capability arrived.

Kara leaned into Harry since they now had privacy and said “Once a week is barely enough Harry, and I still miss you.” She placed a kiss on Harry’s cheek and ruffled his head. Harry smiled at her, not at all irritated even when she messed his hair. “I miss you too Kara, but I still need to learn more about my Magic, and you need to finish your studies.” He replied. “Still, it’s different, but hey I have to do with what time we have. It was horrible when you were gone for months.” She kissed him again on the cheek, cherishing the moments when Harry was with her. As they approached the watch tower Kara asked aloud. ”I wonder what’s for lunch? I’m getting hungry.” Harry laughed and said “You’re always hungry Kara, careful you’ll get heavy and you won’t be able to keep up with me when we fly.”So I’m heavy huh? Are you saying I’m getting fat?” Kara asked, grinning. He was going to get it, calling a woman fat. She was proud of her figure and she was excited when Harry would appreciate it one day.


Hermione and Daphne were worried about their friend, he kept on disappearing on weekends, and it was like he vanished into thin air. They had confronted him several times, but he was being evasive and not answering their questions directly. Last Saturday they had woken up at 5 in the morning and snuck up on his dorm, but were thoroughly pissed when they found his bed empty. How early did that boy wake up?

Harry was beginning to show signs of irritation, but kept it inside his mask. Only his tone betrayed him when he finally answered back to their pestering. “Look, Hermione, Daphne, do I stop hanging out with you during weekdays? Do we not have class and hang out together, study and review together? All I ask is one day for myself, what’s wrong with that?” Hermione and Daphne didn’t know what to answer, and finally Harry said, “Let’s go to class we’re going to be late.” and walked away with two girls snapping out of their dazes and running after him.

They never bothered him after that incident, but now things got more awkward between the three. Although they still hang out together, the girls became unusually silent about it and embarrassed, while Harry by nature was quiet and broody, so things never got better for a while. Harry though he didn’t show it, was feeling guilty about what he said and the result of the incident. They were his friends, and they cared about him, that’s why they asked about his weekly disappearances. He truly hoped he could tell him about his work, but it was dangerous, and possibly life threatening with the knowledge he would tell them. Even though it hurt him too see things so awkward, he would persevere, it was part of a hero’s life after all. He might have a plan to repair their friendship though.

Hermione woke up and stretched, and prepared for her morning ritual. She threw a pillow to Daphne’s head to wake her up walked inside the bathroom bleary eyed. When she went back in, she sniffed at the strange scent permeating their dorm. She rubbed her eyes again and gasped out loud. “Daphne! Sleepyhead! Wake up! Look!” Daphne was already half awake from Hermione’s pillow and shouted “Wow!” both of their beds were surrounded by flowers, yellow roses and orchids, and a few tulips. A card was attached to each group of flowers and they read their respective cards eagerly. Daphne read hers first.

To one of my loveliest and dearest friend, Daphne

Please allow me the pleasure of your company for a day of picnic and leisure.

Your rude and now apologizing friend, Harry

“He certainly knows how to make things easier huh?” Daphne asked as she put the card back inside its envelope. She would treasure this card; it was very sweet and thoughtful. Hermione nodded and smiled, agreeing with her, and they both eagerly dressed for the day. The other girls in their room also woke up from the commotion were now jealous at Hermione and Daphne’s special treatment. They wondered if stepping back to allow Daphne was the wise decision, that boy was so smooth around women. And he was only 11.

The two excited girls ran down the stairs wearing jeans and blouses appropriate for a picnic. Once they saw Harry waiting in the common room they leapt into him and gave him hug and pecks on the cheeks. Harry blushed at this but hugged them in turn. “Hey, sorry I was such a moody person last week. I want to tell you what I’ve been doing but I can’t.” He softly said. “Oh Harry, you don’t need to apologize, we were wrong too, I would hate it too if someone kept nagging at me for weeks.” Daphne said while Hermione sniffled. “It was a stupid issue, and we are going to forget it right Daph?” Hermione said and Daphne replied “Of course, Harry, we are sorry too, friends?” “Definitely” Harry replied, grinning and then picked up the picnic basket on the table. The Trio headed to the castle grounds elbows intertwined and was greeted by a breezy morning and a lazy sun.


Dumbledore reread again the obviously fake letter from the minister and eyed Neville Longbottom from his desk. He had tried everything, from leaving books in the boy’s bed about alchemy to making Hagrid discuss about his pet Cerberus to the boy, but Neville wasn’t the sharpest blade in the lot. He was the dullest, and his wit could not cut a strand of his long beard. Short of obliviating the boy, this was the one thing he could do while still keeping him safe.

“So Neville, as I told you in our past discussions that Voldemort…” He paused as the boy made a small “eeep.” That was so gay, he thought and continued. “ehem Voldemort…” he paused again as the boy made the irritating mouse like “eeep” again. They would get nowhere he thought, if this keeps happening. “Anway, the Dark Lord, I believe I told is still alive but he has no body.” He spoke and Neville nodded fearfully.

“I have in my possession the Sorcerer’s Stone which is currently hidden in the third floor corridor.” Albus said and paused, waiting for a question. Neville asked “Sorsy what?”

“Sorcerer’s Stone” Albus said, pronouncing each word carefully and continued. “You remember that Hagrid said someone was attacking the unicorns, when you went to detention with him, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Weasley.” Neville fearfully nodded, remembering the Dark figure approaching him before a centaur picked him up and carried him to safety. Firenze was not amused though and considered handing the heavy boy back to the evil shade when the boy pissed in his pants in fear while he was on his back. It was so gross.

“Now, drinking the blood of the Unicorn would condemn the drinker of a Half Life, for he drank something so pure and innocent. However, to counter that effect, the Sorcerer’s Stone produced the elixir of life, aside from turning metals into gold. Now, Voldemort…” He paused, irritated now as Neville eeped again. “Neville! Fear of a name increases fear for the thing itself! Say the name!” he thundered and Neville shakily replied “Voldehhhhh…..fort”

“That is not his name; now show me the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom! Say the name Neville!” he said and finally the boy said “Voldeehmort!”

“Good, now Voldemort…” he said throwing a sharp look at Neville daring him to “eeep” again. When the boy just gulped, he continued. “He might seek to take the Sorcerer’s Stone from us, we need to protect it. Would you come with me now when I need you, to confront him?” Neville hesitantly nodded and Albus began to explain his plan.

Harry walked again back to the third floor corridor he had been passing by it every now and then, adding himself as extra security to the place. He spotted the door halfway opened and began to enter it when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He quickly moved into the shadows, making sure that he was visually obscured from sight by a stone column. The headmaster and Neville Longbottom appeared, with the old wizard’s face looking determined while the boy looked like he wanted to cry. He decided to follow them to see if they needed help.

Albus frowned when he saw the sleeping dog and the playing Harp. He extended the charm on the harp and flicked his wand at the trapdoor. The trapdoor vanished, and he cast an incendio at the devil’s snare, Pomona’s added defense before jumping inside, falling lightly to the ground. He looked up to see the face of the scared boy poking out of the trapdoor. “Jump in Neville” he said but the boy shook his head and said “It’s too high professor.” Running out of patience and time, he said “If you do not jump here Mr. Longbottom you would be spending your summer at Professor Snape’s house.” That did it and the boy jumped, his eyed covered with his hands, and he landed on his butt.

This scene continued, as Albus threatened the boy before following him to the task. The threats were getting funny, from:

“If you do not get on that broom I will ask Mr. Filch to visit your home and court your grandmother”

“If you do not follow me into the mirror room, I will have you blood adopted by the Malfoy’s and have Draco as your brother.”

Finally they reached the flames, Voldemort on their minds, and did not notice the shadow stalking them. They arrived and saw Quirell looking at the mirror. “Professor Duuddumbledore! ” Quirell said, surprised. He thought the old coot was in the by ministry now. “Impressive acting Mr. Quirell, you could try and have a career in Wizard plays. Now show me your master, Tom and I need to have a chat.” Dumbledore said coldly.

“Very well Dumbledore” A cold voice hissed, and Quirell turned around and began to unwrap his turban. Dumbledore stood ready, he knew if Voldemort possessed Quirell his opponent would be a formidable dueler. As the last bits of cloths fell down to the floor, a face moved appeared on the back of Quirell’s head. The white face had two slits for a nose and when its eyes opened it had narrow slits, like a serpents.

“Albus Dumbledore…. See what I have become… what I have fallen into? But I am not dead Dumbledore! I will not die so easily! Give up and hand me the Sorcerer’s Stone!” Voldemort said louder, he then turned his eyes and looked at a shaking Neville Longbottom at Dumbledore’s side. “Neville Longbottom… you brought your weapon, I see.” This was too much Neville and he turned around, elbowing his Headmaster in the gut and running, before he tripped on the stairs and knocked himself out. Albus staggered, the elbow from Neville hit him right in the gut, and he was out of breath. He tried to compose himself again, but Voldemort used the opportunity and sent a strong parseltongue spell on him, and he fell down in a heap.

Voldemort could not believe it would be this easy to destroy his enemies and began to laugh, then felt his powers weaken. “Kill them quickly!” he hissed, returning control of the body to his host. That one stunt had weakened him considerably, and he closed his eyes and retreated to the head, he couldn’t come out again for a few days and started sapping small quantities of Quirell’s life force. He needed that elixir quickly, the Unicorn herd had now run off near the Centaur’s village, seeking their protection.

“They are not without protection, Lord Voldemort”, a voice suddenly spoke out from the shadows, and a strange figure stepped out. Quirell turned around quickly, pointing his wand at the intruder. The new figure was dressed in a black over all suit with strange green markings on its chest. It had on a weird like robe, but open at the front. “I am the stone’s last protection, its guardian, and you will not succeed.” Apollo said, improvising, seeking to confuse both his enemies. He knew he was facing two.

Quirell stepped back unsure of what to do. ‘Master?’ He thought to the Dark Lord. ‘Kill him you fool! After Dumbledore, nobody is a threat to you!’ replied, frustrated as he couldn’t see the new enemy, and couldn’t gauge the opponent’s power. Was it a summoned creature by Dumbledore? An elemental perhaps? Quirell launched bright hexes and curses, and the figured dodged them with minor shifts of weight on his feet. “You will not succeed, retreat now” Apollo said, but Quirell, confident of his master’s assurance, launched the killing curses at the figure. Apollo’s eyes narrowed and said, so be it and swept his arm, and a crescent shaped green energy swept out of his arm, slicing Quirell’s body in two.

The possessed man’s upper body fell down, and its lower torso and legs followed later. Voldemort returned to his shade form after losing his host and angrily looked at who ruined his plans. He couldn’t see properly, as the figure was emitting a strong green light, further harming his shade form. He cried out in frustration and rushed out of the chamber.

Apollo looked at the fallen Headmaster, and after checking for a pulse and finding a strong one, he left. He flew up the trapdoor and into the Cerberus chamber, where he instantly heard loud booming barks. The harp must have run out of Magic he thought, and sent a glare at the Cerberus. The giant three headed dog instantly whined, moving into the corner and trying to cover its heads with its paws.


The end of the feast has started, and everyone was in a celebratory mood, except for the Gryffindors as Slytherin’s banners now hang decoratively along the great hall. “Excellent year we had, before we begin the feast, I have some announcements to make: now for the awarding of the House cup, in fourth place is Gryffindor house with 328 points, in third is Hufflepuff house with 362 points, second is Ravenclaw house with 458 points and in the lead is Slytherin House with 479 points. Well done Slytherin.”

“However, there are different types of courage…” He paused and the hall was silent again. This was new; usually the House cup would be awarded straight away. “Courage can be in many forms, and for Neville Longbottom, for assisting me in a dangerous task, I give Gryffindor 50points.” The Gryffindor house erupted into cheers patting Neville on the back, while Ron Weasley proudly proclaimed that he was Neville’s best mate. The Slytherin’s wide smiles disappeared, thinking their victory might be taken away. “And finally, for Neville Longbottom again, for helping to defeat a dark wizard, I award Gryffindor House 100 points.”

Gryffindor Table erupted in cheers, they were only a point behind now, and frowns and glares started to form at the Slytherin’s table. Pats and slaps rained down on Neville’s back that it started to hurt. No girls wanted to kiss him though, as his face was covered in food. The hall eagerly waited what the Headmaster would say again, with the Gryffindors with bright smiles, they hadn’t won the House cup in years. “And again to Neville Longbottom…”

The Gryffindors gave a mighty roar and calmed down as the Headmaster grinned at them and held his hands for silence. He continued and said “…to Neville Longbottom, for helping me secure a magical artifact, I just want to say thanks. Congratulations Slytherin House for winning the House Cup!” He waved his wand and food appeared and the House cup floated to a laughing Severus Snape. The Slytherin Table yelled and banged their feet in celebration, and also to release the tension building inside from the Headmaster’s prank.
The Gryffindors looked on, confused and quiet. ‘What the hell happened’ was running on everyone’s minds, and a fifth year red head prefect was crying. The headmaster sat down and began to slice the beef steak on his plate. ‘Hit me in the gut will you’ he thought, sending a smug look at the near in tears Longbottom, before swallowing a piece of steak.

Harry looked on in amusement, he couldn’t wait to tell Kara about this, and what Dumbledore did actually made Harry respect him some. That was a fitting punishment for someone who was a coward. Another part about him felt sorry for Neville though, it was obvious that he is meant to fight Voldemort in the future. The “weapon” comment from the dark lord was very insightful, as it obviously referred to Longbottom. He continued thinking until a hand was waved into his face.

“Daphne? I’m getting dizzy” He joked and the hand stopped waving in his face. “You were so out there in the clouds, like your head was in outer space!” Hermione said and Harry coughed into his pumpkin juice.’ She had no idea’ he thought and grinned at Daphne, catching the waving arm and tickling the palm, making Daphne squeal. “I was just thinking about this summer. You know training.” He dragged out.

Hermione nodded, they had still to discuss their summer plans formally, and she asked “How are you getting home? By that hypersonic plane again?” “Nope, Dad’s yacht somewhere here, I might go there straight after King’s Cross station.” He replied and looked at Hermione and Daphne. “Your plans?” he asked. “Well we are keeping ours open, since we haven’t really discussed the time schedule for your training.” Hermione said and Daphne nodded.

The train was nearing King’s Cross now, and the trio, just keeping to themselves all year, didn’t have anyone else to talk to. The two females guarded Harry zealously, as females from other years and Houses tried befriending him. As Daphne put it, “Too cute for his own good” while Hermione’s phrase for him was “Too smooth for his own good.” They didn’t tell Harry about though.

The Train finally reached its destination, and after polite goodbyes to Hermione’s Parents and Daphne’s mother, ran to the blond petite figure waiting near the wall, beside Clark and Zatanna. He couldn’t help himself and jumped the last two meters, landing in the arms of Kara. Kara laughed and hugged him back tightly. The last time they met was three weeks ago, since it was Harry’s exam days every Saturday. Kara kissed him chastely on the lip before holding him at arm’s length and looking at him up and down. “You look good Harry” she said and Harry grinned. Clark and Zatanna informed him that Bruce and Diana were waiting in their yacht, and grabbed his cage and trunk. Kara grabbed him, holding him close as they disappeared in the brick wall.

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