Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Aftermath


by Quillian 0 reviews

Shadowcat's POV...

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Shadowcat - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-21 - Updated: 2006-03-22 - 832 words

DISCLAIMER: See the Prologue.



Face it, Shadowcat: You've obviously changed since then...

Kitty Pryde sat in her newly refurbished room, constantly thinking about what happened in the past few months.

She shook her head, almost hoping against hope that just shaking her head would help clear out those memories, the same way shaking a glass of water filled with salt or sugar would help dissolve the soluble substance within.

No, those memories would stick with her for the rest of her life.

She had only witnessed the horrors herself, and she was so shaken afterwards. She could only wonder how Magnus, who had actually lived through such horrors, had handled it.

Naturally, Kitty had learned about the Holocaust in Hebrew School, seeing as it was an important yet horrific event in the history of the Jewish people. When she was in one of the older levels, she had actually seen footage of a more sensitive nature, with the bodies of those victims just stacked up behind a building somewhere; she actually had to rush to the bathroom to vomit after seeing those images.

Of course, she and every other reasonable person on the planet thought that the Holocaust couldn't and wouldn't happen again.

Unfortunately, in a way, it had happened again.

She had also recalled all the Nuremburg trials, where former Nazis came up with all sorts of excuses to avoid persecution for their crimes, namely the one infamous excuse that they were "just following orders."

Then again... with these FOH cronies, they had actually been subjected to brainwashing, unlike the Nazis back then. They actually had a valid excuse for what they had done. If that was true, then Kitty was fine with that; especially after all she had gone through, she had issues with people being punished for things which weren't their fault.

The experiences had hardened her into a strong woman... but at times, she still felt traces of that naïve teenage girl inside of her.

Still, Kitty had refused to let the experiences she endured hard and bitter.

No disrespect meant, but that was Magnus' mistake in the first place.

Speaking of which... if anything good had come out of all of this, it was the ability to reach out to Magnus and give him something to live for again.

She vividly remembered that one starry night where they had talked, and she used the stars as a comparison to the human race. All the stars in the galaxy - in the universe itself - looked all the same from far away. They came in different colors, had different ages... but ultimately, they were all the same in the grand scheme of things.

That was when Magnus had his "moment of clarity," and some long-lost part of him had been reborn after all those years.

And speaking of former enemies... there was also Raven to take into consideration. If anything, this tragedy proved that Mystique wasn't some greedy, heartless bitch. Kitty only wished that it didn't involve the taking of the lives of any of her friends... especially Rogue. After all, they had been roommates in the beginning. After all, seeing Raven cry over Rogue's memorial was truly heartbreaking for Kitty to watch.

Still... if anything else that was good had come out of it, it was that people were respecting and listening to Professor Xavier more than ever before. Kitty had never really lost faith in the man she had come to consider her mentor, even during the darkest of times she had been a student under his tutelage.

It was times like these that Kitty was glad she kept some of her upbeat-ness. Sometimes, the enthusiasm of a kid needed to counterbalance the seriousness of an adult, and vice versa. It helped to make sure that the optimism kept back from the pessimism from consuming her and weighing her down.

Getting herself together, she got up and made sure she looked okay. After all, she was going to do some more modeling for Piotr. She had just gotten a new blouse she wanted to try on.

She was also extremely grateful for having Piotr stand by her during those dark days when they were trying to survive Stryker and her cronies. While he was plenty strong without his mutant powers, he really was a gentle giant at heart. Through all those dark experiences, Piotr had been her pillar of strength - both figuratively and literally. At the moment, Piotr was still trying to come to terms with Magneto's change of heart and character, so Kitty was able to help him do so with her own brand of optimism.

There was nothing like a brush with death to make a person appreciate life even more afterwards.

It was with this philosophy in mind that Kitty went off to spend another session with Piotr.

A/N: Actually, I was rather looking forward to writing this one.

Next chapter is, obviously, about another X-Man... -Quillian
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