Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Aftermath


by Quillian 0 reviews

X23's POV...

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: X23 - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-27 - Updated: 2006-02-28 - 808 words

DISCLAIMER: See the Prologue.



Wow, Logan was right... destroying all these dummies or whatever in the Danger Room really is therapeutic.

It was amazing, Sarah Logan decided, how the "Danger Room" in the mansion's lower levels at the Xavier Institute could serve as such a good stress relief outlet.

Sarah Logan...

At first, her only ever "name" was a letter and number designation: X23.

She was a clone of the original Weapon X, the man who now called himself "Logan" or "Wolverine." She wasn't an exact clone of him, since alterations were made to her DNA. She was made by a black arms dealer known as Hydra.

But now... now, she lived with her "father." She also lived with the other mutants who survived those horrible attacks intended to wipe them all out.

When she was living on her own out in the woods, she was much like the other creatures out there in that she lived to survive but didn't contemplate the mysteries of death, but after joining the "civilized" world again and witnessing those horrific massacres, she found herself thinking about it more than once. It also helped her appreciate the preciousness and fragility of life even more.

However, that wasn't the only concept she started thing about... there was also the concept of love.

Again, this was another concept which humans thought about and contemplated more than most other creatures did. For her to feel affection for another was a completely new experience for her. She had seen the other couples at the mansion, namely Scott and Jean, Piotr and Kitty, and Kurt and Wanda.

She felt love for Alex, who felt love for her in return. Apart from mutual admiration, she also found him physically attractive, and got strange feelings around him. Apparently, she had a long way to go in trying to distinguish love from infatuation, and making a relationship with him work. Deep down, both of them cared for each other, and both of them wanted to make it work.

Sarah also knew that her "father" Logan was perceived among the others as the tough guy, who could take just about anything and still keep going. However, she had seen otherwise. After everyone else had left after the memorial service, Logan had wept over Ororo's grave when he thought no one else was looking. With her super-stealthy skills, she witnessed the unseen and more human side to Logan, underneath his tough exterior. It was through seeing Logan's grief that Sarah saw how love was so strong and so powerful that the loss of a loved one could be truly devastating. She had been through a lot in her own short life, but even she wasn't sure if she could deal with something like that.

Silently, Sarah mourned along with him, because she knew that Ororo must have been a good woman, and because she never got a chance to know her.

On the other side of that coin, there was the former enemy to the X-Men, Raven "Mystique" Darkholme. These experiences had also humbled her and showed her gentler side underneath her own tough exterior. Sarah sort of felt drawn to her, and it felt like both of them endured similar experiences in their own separate lives. She also couldn't help but notice how Raven had an influence on Logan, indicating that a relationship between them was possible. When she was still X23, weapon of Hydra, she had studied all the X-Men, Acolytes, etc. through files stored on them, and so she somehow knew that if these unthinkable string of events hadn't happened, the odds of Logan and Raven being together would have been next to nothing.

She wanted to ask either Logan or Raven about love, but she didn't know if it would be a wise idea. For one thing, Logan was still torn between never having gotten the chance to tell Ororo how he felt about her and trying to make this new relationship between himself and Raven work. Add that on to how he was never good with feelings to begin with... well, as much as Sarah loved and respected her father, she decided it was one subject not to bring up around him at the present time. Still, Sarah could definitely since the love between the two adults growing, and she was happy for them.

While Sarah felt sorry for everyone else who lost something and someone, she was also very grateful to have this new opportunity for a new life.

So, let's see if I beat my own high score this time, she thought with a feral grin as she exited the Danger Room.

A/N: Well, I hope I did this one okay.

Now, to move on to the other mutant who was previously unaffiliated with any other group... -Quillian
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