Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Aftermath


by Quillian 0 reviews

Scarlet Witch's POV...

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Scarlet Witch - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-12 - Updated: 2006-02-12 - 676 words

DISCLAIMER: See the Prologue.



Wanda Maximoff ate some scrambled eggs and bacon, which tasted almost divine after the rations they had to go on for weeks during the whole ordeal with Stryker and the FOH.

Then again, she could have been eating gruel, for all she cared. She was more glad to be alongside Kurt Wagner, whom she held a mutual affection for.

After she found out about Mangeto had her memory altered so make her think that she had a loving childhood with her father and brother, she was absolutely beyond furious.

If it hadn't been for Kurt and his forgiving nature and wisdom, she would have ended up just like her father: Bitter, angry, and ready to lash out with her powers.

But since the moment when Kurt first reached out to her, Wanda had come to see something: It wasn't so much her father she was angry at, but rather, what he had done. Deep down, she really did love her father... it was just the things he had done to her which she hated.

As Kurt would have pointed out with his religious philosophy, "Love the sinner and not the sin." In a manner of speaking, it was the same thing here, with loving her father but not his misdeeds.

As one of the new X-Men, Wanda considered herself lucky to be as part of such a crowd. Apart from her father, there were also people like Jean, who helped save Pietro's life.

Like so many other people, Wanda noticed how in the past, Jean had this sort of "Miss Perfect" thing going on, trying to be perfect in whatever she did. But now, Wanda could see how deep down, Jean was just like everyone else. Just from saving Pietro's life, Wanda trusted Jean a lot more these days.

And speaking of her twin brother, who was not running through the woods to get some exercise... If actions spoke louder than words, then Pietro's taking ten bullets aimed for her truly showed how much he cared for her. There was probably nothing else short of dying that could have proved Pietro's willingness to protect his twin sister.

Speaking of which... three simple yet powerful words from Pietro still reverberated throughout her mind: "Mom says hi."

After all Wanda had been through, she was now able to believe that somehow, someway, her mother had somehow helped her family through it all from wherever she was in the great beyond.

Off to one side, Wanda noticed Mystique noticing Kurt's tail wrapped around her leg.

Wanda blushed, thinking to herself, Who knows what she thinks of me being interested in her son...

The Scarlet Witch saw Mystique as sort of a mother figure ever since the day she got her out of that insane asylum, and the two of them could sympathize with each other on different levels. It was nice to know that both of them had taken on the same, more positive outlook on life.

The fact that Kurt was Mystique's son notwithstanding, Wanda was still completely new to the world of love, and was still learning as she went along. Still, Wanda was positive that in the end, she would be able to maintain a wonderful relationship with Kurt.

On top of that, there was also Professor Xavier, whose dream, in spite of all that had happened, was now looking brighter than ever. In retrospect, Wanda could now see along with the others how and why Magneto became the feared, villain-like character he was. But at least now things had changed again, but this time for the better.

Just like all the others, Wanda had gone through dark times in her life, but at least now she could look forward to a brighter future.

After breakfast, she and Kurt went for a walk in the woods. Who knew, maybe they'd encounter Pietro just by chance while doing so...

A/N: Well, I hope I did this one okay.

Someone else is up next, of course... -Quillian
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