Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH84 - Fangs, Fangs And More Fangs

by GuardianOfLight 2 reviews

The Fight Continues

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bellatrix,Dumbledore,Harry,Lupin,Ron - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-01-20 - Updated: 2008-01-20 - 2837 words

Chapter 84 - Fangs, Fangs And More Fangs

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 24th September 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogsmeade
Time: Early Afternoon

"Then go ahead then."

She pointed her wand.

"Harry no!!!"


There was a rush of movement as several people tried to intervene.

Fleur, Neville, Luna and the Weasley twins all moved to stop the curse.

Fleur launched herself at Harry, intent on knocking him out of the way, only for him to move his arm in her direction causing her to be pushed back by what appeared to be gust of wind.

While simultaneously Neville and Luna fired Reducto's at Bellatrix through the line of Death Eaters who cast shielding spells to block their path and returned fire only for their spells to impact the shields of the twins.

But the cry of pain that went up, although very brief stopped all movement in the street.

As the voice was not male.

Bellatrix had dropped to the floor as the curse rebounded on her, although its effects only lasted a second the force behind the spell was obviously great.

"Wow Bellatrix," smiled Harry "That was powerful; I had no idea you wanted to hurt me so much."

"H....How....How did you...." she tried panicked.

"I am Baron Harry James Black; I am therefore your Head of House, I have also been doing research. Have you forgotten the rules of your birth family? ‘No member of the Black family, whether born or granted the name by legal methods can attack or harm the Head of the Black family without prior permission front said Head of House.' In other words, to you Bellatrix Black Lestrange, I am invincible."

Fear and comprehension crossed her features as she realised she could do nothing against him.

"Just be thankful that Sirius didn't exactly agree with your families values," Harry continued, his grin growing more and more evil by the second "If he had not, his father would not have removed the obedience clause from the Black family charter in the event that Sirius inherited the position."

Harry had been slowly advancing on Bellatrix since the curse back fired, now he was right in front of her.

He knelt down and leaned in towards her, his stare fixed on the panicked look in her eyes.

"You should thank him...." he whispered, leaning in so his mouth was close to her ear "If it were not for that...." he rested a hand on her leg where it extended through the split in her skirt "I could order you do...." he trailed the hand slowly up her leg "ANYTHING....I wanted."

Bellatrix had been almost cowering under him with fear up until that point, but the last statement caused two things to happen. Her expression first turned to one of utter terror at what that could have meant for her, followed very rapidly by a realisation of the position that she was currently in.

This resulted in her expression changing to one of anger before she rapidly pushed him of her with a growl, recovered her wand stood up and barked out her orders.

"Don't just stand there!! Kill them!!!"

All the Death Eaters raised their wands; growls were heard above them as the wands were aimed, looking up Harry saw at least two dozen vampires on the roofs of the shops.

Where was a Vampire Slayer when you needed her?

When Buffy came around the first thing she noticed was the splitting head ache she had.

That was followed immediately by the realisation that she was a walking, or rather lying bruise.

Creeping her eyes open she saw that she was covered in cuts and bruises and had several pieces of wood puncturing her skin, not enough to do any real damage but enough to hurt....a lot.

Looking around she realised that she was surrounded by further pieces of broken wood, though of a larger size.

She guessed she was in some kind of building as she could see a horizontal piece of wood above her.

A familiar face swam into view.

"Easy, remain still."

"Professor Dumbledore?" she asked.

He gave a slightly chuckle.

"Dumbledore yes, Professor no."


"Do not worry." He smiled "Just stay still."

She heard the cracking and shifting of wood to her left and turned in time to see Hogwarts resident Werewolf and Ron climbing over a large pile of debris to reach her.

"Buffy, are you alright?" asked Remus.

"Felt better." She groaned as she attempted to stand up, only to stop when pain exploded from her side, looking down she noticed that she had landed right on the edge of a spike of broken wood that looked to have been part of a stair case, that had sliced through her side, leaving a gash about an inch into her side.

But oddly, the spike was extending out of something soft.

"I thought Aberforth told you to stay still." Chastised Remus.

Ignoring this she very carefully, but nonetheless painfully turned to see that the spike was extending through the side of Adam's body just below his ribs, He had another broken piece of wood through his opposite shoulder, somehow he was conscious and not shouting out in pain.

"Oh God Adam. Are you alright?" she gasped moving off of him to lie on her good side.

"Do I look it?" He groaned as Ron and Remus hurdled the last piece of debris.

"Stay still." Commanded Aberforth as he drew his wand and began casting charms on the pair "Professor Summers, you will be ok as soon as we stop the bleeding. Adam you are not to move until Madam Pomfrey gets down here with blood clotting and blood restoration potions."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you there." Groaned Adam, reaching a hand over his body and taking a hold of the end of the piece of wood penetrating his shoulder.

"Professor, what are you?"

"He's not planning to...."

"He is." Buffy and Aberforth corrected just as Adam wrenched the piece of wood from his shoulder, breaking the other end off of the remains of the banister rail behind his back that the wood was attached to.

"Are you insane?" asked Ron.

"Probably." Adam nodded as he repeated the procedure with the piece of wood in his side, before attempting to sit up.

"For god sake, stay still or you will bleed out." Exclaimed Remus.

"No....I....wont." he gasped as he reached a sitting position, the blood flowing out of his wounds like rivers.

Leaning heavily on one hand he placed his other over his shoulder wound before it began to glow.

After a few seconds and a loud groan the light faded to reveal repaired skin.

"Merlin!!" exclaimed Remus.

"Fascinating." Added Aberforth.

Adam repeated the procedure with his side before turning to Buffy who was pressing her hand as hard as she could against her injury.

"Move your hand Buffy." He instructed, moving his hand over her wound.

His hand started to glow as it came in contact with her skin causing her to gasp.

Once his hand was removed her skin was also healed.

"Truly incredible." Smiled Aberforth.

"I just accelerated the natural healing function of Buffy's body. You will still feel drained though so don't overdo it."

"How did you come to be hurtling into the Hogs Head anyway?" asked Ron.

Buffy looked confused for a moment before her eyes widened in shock.

"Oh God. The battle. We've got to help."

"Battle!!" exclaimed Ron "What battle?"

"That battle." Replied Adam, gesturing out through the broken front of the pub.

Following his line of sight the others could see what appeared to be Harry crouched over someone. Fleur was on one side of him, and on the other side, in groups, where Death Eaters, students, shoppers and Hogsmeade residence and lastly snakes.

"That does not look like much of a battle to me." Commented Buffy.

"I agree," nodded Aberforth standing up a look of determination on his face "But where Death Eaters are involved you never know."

"Agreed." Nodded Remus, standing up beside him, drawing his wand "Ron, stay here with Adam and Buffy until I can send help."

"You really think that I am going to sit around while there is a battle going on less than ten meters away?" Buffy asked, standing painfully and recovering her wand and dagger which had got thrown from her hands in the landing.

"Likewise." Agreed Adam, standing and summoning his staff out of the debris.

"You two are not exactly at your strongest right now." Countered Remus.

"We were not exactly weak to start with." Returned Buffy.

They did not get a chance to say more as the woman under Harry climbed to her feet after throwing him away from her and shouting something to the other Death Eaters who immediately began cursing.

"There must be localised silencing charms around the area." Concluded Remus as he ran out into the street, followed closely by the others.

Neither Draco nor Narcissa expected to see what they did when they turned the corner back into the main street of Hogsmeade.

"What in Merlin's name?!" exclaimed Draco.

The other end of the street appeared to be utter chaos; there were curses and people flying in all directions.

"When did that start?"

"It won't matter to you Malfoy." Commanded a voice from behind him. Turning he discovered that a wand was pointed at his head, on the other end of it was a Death Eater, whose voice identified him as Nott "As you won't be around to see it."

A curse emerged from the alleyway that he had just exited, sending Nott's wand flying away from him.

"Do not touch my son." Order Narcissa as she calmly walked out of the alley, her wand in her hand, she must have ducked back in there when she had seen the Death Eaters, it would have been better if she had not been seen, but it was too late for that now "Run along now."

Nott looked from her face to her wand then back to her face.

"You will pay for this Narcissa."

"Was that a threat?" Snarled Draco pointing his own wand at Nott.

Nott turned to look at him and glared.

"You will both pay." He growled before turning and running from Hogsmeade.

As soon as he disappeared from sight Narcissa turned to her son.

"Are you alright Draco?"

"Of course mother." He smiled before taking a look at the battle raging further down the street "Shall we lend a hand?"

There was carnage, there were curses flying in every direction.

The large battle had been divided into several smaller groups which were battling around each other.

The main mass of Death Eaters were focusing their fire on Harry and Fleur who were fighting furiously against the large mass, taking down the odd enemy whenever they got the chance in between ducking, dodging and shielding.

Bellatrix and two other Death Eaters were battling against the Weasley twins who were fighting furiously against the trio to stop them reaching Hermione and Ginny who were still up against the wall with the snake, the only reason the twins were still standing was because of their wide variety of fireworks and other magical pranking material they had with them which were providing quite the distraction for their opponents.

The main body of students and shoppers were in a tight circle facing outwards against the Vampires who were trying to surround them without being hit by all the curses being thrown their way, creating a stalemate with neither side making much progress against the other.

And lastly a recently arrived Draco and Narcissa Malfoy were distracting the snakes, drawing them away from the crowds. Or to be more accurate, they were cursing them rather ineffectually with only cutting curses doing them any sort of harm, which meant aiming carefully and shooting at them in ones and twos while the rest advanced towards them.

"This does not seem to be going well." Commented Draco in between curses.

"Evidently." His mother replied, in between using blasting hexes to send the snakes back a few feet in order to give them more time to curse them.

The tables seemed to turn when the call of:

"Dumbledore's here!!"

Went up.

Glancing around Draco was able to see who appeared to be the Headmaster near the Hogs Head, accompanied by the Werewolf, Professor Summers and Professor Berio; the latter two appeared to be injured, though this did nothing to stop their effectiveness in the battle.

The Headmaster headed for Potter and his Veela, taking the pressure off of them, the Slayer headed for the vampires, using her wand both for spells and for use as a stake, the Werewolf headed for the Weasley twins who were trying to defend someone though he could not tell whom from that psychotic aunt of his, while The Guardian drew a long curved sword out of the air by his side and ran in their direction.

In a very careful movement he flipped over the swarm of snakes, decapitated four of the snakes that tried to strike at him and clubbing another on the back of the head with his staff before landed next to Draco.

"Mr Malfoy, Mrs Malfoy, how has your day been?"

"Entertaining Professor Berio," She replied, blasting another group of snakes back "Entertaining."

Bringing his staff to bare, he forced the end hard against the ground creating an effect similar to a hard blast of air, blowing all the snakes in front of them back several feet.

He followed that up by flipping his staff around directing the top at the snakes, levitated them up several feet, before bringing his staff rapidly up and around in an arc, catapulting the snakes away and deep into the forest.

"Most effective." Smiled Narcissa.

"Those snakes are all magical; they should dissipate before they find their way out of there."

"Now for the rest."


Harry, Fleur and who Harry guessed was probably Dumbledore's brother (judging from the fact that his aura was not as powerful as it should have been) had been separated when four vampires managed to get in between Harry and the pair, leaving the others to deal with the Death Eaters while the vampires stalked around him., trying to get to him before he could bring his wand to bare.

He held them off successfully for several minutes, even managing to kill one of them with a flame charm until he felt something on his leg.

It was just enough of a distraction to cause him to look down.

He barely got a glance in at the snake coiled around his ankle before the vampires pounced.

One grabbed his arm, wrenching his wand out of his grip, another grabbed his other arm, whilst a third grabbed his throat and the final vampire got him from behind and bared his neck to its teeth.

"NO ONE MOVE!!!" growled one of those holding his arms "Unless you want your saviour here, to be drained dry."

Everyone stopped, very little had changed for the last five minutes, Buffy and the main body of students and shoppers were still keeping the rest of the vampires at bay, though there were several more piles of ash on the ground thanks to Buffy's efforts.

Hermione, the Twins, Ginny and Remus were still pinned down by the small group of Death Eaters including Bellatrix and the large snake that still seemed immune to anything Hermione or Remus threw at it.

Aberforth and Fleur were faced off against the rest of the Death Eater mob, both sporting several injuries, though their opponents were hardly unscathed either.

And lastly at the other end of the street stood Adam, Malfoy and Mrs Malfoy, presumably as there was no sign of them, after finishing off the snakes.

Bellatrix and several members of the other team cackled or laughed at Harry's predicament.

"Well, well, well. Not so powerful after all are we Potter." She grinned, walking over to him and grabbing his chin "The Dark Lord has some unfinished business with you."

She spun around to face the crowd.

"Everyone stand together or my bloodsucking friend here is going to feast."

"Do it." Ordered Aberforth after several seconds, most still thought he was the Headmaster so immediately obeyed.

The teachers, students and shoppers all started to move towards each other into one large group.

"Not you." Hissed Bellatrix, pointing her wand at Hermione and Ginny when they tried to move away from the snake "You stay there. Now everyone throw your wands and other weapons away now."

There was again a moment's hesitation before wands started hitting the ground.

"Well done." She beamed excitedly, before turning to the vampire holding his neck "Ok, now you can eat him."

The cries of shock and alarm that went up were missed by Harry as a pair of fangs sunk into his neck.
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