Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Season of Hell

Aw.. Hell is Broken loose

by Geovanni_Luciano 3 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Molly Weasley,Ron,Tonks - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-12-21 - Updated: 2007-12-22 - 4110 words



Aw, Bloody Hell is broken loose

"Where the bloody hell is my vault key?!" Harry screamed. He was irate, and the look on Molly Weasley's face was absolute horror. She knew that this day would come and that it would be a day that she would regret for the rest of her life.

"Where the bloody hell do you get off talking to my mum like that, Potter?" Ron screamed from across the kitchen, standing up and balling his hands into fists. Harry simply turned briefly towards Ron, looked at him with utter hatred, and pointed his index finger at him.

"Sit down and shut up, Weasel!" Harry bellowed, and a beam of red light burst from his finger tip, hitting Ron squarely in the chest, knocking him out with the effects of a fired stunner. The collective gasps that could be heard throughout the kitchen indicated that the lack of a wand hadn't gone unnoticed. Harry turned again towards Molly Weasley.

"Key, now." Harry whispered with an utter finality in his voice that left little question that he was not to be coddled any longer. Molly reached within her shirt producing a silver chain, which was attached to his vault key. She lifted the chain from around her neck, hesitantly. She refused to make eye contact with the boy and it hadn't gone unnoticed by Harry or Tonks, either.

"Now, Harry dear, you have to understand..." Molly started but was cut off.

"Bugger that! I don't have to understand anything other than you doing as I have asked in handing me my vault key. Then you can get stuffed, for all I care. How could you do that?" Harry gestured towards Tonks. "She was here only to do me a favor and pick up my key so that I could pick something up for Bill and Fleur for there wedding. Something doesn't sit right with me. And Ron pops up ready to fight like I'm taking his vault key away from you. I'm going to Gringotts, now. If my finances aren't in order, be prepared to be immediately visited upon by the Aurors for theft."

"Harry, wait. You're not thinking this through..." Hermione started, however she was cut off, as well.

"Wait for what, a letter that won't come. It's been 2 weeks now and you don't have the headmaster telling you not to write me as an excuse anymore, Hermione. I thought that you were my best friend, but all you ever do is to try telling me what to do, how to think, when to study and that's only when you're not bickering with Sleeping Beauty over there. Why don't you think about the ramifications of your inaction? Come on Tonks, grab a hold." Harry was fuming and knew that while he only gave Hermione a little taste of what he really wanted to say to her. He knew that if he didn't leave right at that moment that things would go to hell very quickly.

Tonks took Harry's hand, and without a sound or flash or anything Harry and Tonks were simply no longer in the kitchen, but rather in the front lobby at Gringotts bank, with a army of very angry looking goblin guards surrounding them. Guards whom looked angry and were brandishing odd goblin-sized deadly looking weapons. Once, the goblins caught sight of who just materialized into the bank, however, they visibly relaxed, and went back to their stations muttering something about bloody Gryffindors. Shaking his head, while attempting to relax himself, he went to the head desk, and low and behold Griphook was sitting there, looking quite busy.

"Um, excuse me, Griphook?" Harry asked, hoping that he was correct. Although most of the goblins looked relatively similar, he couldn't really forget the first one that he had met.

"What did you call me?"

"Well, Griphook. It is your name, isn't it?"

"But of course it is, it is just that most wizards don't care to remember that, much less ask a goblin for his name. It is good to see you again, Mr. Potter. How may I assist you today?"

"Griphook, I have just only recently re-acquired by vault key. It has been out of my possession for the past 5 years. I was wondering what the status of my vault is at present."

"Mr. Potter, your vault is a trust fund vault that bears the deposited interest from the Potter Estate, including proceeds from the businesses, interest from loans, amongst other things. Please give me one moment, and I will retrieve the Potter ledger for that account."

"Of course." Harry said, before turning to look at Tonks."You really should do something about that eye before everyone starts thinking that I'm a beater." Harry said with a slight smile before turning towards her with sincere worry. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Aside from watching you apparate from anti-apparation wards and then in and through anti-apparation wards and firing spells from your finger tip, well, please forgive me if I'm just a little awestruck."

Reaching into her back pocket, Tonks withdrew a very familiar looking mirror, which he had a duplicate of in his trunk back at Privett Drive. She checked her eye, muttering a quick healing spell here and there, and everything was back to the way it was prior to the altercation.

"Oi, Tonks, where'dya get that mirror?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.

"Sirius gave it to me. I got a letter from him last year after everything that had happened and this was in it. Why do you ask?"

"Because I have the other mirror. This..." Harry indicated, pointly to the mirror, "is a communication mirror. Simply say my name in it, and I will hear, and then appear in the mirror, talking to you."

"Brilliant!" Tonks said, but then looked up, as Griphook approaching the counter.

"Mr. Potter, after briefly reviewing your account, I have found evidence to support your claim, and took the liberty of meeting with Director Ragnok. He would like to meet with you immediately to discuss the breech of trust, and look to making amicable reparations. If you would follow me, please, sir."

Harry was surprised to the course of actions that would occur next. He was expecting to be taken through one of the many doors behind the main counter. However, he was taken to the vault entrance, and was summarily loaded upon one of the carts.

It was just as he remembered it. Like the last time there was very little light. The light that was there was provided by wall sconces which we on either side of the track. Harry said in the back next to Tonks whom grabbed his hand with a death grip.

"Tonks?" Harry said, but she wasn't paying attention.

She had a look on her face that was completely unreadable. At one point there was fear. Cold dead fear that held on to the very core of her being. She shivered sitting next to him. Looking down at her he saw goose-bumps literally raised along her arms. Then, without warning it switched and the fear was washed away from her rapidly switching to that of a childish anticipation. It was if it were Christmas, she were an eight years old child in her pajamas standing in front of a warm hearth laiden with loads of presents all for her.

With a sudden lurch of the cart, Harry winced as the grip on his hand strengthened to that of a vice. It was something he thought beyond what she was capable of accomplishing. The start of their trip was slow at first, uncharacteristically slow, which gave Harry the opportunity to look around the tunnel as they made there way. Between the vaults something caught his eyes. Perhaps it had been a glint of light reflecting off of the surface of something, but immediately Harry found himself face to snot with that of a familiar looking Hungarian horntail just a half meter away from him.

Harry looked up at Griphook in complete and utter shock, whom only just turned around bearing all of his pointed feral teeth, before throwing his little goblin head back and laughing maniacally. He threw the cart into full speed just as a snort from the dragon caused the portion of the tunnel they had only moments ago occupied to fill with dragon-fire. Tonks held onto Harry with a death grip and screamed in his ear at every twist, at every turn, and just for the bloody hell of it all. The trip came to an abrupt and complete stop at vault 842, which just happened to belong to one Harry James Potter. Unfortunately for Harry, he and Tonks lurched, again; crashing into each other.

Harry quickly checked Tonks first; and once satisfied, looked towards the little menace known as Griphook with much distain. If it were possible, Griphook's grin only broadened. He acknowledged Harry with a mere nod in the direction of the familiar vault. Brushing himself off, he quickly stood, offered his hand to Tonks in an attempt to leverage her into an upright position. She gratefully took his offered hand looking at Griphook with a similar opinion shared by Harry.

Awaiting them at the door appeared to be a very intimidating goblin, in full battle regalia. Harry crossed over to the entrance of his vault, remembering the piles upon piles of gold that had sat behind the door. Once the key was placed into the hole, and the door opened up, he was met with a sight that he would never forget. The vault was uttrtly empty.

At first there was a emptiness within Harry that matched the nothingness he physically saw, or in this case didn't see. He then felt the full weight of complete betrayal from a family that he had, at one time, felt to be like having one of his own. That was then quickly replaced by blind rage that he just managed to hold within him. The anger that Harry felt now was something that was clearly visible in his eyes, as they illuminated the chamber in an eerie emerald green that quite literally reminded one of the Avada Kedavra curse. This was accompanied by a strange wind that picked up around Harry and a crackle of lightning that flashed back and forth between his two hands that were in front of him.

Both Director Ragnok and Griphook stood stock still in this display of sheer power. This was beyond wizard's magic. It was beyond anything that anyone standing there had ever seen, ever read, ever heard about in muttering passers by. There was no way to express what this felt like, however once bowels had been evacuated, then stood waiting. They stood in sheer respect and fear at what would be the outcome of the coming conversation. Then, in almost a whisper and after a long period of silence, Harry turned to look at the Director and spoke quietly.

"Director, after the reading of Sirius Black's will had completed, what was the final balance of my vault number 842?"

"Your balance was 359,843,003 Galleons." Director Ragnok managed to get out with his dignity intact.

"Thank you, sir." Harry said quietly, before thinking to himself, quickly. "Director, is there a record of balance transfers for vault 842, from the time of Mr. Black's will to present?"

"Yes, there is, Mr. Potter."

"Would it also be safe to assume that a balance equal or slightly less than the balance that once occupied vault 842 now safely resides in the vault belonging to an Arthur and Molly Weasley?" Harry said, again maintaining his quiet and polite tone, however, neither the glow from his eyes nor the crackling between his hands had subsided.

"Hold on one moment, Mr. Potter, whilst I have a word with Mr. Griphook, please." Director Ragnok asked hoping to stall so that clarification could be provided.

"Surely, sir." Harry said, and noticed quickly as the Director turned and walked towards Griphook, speaking adamantly in Gobbledegook. This secret conversation went on for several minutes before Griphook turned, reboarded the cart, and shot off deeper into the bowels of the vault chamber corridors. Director Ragnok turned towards Harry before bowing slightly.

"Mr. Potter, I've just sent Griphook to investigate the Weasley vault as well as the Prewitt vault. He should be back momentarily with his findings. We can wait here, or we can wait inside with a spot of tea." The director motioned towards the inside of the vault, and to Harry's surprise there were three high-back leather bound chairs, with a small table. Atop the table was a tea service, with scones.

The glow subsided in Harry's eyes and he returned to looking normal, which for Tonks seemed to be a relief. She thought about Harry, and realized that he would be coming into additional powers shortly since his majority as a wizard adult was quickly approaching. She had never heard of powers as the ones that she had bare witness to today, but then again this was Harry she was talking about, and he had faced the Dark Lord countless times now always surviving.

"Mr. Potter, we will get this mess sorted for you, promptly. I assure you that we have a long standing relationship with your family and desperately hope to maintain our current business relationship with you, in the future."

"Director Ragnok, it is contingent upon rectifying this situation that Gringott's provide assurances that this type of situation does not reoccur. I assure you that while I do not hold the relationship with Gringott's lightly, whatsoever, I find that the lack of questions regarding mass withdrawals from my account to be a substantial area of opportunity." Harry said calmly and with absolute no emotion whatsoever. It wasn't as if he became an instant heartless bastard, but this young man was simply in shock that something like this could happen at all.

At that exact moment, Griphook returned back to vault 842 with an absolute gleeful gleem in his eye which also added a certain spring to his step. He quickly immersed himself into another conversation with Ragnok in Gobbledegook advising the director of his findings. The look of shame that came to Director Ragnok was unmistakable. He quickly turned back to Harry, bowing deeply.

"Mr. Potter, it seems that your assumptions were quite correct. However the amount of 359,781,992 was found in the Prewett vault. This leads me to believe that this was more the efforts of Molly Prewett -Weasley. It will have to be ascertained once the Weasley's are taken into custody, of course. This clearly indicates that over 61 thousand galleon difference from what your balance was prior to last year."

"How long will it be before the finances are placed back into my vault, Director?" Harry asked, tentively.

"Mr. Potter, this could take up from two to ten days depending upon how much push back we receive from the Ministry. We will, with your permission, place one million galleons from the Potter family vault into your current vault, however, and make it so that you have the availability to make withdrawals remotely via a Gringotts pouch. You should have this within five minutes of our arrival topside." Ragnok finished humbly.

"Thank you, sir. You decision to make amends shows your willingness, and in no part guilt in this matter. I accept you assistance welcomingly."

/Ottery St. Catchpole/

/ /

Back at the Burrow, things were not going so well. Molly Weasley had been having such a lovely day until that half-blood Tonks had shown up looking for HER key. Things were, in fact, very far from alright. Molly Weasley was trying desperately to figure out how things had gone so wrong. She, of course, knew of her daughter's relationship with Harry.

She had helped her engineer every single detail, starting with a cute and innocent Valentine's card her first year. Her plans for one big happy Weasley family, however, never included ahalf-blood being a member of it. It didn't even include the mudblood, Granger. It was awell thought out, and well planned. It didn't however count the fact that Harry might want to make a purchase for Bill and Fleur's wedding, and the subsequent fight with Tonks was a complete reactionary misjudgment.

How was she going to fix this, without Arthur finding out? She was completely and totally desperate at this moment,. How would she explain it to the twins, or Bill and Charlie? Of Course, Ron and Ginny had been in on everything from the very beginning. She had told them the story of the boy who lived since they were old enough to comprehend, and as a bedtime story to boot. It had been her wish to have Ginny marry Harry Potter and they would finally be out of this poverty. She had bore this shame for far too long.

Arthur had been a pillar in the community, and with his pureblood status she thought that there would be nothing but success in their future. She overlooked his obsession with muggles and their trinkets. She ignored his acceptance of mudbloods and half-bloods, although in her mind magical child born to them were acceptable. She wore her constant fa
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