Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

21. We Were Both 16 And It Felt So Right, Sleeping All Day, Staying Up All Night

by frankxgerard 2 reviews

"Just don't eat it..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-01 - Updated: 2007-10-08 - 288 words - Complete

Title from "Ocean Avenue" - Yellowcard

After another week, Mikey and Gerard had gotten their strength back. Mikey's scars eventually disappeared because of his frequently shifting skin. It was now October, and Frank had forgotten something pretty important. Gerard snuck up behind him.

"Guess what today is."

"Uhh... Thursday?"

"No! It's your birthday!"

"Really? Wow, I forgot."

"Yup, you're 16 now!"


"Yeah, I got you something!"


"It's a dog... I think..."

"No way!"

Gerard nodded and handed Frank a tiny mass of fur.

"Aww, for real?"


"Cool, I'm gonna name it... uhh..."

"How about Theo?"

"Ooh, that's cool. Thanks Mikey!"

"Noooo problemmmmm...."

Mikey had been sleeping on the floor next to then couch. Gerard often muttered something expanding the house.

"So, Theo it is!"

Gerard announced the statement after putting the puppy on Frank, who had been lying on the couch reading.

"Just don't eat it..."

Frank gave Gerard a genuine horrified look, but he just winked and walked away.

"Soooo, who thinks 7:00AM is too early to wake up? Obviously not Frank..."

"Sheesh Gerard, I don't usually get up at this time!"

Gerard shrugged.

"Cody is a werewolf..."

"What?! Werewolves exist?"


"You're lying."

"Nope... not a bit."

"Damn, that's weird..."

"Yup I know! They kill people... There aren't very many left. I think their may be only like 10 or so. They all died out because of technology and stuff making it harder for them to eat the meat they needed..."

"Oh... uh, ew... I guess..."

Gerard nodded and sat down next to Frank, who sighed and closed his eyes. He was depressed and he didn't know why. Gerard could tell, but he didn't say anything because from personal experience he knew it wouldn't help.
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