Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

10. All The Pain I Put You Through, I Wish That I Could Take It All Away

by frankxgerard 1 review

Pain shot through his lungs and heart, and his brain felt as though someone was trying to push a 2 inch pole through his ears. He hissed, sharp fangs pushing out from his shifting jaw.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 411 words - Complete


Title from "The Reason" - Hoobastank

Gerard nodded, smiling reassuringly.

"Ok, here goes. I'm sorry."

Gerard leaned over, first putting his mouth around Frank's bottom lip, biting down gently. Frank whimpered, bracing himself for the initial pain. After a few seconds, Gerard closed his eyes and bit down harder, feeling the salty, warm liquid trickle into his mouth. Frank drew a sharp intake of breath, trying hard to stifle a yelp. Gerard pulled away, instructing Frank for the next stage.

"Sorry. Now you have to cut my lip, okay? Bite hard and fast to draw blood."

Frank nodded and did as he was told. Gerard winced but didn't make a noise. The moment Gerard's blood entered Franks cut, Frank could feel it. It was as if boiling water was being shot through his veins. Suddenly, a wave of immeasurable hunger swept over him. He yelled, straining against the ties. Pain shot through his lungs and heart, and his brain felt as though someone was trying to push a 2 inch pole through his ears. He hissed, sharp fangs pushing out from his shifting jaw. Gerard watched calmly from the edge of the bed, shuddering as Frank's blood rushed through his own veins. The younger boy writhed on the bed, clawing at the mattress and licking his lips, tasting the blood on his mouth. His eyes were a burning red color as he expressed his agony. Frank finally settled down after 30 minutes, but pain still throbbed unbearably in his body. Soon he drifted into a nightmare-filled feverish sleep. For 3 days, Gerard stayed by his side, sponging his face with a cloth and wiping away sweat.


Franks voice startled him out of snoozing on the chair beside the bed.

"Frank! You're awake?"

"Yeah, I think, but I can't really tell... Did it work?"

"Let's see..."

Gerard got up and walked over; untying Frank and helping him sit up. His hair was mussed up and he looked pretty disheveled.

"Open your mouth."

Frank had to, sharp, razor-blade-like fangs retracted into his gums. His eyes were darker and more expressive. His jaw had molded around the new teeth, making his face more well-defined and strong. Gerard nodded approvingly, wiping sweat off Frank's forehead.

"You're hot."


"Um, I mean as in /temperature/!"

"Yeeeah, sure you did..."

Gerard blushed, scratching his arm.

"So, wanna sleep some more?"

"Nah, I feel way too dizzy to sleep. I'm hungry."

"Ok, come on. Let's get you something to eat."
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