Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-02-06 - Updated: 2007-02-06 - 909 words

"Home!" I exclaimed happily, being carried by Gerard through the doorway to my house. He smiled before depositing me on my sofa. There was a clatter and Gerard disappeared out of the door before coming back in with a carrier bag, Mikey following close behind with crutches.

I looked around the living room, light pouring in from the open door and allowing a cool breeze to curl around me.

I almost couldn't believe I was home. It had been so long since I had seen it, I felt like I was trespassing in someone else's.

The door closed before there was a lot of opening and closing of cupboards. I sat up on the sofa and peered into the kitchen. A smile graced my lips as I watched Gerard and Mikey. Gerard was being ever helpful (more helpful than i've seen him for a while) and was setting around packing freshly bought foods away whilst Mikey was, after cleaning the counters down of their thin layer of dust, quite happily preparing food.

I rested my chin on the back of the sofa and watched them work. Soon, I could smell the fresh cooking. My stomach churned at the thought of food, but I knew I had to eat.

It smelt good, and it tasted just as good.

Dinner was eaten in front of the TV, with both Mikey and Gerard attempting to feed me off their own plates several times. As soon as it was established I was not going to throw up, I was forced to eat whatever they didn't. In the nicest way possible, of course, and I mean it.

It had been established by both police and hospital that Mary had been slipping drugs into the food. MY food. It was why I couldn't keep too much in.

So, after being fed to capacity, it was revealed that Mikey had come prepared with film and popcorn. I don't remember what film it was, just that I fell asleep during it.


I woke to Gerard shaking me awake. I groaned and tried to roll over on the sofa, but only succeeded in coming close to falling off the edge and landing on the sleeping Mikey. Scrambling back from the edge slightly, I looked at Gerard and smiled.

"Why did you wake me?" I asked, yawning.

"Time to change those bandages," He explained, pointing to the materials laid out next to him. I smiled and nodded, sitting up.
The release of pressure from my leg was welcomed. That and the freedom of feeling air against my leg.

After reading the cream bottles, Gerard had set about his nursing tasks.

I just smiled.

"Y'know..." He began. He took a moment to gather his words. "It FEELS like we haven't really known each other for that long, but..." I gave him time. It is perhaps his most annoying feature at times, his soppy little talks, but whatever he says is always true and worth a listen. "Mikey...I've never seen him so protective of one of my girlfriends..." He smiled, laughing quietly to himself for a moment. "I'm not saying you're the first he's cared about to any great extent, but I're becoming more and more like part of the family. Our extremely large family, considering it includes the rest of the guys and Bert, really," He smiled, finishing with the first leg and setting about the other. "I just mean..." he frowned, shaking his head slightly. "I'm not really sure what I mean..." I smiled and giggled. He smiled too. "What's funny?"

"Just..." I took a deep breath, smile still gracing my lips. "There's too much to say," He looked up from my leg to look at me. That look that said 'I'm on the edge of an emotional breakdown, go easy on me here'. "I want to say so much," I watched him wrapping the fresh bandage around my leg, his eyes still trained on me. I huffed, collecting my thoughts. "I want to say everything from calling you a bastard to telling you I love you," I smiled, biting my lip.

My bandage was finally finished. Mikey was apparently forgotten and came extremely close to being bludgeoned by falling creams as they fell from the sofa when Gerard reached out for my waist and pulled me onto his lap. His arms wrapped themselves securely around my middle, pulling me flush against him. I smiled tiredly and secured my own around his shoulders, resting my forehead to his.

"I could have lost you, and it'd have been my fault," I frowned, shaking my head. "If I hadn't told everyone we were coming back, Mary would have had no reason to..." He trailed off. I removed a hand from where it was locked with my other behind his neck to wipe a tear that slid down his cheek. I sniffed and wiped my own eyes, bottom lip trembling.

"I wouldn't..." I sniffed. "She'd still have done it, just when you were coming home," I sniffed again, chocking back a sob. He sniffed himself, not meeting my eyes.

"I just..." I shook my head, cupping his chin in my hands. Raising his head, my lips met his.

He did nothing for a moment, just swallowed back tears. But, slowly, he moved his lips against mine, arms wrapping themselves even more tightly around my middle.
I pulled back slightly.

"At least you came for me, that's all that matters,"
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