Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Baby Makes Three

There was a terrible crash...

by rori795 1 review

Hailey is just settling into her life as a college student and the girlfriend of Brendon Urie when a tragic accident leaves her mothering her cousin's baby.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-06 - Updated: 2006-12-07 - 1127 words

Disclaimer: I don't know P!ATD, even though I wish I did. All other character are mine.

"God damn it," Hailey shuddered as her nail broke against the guitar.

"I told you Hail, you have to cut your nails when you're learning to play the guitar," Brendon lectured.

"I know, but they're so long and beautiful. I don't want to cut them," she whined.

"Well look at where it's gotten you now. Your nail is broken and you're whining at me," his face was starting to turn red like it did often when they got into little arguments, "I'm not going to continue to teach you unless you cut them."

"Fine," she pouted, taking nail clippers from the dresser, "Just don't be mad."

He smiled as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the mouth, "Well, that certainly helps me to not be mad."

They were interrupted by the shrill sound of the phone. "Who the fuck is calling at nine in the morning? Hello?" she answered the phone.

"Hi honey," it was Hailey's mother and she was sobbing hard into the phone.

"Hi Mom, what's wrong?"

"It's Brian and Kylyn," Brian was Hailey's cousin and Ky was his wife. They were some of Hailey's best friends. She had been in their wedding and was the Godmother of their child. Immediately after hearing their names and the tone in her mothers voice, her heart dropped.

"What is it? What's happened?"

"There was a crash. A car crash. Hailey, they're both dead."

"What?" Hailey screamed, tears streaming down her face, "This can't be. No." The phone dropped out of her hand and Brendon reached to pick it up with one hand, while holding Hailey with the other arm.


"Brendon, it's Jane. We've just found out that Brian and Kylyn are dead. They were in a car crash."

He was stunned. Of course he wasn't as close to them as Hailey was, but they were still friends, "Dead?" He repeated into the phone, not quite believing it.

"Yes honey. I need you to do something for me though."

"Yeah, anything."

"I need you to drive Hail to the hospital. She's Matthew's Godmother and it says in their Will that she's supposed to have custody."

"Yeah, anything I can do to help."

"Thanks Brendon."

"No problem Jane, we'll be there soon." He hung up the phone and turned to the hysterical Hailey, still holding her tight, "Babe we need to go."

"Where?" She looked up at him, her red face was tear stained her eyes were bloodshot.

"To the hospital. They need you to pick up Matthew."

"Me? What do they mean, like I'm supposed to take care of him now?"

"I guess so. Apparently it said that in their Will, cause you're the Godmother and all."

"I can't believe this! I'm twenty years old! I can't be his guardian!"

"Well, we don't know all of the details yet. We'll get to the hospital, pick him up, and worry about it later, once things settle down." He picked her up off the bed and grabbed his car keys from the table by the door. "I'll drive."


They got to the hospital in record time and ran in to meet Jane right inside the door. Hailey and Jane embraced each other in a tight hug, both crying hard before letting go, and without words, making their way down the hall to a private room where many other members of the family were waiting, among them, one year old Matthew.

Hailey ran up to Matthew and scooped him up in her arms. He knew her most out of everyone in the family, and settled calmly against her.

Jane handed her the keys to Brian's house, "Everything you need is in there. All of his clothes, diapers, bottles, the crib, everything. You can stay there if you want until you can move the stuff out. It's your choice really."

"Thanks Mom," Hailey took the key, then turned to Brendon, "I need to get out of here. I can't just stand here and not do anything. Let's get going." She hugged her mother and some of her other family members before leaving the hospital.

"Bren, I have a carseat in the trunk for him, can you set it up on the seat for me?"

"Yeah, sure Babe," he said, getting the seat out of the trunk and fumbling with it to set it up in the back seat.

He tried three times before Hailey intervened, "Here, you hold him. I'll put it in." She handed Matthew over to Brendon, who got a nervous look on his face as he took the baby. She set up the seat within a minute and had Matthew strapped in it in another. They headed over to Brian and Ky's house in complete silence, minus the sounds of the baby cooing in the backseat.

As they entered the house, Matthew started to get excited, kicking his legs and saying, "Mamamamama" and "Dadadadada" mixed in with the occasional "Tig tig tig," which was his name for Tigger.

"What are we going to do?" Hailey entered Matthew's bedroom, "We can't fit his stuff in my car, and I don't think I can stay in this house."

"I'll handle it," said Brendon, taking out his cell and walking out of the room.

"Okay, in the meantime I'm going to pack his clothes up." She closed the door so that Matthew could walk around inside, which was more falling then walking, and took a suitcase out of his closet. She was totally engrossed in throwing everything in the suitcase when Brendon came in the room again, this time followed by Ryan Ross and his girlfriend Cassie.

"Hey," Hailey stood up and walked across the room to her two friends.

Ryan embraced her in a hug and whispered, "I'm so sorry" in her ear. Then Cassie hugged her. Cassie was her other best friend. They had met when Cassie started dating Ryan a few months before and they had been like sisters ever since.

"We brought the truck," Cassie said, "So we can just collapse the changing table and the crib and take them over to your house. You can take the diapers, clothes and food in your car, and the guys will come back for the rest with a moving van tomorrow."

"Thanks you guys. This is really great of you." Hailey said, tears starting to fall down her cheeks again.

"It's no problem. You know we're here for you," Ryan said.

A/N - yes, I know it's short and I'm supposed to be working on my other story, but this idea popped into my head and I couldn't get it out. Another chapter to come soon.
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