Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Triangle Disease

Chapter 1

by wimvincken 1 review

Voldemort has cast a very ancient curse with the name Trigonum Morbus on Harry, Hermione, and Ginny. They have only two days to live. Dumbledore searches for the cure and found it ... the least you...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 1565 words

A/N: My beta reader for this story is fuggernut

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters


Triangle Disease - Introduction

Professors McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, and Snape, Mr. and Mrs.Weasley were having a meeting in the office of headmaster Dumbledore. Everyone was looking somber and depressed.

"Is the source of this information to be trusted, Albus?" professor McGonagall asked.

Albus Dumbledore looked briefly to Snape, before he addressed McGonagall. "I am afraid this information is indeed correct, Minerva. The boy and the girls are already infected."

The headmaster looked up at the door, as if he detected something. "Ah, here is our new minister." Somebody was knocking. "Come in, Madame Bones."

The door opened and the newly appointed Minister of Magic entered. Madame Bones looked briefly to the people already inside and took the chair offered by Albus Dumbledore.

"Let's begin", she said.

Dumbledore looked grave and started his report.

"Voldemort has cast a very ancient curse with the name Trigonum Morbus. The Trigonum Morbus was created five thousand years ago in Egypt, the time before the pyramids and pharaohs. The closest translation of the Trigonum Morbus would be the Triangle Disease.

Voldemort found this curse in one of his tombs lately, modified it especially for Harry, and decided to cast the curse immediately and watch the results from afar. However, the tomb he was using was not complete, and did not have all the information about the Trigonum Morbus. He did it nevertheless, and now we have a problem and we need to cope with it fast.

Voldemort cast the Trigonum Morbus on Harry."

Everyone started to talk, some in panic, some in indignation, and some of them confused. The potions master Severus Snape did not react at all... he simply looked with distaste at all the people in the office.

"What does that mean, headmaster? I thought that Harry Potter is hidden and protected during the summer months and that nothing and nobody can hurt the boy?" Madame Bones asked with a loud voice.

"You are correct, Amelia. Nobody and nothing can harm the boy in that location during the summer months, except for the Trigonum Morbus- nothing can be hidden from that curse.

"Could you be more specific, Albus?" Amelia asked, somewhat irritated.

"Yes, of course, minister.

The Trigonum Morbus is a modified curse, but it acts more like an advanced binding spell. This spell will bind itself to the Harry, wherever he is. When the Harry is hit with the curse, it is going to do its work.

First, Harry has 48 hours to live. Second, when the curse is cast, it will duplicate itself to two other victims with the same effects ... they also have 48 hours to live. When the 48 hours are over, the victims will die when their magical cores explodes.

And before you ask who the other two victims are, we have our suspicions, but we don't know for sure at the moment."

"Who do you suspect the other two victims are then?" Minerva McGonagall asked.

"We think that Hermione Granger and Ginerva Weasley might be the ones."

Everyone in the office was quiet for several seconds.

"Are you sure that my girl is one of the victims, Albus? She is our only daughter..." Mr. Weasley whispered.

"We suspect this, Arthur. Today we'll know for sure. "

"That means that three people will die within two days?" professor Flitwick said horrorstruck.

Albus Dumbledore looked to Molly and Arthur Weasley. "Not necessarily", he answered.

Molly Weasley looked tensely to the headmaster. "Albus, in Merlin's name don't keep us in suspense and tell us straight what our chances are."

A sad smile appeared on the face of Dumbledore.

"Yes, of course, Molly.

As was said before, the spell acts like an advanced binding spell. It hits Harry and splits into two other curses, which will hit two others. The Trigonum Morbus chooses the two additional victims from the mind of the Harry ... the other two are people the original cares about most. Those, in my opinion, would be Ms. Granger and Ms. Weasley."

Again, there was a heavy silence in the office.

Albus Dumbledore looked around, and he saw that Molly Weasley was preparing herself for a rant. Before it was too late and to avoid a lighting storm to appear in his office, he continued hastily.

"I am not finished yet. There is a cure to neutralize the effects of the curse.

The cure is extreme, but it works. When it has been applied, the Trigonum Morbus cannot be cast on any of the victims again. "

Arthur became almost desperate. "In Merlin's name, Albus... What is the cure and when are you applying it? You are talking about our daughter and Harry here ... and Hermione. What are you waiting for?"

"I cannot tell you the cure before we know for sure that Hermione, and Ginevra are the victims, together with Harry. I took the liberty of asking Mad-Eye to collect them and bring them here. I expect they'll be arriving any moment now.

Kingsley Shacklebolt is collecting the parents of Ms. Granger and they will be here within the hour, I hope.

We will wait until then."

After twenty torturous minutes, the headmaster looked up. "There they are."

The door swung open and Alastor Moody entered the office, his magical eye swirling around. He was followed by Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley.

The headmaster conjured three extra chairs and asked the three younglings to take a seat and to wait. Explanations would come later.

"Ginny, Hermione and Harry ... I want to cast a special medical detection spell on all of you, which will not harm or hurt you. I will explain everything afterward. Is that alright with you all?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders... who cares? He thought. Hermione looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders as well... what can she do about it... The headmaster didn't seem to be in the mood to answer questions. Ginny looked first to Hermione, then Harry and shrugged her shoulders as well... we will see.

The headmaster stood, walked to stand in front of the three, and cast his spell. First on Harry... a narrow silver beam of light hit him ... and Harry briefly flashed red. Harry did not feel anything different ... it indeed did not hurt.

The headmaster gave no indication that the result was satisfying or not. He turned to Ginny and repeated the spell. Ginny also flashed red briefly. Then he turned to Hermione, and repeated the process again. Again, the same.

With a sigh, the headmaster returned to his chair.

"Harry, Ginny, and Hermione, can you be so kind to go to the Gryffindor tower and wait for us there? When we are finished here, we will call you", the headmaster tiredly asked them to leave. Harry stood up, took the hands of the girls, and moved to the door. Near the door, they were intercepted by a worried Mrs. Weasley; she enveloped them with the Weasley hug.

"Molly, please?" the headmaster asked. Molly Weasley released them and they disappeared hurriedly out of the door towards the Gryffindor tower.

"We will wait for the Grangers to appear." The headmaster said to the room.

Again, a long and tense wait, until Kingsley Shacklebolt showed up at the door of the headmaster's office.

"Albus, the parents of Ms. Granger are not in the country. They left for a dentists' conference in New York yesterday and they will be back in four days. Shall I bring them in when they arrive at the airport?"

Dumbledore thought about this development. "No Kingsley, go to New York and get them as fast as you can."

Kingsley acknowledged the orders and left the office, shortly nodding to the minister.

Molly Weasley stood up immediately. "And now you will tell us the full picture, Albus. Because when you don't ..."

Albus Dumbledore stood up and addressed them all.

"It is as follows. I am afraid that we were right; all three of them are infected with the Trigonum Morbus. There is indeed a cure, but it needs to be applied within 24 hours after impact, otherwise it is too late."

"What is the cure Albus, and why are you hesitating to tell us about it?" Arthur asked.

"Because we are not talking about a potion or anything medical, we are talking about creating a strong binding between the three of them," Dumbledore answered.

"Tell us, Albus," hissed Molly.

"Harry needs to bind himself to the girls and impregnate them within twenty-four hours after impact of the curse. They have exactly eighteen hours and thirty two minutes left to do that."

Everyone was dumbstruck ... you could hear a mouse walking in the office.

Severus Snape started to laugh. He continued to laugh and could not stop himself. This was so funny; now the Great and Good Pussy of the Light needs to have a private harem. He was wondering what would come next ... wait until the Dark Lord hears of this!


A/N: Thanks fuggernut for beta reading the chapter.

A/N: How do you like it? Please let us know. When you post a review, I have a story in my mind that is even wilder then this one.

A/N: The Trigonum Morbus is a curse from ancient Egypt, found by Voldemort and customized to infect Harry and two girls he loves.
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