Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Demigod


by Wicked_Lovely 1 review

"These woods are dangerous for your kind."

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Published: 2011-09-05 - Updated: 2011-09-06 - 2140 words

Brendon was walking through the woods, thinking of all of the faerie tales his grandmother used to tell him. It took him a while to find a friend that would accept him for who he was, and until that fateful day his grandmother was his best friend. One of his fondest memories was sitting in her backyard, drinking iced tea as they sat in the hammock, listening to her read stories like Peter Pan. She had always told him to be careful in the woods, to look out for faerie circles or faerie mounds, but he didn't worry about it too much, knowing that it was a different time.
His hand ran along the soft bark of a sycamore tree, trailblazing in an attempt to find something new. He sat down, pulling his bag on his lap. He pulled out his water bottle taking a sip of the cool water as he looked around. The trees were beautiful, the bright green leaves being lit up from the sun above. He let a small smile fall on his face as he pulled a book out of his bag, crossing his legs as he moved his bag and replaced it with the now open book. He whispered the words on the page silently to himself, hearing the sound of a small bell as he started.
The young boy looked up and around, seeing a small feather float down to the middle of his page. He picked it up, looking for the bird it belonged to. Nothing. He shrugged, putting the feather behind his ear as he continued to read. The tantalizing aroma of honey drifted through the air, making Brendon put his book away as another bell chimed.
"Hello?" He looked around, a slight sense of panic washing over him. The bell rang out once more and he stood, hearing faint laughter. "Where are you?" He walked into the field, looking around wildly. He knew something was wrong, he just didn't know what. "Just fucking tell me where you are!" He screamed the words, the laughter getting louder before it stopped completely. One last bell was heard, a high pitch sound that brought back the smell of honey.
"You know you should not be out wandering these woods alone." Brendon jumped, turning to face the new boy in his class. "These woods are dangerous for your kind." Brendon stared at him, completely and utterly dumbfounded.
"Where did you?...What do you mean?" Brendon was confused, to say the least. Nothing about the situation added up. The other boy had came out of nowhere in a place that people didn't dare tread. That wasn't the only thing wrong. There was something...different about the boy.
His eyes seemed to shine and swirl like a vortex, his features soft and feminine, though he had obvious strength. His clothing was nothing close to that of something a common kid in school would wear, but rather a silk pair of shorts the color of the sky before sunrise, a matching silk shirt that had the color of the clouds on a lazy summers day. Flowers covered his being, a band made of them threaded together resting on his head. It didn't stop there, the ankles that lead to his bare feet were covered with the chains made of flowers, a few hanging around his thin neck. They covered his delicate wrists, and as Brendon's eyes turned down to the other boys arms he noticed the small instrument that he was holding. It looked like a fiddle, only there was no base, just an outline made of thin metal. The hand that was holding it looked red, as if the skin was burning.
Brendon couldn't help but notice that he looked almost Godlike. There was this sense of meaning and purpose that Brendon had never felt before, and it could only come from staring in the boys eyes. And there was this sort of glow that he had, making him shine like he was golden. Everything that touched the glow seemed to shine like it was basking in the suns light.
"Why are you not like the rest of them? Why do you not run away when you hear a strange noise?" Brendon stared at him before giving a soft sigh.
"Do you run when you hear a strange noise?" His voice was hopeful, and Ryan seemed almost like he was sneering at Brendon. The glow that seeped from his pores seemed to grow stronger as he spoke.
"There are no strange noises for me." A little girl came skipping from the forest border, her silk clothes matching that of Ryan's. It was a white dress that shined in the light like a pearl.
"Brother! You must come back and enjoy the feast! We all worked so hard on it for you." She had a large smile, flowers covering her pale body much like Ryan. Brendon's brows furrowed, confusion crossing on his face. There was about her. She had long blond hair, so light it looked almost white. Her eyes were a mossy green, her skin an ivory pale like Ryan's. But that wasn't the strangest of it all. It looked almost like her ears were long and pointed. Like an elf's.
"I was just talking to my friend. He should be leaving now." Ryan said as he gave the young girl a soft smile.
"He can join us." She had a wicked grin, almost as if she were planning something that the other two didn't know about.
"You know how the others will feel." Brendon didn't know it, but Ryan was trying to save him.
"I think they will be very pleased to see a guest of his kind." Ryan opened his mouth to argue once more, but was cut off when Brendon spoke.
"I wouldn't mind joining you." Her smile grew and Ryan stared at Brendon, the expression on his face showing how displeased he was by Brendon's choice.
"Wonderful! I will see you two in a bit." She skipped back into the woods and Ryan gave a small sigh.
"I thought I told you it was dangerous out here."
"Who doesn't like a bit of danger?" Brendon had a sort of mocking sound in his voice and on his features. Ryan shook his head.
"Just do not eat a thing they give to you. No drink, and no food." Ryan took Brendon's wrist with his free hand, leading the other boy into the woods.
"And why is that? Will they poison me?"
"What they do is much worse than that." Ryan said it under his breath, almost as if he didn't want Brendon to hear it. With those words Brendon started to feel as if he had made the wrong choice. He regretted accepting the invitation, and wished that he hadn't joined them.
Ryan lead the younger boy deep into the woods, finally reaching a large wooden table that seemed almost as if it still had roots in the ground. There was a large group of people at it, sitting around it dining without plates. There were all sorts of fruits and dishes that Brendon had never seen before. But like most things that he had found that day, everything can get weirder. The people that were dining at the table almost had flickering appearances, like they all had something they were hiding. Ryan lead him to the two open seats, allowing the younger boy to sit at the table with oddly dressed people.
"Ryan! So glad you could join us today. And who is your friend?" A girl who looked like she was in her twenties was the first to speak to them, the rest of the group speaking amongst themselves at the long table. She was stunning, like most of the people that were surrounding the two boys. Her skin had a soft pink tone to it, her hair a dark blond that had large barrel curls, going down to her waist. She had the dark green eyes that looked like they belonged to a lily pad, the two orbs staring at the boys lovingly. There was a small headband on her head, made of the same transparent fabric that made up her sleeves and part of the skirt on her dress. It was all natural colors, making Brendon feel out of place.
"I'm Brendon." He said as he held his hand out for her to take. She stared at it like a foreign object, and Brendon reluctantly let his hand fall back to his side. A group of small kids ran over to them, pulling Ryan out of his seat so he would go and play with them. The girl spoke, making Brendon look away from Ryan and back at her.
"So Brendon, would you like to try some of our food. We have the sweetest fruit you will ever taste." He took a worried glance around, looking for Ryan in a slight sense of panic. He felt like a trapped animal, though he had no idea why.
"Please sister, allow him to take in things for what they truly are before you offer him such sweets." Another girl spoke, her hair long and red like that of a leaf in fall. Her eyes were big and brown, the color swirling much like Ryan's had. Her voice was sweet like maple, her features soft and kind.
"No, he must at least try some of our drink before the fruit. Would you care for some summer's wine?" A male spoke the words, his eyes an icy blue. His hair was as white as ice, his skin the color of snow. He had the same pointed ears that the little girl had earlier, which for reasons Brendon couldn't explain, made his head spin. A tall crystal glass was placed in front of Brendon, the substance inside looking like liquid gold.
"Go on, drink it." A boy with white hair that matched that of a rose spoke the words, his sunflower like eyes watching Brendon ever so carefully. Brendon cautiously reached out for the glass, giving in to the people around him. He brought it to his lips, allowing the honey like liquid to slide down his throat. It was possibly the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. He was overcome with the feeling of being in a field filled with flowers on a warms summers day, everything blurring to one warm breeze.
Music started to play, the sound of people giving cheers mixed with that of the fiddle and flute. Brendon opened his eyes, looking over to see Ryan playing like it was nothing, though the notes were far to fast for any human to play. There was a mix of emotion swirling in his vortex eyes, one of which made chills run down Brendon's spine. There was so much sadness in his eyes, despite the smile he had on his face.
"How is it?" Brendon looked back over, staring at the people that sat before him. He stopped breathing at the sight, dropping the glass. None of them looked human.
The boy that had white hair and icy blue eyes had a horn sticking out of his head, looking as if it were made of ice. Large white feathered wings came out of his back, the tips a deep blue. Each of his fingers had an extra joint, his feet looking more like horses feet then any human's.
The girl with red hair had maple colored wings, transparent and sectioned in a fashion that would match more of a moths than a butterflies. Her legs started to get transparent from the knee down, going into a pointed tip. Her ears were long and curled at the end, her eyes shining like leaves that had been out in the rain.
The girl who had green lily pad eyes had transparent wings, reminding Brendon of springs rain. There were two sections to them, sparks of color reflecting off when the light hit them just right. She had transparent legs much like the girl next to her, only her feet seemed to have a larger and more pointed curl than the others.
Everything quickly started to add up as each one of the different people around him showed their true colors. He stood, getting ready to run. With one last glance back at Ryan, he bolted, running as far into the woods as he could. Going as far away from the monsters his grandmother used to tell him about.


PartyPoison:Sorry for the wait, know it's been...a while.
I'm hoping that it won't just be a sad attempt at a cross between folklore and mythology, even if that's what it seems right now.

LePanicFan:Pshh, who needs homework?

RydenBeliever:Gosh, it's been a while since I updated this. I'm sorry.

-xoxo Pansy.
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