Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Purity of Blood

Alone In a Crowded Room

by BurningBlood 0 reviews

Harry returns to Hogwarts

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Hagrid,Harry - Published: 2009-08-02 - Updated: 2009-08-02 - 5827 words

A.N. Again I'm pretty sure I got all the mistakes out of this chapter, but should you find any please tell me so that I may fix them. Second I can not do anything about the formatting as runs on an HTML uploading system and I don't know HTML. If someone out there has a story with good formating and would help me I'd gladly accept it thank you.

I'll not be explaining what Harry's arm looks like until later chapters.

I don't own anything except original concepts. Harry Potter and all it's constituents belong to Mrs. Joanne Murray A.K.A J.K. Rowling

Chapter 3: Alone in a Crowded Room

Two twinkling blue eyes looked over the four tables that occupied the great hall of the

greatest school for witches and wizards in the world.

The eyes looked to the far left table to see a mass of students wearing solid black

wizarding robes with an emerald green and silver patch on their right shoulder that had a snake

in the shape of an ‘S’. This was the most ambitious house of Slytherin. Those students who have

the ambition to do great things are sorted into this house.

Next in line was another mass of students only this time with a yellow and black patch with

the letter ‘H’ embroidered on it. This was the most loyal house of Hufflepuff. Those students

who show loyalty beyond expectations are to be sorted into this house.

After them was another mass of students this time adorning a Blue and bronze patch with the

latter ‘R’ embroidered on it. This was the most knowledgeable house of Ravenclaw. Those students

who exhibit an above average thirst for knowledge and truth are sorted into this house.

Finally to the far right of the blue eyes sat a conglomeration of students who had a red

and gold patch with the letter ‘G’ embroidered onto it. This was the most courageous house of

Gryffindor. Those students who exhibit insurmountable courage are sorted into this house.

The possessor of the eyes stood as he saw the last of the first years finally take a seat.

Looking out over the crowds the owner of the eyes smiled as all the students grew quiet.

“Welcome back for another great year at Hogwarts, for all those who don’t know I am Albus

Dumbledore. I know you all must be hungry, so I’ll keep this short. First and foremost I would

like to announce that we have a new ‘Defence Against the Dark Arts’ Professor, Alistor ‘Mad-eye’

Moody.” The possessor of the blue eyes said and smiled as the students gave a polite applause.

“Furthermore Mr. Filtch would like to remind everyone that any and all Zonkos items will be

confiscated, and that the forbidden forest is still just that…forbidden. Now then before you

tuck in I have an important announcement. This year Hogwarts will be hosting a rather exclusive

and dangerous event…the Triwizard tournament. This tournament is an interschool competition so I

would like to introduce the leading Witches School from Magical France Beauxbaton’s.” As Albus

said this, the doors burst open as two lines of beautiful women walked inside the great hall. As

they walked down the center of the hall they would conjure butterflies that flew around the

women in a hypnotically beautiful fashion. As the lines stopped a tall woman walked down the

isle they had made and right up towards Dumbledore.

“Albus.’ The woman said with a light French accent. Dumbledore smiled up at the woman.

“Beautiful as always Olympe.” Albus said making the woman smile. Olympe turned towards the

two lines of women and started talking in French. Once the woman finished everyone watched as

the young women sat down at another long table that Albus had summoned while they were making

their entrance. Turning back to his students Albus smiled again.

“I would like to also introduce our Swedish rivals ‘Drumstrang’!” Just as those words left

his mouth the lights seemed to die and the doors to the great hall snapped open. Through the

doors to the Hall marched two lines of well-muscled young men dressed in furs and carrying

staves. As they group marched in they started to move. Everyone watched as the movements

progressed into a dangerous dance of flames. From the end of their staves flames blew as they

spun and whipped the staves this way and that. The dance ended when the leader of each line blew

a line of fire forward on either side of Dumbledore. Albus smiled, but didn’t even flinch, as

the fire seemed to lick at the cloths we wore. As the flames died down everyone could see a

stocky man standing in front of Dumbledore.

“Albus.” The man said shortly making Dumbledore chuckle.

“Quite a show Igor.” Dumbledore replied making the man smirk. The man turned towards his

students and directed them towards their seats. With each respected headmaster or mistress

standing besides each other Albus started to speak.

“Each school will have one champion to compete. If you win you will receive the sum of one

thousand Galleons as well as the Honor of having a Tri-wizard champion in your school. The

champions will be decided by this…” Albus said and then lifted an invisibility cloak from in

front of him. As the cloak was lifted everyone saw a golden cup with flames rising out of it’s


“…this is the goblet of fire. If a persons name and allegiance, in this case your school,

are placed on a piece of paper and placed inside of this then the Goblet will randomly pick a

name from each allegiance and then expel the paper it was written on. This tournament will be

for all students who are of seventeen years of age or older. This age line will stop all those

who try to enter that are under said age. Now that all has been said Tuck in!” Dumbledore

finished sending the great hall into a frenzy. Dumbledore watched for twenty minutes as students

conversed with the students from other schools or placed their lives on the line with the cup.

Everyone in the hall jumped slightly as the doors to the hall came slamming open. All eyes

turned towards the perpetrator to see a lightly muscled young man with a snow-white owl sitting

on his shoulder. The man was dressed in a tight fitting white button down shirt with a light

gray tie and black slacks. The sleeves to his shirt were rolled up to show that his right arm

was wrapped in medical tape that ended into a leather workout glove that still had the fingers

attached. The young man held an old book in his left hand and twirled a wand between the fingers

of his bandaged right hand. The three most notable things about the man however was his

windswept black hair, piercing green eyes, and the bright red lightning bolt shaped scar on his

forehead. Yes the man who just burst into the great hall of Hogwarts was one Harold James

Potter. Raising his head from his book Harry looked around the great hall.

“Either we added a house with some very beautiful women, which I would hug you for if you

did Professor, or I missed something.” Harry said glancing at the Beauxbaton student’s.

Dumbledore laughed at the boy.

“No Harry I’m afraid these beautiful young ladies are only here for the year.” Dumbledore

said with an amused chuckle making Harry jokingly curse.

“Bloody hell. Is it to late to transfer Professer? I promise to behave myself?” Harry said

causing Dumbledore and many of the students chuckle lightly. One person however did not find

this amusing at all.

“Enough of your jokes Potter! Why were you late for the opening feast?” A tall man with

slicked back hair said with a sneer. Harry shrugged his shoulders at the man and looked back at

his book.

“Well first I spent about fifteen minutes looking for Hagrid, but I see you took him off

taking the first years to Hogwarts and replaced him with Filtch…which isn’t the first thing you

should show these children when they enter Hogwarts Professor…” Harry said causing many of the

students, even some Slytherin’s, to laugh. Snape sneered at the boy.

“Even with that you shouldn’t have been twenty minutes late Potter.” Snape said glaring at

the Gryffindor Golden boy causing said boy to sigh.

“Well seeing as I was going to be late anyway I decided to stop by and see a friend that I

haven’t seen in almost a years time.” Harry explained making several people’s eyebrows rise.

“Surely you could have met your friend in the Great Hall Mr. Potter.” McGonagall said

making Harry lift his head from his book.

“Nah he’s not really welcome here so I decided to go see him before coming here.” Harry

said with a smile to his Head of House.

“Nonsense Harry everyone is welcome at Hogwarts.” Dumbledore said making Harry raise his


“Really?” Harry asked getting a nod from the headmaster. Harry chuckled at the response.

“We’ll see Headmaster…we’ll see…Dobby!” Harry said yelling the last part. As the last word

left his mouth a loud ‘pop’ rang out through the great hall and a lightweight found it’s way

into Harry’s head.

“You needs something already Mr. Harry Potter Sirs?” A high-pitched voice said causing

everyone to look at the owner. Sitting there atop Harry’s head was a gray creature with floppy

ears and large bug like eyes. The creature was wearing brightly colored clothing and two

different pairs of socks. Harry let out a light chuckle at the voice.

“Actually yes Dobby I would.” Harry said making Dobby clap happily.

“What is its Mr. Harry Potter Sirs? Anything for Mr. Harry Potter Sirs.” Dobby said drawing

a chuckle from both Harry and Dumbledore.

“Dobby I would like for you to…get off my head.” Harry said making Dobby laugh and fall

from his perch. Looking down at his eccentric little friend Harry smiled.

“You alright?” Harry asked getting a nod from the floppy eared elf. As Dobby stood up and

looked around at all the glares sent his way from the Slytherin and Drumstrang tables Dobby

turned towards Harry nervously.

“Um…may Dobby leaves now Mr. Harry Potter Sirs?” Dobby asked making Harry look up and see

the glares as well. Harry glared hard at both tables and shifted his left leg in front of Dobby

in a protective stance.

“If you have a problem with my friend then take it up with me you bigoted pieces of shit.”

Harry said drawing a gasp from the head table.

“Mr. Potter! They are our guests!” McGonagall said making Harry turn his gaze towards here

and lighten his glare.

“Then they should behave as such and respect the wishes of their host…Professor Dumbledore,

as I believe I just heard him say and I quote ‘Anybody’s welcome at Hogwarts’.” Harry said

drawing a light smirk from Dumbledore and a glare from both the Slytherins and Drumstrang.

“Yes Potter ‘Anybody’ insinuating Human not this…thing…it’s a house elf it’s born to serve

us not to speak.” Said a voice from the Slytherin table. Turning toward the voice Harry saw one

Theodore Nott. The sound of a book slamming shut stopped all movement in the Great Hall as

everyone turned to look at Harry. Instead of Harry Potter the heir to the Marauders that stood

there before, now stood Harry Potter the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry stood there his book closed in

front of him still in position to be read. In his left hand he held his wand in an iron grip.

Turning his cold emerald eyes towards Nott, Harry spoke.

“Now you listen and you listen well you ignorant son of a bitch. Let me give you one of the

definitions of a ‘Human’. ‘Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character

regarded as distinguishing humans from other animals.’ This being said Dobby is a hell of a lot

more human then any of the Deatheaters, Voldemort, and you.” Harry finished drawing an

appreciated look from Dobby, Olympe, Hagrid, and two of the Beauxbaton students. Harry placed

his hand atop Dobby’s head and smiled down at the little elf.

“Come on Dobby let’s go down to the kitchen’s…I’ll show you how to make a real Tira Mi Su.”

Harry said getting a wide smile from the little elf and a quick nod. Turning his back on the

great hall Harry followed as the little creature scurried out the door. Stopping in the doorway

Harry cocked his head and looked at Theodore.

“Oh and Nott. Just for your information…everyone is born free…it’s just their choice to

fight and stay that way…or not.” Harry said and then disappeared around the corner. Those words

rang in every ones mind as Harry walked out of the hall. Dumbledore looked out over his students

and couldn’t help but smile as he saw everyone, even the Slytherins, thinking on what had been

said. ‘Harry my boy you have just done in one night what I have been trying to do for decades.’

Dumbledore thought to himself. Olympe watched as the boy left and couldn’t help but whisper.

“Who is that boy?” The tall and stocky man besides her looked at her questioningly.

“Why that’s Harry Potter. Right good friend he is. To bad what happened ter him though.”

The man said making the woman look over at him with curiosity.

“I don’t wish to be rude, but who are you and what happened to Mr. Potter?” Olympe asked

making the man smile at her.

“Oh Sorry I’m Rubeus Hagrid I’m the care o’ magical Creatures Professor here at Hogwarts.

An’ about what happened ter Harry, well his closest friend’s turned on him this summer. Right

sad thing ter happen ter him really.” Hagrid explained making Olympe go wide eyed.

“Why would they do such a thing?” Olympe asked only for a wizened voice to answer this time.
“I’m afraid that Harry seems to attract trouble were ever he goes. He’s a good boy really

and trouble just seems to find him, but his friend’s families think he’s to dangerous to be

around.” Albus explained making Olympe understand. The professor’s meal continued on after that

in its normal fashion, people talking about lesson plans, Snape complaining about Harry, the

usual stuff. Until a swirl of snow and freezing winds appeared in front of Hagrid, once the snow

settled it showed a solid white owl with golden eyes that glowed with an awesome power. Looking

at owl in surprise Hagrid couldn’t help but smile when he recognized the owl.

“Hedwig? When did you learn ter do that?” Hagrid asked while petting the snowy owl with one

giant finger.

‘I believe it was around the time Harry human came out of his vault.’ A sweet and feminine

voice answered inside of Hagrid head. Hagrid almost fell out of his chair when he heard that.

“Hedwig did you just talk?” Hagrid said making the other teachers look at the man like he

went crazy.

“I’m afraid you are mistaken Mr. Hagrid as none of us heard anything.” Olympe said only to

receive the same sweet voice inside her mind.

‘No, Hagrid human isn’t wrong.’ Olympe did fall out of her chair at that.

“Mon Dieu!” Olympe yelled causing the voice to chuckle inside all the professor’s minds.

‘You humans are very funny to watch…although you aren’t my Harry human.’ As this happened

all the professors turned towards the snowy owl only to receive a curious stare back from her.

‘What? Is there something on my feathers?’ The owl asked and lifted her wings and checked

for anything. Dumbledore finally gained his wits and chuckled.

“No Headwig, there isn’t anything on your feathers. We were just stunned as to how you were

able to communicate with us. We have never heard of an owl that could do that before. Were your

parents magical?” Dumbledore asked making Hedwig push her chest out in pride.

‘No they weren’t, my Harry human did this. He also gave me the ability to use a small bit

of unrefined magic. I believe he called it telekinesis.’ Hedwig explained making the teachers go


“Can you show us?” Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eye. The teachers expected a fork

to move maybe even a plate, but the last thing they expected was a simple reply.

‘Look down.’ Confused they followed the owls advise to see the everyone single one of them

and the entire head table had been lifted six inches off the floor without any of them noticing.

Flitwick was having a blast with this.

“Oh this is wonderful an unrefined ‘Wingardium Leviosa’. Simply magnificent oh I must

insist that you come to my class room so that I may see if I can help you refine it miss

Hedwig.” Flitwick said making the Owl trill with happiness. Everyone was surprised however when

their minds completely cleared of any and all clutter allowing them to answer questions that

seemed to be bugging them with ease.

‘I would love to Flitwick human, but I must ask Harry human first to see if I can. He seems

rather protective of me.’ The sweet voice filled their minds again with those words.

“Yes well if it makes him feel better we can do this while he is in my class as well that

way he can see that you are fine.” Flitwick said making the bird trill again giving them the

same clear mindedness.

“Miss Hedwig?” Another voice asked causing the owl to turn towards the owner. Seeing the

owner of the voice the snowy owl seemed to glare.

‘Yes Harry human hater Snape?’ the voice said with a certain chill to it that seemed to

freeze the professors very soul.

“I was curious if it would be possible to see if your blood or feathers hold any magical

properties for potions. It would be painless and could very well be for a good cause.” Snape

said with a certain kindness in his voice not seen in a very long time from the potions master.

Hedwig glared at the man.

‘No. Not after what you did to Harry human. Unless he asks me to I’ll not give you

anything.’ Hedwig said causing Snape’s jaw to drop.

“Now be reasonable Potter would never give me permission and this could very well lead to

some very influential progress in the field of potions and alchemy.” Snape said making Hedwig


‘Yes and if you showed this much concern for Harry human or any of the other students that

aren’t from the snake house then I’d be more reasonable. Did you know that Harry human has spent

the last month practicing potions and has perfected, and has a vial of, every single potion

you’ve asked him to make in the last three years? Of course you don’t.’ Hedwig yelled into their

minds causing all the professors eyes to widen. Snape lowered his Occlumency shields and,

suspecting she could hear him, thought.

‘I don’t have a choice. If I don’t…then no one else will. The Slytherin house has been

given a bad name by a few bad eggs, but a lot of them are pushed into being Death eaters because

no one will give them a chance to be anything else.’ Snape thought causing Hedwig to trill.

‘Yes so Harry human has told me. He also told me that this year is the year that this inter

house fight ends if he has anything to do about it.’ Hedwig said into everyone’s minds causing

the rest of the professors to be confused except Dumbledore who was beyond proud.

“Now then miss Hedwig I must ask what is it you were sent here for as I’m sure Harry didn’t

do this in hopes of bragging.” Dumbledore said making Hedwig trill again.

‘Harry human wouldn’t do that, but you’re right I wasn’t sent here to do all I’ve done. I’m

here because Harry human wanted to know if Hagrid human knows where to find a Dragon rat?’

Hedwig asked making all the teachers grow wide eyed and for Olympe to gain a confused look.

“Miss Hedwig you go tell Mr. Potter anything he plans on doing with a Dragon Rat is illegal

and extremely dangerous!” McGonagall said making Olympe more confused.

“What’s a Dragon Rat and why is it illegal?” Olympe asked in curiosity.

“A Dragon Rat is small lil’ critter they are little lizards wit a worm like tail that’s why

they call ‘em dragon rats. Ther fed ter baby dragons by ther mums so that they have enough magic

ter fly and blow fire. The Dragon rat if eaten can increase yer magic, but it poisons human’s.”

Hagrid explained making Olympe go wide eyed.

“Then the real question is why would Mr. Potter want one?” This time Igor asked.

‘He doesn’t want it for him. He wants it for me. He says that although I’m strong in my own

right and could fight other owls and win every time he wants me to be able to fight someone

named Fawks to a stand still before he’s sure I’m safe.’ Hedwig explained making Dumbledore’s

eyes widen.

“Miss Hedwig, Fawks is my Phoenix. that is the second most magical creature in the known

world. You must be mistaken if Harry wants you to beat him.” Dumbledore explained making Hedwig

ruffle her feathers in annoyance.

‘Yes well Harry human thinks I’ll be able to and so do I so once we are finished and I’ve

talked to Harry human about Flitwick humans offer then I’ll fight your little bird and show you

not to underestimate Harry human.’ Hedwig said and then turned towards Hagrid.

‘Can you find a Dragon Rat Hagrid human? If money is the problem then talk to Harry human

and he’ll get you it no problem, but can you find it?’ Hedwig asked making Hagrid smile.

“Fer you and Harry I’ll get ya a couple.” Hagrid said making Hedwig trill in happiness.

‘Thank you Hagrid Human, we’ll return the favor somehow I promise you that.’ Hedwig said

and then disappeared in the same swirl of snow and frigid air. Dumbledore smiled and the bird

left and asked.

“I am curious as to whether Miss Hedwig will be able to fight Fawks to a stand still or

not…that is something I’d like to see.” Dumbledore said making the other teachers chuckle.

The next morning we find our young Hero sitting the great Hall reading from a book and

eating breakfast. Hedwig sat on the table next to him eating a sausage off of his plate. Harry

turned a page in his book only to get his hand pecked. Harry chuckled and turned the page back

and waited.

“You have quite the interesting and loyal companion there Harry.” A wizened voice said from

behind him. Smiling Harry closed his book and cocked his head backwards.

“Yep she’s the best isn’t she?” Harry said making Hedwig trill with happiness. Dumbledore

smiled at that as his mind cleared from any doubts or stray thought.

“May I sit?” Dumbledore asked causing Harry to cock an eyebrow.

“Are you going to dock points if I say no?” Harry asked jokingly.

“Of course not Harry my boy.” Dumbledore responded making Harry laugh slightly.

“Then have a seat.” Harry responded and scooted over allowing the older man sit at the edge

of the table, as it’s easier to get in and out. Dumbledore turned towards Harry with a concerned


“Harry I need to ask you a very serious question. Have you been using rituals?” Dumbledore

asked causing Harry to chuckle.

“Yeah I figured you’d ask me that. No professor I haven’t been using rituals I’ve just

found out about my blood magic.” Harry said making Dumbledore raise an eyebrow.

“Blood magic Harry? I don’t remember James ever using Blood magic? What does it do?”

Dumbledore asked making Harry smile and answer with an excited voice.

“The Potter family Blood Magic is the ability to add to, subtract from, or change the

magical matrix of any being. We have the ability to see a person or spells magical matrix and

using a weapon made out of Ethereal Mithril we are able to attack our opponents Magical Matrix

and if good enough can turn someone into a squib.” Harry explained making Dumbledore’s eyes


“If this is true then why is it that James wasn’t able to beat Voldemort? I mean with a

power like that surly he could have stopped Tom?” Dumbledore asked making Harry shrug.

“I don’t really know why Dad didn’t use it.” Harry said making Dumbledore sigh. Dumbledore

suddenly remembered something from Harry’s explanation.

“Harry you mentioned a weapon of Ethereal Mithril. What exactly is Ethereal Mithril and

what is your weapon?” Dumbledore asked making Harry smile.

“Ethereal Mithril is a magical metal that can only cut the magical matrix and nothing else.

Should I stab you in the shoulder with an Ethereal Mithril Dagger it wouldn’t do anything except

pass through you as if you were a ghost hence the first part of the name ‘Ethereal’. The second

comes from the fact that although it can’t cut you physically it cuts through and helps shape a

magical matrix like a hot knife through butter hence the last part of the name ‘Mithril’. The

metal is not mined but grows with the amount of magic available to it.” Harry explained making

Dumbledore get slightly excited.

“And where would I find some of this Ethereal Mithril my boy?” Albus asked causing Harry to


“It can only be found either in the weapon of a Potter and they have runes to stop anyone

but the owner from touching them, or inside the Potter family vault.” Harry explained making

Dumbledore raise an eyebrow.

“Doesn’t that seem rather selfish not to share such a material with the world Harry?” Albus

asked only for Harry to chuckle.

“Tell me Professor. Would you let a blind muggle perform surgery on you while you are

awake?” Harry asked causing the older man to raise an eyebrow.

“No I’d have to say not. Why Harry?” The headmaster asked causing Harry to smile.

“That’s right Headmaster so why are we giving surgical tools to people who can’t see

someone’s magical matrix. As I said it would be like having a blind Muggle give you Surgery

while awake.” Harry explained making Dumbledore nod.

“I see that is a very good point Harry. Now then about your weapon, do you have it on you?”

Dumbledore asked causing Harry to chuckle and raise his left hand.

“Sir I’d be more concerned if I didn’t. What you’re looking at right now is a sheathed

version of my weapon.” Harry said causing Dumbledore to go wide-eyed.

“Surly you must jest Harry? What would cause you to do something like that to yourself?”

Dumbledore asked cause Harry to laugh.

“It wasn’t on purpose I can assure you that. You see what happened was…” Harry said

remembering how his arm came to be.

Harry sat down in Vault Number 777 holding a pair of smelting tongs holding a large

crucible that had runes drawn on the outside of it. Inside of the Crucible was a bubbling blue

liquid. The liquid looked like melted blue glass and gave off a slight shine when the light

struck it. Harry carefully lifted the crucible from the fire that it was sitting in and slowly

carried it over towards the mold that had been prepared the day before. The mold was of a small

Kukri knife. As Harry was about to start pouring the molten liquid into the mold a small spasm

of Magic went through him. Harry shivered slightly as he felt it. Shaking himself slightly Harry

prepared to pour the Liquid again. Just as Harry tipped the crucible of molten liquid another

Spasm of magic shot into him, shortly following the magical spasm pain shot through him. Harry

dropped to his knees in pain, throwing the crucible and tongs away, as spasm after spasm of

magic surged through his body. Harry curled onto his side into a fetal position, only to scream

louder as the feeling of liquid metal condensed onto his skin. Forcing himself up onto his knees

Harry grabbed his left hand. The pain was almost blinding. It felt like one thousand hot knives

was being shoved into him at the same time. Harry could only assume that this was what the

Cruciatus Curse feels like. Harry could see his vision fading to black. The last thing he saw

before he passed out was a solid blue metal wrapping it’s way around his arm, and two concerned

blue eyes looking on yelling his name.

Harry finished his story making the older man nod.

“I see sometime I would like to see your arm when it’s uncovered. However it seems we have

guests. Dumbledore said and then stood. Harry watched as the entire Beauxbatons student body and

their Head Mistress all entered at the same time. Harry chuckled as the young women sat at the

table and gave the typical English breakfast a disgruntled look. Harry grabbed his book and

stood. Turning away from the students Harry left room, feeling their eyes on his back.

“He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry? Do you have classes this early Albus?” Olympe asked

drawing a slight chuckle from the white haired wizard.

“No Olympe I’m afraid not. However I would suggest you not eat to much.” The older man said

making Olympe look at the food in disgust.

“Well you won’t have to worry about that.” The large woman said causing the old man to

chuckle. It took another thirty minutes before the Great Hall was full of people and the

Beauxbaton students still hadn’t touched the food. Dumbledore couldn’t help but shake his head

and smile when the doors to the great hall slammed open showing the figures of Harry Potter and


“You know Harry if you break those doors you’ll have detention for a year.” Dumbledore said

making Harry smile.

“Will it beat my dads record?” Harry asked making McGonagall snort.

“If you go by the books your father is in detention to this very day Mr. Potter.” The

transfiguration teacher said drawing a smirk from Harry.

“Well then breaking the Great Hall doors shouldn’t be to big of a deal right?” Harry said

with a chuckle.

“You are back rather soon Mr. Potter you left in such a hurry we thought my girls might

have offended you?” Olympe said drawing a light smirk from Harry.

“Madame Maxime your girls could never offend me, and about me being in a hurry well I went

down and helped Dobby whip up something for you and your girls as you all seem to dislike our

foods of choice.” After Harry finished speaking Dobby snapped his fingers and all the English

food was cleared from the table, and in its place was slices of buttered French bread,

Croissants, and Pain au chocolat. Along with this was an assortment of fruits with an unflavored

yogurt. Harry watched as the French girls smile happily as they saw the familiar foods.

“But since you feel that I arrived back so soon…” As the last words left his mouth Dobby

snapped again and all the food vanished and the English breakfast returned. Harry couldn’t help

but chuckle as he heard some of the French women yell ‘Non’. Dobby chuckled as he saw the

women’s faces.

“You are evil Mr. Harry Potter sirs.” Dobby said making Harry smirk and raise his eyebrow.

“I’m not evil Dobby I’m just giving them what they want. They said I arrived back to soon.

So I’m going to go play a round of exploding snaps or something then I’ll be back to return

their food.” As Harry turned around he couldn’t help but smile when he heard.

“Harry you always did have impeccable timing.” Albus said causing Harry to look over his

shoulder and smile.

“Right answer.” With that Dobby snapped his fingers again causing the food to reappear.

“Potter you’re early for once?” A familiar voice said from the end of the head table. As

those words left Snapes mouth Dobby snapped and all the food disappeared again. Snape couldn’t

help but smile behind his hands as he saw all the French women glare at him as the rest of the

great hall burst into laughter. Harry chuckled at that.

“Alright Dobby give the poor girls their food back I’m done being a git…for now.” Harry

said making McGonagall glare at him. Harry leaned against the entryway to the Great Hall and

watched as the French women started grabbing food and finally start eating. Harry watched as

their faces lit up, as they tasted his food.

“Il est fantasique.” He heard from one of the girls and then heard some of the others agree

with them. Harry smiled as he heard this. His eyes however took on a sad and wanting look. Harry

deciding he’s seen enough turned and walked out of the Great hall while Dobby popped out of

sight. Some of the professors saw that look and became saddened or confused. ‘Why does Harry

Potter the ‘Survivant’ have such sad eyes?’ Olympe thought in great confusion. ‘What happened to

you Potter?’ Snape thought trying to make sense of things. ‘Weasley? Granger? Why aren’t you

chasing after him?’ McGonagall thought as she watched two of her students act as if their best

friend hadn’t just showed more hurt in that one look then he had in all three years at Hogwarts.

The final person who noticed couldn’t help but let a tear run down his cheek. ‘Do you really

feel so alone in this crowded room Harry? So alone that you had to leave? I’m sorry my boy…I

truly am…’ Dumbledore thought and then stood from his seat and walked from the Hall.
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