Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Clanluna

Chapter 32: Competitions

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Girls are gross,Competitions, name-calling, Cave Bear Ceremony, mog-ur's Ceremony

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Humor - Characters: Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008-07-16 - Updated: 2008-07-16 - 3047 words - Complete


Chapter 32: Competitions

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Earth’s Children is owned by Jean Auel

Luna’s Clan List

Deceased members:
Iga – mother of Ebra and Uka
Uba – mother of Creb, Brun and Iza
---Creb (37) – former Mog-Ur, 1st Weez-Ur (Roe Deer/Ursus totem),
---Iza (28) – Uba’s mother, adopted mother of Ayla
---Ebra (41) – Brun’s mate, Broud’s mother
---------Broud (21) – former Leader (Wooly Rhinoceros totem)
----------- Oga (20) – Clan, Crug’s 2nd mate, Broud’s widow (hamster totem)
Zoug (43) – second in command to the leader before Brun

Living Members:

Luna’s Teepee
Thonlan (17) – Other, Woodworker, Jondolar’s brother, 14th Ranked male Hunter (Cave Lion totem)
---Luna (23) – Other, Leader, 1st Weech, Creb’s widow, Thonlan’s mate, (Snorkack totem)
-------Zeen – (4) ½ Clan, son of Luna, Goov’s Acolyte, 2nd Weez-Ur (Ursus Totem)
-------Mara – (0) Other, Luna’s Daughter, Weech
Zar (23) ½ Clan, 1st Ranked male hunter, Goov’s Acolyte, Clanluna’s Acolyte, (Ursus Totem)
---Ayla (17) – Other, Clan’s 1st Ranked Medicine Woman, 2nd Weech, 2nd Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts, Zar’s Mate, (Cave Lion totem)
--------Durc (6) – ½ Clan, Ayla’s son, (Gray Wolf totem)
--------Iza (4) – ¼ Clan, Ayla’s daughter, 3rd Weech (Unicorn Totem)
--------Mariza (0) Other, Ayla’s daughter, Weech
Vorn (16) – Clan, 2nd Ranked male hunter
---Uba (11) – Clan, Medicine Woman, Vorn’s mate
------Uma (2) – Clan, Uba’s daughter
------Vuba (0) – ½ Clan, Uba’s daughter
Goov (23) – Clan, mog-ur, 11th Ranked male hunter, (Aurochs totem/Ursus totem)
---Ovra (21) – Clan, Goov’s mate, (Beaver totem)
------Oogra (2) – Clan, Ovra’s daughter

Iga’s Teepee
Groog (28) – 1/8 Clan, 3rd Ranked male hunter (megaceros totem)
---Iga (24) - Other, (formerly: Andromedanaea of the Sungaea) 3rd Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts, red-foot, Clanluna (one-who-serves-the-Mother) Groog’s Mate
------Griga (2) – 1/16 Clan, Iga’s daughter
------Wilmar (0) – Other, Iga’s Son
Broog (22) – ½ Clan, 4th Ranked male hunter
---Ena (21) – ½ Clan, 4th Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts
------Boov (7) – ½ Clan son of Ena
------Brena (0) – ½ Clan daughter of Ena
Vorv (20) – ½ Clan, 5th Ranked male hunter
---Uva (18) – ½ Clan, mate of Vorv
------Broov (7) – ½ Clan son of Uva (looks full Clan)
------Ugra (6) – ½ Clan daughter of Uva (looks full Others) training to become Woman-Who-Hunts
------Vorva (2) – ½ Clan daughter of Uva
------Zoug (0) – ¼ Clan son of Uva

Ika’s Teepee
Crug (25) – Clan, 6th Ranked male hunter (wolf totem)
---Ika (23) – Clan, Crug’s mate
------Crik (2) – Clan, Ika’s son
------Grev (7) – Clan, Oga’s 2nd son, 15th Ranked male Hunter
------Dorv (2) Clan, Oga’s 3rd son
------Corg (0) ½ Clan, Oga’s 4th Son
Borg (12) – Clan, 7th Ranked male hunter, (Boar totem)
---Ona (12) – Clan, Borg’s mate (Owl totem)
------Bona (2) Clan, Ona’s daughter
------Orga (0) ½ Clan, Ona’s daughter
Brac (11) – Clan, Oga’s 1st son, 8th Ranked hunter (Bison totem)
---Igra (9) – Clan, Ika’s daughter, Brac’s Mate
------Broud (0) ½ Clan, Igra’s Daughter.
Groob (9) – Clan, Aga’s son, 9th Ranked male Hunter
---Eva (10) – ½ Clan daughter of Ena, 5th Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts

Aba’s Teepee
Brun (36) – Clan, former leader, 10th Ranked male hunter (Bison totem)
---Aba (38) (ground squirrel totem) Brun’s mate
Grod (32) – Clan, son of the mate of Zoug, 12th Ranked male hunter (Brown Bear totem)
---Uka (28) – Clan, Ebra’s sister, Grod’s Mate
Droog (34) – Clan, toolmaker, Aga’s mate, 13th Ranked male hunter
---Aga (27) – Clan, Droog’s mate

‘’Hey I’ve got an idea!’’ proclaimed a third boy, as he gave Ura the Signal.

‘’Yeah, that’s a good one!’’ agreed the fourth boy, as he gave the Signal to Ura to.

Like a good Clan Woman, Ura knelt and presented.

‘’Get down here,’’ waved Ura, when she noticed Iza wasn’t in position.

Reluctantly, Iza knelt beside Ura and presented.

Chapter 32: Competitions.

‘’What’s going on here?’’ asked Zeen, in English.

The Clan boys didn’t understand, but turned to look for the source of the strange sound.

‘’Squueeeeee!!!!!!!’’ one of the Clan boys squealed like a girl.

‘’It’s that Ursus mog-ur boy!’’ waved another boy.

‘’Run!’’ waved a third boy, as the gang of boys scattered and ran away.

Zeen laughed out loud as he watched the boys run away. Now that he thought about it, none of them had been brave enough to ride the Cave Bear yesterday. He made a hyena noise at their retreating backs to mock their cowardice. Then, he spotted the girls kneeling and presenting.

‘’What are you doing?’’ asked Zeen.

‘’We were going to Relieve those boys Needs,’’ replied Ura.

‘’Yeah! We’re playing mates!’’ added Iza.

‘’Do you want to Relieve your Needs with us?’’ asked Ura.

‘’Ewwwww!!!! Yuck!’’ exclaimed Zeen, as he walked away ‘’Girls can be so gross, sometimes!’’


Luna sat in a circle with the men of her Clan. After the Leadership meeting had ended, she’d donned her wrap and gone to get Mara, so she could put her inside her wrap to nurse while Zar rounded up the men.

‘’We need to decide who will represent us in the competitions,’’ announced Luna. ‘’Zar you’re the fastest runner, so you will represent us in the foot race. Brun, how’s your eyesight? Uba says your eyes are getting bad. Do you think you can still represent us in the bola competition?’’

‘’This man can still trip the game with his bola,’’ affirmed Brun. ‘’my eyes will not be a problem.’’

‘’Good. Goov, this Leader would like you to lead us in the storytelling competition,’’ signed Luna.

‘’The Mog-Ur will tell about the death of Zoug,’’ suggested Goov.

‘’Oooo Yes! That’s a good one!’’ proclaimed Luna. ‘’Borg, can you compete in the run-and-thrust relay?’’

The Clan man, nodded his acceptance.

‘’Who shall represent us in the Sling competition?’’ asked Luna.

‘’It’s too bad Durc is too young to compete against the men,’’ signed Grev. ‘’That boy is amazing with a sling!’’

‘’Or Ayla!’’ added Droog, as Grev and Brac scowled at him.

‘’This Hunter took Grev hunting often before he became a man and thinks he is very good with a sling,’’ proclaimed Brac.

Ever since Durc had killed that rabbit, Grev had worked to build up his skill with a sling. He wasn’t as good as Durc or the Women, but he was better than most men his age.

‘’Brac, this Leader thinks you should represent up in the wrestling competition,’’ announced Luna. ‘’And Aba would be best for the basket competition.’’

Now that Luna had moving on to the women’s events, the men were less attentive, with the exception of Brun, Zar and Thonlan. Most of them didn’t see the value of women’s tasks.


When Grev realized that being in the Sling completion would pit him against a bunch of elderly men, he fumed. Luna should have picked him for a more manly competition, like wrestling! His anger distracted him at a critical moment and he missed the post! He seethed with anger as he watched the older men continue the competition. Luna had set him up to fail!

The women’s sling completion was held after the men’s. Since this wouldn’t count the girls would be allowed to compete against the women. Iza stepped forward first, but her stone missed the post. Some of the men who were watching, began to wander off. Ugra was next and she managed to hit the post. The older men stopped leaving and became more interested. Luna missed, but she, despite being Leader was not as good as the other women. Ena when next and hit the post. Her daughter, Eva did as well. Iga also hit the post. Finally it was Ayla’s turn. All the women knew that none of them were as good as the Medicine Woman. This contest was really for show unless Ayla was very unlucky.


Both Ayla’s stones hit the target.

Hands began moving rapidly amongst the people from other Clans who had watched this, especially the men. The older, more experienced men, especially, couldn’t believe what they were seeing! Many of them were skilled enough with a sling to appreciate Ayla’s skill.


With his long legs, Zar easily out distanced the men from the other Clans as they raced to the tree and back.

When Borg saw that the 2nd Ranked Clan was entering the same man for the Run-and-Thrust relay, he suggested that it be postponed. Brun nodded his approval. Borg had remembered and learned from a similar situation at the last Clan Gathering. When the Relay was later held, Borg was nearly beaten by Gond, of the 2nd Ranked Clan. His victory was by a very narrow margin. But that made it all the sweeter for Borg.

Durc won the boy’s sling and running competitions. None of the other boys had hit the post. Some, dropped their stone before they could throw it. But Broov lost the Run-and-Thrust relay to a boy from the 3rd Ranked Clan.

There was a young man from the 5th Ranked Clan who was very good with a bolo. It took until the 7th round of throws for him to miss. But Brun missed that one too. It was another nine rounds of bolo throwing before Brun beat him. Uba and Ayla rushed to him and drug Brun off the field as the other Clan’s Medicine woman did the same for their champion. Both men had overexerted themselves with that many bolo throws. But Brun, being the much older man, felt his sore muscles more.

Boov won the boys bolo competition as his was the only bolo to hit the post, even though it didn’t wrap around. The bolo was a difficult weapon to master. Only a boy from the 5th Ranked Clan had come close to hitting the post. A small boy had been hit by stray bolo during the boy’s contest. But his Medicine Woman was able to take care of him.

Brac was beaten in the wrestling completion by a bigger man from the 3rd Ranked Clan. Once he had been let up his eyes flashed with anger. He pulled back his arm to hit the other man when Brun stepped between.

“This man would like to congratulate you on winning a fierce match,” signed Brun.

Brun then turned, to see that Brac, had gotten control of himself.


As Boov and Broov walked through the crowd, they ignored the stares their mixed heritage drew. One toddler in her mother’s arms signed:

“Mother, why are those boys so ugly?’’

“Hush, girl, they can’t help that their mothers let them live after they were born deformed,” replied the Clan woman.


That night, they had the story telling completion. Most Clans told hunting stories. When Goov told the story of Zoug’s battle with the Cave Bear, with Thonlan playing the Cave bear, Crug playing Zoug and Groob playing Luna, the other Clans were captivated. If not for the incident with Oop of the 2nd ranked Clan, the day before, no one would have believed that Groob could put Ursus to sleep and awaken him by waving a stick. But people were genuinely moved by the story of the old hunter who had become Chosen of Ursus at his last hunt.

The next day, after her Clan had been fed and cleaned, Luna called another meeting of the men to discuss the day competitions.

Droog didn’t want to admit it, but his eyesight was failing too. Groob helped him pick the proper stone so that Droog could win the tool making competition.

The men of Luna’s Clan set out hides mounted on frames to use as targets to have their Spear throwing completion. First the boys competed. Many of the younger men from other Clans were amazed that the boys could throw the spear so far using their spear-throwers. But a lot of older men wandered away grousing about throwing spears not being Clan. Of the three boys, Boov could throw his spear the furthest. But Durc was the most accurate. The target was moved further back for the mixed men to compete. Thonlan won, with Zar coming in second.

Then the targets were moved even further back for the women’s bow & baby spears competition. Luna was eliminated in the first round. Iga was next, followed by Ena. Eva and Ayla had a long contest, similar to Brun’s bolo competition before Eva beat her.

Everyone who watched to the end, were amazed at what they had seen! Most of the men Luna’s own Clan had not paid attention to skill of the Women-Who-Hunt before.

When it came time for the Fire building competition, Vorv, made sure to get permission from the Leaders of the other Clan’s to use rocks to start his fire. Using his firestone, he had his fire build long before any of the men from the other Clans. This didn’t stop Oop or the 2nd Ranked Clan, from accusing him of cheating though.


“Why are you so Ugly?” a Clan girl asked Ugra. “When you become a woman, no one will want to be you mate and hunt for you!”

“Then this girl will hunt for herself!” replied Ugra defiantly.

“Girls can’t hunt!” replied the Clan girl.

“They can too!” retorted Ugra. “You just watch! Someday this girl will be a Woman-Who Hunts!”


The men went hunting the next day, and the day after, the women spent all day preparing for the feast.


Finally, the evening of the Cave Bear ceremony had arrived. Borg was chosen for the Bear ceremony along with, Ooc, The man who had out wrestled Brac, and Nod, the young man who had nearly beaten Brun in the bolo competition.

Goov stood before the cage in full Mog-Ur garb. The three men were in a cluster between Goov and the cage.

‘’Urus, come give away you life that your people may live!’’ commanded Goov, The Mog-Ur.

Two of the mog-urs cut the lashings, causing the wall on Goov’s side of the cage to clatter to the ground.

The Bear just stood there.

One of the mog-urs snuck up behind the Cave Bear, where the crowd couldn’t see him and hit the bear in the scrotum with the butt end of a spear.

The Cave Bear roared the pain and outrage!

When it charged at Goov, The Mog-Ur bravely stood his ground as the three younger men poked at it with their spears. The Cave Bear swept out with its’ claw and broke the end off Nod’s spear. His other claw slashed Ooc’s throat, down to the bone.

‘’Wait! Stop” yelled Zeen, in English as he ran forward.

Ayla grabbed Luna’s son and pulled him into a restraining hug so the boy couldn’t interfere. Zeen howled and cried in protest and she kept him pressed to her chest. Inside her wrap, Mariza, squirmed at being mashed between her mother and the boy’s head.

Ayla wanted to help the downed man, but she couldn’t risk releasing Zeen. She could tell he was already dead anyway.

Nod grabbed the broken tip of his spear, climbed onto the Cave Bear’s back and stabbed at the beast. The Cave Bear reared up suddenly, throwing Nod from his back. The man from the 5th Ranked Clan, who had been so skilled with a bolo landed on his face with his head twisted back. One of the bones in his neck broke in a classic ‘hangman’s fracture’ and a piece of the bone shot up into his brain, killing him instantly. Borg could tell the bear was going to come down on top of him. So he aimed for the Cave Bear’s heart and hope that Ursus would guide his hand. The Cave bear slashed across him midsection, disemboweling Borg, before falling on him crushing him.

Everyone was silent as they realized that all three men were dead, as was the Cave bear. Borg’s spear was protruding from its’ back where he had stabbed it through the heart.

Once the realization hit them, the new widows rushed forward the hold their mates and grieve. Ayla released Zeen and he ran to the fallen Cave Bear crying.

Luna levitated the bear off of Borg so that Ona could get to her mate. Then she tried to comfort Zeen. Luna ended up having to stun him to get him away from the Cave Bear so that the women could start preparing him for the feast. She revived him for the feast, but her son had no interest in eating.

The sun had long since set by the time, the feast ended. The combined Clans wandered back to just outside the entrance of the host cave. The Cave Bear Skin had been hung in a fearsome pose towering over the mog-urs. Ayla had lost track of Luna sometime while preparing for the mog-ur’s ceremony. She strode up to the mog-urs, naked, chewed the special roots and spit them into the water. When she handed the bowl the Goov, The Mog-Ur, he exchanged a bowl of datura for it. Each of the mog-urs took a sip. But Ayla was surprised that this time, they took the bowl with them.

Ayla carried the large bowl of around for women and children to drink from, as Uba and Zar exchanged bowls and he led the men of Luna’s Clan off to have the men’s Ceremony. But Ayla didn’t understand why she didn’t see Luna!

None of the mog-urs saw the disillusioned Luna follow them back to the mog-ur’s chamber of the host cave. They had just sat in the circle behind their Cave Bear skulls when Luna broke the enchantment and appeared in the center of the circle.

Several of the mog-urs jumped up in alarm!

“It’s alright,” signed Goov. “This Mog-Ur asked her to come here. Luna?”

Luna held out her hand, the one with the ring on it and a ghostly form faded into view. As he became more solid, the mog-ur’s realized that it was Creb, Mog-Ur One-Eye. Though now, he had an eye and arm made of solidified moonlight.

“’Why have you called this Spirit so early?” asked Creb.

“This Mog-Ur asked her to,” explained Goov.

‘’That’s right! I gave up my time with you next fall so you could lead the mog-urs ceremony!’’ sobbed Luna in English. “Goodbye, my love!’’

Luna ran, crying from the cave.

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