Review for The Demon Lord

The Demon Lord

(#) chanewt906 2010-08-31

Nitpicking some of the wording aside, I like this story....But Hermione being bribed?!?
i really like Hermione, so there should be an incredibly good explanation for this. (steam coming from ears, face paling from temperature difference)

Author's response

Yes there is a reason for it, and it'll be shown in the next chapter what it is. You should know that Harry isn't going to be the forgiving kind of person he was, no, it'll take some time and because of his dark and demon side awaking her punishment well be, hush, dark and awful... especially when he sense a dark side to Hermione. He'll be trying to awake that side of her, and the punishment well do that too. So a very dark chapter to come to the story, so be warned...