Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Payback's A Bitch

Moving In

by dc1

Harry and Dobby enter their new home and deal with a few challenges they find.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2008-01-17 - Updated: 2008-01-17 - 6244 words

Payback’s A Bitch

Disclaimer: - I don’t own Harry Potter, JKR does. If I did, Fred would have lived and Delores would have died.

Thank you to my betas – Adam and Nick. Without your input this would be utter rubbish.

A/N: - updates for this story will be sporadic. This chapter features the Chamber of Secrets itself. I have made several changes compared to the movie and the book. Some are revealed this chapter the rest will be in future chapters.

It was pointed out that Oliver Wood had graduated by the time Harry was in 4th year and could not be at the ball. My answer to this is oops. Suffice to say I will be using Hp Lexicon a bit more in the future. Let’s go with Katie Bell inviting Oliver to be her date for the ball.

Chapter 3 – Moving In

Saturday, June 30

Dobby looked at his master, the Greatest Wizard ever, Harry Potter, with a bewildered look on his face. His master was pointing at a hole in the ground that was surrounded by sinks in the middle of a bathroom for girls, saying that it was their new home. This had to be some sort of weird Great Wizard logic that was beyond Dobby. So he just nodded and waited for instructions.

Harry said, “That is the entrance to The Chamber of Secrets, built by Salazar Slytherin. The hole very quickly turns into a long pipe that you slide down. Go ahead and jump in Dobby, I will follow you.”

Dobby jumped in and Harry could hear his ‘WWHHHEEEEEEEE’ as he slid down. Laughing lightly at the Elf, Harry grabbed his shit, shrunk it and jumped in. As soon as his feet left the ground he muttered, “Close”, in Parseltongue.

Dobby looked around his new home with something less than awe. It was a good thing Elves could see in the dark, because it was pitch black. This place sure was different to what he expected his master to have. His master should have a huge mansion or castle to live in, not a tiny room that had a floor covered in bones. Dobby would ask his master to move to a better home soon.

Harry exited the slide with a grin on his face. Dobby was right, that slide was a lot of fun. Standing up, he lit his wand and looked around. He was now filthy and so was Dobby. Turning to Dobby he said “sometime in the next day or two could you please clean up this area and the slide?”

Dobby was very happy to hear this; he bounced from foot to foot and said, “Yes master. Dobby will be doing that.” Harry smiled and said, “Ok, for now just follow me.”

Harry led the way down the tunnel. He was looking around carefully, taking note of everything. The tunnel was rough hewn but obviously man made. If he had to guess he would say someone had just blasted their way through the rock. As he got closer to the cave in, he noticed something very strange. The ceiling above the cave in was square. Upon closer inspection there was a cube cut out of the ceiling. It looked big enough to hold all the rubble on the floor.

Harry put two and two together and realised this was some sort of trap. It must have been triggered by Lockhart’s spell back-firing. Come to think of it, it did seem strange that there was a shed snake skin in this passage way, because it was completely sealed apart from the two doors. It was probably part of the trap.

When he had a chance, he would come back and clear the passage properly as well as grab the snake skin. Come to think of it, it would be nice to have lights in this tunnel too. For now, he and Dobby climbed over the rubble and continued on. When they got to the door, he hissed, “Open”, and watched the elaborate locks pull back before the door swung open.

When Harry looked into the Chamber, he became even more alert. The Chamber was partially lit. There was a low green light faintly illuminating the Chamber. After a moment Harry realised that it was the same last time he was here. He looked around and determined that the green glow was brighter between the snake statues that lined the walls.

As he moved to investigate, still alert for danger, he saw the entranceways to tunnels between each snake statue. The tunnels were about seven feet in diameter. There was a fire-pot hanging above the tunnel, emitting a faint green light. Harry thought to himself, ‘How utterly useless and retarded. What sort of cock-forehead uses green light instead of normal light?’ It was something he would have to change in the future.

Dobby looked around with proper awe this time. This place was much closer to what he thought his master deserved. The space was bigger, that was good. There were a lot of snake statues about the place; maybe the master likes snakes. Most importantly, it was dirty and this pleased Dobby immensely. He would be able to clean the place and show his master how much he liked working for him.

Harry walked up the main walkway to the Basilisk corpse. Looking at the ground in front of it, he saw the spot where he had destroyed Voldemort’s Diary. The ground around it was still black. Lying in the middle of the blackness was the broken off Fang of the Basilisk.

This took Harry back into his Second Year memories. This spot held powerful echoes of pain, fear and death. It also held stronger echoes of victory and triumph. This was where he had destroyed one of Voldemort’s forms, saved a life and been rescued from death himself. This spot was indeed very special. Something inside Harry, his intuition or perhaps his gut feeling, told him that this spot could be useful. He had no idea how or why this could be, but the feeling was very strong.

Harry shook the feeling off and resolved to explore the possibilities later. When he looked at the Basilisk fang again, the feeling returned. He looked at the fang in a very deep way, his mind almost moving on its own accord. He felt drawn to that Fang in a way that felt familiar but at the same time very different. He reached his hand down and grasped it before he even realised what he was doing.

The instant he touched the fang, he knew what was happening. This Fang was connected to him the same way his Phoenix Feather wand was. This Fang would be used to make a second wand for him. As soon as he realised this, his brain changed gears and was back to normal again.

The idea of a second wand immediately appealed to Harry. This way he would actually be able to curse Voldemort without having to worry about the Priori Incantatem again. A brilliant smile lit Harry’s face as he contemplated cursing that fucker. To use the same fang that had destroyed one incarnation of Voldemort, to do so again, seemed poetic. This fang had some of his blood on it and it would be attuned to Voldemort too. This caused a slight frown, he was not sure if that was a good or a bad thing. There was nothing he could do about it right now, so he would explore that later as well.

Shaking off the weirdness that just occurred, Harry turned his mind back to his immediate concerns, namely getting a place to stay set up and securing it. He looked around the Chamber, taking note of its layout and dimensions. It was bloody huge, about 100 feet long and 50 feet wide with a ceiling 40 foot high. There were pools of water on the sides and down the end which probably hid tunnels in their depths. There were pillars of snakes all over, not to mention the massive bust of Salazar Slytherin down the end. The Chamber was also riddled with tunnels all around it.

Quite frankly it was a defensive nightmare. If you were attacked there were no hard points at all, although it did hold many lines of retreat. It seemed that the more Harry looked about, there more things that needed doing.

Harry turned to Dobby, to make a request and stopped with jaw hanging open. Dobby was flitting to and fro all over the place, his limbs moving so fast they were a blur. It took a moment for Harry to piece what he saw together, Dobby was cleaning. Hot damn, he was good at it too! The floor and walls around the door were already looking as good as new. The clean area was spreading consistently and the whole place would probably be clean in a couple of hours.

Harry called out, “Dobby could you stop for a moment please?” When Dobby stopped, Harry burst out laughing. Dobby was wearing an apron and had a feather duster in one hand and a bucket in the other. He also wore what looked like a builder’s tool belt, but it carried no tools that Harry had ever seen before.

Dobby grinned sheepishly and said, “Dobby is sorry master. This place is filthy and is not fit for your presence. Dobby couldn’t help himself.” Harry finished laughing and said, “Thankyou Dobby that was just what I needed right now. Don’t apologise for the job you were doing, it is fantastic.”

Dobby straightened up at the praise and started quivering in anticipation to attack the filth again. Harry said, “Before you clean any more, I would like you to do something for me.”

Harry didn’t get any further before Dobby moved. In the blink of an eye, the cleaning gear was gone and Dobby was once again in just his pillow case, standing almost at attention, awaiting orders. Harry just shook his head; his butler certainly was a character. He said, “Dobby is there a storage place in Hogwarts that holds spare beds, desks and other pieces of furniture?”

Dobby nodded his head and replied, “Oh yes master, there are several around the castle. Do you need Dobby to get something for you?” Harry said, “Definitely! I will need a bed, desk, bookshelf, wardrobe, chair, two long table for brewing potions on and two cabinets for potions ingredients and equipment. Will you be able to bring that here Dobby?”

The excitable Elf answered by disappearing with a pop and reappearing a moment later with a massive king size four post bed, in Gryffindor colours. With another pop he was gone again. Harry thought to himself, ‘Well that answers the question on whether Elves can teleport into and out of the Chamber of Secrets.’

As the furniture pile grew larger, Harry noticed that Dobby brought the furniture in the exact order he asked for it. While the popping was going on, Harry continued cleaning the corner on the right of the Chamber entrance. His Scourgify spell was not as good as whatever Dobby was doing. Sure it cleaned the spot, but it still looked old and rundown. Dobby’s cleaning seemed to almost rejuvenate the area.

When Dobby had finished bringing the furniture, Harry stopped casting and asked, “Dobby can you read?” Dobby nodded his head and said, “Yes master, Dobby can read, write and do number. All Elves are taught so they can cook and shop properly.”

Dobby’s answer stuck a cord in Harry. That was the only reason Petunia had taught Harry as well. He had to be able to read the ingredients to cook for his family. He and Dobby had a lot more in common than he first thought. They had been slaves, beaten and abused. Now they would rise so much higher than their abusers.

Harry filed the reading information away for the moment and said, “Actually Dobby I am kind of hungry. Do you think you could rustle up some grub from the kitchens for me?” Excitedly nodding his head, Dobby disappeared with a crack.

While Dobby was putting some grub together, Harry got to work. He opened his trunk and pulled out his text books. He spread them over the worktables and read through some of the bibliographies. By the time Dobby returned, Harry had compiled a list of books he would need for that night and the next day.

Dobby spread a mini feast out on the table next to Harry and stood there with a wide grin looking straight at him. Harry’s stomach rumbled and he realised just how hungry he was. He had skipped lunch and flew through dinner. Harry said, “Thankyou Dobby, you read my mind, this looks fantastic. While I am eating, can you grab these books from the library for me please?” Dobby grabbed the list and popped out.

When Dobby popped away, Harry grinned wildly. He had finally found a way around the Library’s Wards. The library had Wards and alarms in two sections. The main Ward was on the entrance to the Library and the second was all around the Restricted Section. No book could pass the Library doorway that was not properly borrowed. No book could be taken from the Restricted Section without a token from the Librarian.

After a delicious dinner, Harry leaned back in his chair and sighed. His hand acted with a mind of its own and stuck itself halfway down the front of his pants. For some inexplicable reason he had the urge to put his feet up and watch some television. This confused him as he had never done this or even felt this way before. Nevertheless, Harry liked the feeling and decided that he would make it a point to do just that at some point in the future.

After a few blissful moments, Harry came to his senses. He was in potentially hostile territory and here he was sitting in the middle of the room zoning out. His back wasn’t even against the wall. He berated himself, “That sort of slip will get you killed Potter. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!”

Getting to work, Harry rearranged the desk, kept his wand in easy reach and got out some relevant books. In order to secure the area, Harry would have to seal up the tunnels. In addition to that, he would be learning and practicing a powerful combat spell. He would not be caught by Death Eater’s unprepared to fight ever again. He already knew the Cutting Curse, Diffindo, but now he was going to learn the Severing Curse, Abrumpo. This Spell was used to cut through large objects, such as a person’s neck, limb or torso. It could also be used to cut the head off the snake statues that the Chamber was full of.

So Harry got up and tried out the new spell. It took him a while to get it right, but nowhere near as long as it normally took him to learn Spells. When you learned Spells that were part of the same family or were very similar, they were much easier to pick up. He found this out while studying for the Tri Wizard Tournament. The Impedimenta Spell and then the Stupefy Spell were easy to learn because he already knew Petrificus Totalus.

When he finally managed to cast the Abrumpo Spell correctly he managed to cut part of the stone statue he was aiming at. He estimated the cut to be about one inch deep. Heartened by his success, he keep plugging away working on perfecting the Spell. The head of the statue eventually crashed to the floor cracking into several large pieces. A quick Reparo took care of that problem.

Next, Harry moved the head into the closest tunnel. The fit was close, but there was still about a foot clear on the side and top of the tunnel. Harry then transfigured the head into a spiked steel ball. The spikes didn’t penetrate the tunnel walls, but the ball was now sitting evenly in the centre of the tunnel. With a small Engorgio, the ball increased in size until it filled the tunnel and drove the spikes into the tunnel walls. He then dispelled the enlargement and transfigured the ball into an effective plug that was secured into the tunnel with steel spikes. He followed this up with the Unbreakable Charm.

The next part of his plan involved Warding that area. Harry only new one Ward so far and he didn’t know how to make it permanent yet. It was the Perimeter Ward, which would alert him if someone crossed it. He had learnt this Spell during the time when a certain Weasley twin was after him. It had saved his pride on a few occasions when the blood nut showed up to prank him. He figured the Charm would last a day, maybe two. He could always renew it, until he learnt how to make it permanent and attach another suitably nasty ward to it.

Harry spent the better part of the next two hours blocking off all the tunnels and warding them. It was actually kind of fun. He got lost in the constant blasting at the statues. His magic was singing in his ears and it brought with it a rush that he had never experienced before. He truly felt alive and powerful.

The tunnels that were underwater proved to be easier than he thought. Harry just rolled the steel balls, minus the spikes, all through the water, until he found a tunnel. By the time he was done every entrance to the Chamber was warded. His Severing Curse had also improved and could now cut several inches into solid stone.

By this stage, Harry was a semi shot duck. He didn’t think he would finish all his plans for the Chamber that night, but he did have enough energy to take care of the final security risk. Harry walked right up to the statue of Salazar Slytherin and stopped, preparing himself.

Dealing with Salazar’s Statue would require different magic to secure. Harry was going to join the Statues lips together thereby blocking the snakes hole completely. As the distance between the lips was relatively small, compared to the other tunnels, he was strong enough to actually accomplish this task.

When he was ready, he raised his wand and cast the Spell. The jet of light flew from his wand and hit the statue’s mouth and did absolutely nothing. Harry frowned and cast the Spell again. There was still no result. That meant the Salazar’s Statue was either magical or had active Spells on it. The transfiguration Harry was trying was only affective on non-magic inanimate objects. To do what he wanted, Harry would have to remove the Spells or break the Enchantments and he could do neither at this time.

A rush of adrenaline flooded Harry’s system and he was instantly wide awake. Possibly the most dangerous entrance to the Chamber was still unsecured and he had no clue on how to deal with it. For all he knew, there might be another Basilisk down there. This was just what he needed, another SNAFU, just fucking great.

Harry stood there, wand raised and pointed at the statue, thinking. As he thought about what to do he realised something very important. By trying to transfigure the statue, he might have set off magic defences. It was obvious he hadn’t, but if this thing had been Warded, he could very well be dead right now.

He could have died here because he was stupid. He rushed ahead like he always did, into untold danger that could get him dead between one heartbeat and the next. Well that was going to change. He would be more cautious in his approach. He would scout the area and test the waters before he went forward. Or at least he would, as soon as he learnt how to do that.

With that in mind Harry decided to leave changing Salazar’s Statue until he figured out what Spell’s it had on it and how to deal with them. What he had to do now was to check the level of danger this statue posed. So Harry used the Serpensortia Spell and conjured a large snake. He hissed at it to stay where it was for the moment, but be ready to go into the statues mouth when it opened. The conjured snake obeyed him perfectly.

Harry looked at the statue and said in a clear hiss, “Open.” The statue didn’t budge. He tried it again only louder. This time he got a result, but not what he hoped for. The statue remained as it was, one either side of it, on the walls behind it, two doors appeared and opened. Harry wasted no time and ordered the snake to investigate the right hand doorway.

As the snake went off, Harry kept his wand ready for action and flicked his eyes from one door to the other, ready for anything. A short time later, the snake returned and informed Harry that the door opened into a bedchamber with walk in wardrobe and bathroom. At least, that is what Harry figured out from the snake’s strange description. One thing was clear though, there was nothing living through that door.

Harry sent the snake through the left door and waited, still keeping his eye on both doors. When the snake returned he learned of a passage behind the door with three more doors leading off it. The doors were closed and the snake couldn’t get in.

This caused Harry an interesting conundrum. On one hand part of him wanted to rush in and find out what was in there. On the other hand, he didn’t want to get dead. He didn’t know whether there were any spells or wards in that area or even if there was anything alive in there. In the end self preservation won out.

Harry advanced to the doorway and looked into the dark passage, but didn’t let any part of him enter. He hissed, “Open”, and the closest door to him opened. In went the snake. The first room was large and empty of everything. That sounded very odd to Harry, but he wasn’t going to head in for a closer look tonight.

Harry hissed open again, but a lot louder and the other two doors opened. The snake checked them out and reported back. The second room had lots of shelves and a table with chairs, but nothing else. The third room had several benches and some cabinets, but was also empty.

Harry applied the part of himself that was offered a spot in Ravenclaw and come up with a good theory. The second two rooms were a Library and a Potions Laboratory. He figured Voldemort was using this Chamber back when he went to school here and took everything when he left, hence why the rooms were empty. As for the first room, Harry had no idea.

Deciding to leave these alone for now, he closed them all including the outer door. When that door shut, it slowly blended back into the wall and disappeared from view. There was no sign it was even there. For good measure Harry cast the Perimeter Ward on the area around where the door was. He also shut the other door and Warded it too.

Harry returned his attention to Salazar’s Statue. He cast his mind back and tried to remember what the phrase was that opened its mouth. For the life of him he couldn’t remember. He sent the snake up to try and get in, but it couldn’t. The mouth was shut and sealed very tightly. This made him feel a little better. It seemed less likely that the statue would let something out of it. He wasn’t going to risk it and set up a Perimeter Ward around it too.

Harry ended the Serpensortia spell and dismissed the snake. He would have to figure out some spells to use before he explored those hidden rooms as well as the other passages. There was one very good thing that came from finding those rooms though, he wouldn’t have to create his own rooms in the main Chamber. Once they were declared safe and Dobby had cleaned them, he would live in the bedroom. Although the idea of sleeping in the same room as Salazar Slytherin and Voldemort did repulse him, he would only do it after he cleansed the whole place first though. As for the bed, well Harry looked forward to burning that fucking thing with great pleasure, well after he pissed all over it first.

Still smiling at that thought, Harry got himself ready for bed. Dobby was still going strong and was pretty close to finished. Harry called out, “Dobby, I’m about to go to bed, would you mind stopping please?”

Dobby immediately changed his clothes and rushed to Harry’s side. He said, “Dobby will be standing guard while master is asleep.” Harry frowned at that and replied, “Dobby I don’t want you to stay up guarding me all night. You need sleep too. Elves do need sleep don’t they?”

Dobby said, “Yes master, Elves do need sleep. Dobby must be standing guard for Harry Potter. It is not safe here.” This prompted Harry to ask, “What do you mean it isn’t safe here? How can you tell?”

Dobby replied, “This place holds evil. The stones have screamed with it. They resist cleaning and evil is deep in them.” Here Dobby cracked a smile and continued proudly, “But the evil is not deep enough. Dobby is being a good Elf and getting rid of it.”

Harry smiled at his Elven friend and said, “Of coarse you did Dobby. You are the bestest Elf there is.” When he spotted Dobby’s jaw drop he continued, “Do you really think that I, Harry Potter, would hire anyone less than the best? Of coarse I wouldn’t, only the best for Harry Potter.”

Whomp! Harry was crash tackled by a tearful Dobby and they hit the deck together. Although he had said this earlier, Dobby had been too stunned to act. It seemed that he was over that now.

It took a while but Harry finally extricated himself from the Elf-glomp. He said, “I am curious about how you sensed evil here. Was it only in the stones? Can you sense evil beings or magic? Please explain?”

Dobby said, “Elves can sense a wrongness in things. We know when nature is in balance and when it is not. When the wrongness is evil, it is much stronger and feels more corrupted. So Dobby can sense magic, beings and stones when they be evil.”

This answer sent many wheels turning in Harry’s head. He asked, “Dobby can you sense any beings behind the statue or behind those walls?” Harry pointed towards where the hidden doors were.

Dobby moved to stand in front of the wall. He cocked his head to the right slightly and just stood there. He did the same in front of the statue and the other wall. When he was done he turned to Harry and said, “Dobby can’t sense much from the walls. There is evil there, but the amount of evil in this place is almost overwhelming. It is stronger behind statue but Dobby can’t tell what it is.”

Harry said, “Thankyou Dobby that has helped me a lot.” Dobby’s face lit up in a bright smile. He just loved his new master so much, he said the nicest things.

Harry yawned and was reminded of what he was doing before he was tackled. He said, “Ok Dobby it’s time for bed and I mean for both of us. I have some big plans for tomorrow and I will need you for them. I need you to be fully rested, so no guard duty for you.”

Although Harry was sure he would need Dobby tomorrow, he really did like the idea of having someone stand guard. It seemed that Dobby did too. The not so little anymore Elf, stood his ground and said, “Master must have a guard tonight or he must not stay here. It is not safe.”

Harry responded, “Well I need you rested and we can’t go anywhere else? I don’t trust a snake that I conjure to do it, so do you have any suggestions? I can’t think of anybody to do the job.”

At this point Dobby’s body language changed dramatically. He stood on one foot and started to scuff his toes. His body turned to the side and hunched down a little. His head dropped and he looked up almost shyly. He said, “Dobby knows someone who would be a great guard for master.”

Harry, being tired as he was, didn’t notice Dobby’s change. He just asked, “Who is it Dobby?” The slightly blushing Elf replied, “Winky master. She is a good Elf and would guard master almost as well as Dobby could.”

Harry thought about this for a second and said, “She is working at Hogwarts too isn’t she?” At Dobby’s nod he continued, “So that means she reports to Dumbledore. That just won’t do. Do you think she would be willing to come and work for me? I would bond with her of course.”

Dobby started to bounce on his toes again in excitement. He said, “Oh yes master. Winky would love to bond with you. Dobby will be getting Winky right now.” With a pop he was gone.

Harry waited a few seconds expecting Dobby to be back very quickly, but he wasn’t. Too tired to stand there vegetating, Harry started to get ready for bed. He had just finished setting his alarm when he heard a pop.

Dobby was back and he was alone. Before Harry could say anything Dobby said, “Um master, Dobby couldn’t be bringing Winky here. She wants to come, but we couldn’t get here, something stopped us.”

Harry figured it was some sort of Ward the Chamber had. He grabbed his broom and said, “Can you get Winky to meet us in the bathroom upstairs?” Dobby nodded his head and popped away.

Harry mounted his broom and flew out. When he got to the rock fall, he got off scrambled through and got back on his broom again. He would defiantly have to get that sorted out tomorrow. Perhaps Winky could do something about it while he was away.

After a slow and somewhat difficult fly through the tunnel he arrived at the end and opened the door. Dobby and Winky were both standing there. Looking at the two of them, Harry could really see the changes Dobby had been through. He looked so much healthier and stronger than Winky did.

Harry landed and shrunk his broom, placing it in his pocket. Looking at Winky he said, “Hello Winky. Dobby has told me that you would like to be bonded to a wizard again. Is that true?”

Winky hiccupped and said, “Winky is a bad Elf. No one be wanting Winky. Winky not deserve a family again.” Harry sighed; he really didn’t need this in his current state. He cut to the chase and said, “Winky I want you to bond to me and come work for me. Would you like that?”

Winky’s eyes widened and she stared at him. She said, “Do you mean it? You really wants Winky?” Harry nodded his head and said, “Yes I do Winky. Dobby has vouched for you and that means a lot in my book.”

Dobby puffed his chest out with pride, something he was very unfamiliar with. Winky started to get misty and said, “Oh thankyou master. Winky promises to be the bestest Elf there is.”

Harry said, “Ok lets get you back to my place before we bond. Please jump into the hole. Dobby can show you the way.” Dobby jumped in first, it seemed he really wanted to slide again. He was just as vocal this time as he was the first time.

Winky was hesitant but jumped in as well. She didn’t make any noise on the way down. Harry jumped in and closed the door. When he got to the bottom, the two Elves had already moved on. With aid of broom, Harry made his way rapidly to the nearest chair.

Once seated, Harry turned his attention back to Dobby and Winky. He said, “Welcome to my home Winky. Before we bond I have a question for both of you. Since you are working here at the moment, are you bound to Hogwarts or the Headmaster? Will he know when you leave the bond?”

Dobby answered, “We being bonded to Hogwarts. We draw the same amount of magic as either our parents or our previous master. The Headmaster won’t know we have been bonded, but we will have to tell him we won’t be working for him anymore.”

Harry said, “Ok that’s good. Tell me does he stay here over the holidays? Do any other teachers stay here? When you tell him you are no longer working for him, does it have to be face to face?”

Dobby said, “Only Haggard and Fitch are here over the summer. Sometimes teachers and heads come in, but they don’t stay. The school is locked down most of the time. There is not much work to do for Elves at summer. We just have to let the Headmaster know we are leaving. Can do face to face or maybe a note.”

Harry said, “Ok the letter works, but please do not mention it’s me you are working for. I don’t want him to know about me at the moment. I will give you some names to write as your new masters. There are a lot of things to do before I speak to that man again.” There was a lot of venom in his voice at the end of his statement.

Dobby’s eyes widened a bit and he said, “Yes master. Wes be doing that.” Harry nodded and looked at Winky then said, “Are you ready Winky?”

Winky nodded and recited the Oath. When she did, the same light show that occurred with Dobby occurred again. This time however, Harry’s shot duck status played an important part. Being exhausted already and having more magic drained out of him caused him to drift into the land of nod.

When the bonding was finished, Winky stood tall and healthy, just like Dobby. She was about to thank her new master when she noticed him asleep. She gasped and immediately started to punish herself.

Dobby noticed this and stopped her. He said, “No time for that now, we must get master into bed.” The two Elves cleaned then changed Harry into his pyjamas and put him to bed.

Once Harry was settled, Winky started to punish herself again. Dobby intervened and said, “No Winky stop that. We have a more important job to do and you need to be fully functional.”

Winky looked at him as if he was crazy. Well he was, but that’s beside the point. Dobby said, “This is an evil place and master must be guarded. He told me to sleep because he needs me tomorrow. You will have to guard him while we sleep. I will guard him tomorrow.”

Winky nodded her head. Dobby made complete sense. Maybe he wasn’t as crazy as she thought. He was very devoted to master and that was good. Also when master wakes in the morning he should tell her what the punishment is. She should not have presumed that his punishment would be the same as old masters.

Dobby went and brought back his box bed and settled in. It really was nothing more than a box with a blanket in it, although his clothes bag was full to bursting. Winky shook her head at his abnormalities and prowled the room. She would be vigilant all night. She checked out the whole room for possible dangers. No one would harm her master while she was on watch.

She was down the end of the Chamber when she heard a noise behind her. She whirled around and charged towards her master. Nothing would harm him on her watch. When she got to him, she scanned the area for that noise.

It was coming from her master. Harry was snoring softly. Winky smiled and started to move away again, when she heard another noise. This one came from Dobby. He and the master were alternating their snoring. Shaking her head, she thought, ‘This could be a long night.’

A/N – you may have noticed that some paragraphs are written from a certain characters point of view. This is a trial to see if it worked. I am unsure if it’s grammatically right or if the story flows with it. Please let me know.
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