Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Aftermath


by Quillian 0 reviews

A day in the lives of the X-Men after the events of "Extermination," by slickboy444.

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-06-06 - Updated: 2005-06-06 - 570 words

DISCLAIMER: I don't own /X-Men: Evolution/. If I did, it would not only be on the air again, but it would also have new seasons and everything.

SPECIAL DISCLAIMER: This story takes place after "Extermination," by slickboy444. Read that first, or this will make no sense.

SUMMARY: One day, sometime after the genocidal attacks in "Extermination," the surviving X-Men (both old and new) all reflect on what they've been through.


By Quillian

Respects and thanks due to slickboy444, for letting me write this.


Dawn eventually came.

Light slowly crept over the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters and its grounds, making it look peaceful.

Unless you looked more closely, you would have never guessed that it had been utterly bombed months before in a genocidal attack to wipe out all the mutants who lived there.

Not only were the X-Men nearly all wiped out, but the Brotherhood and Acolytes had all suffered the same bombings, and the Morlocks had all been wiped out by poisonous gas.

For three weeks, the mutants known as Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Magneto, Mystique, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Colossus, Havok and X23 had been hunted and in hiding, trying to avoid the Friends of Humanity led by General William Stryker, Senator Edward Kelly and Doctor Bolivar Trask.

The three evil men in charge were dead, the FOH was dissolved yet again, the mutants had all been cleared, and the reconstruction of the Institute was finally complete.

There was more peace than before, but it had come with a terrible price.

The surviving mutants were not the only occupants, but there were also two newcomers who had decided to join the Institute, and help pave the way for a better future: Warren "Angel" Worthington, III, and Betsy "Psylocke" Braddock.

Betsy was the first to wake up in the bed she and Warren shared, and looked off to the side to see him sleeping like a stone.

She lay there next to him for some time (she eventually lost track), and was thinking about things.

At first her mood was cheerful, but then it slowly faded as she thought more and more...

"Betsy?" She jolted a little when she realized Warren was now awake.

"Good morning, Warren."

"Likewise." Noticing her mood, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know... I guess I've just been thinking. I feel so happy and lucky to be here with you... and yet..."

"You're wondering if you have the right to be happy after all the suffering our hosts have been through."

Betsy thought for a moment and finally said, "Yes."

"I didn't need to be telepathic to figure that out," Warren said, propping his head up. "I was more or less thinking the same thing. But then I figured... There's always people suffering. You can't just help it. But you can do what you can to help them. And here, in our case... we're here to help make the future brighter for the X-Men."

"You are indeed an angel," she smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

"Come on," he said a few moments later after they had kissed. "I think we should get up and go get some breakfast."

A/N: This is the start. While this was third-person POV of Angel and Psylocke, the following chapters will be first-person POV parts with the X-Men who went through the ordeal.

So who's up first? Let's see... -Quillian
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