Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-02-06 - Updated: 2007-02-06 - 1589 words

The next morning I was mortified to find Jacquelyn deep in conversation with Gerard. That wasn't the bad thing: that was Mary sat nervously on the other side of the bed to them.

"Umm..." Was the only word I could form with my mouth. It was enough to catch Mary's attention, who's eyes instantly found mine and bore themselves into my skull. I could see the jealousy and anger hidden behind them.

I swallowed hard before edging as far away from her as the bed sheets would allow.

"MORNING!" I cringed and braced myself as Bert's voice penetrated my ears like a pneumatic drill first thing in the morning when there's gas work right outside your house. I let rip a strangled cry as I found that in no time at all, I had a black imp attached to my neck. "I WAS SO WORRIED!" I nodded briefly before attempting to push him off as I found myself under attack. He was like a protective mother when their baby, though about fourteen years old now, gets into a fight and the first thing they do as ask if they're okay before they start kissing every inch of their (quite possibly bloodied) face.

"Bert...please, for the love of- GERARD!" The ultimate defence against Bert - Gerard. Now, that really does strike me to be the kind of line you'd put in a Lemsip advert or something: For fast, effective relief; call Gerard when Bert attacks.

"What?" Though I couldn't see him through the mass of black in the way, I suspected he was still too busy talking to Jacquelyn to notice the little imp attached to me like an extra growth on my side.

"Like I NEED to tell you!" I snapped, still attempting to remove Bert from my side, moving my head away from him so as to try and save myself the mental anguish later on.

There was the squeaking of a chair before an irritated sigh.

"Bert, get off her," I squeaked as Bert's hold on me tightened. He rested his head on my shoulder, rocking slightly.

"Not...helping!" I breathed out. Though I couldn't quite make it out, I was quite sure Bert was humming something along the lines of 'You are my sunshine'.

"Oh, for the love of-"

"JUST GET HIM OFF ME!" There was the sound of a chair scraping across the floor before there was a strong tug as Gerard attempted to pull Bert off me.

"NOOOO!" Complained Bert...right down my ear.

"Bert, please, for once - BE NORMAL!" Begged Gerard, pulling harder.

"I'm not being ABNORMAL!" Again - right down my ear.

"Please! She's tired, I'm tired, just get off her!"


"NOOOOOO-HOOOO-HOOOOO-HOOOOO!" By now I was sure my ears were bleeding.

"ALL RIGHT! YOU CAN STAY ATTATCHED TO ME!" There was silence. A nurse came bustling into the room and stormed up to the bed.

"Excuse, but could you please-" I should think she stopped when she saw Bert. "Umm...never mind," I heard her heels clicking back the way they came, even more hastily than they had come.

"Bert?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"What?" He mumbled into my shoulder.

"At least be nice enough to SIT next to me. Please?" Slowly, he let go of me. I took a deep breath while he settled himself next to me. "Thank you," I blinked up at Gerard, shaking his head.

"You two get on better than you make out sometimes," Was all he said before walking around the bed, settling himself on my other side.

My eyes caught Mary's again.

If looks could kill, she'd have been a weapon of mass destruction right then.


It was barely a few hours later (still way past visiting times, but the nurse had thing for Frank and, after a lot of begging and eyelash batting on his behalf, we'd managed to get her to overlook the fact everyone was still here...if she didn't hear us) and Bert was already asleep - snuggled up to my side, much to my annoyance.

Gerard and Jacquelyn were in conversation again, Gerard still next to me on the bed, but we'd lost Mary all together. She'd said she was off to the toilet - half an hour ago.

So we were all a little worried about her - even the rest of the guys (who had never met her before) who were gathered around the window giggling at some drunk outside.

"I should hope you never laughed at me like that?" Asked Gerard, surprising me by actually paying attention to someone other than Jacquelyn.

Maybe I was slightly jealous - but Jacquelyn was just one of those girls. Sure, she looked like a hooker sometimes, what with the heavy red lipstick and thick eye shadow of whatever colour she may choose, and her blonde hair and the fact she was slightly thinner than I was at the time (and probably lighter) never made girls think any more of her, but men were just attracted to her like (lambs to the slaughter) ants to sugar. Not women - she had to work hard for those friends - but men. Never slept with them, really, just talked.

Wouldn't think it to look at her though.

"No, of course we didn't," Answered Mikey a little too hastily.

"We laughed more than that," I croaked out, my throat dry again. I smiled as the Afro ducked away from the bed before returning with water. "Thanks," There was more laughing, and it seemed to entice Gerard over to have a look, leaving me with only Bert to get rid of.

"So..." Began Jacquelyn, sliding her chair closer to the edge of the bed. "You and him...anything interesting going on?" I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"You haven't asked HIM?" She sat straight in her seat, mocking offence.

"Well I didn't know exactly WHO it was when I rang - I just knew it was ONE OF THEM!" She folded her arms and I laughed lightly. She relaxed and slouched forward in the seat again. "Blonde moment but - what do you thinks wrong with Mary?"

"Too right blonde moment," I replied, folding my own arms before becoming aware of the needle again. Unfolding them I tried to not look at my arm, and barely succeeded. "I'll give you three guesses," She sighed and nodded before looking at Gerard, peering over Frank's shoulder and out of the window.

"We always said she needed her head checking out," I nodded.

"I told Gerard...whenever about not letting him meet you two. I said something like you had a good idea, but Mary'd probably maul him before trying to kill me,"

"Sounds about right. I didn't tell her anything until they rang to say you were in hospital,"

"How did they get your number?" I asked, more concerned about that piece of information than Mary.

"Umm...looked in that mobile phone you never use much?" I snorted.

"I did actually have a new one, it's not got anyone's number in - so how?" She went a light shade of pink and I sighed irritably. "Which one and when?" I asked whilst restraining myself from slapping the black mound that had just elbowed my ribs in its sleep.

"Umm..." She coughed to clear her throat. "I...uhh...ahh..."

"I get the idea," I turned to the crowd around the window. "OI!" I hissed, trying not to wake Bert. He was less annoying asleep. Five heads turned my way. "Which one of you did she sleep with?"

I didn't need an answer. I watched as four looked at Jacquelyn and one at the floor. I rolled my eyes as Mikey slid his glasses up his nose.

"Okay, you can go back to the window,"

"Oh, no, I want to know which one of us it was!" Whined Frank, looking at the other four. It took him a moment, but finally his eyes settled on Mikey.

He gasped loudly and clasped a hand to his mouth, pointing at Mikey. Hastily, Bob attempted to pull his arm down, but Gerard had already noticed.

Meh. Gave us a laugh.

Obviously no one was much bothered about it, but he seemed convinced that he was either in trouble or about to receive a lot of mickey taking.

"What a small world this is," I said cheerfully in the silence that followed. When I looked around everyone, Mikey and Jacquelyn were the only ones trying not to laugh.

After a few moments, everyone gave in and laughed.

"Aw, Mikes, don't look so miserable!" Pouted Frank, slapping Mikey on the back before going back to the window.

"Well, that was easy enough to find out," I said to Jacquelyn, who was now smiling slightly herself.

"Hey, is that...?" Began Ray, pointing out of the window. Both Jacquelyn and me looked at him before back at each other.

"Mary?" Mouthed Jacquelyn. She stood from her seat and sidled up to the group, sliding her way between them. She was in there a few minutes before she came running out, sliding across the floor. Regaining her balance, she pelted out of the ward.

"I guess it was Mary then," I whispered to myself.


Neither of them came back that night - I had guessed that Jacquelyn took Mary home.

Gerard slept next to me, forfeiting his chair for Mikey, whilst everyone else found a relatively comfy chair. Bert twitched and squirmed next to me all night, a bit like a dog, and whined constantly...a bit like a dog.

Needless to say, I slept little.
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