Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2006-12-09 - Updated: 2006-12-09 - 2305 words

"Give me a break," I moaned later that night. Quite possibly being too merry, not drunk, to walk home I had been more than easily persuaded to stay the night with Gerard. When asked about parents, I was finally told that they were away visiting friends, but were hurrying back to make the most of having Mikey and Gerard at home for a while.
"Why?" Whined Gerard, lips brushing my neck.
"Because I'm tired and most definitely would not make it through it without giggling,"
"So," Began Gerard, fingertips stroking my back. "I'm not in trouble?" I rolled over in the single bed to face him - a difficult task. Especially when the person you're sharing the bed with is so very insistent on nibbling and biting every piece of bare flesh he can reach.
"No, you're not," I replied distantly. He smirked at me and I smiled at him.
"Good. So, you sure you couldn't make it without giggling?" I just smiled at him. 'Um, what do I say? Uh...wait, I say no! What?' I was totally confused. The alcohol that had put me in the state of merriness was being thrown out the next morning, I had vowed. 'Oh dear lord, just say something!' I heard a dull slap that sounded like someone hitting their forehead. 'ANYTHING!'
"Quite," I managed.
"Right, no more alcohol for you, babes," I giggled.
"Babes," I repeated before snorting like a pig. Rolling his eyes, Gerard forced me to settle down next to him and at least close my eyes ready for sleep.
I slept well enough, though I was constantly aware at the back of my mind of the fact that, had I been any further over, I may as well have been sat on him. As it was, my right leg was stuck between his.

I woke next morning to a heavy weight on my chest. In fact, no, it was two. One was Gerard - over the night he seemed to have moved so his head was on my chest and his legs were entwined with mine. The other...
I cautiously opened my eyes to a pair of very clear eyes. I jumped, unsurprisingly not waking Gerard.
"Jesus Christ!" I said on impulse as Bert began giggling madly. "Could you get off me?" I asked angrily, shifting my legs slightly. He shrugged.
"I quite like the view from here," I scowled before nudging Gerard. Nothing. I slapped him but from my current positing it wasn't very strong. In the end I gave in and grabbed part of his hair, pulling.
"Ow," He mumbled as he opened his eyes. "What?" He asked groggily.
"Get your friend off me!" He looked from me to Bert before shaking his head and shifting slightly, burying his head in the crook of my neck. "Gerard!" I whined while still struggling to get Bert off me.
"Look," Gerard mumbled into my neck before lifting his head. "We're going on tour with him, you seem to be offering to cook-"
"She is?" Asked Bert.
"She is. And trust me, he has the horrible habit of sneaking into people's bunks at night. Get used to it," He finished, lowering his head again. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine," I mumbled before sitting slightly and pushing Bert off me.
"Hey!" He called form the floor as I swung my legs over the bed.
"And seeing as you didn't help get him off me," I said, wrapping what I could of the cover around me. "I'm taking the cover," I stated, gathering the rest up and dragging it from around Gerard before trudging over to the stairs up.

I won't bore you with details; I shall put this very simply - Nothing worth telling you happened between that day and the day before shooting began for The Ghost of You. I mean it so stop looking the screen like that
What happened that day? Um...something Ray had apparently been expecting for some time.

Everyone was in make up, watching Gerard having his haircut. Not the most interesting of things. He'd refused to let me do it, saying he 'didn't want my hair looking like your hack job on Bert' as I had, indeed, put scissors to Bert's hair after he'd called me 'sugar' one too many times. To my disappointment, I'd been dragged off him before I could finish...
So, instead, I was sat on the floor opposite him, practically at his feet, watching. A few seats down, some woman was torturing Ray by trying to pull his hair back into a little bun at the back. Frank was happily rooting through the make-up case I'd had supplied to me when I started working for them (though half of the make up now in it was mine), Bob was keeping an eye out for the cameraman he'd seen wandering around and Mikey was sat aimlessly in the seat next to Gerard.
"Could you please stop staring at me?" Asked an agitated Gerard.
"I'm not staring at you! You're not THAT important! I was staring at the scissors," My eyes followed another few strands of hair as they fell to the floor. "And the dead hair. Killing Bert's hair is one thing, but murdering yours..." I trailed off, sniffing.
"Aww, the poor hair," Mumbled Frank from pretty much inside my make-up case. He lifted his head slightly. "He just won't be the same without it,"
"For once, he's right!" I agreed, smiling slightly.
"So you're only bothered about my looks?" Asked Gerard snootily. I rolled my eyes.
"Nah, I love ya with or without the hair," The room went silent. Franks head came out of the case all together - which it hadn't for the past hour and so was now covered in smudges of black and red ? as he craned to look at me, Bob abandoned his camera watch, Mikey chocked slightly on his coffee, and Ray was only too pleased to have the woman stop teasing his hair momentarily. The woman snipping at Gerard's hair paused, looking between Gerard and me before carrying on.
I looked around the room uncertainly.
"I-" I began, looking at a slightly shocked Gerard. "I think I'm going to get some munchies," I said, standing. I looked at everyone uncertainly before leaving the room.

"Hey," I jumped slightly as I heard footsteps making there way over to me. I turned from the line in the café slightly before spotting Frank and Bob. I coughed nervously before facing the right way.
"You okay?" Asked Frank as they stood beside me. I nodded.
"Yeah, fine,"
"Oh. It's just we followed a dust trail over here," said Bob, raising an eyebrow. I raised an eyebrow in return.
"Not meaning to be rude, but what do you want?" I asked, stepping forward with the queue.
"Well, I have orders for," Frank raised his right hand so he could see his palm. He tilted his head and I guessed it was written upside-down. "Two coffee's, one diet coke, a chocolate muffin, apple and a gun to shoot the woman with," I giggled. "I guess Ray wasn't hungry,"
"And I want to talk to you," Said Bob, stepping forwards with me to the counter. I rolled my eyes.
"Right, we want-"...

Once again, I got a very interesting chat. After ordering I was forced to sit in a seat and listen to Bob. You wouldn't think it, but he can actually talk a lot when he wants. Problem is, when he does talk, I don't listen - especially when it's a long speech. I remember something about being careful about what I say and something about cold coffee, that's it.
"Right, now he's finished. Bob: take everyone their orders," Said Frank, shooing him away.
"All right, all right," Once he'd rounded the corner out of sight, Frank turned back to me.
"I'm sorry, he's not always like this," I nodded. "It's just we need Gerard to have the band, really. It's no use having beautiful instrument playing without someone to sing the crapped up lyrics," I smiled slightly.
"I think they're beautiful lyrics!£ I joked, betting my eyelashes. Laughing slightly, Frank thought a moment.
"Look, let me shorten everything Bob said and extract the information that's important to you, okay?" I nodded. He took a deep breath. "Basically, I THINK he wants you to understand to not use the term 'love' lightly with Gerard. If you knew anything about us before you started working for us-" Then I understood the small problem they were having.
I let Frank ramble on while my mind figured it out quicker than he was explaining it.
Some of you may remember the first time you heard My Chemical Romance - some may not. Some of you may remember your first impression of the band members on first seeing them - some may not.
I, personally, don?t remember either of mine, but I do remember Jacquelyn (the girl - woman - on the phone) and Mary's ? one of Jacquelyn's friends, not mine. Jacquelyn first heard and saw them while watching the charts when I'm Not Okay was first released. I have never seen her laugh at someone's hairstyle so much.
As for Mary...
Lets just say she'd tear my eyes out if she knew who I was dating.
And, like many a girl or woman who's only just discovered them (or him), it can take them anywhere from a day to a month - maybe even two - to find something, whether it be a video clip or a quote, that shows them that the band members probably aren't what they first appear.
The most common one for Gerard is underestimating his respect for the female population.
At least, it was more visible during sober moments back then.
Anyway, you realise that, in all honesty, he probably isn't the type to sleep around or, for that matter, date anyone for the fun of it.
"- then. I mean, he's learnt to be careful since we started but even then it was still rare he'd go out with someone without actually seeing it as something else," Frank seemed finished.
I stood up, taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," I frowned.
"For what?" I asked.
"It just seems like we're not letting you two get on with the relationship yourselves," I smiled.
"It's okay. You just care," I looked around. "Come on, we should get back,"
So we walked back in relative silence.

By the time we got back, Gerard's hair was nearly finished. I smiled at the strange sight, suppressing the urge to giggle.
Reclaiming my place at his feet, I resumed staring at the woman doing his hair, or rather, at him.
"Y'know, I just finished my coffee, I think I'm gonna go get some more," Hinted Mikey, standing up, a few moments later as the uneasy silence I had been prepared for settled over us. Bob stood too, but had to kick Frank in the leg.
"What?" Snapped Frank. He looked around the room. "Oh, right," He said, standing from his pew hastily. "Yeah, us too, we'll follow," I rolled my eyes as all three filed out of the room.
I looked back to Gerard in time to see him glance at Ray, who gave him the thumbs up.
"Sam?" Gerard began, his tone telling me what was coming. "Have you ever..." He trailed off, glancing at Ray before shifting uncomfortably in his seat, only to earn himself a scolding from the woman doing his hair. "Sorry. Have you ever...thought about what..." He trailed off again and I rested my arms on his knees, using them a support for my head.
"About what feelings are involved here?" I finished for him. He frowned slightly, but went with it.
"Uh-huh," I looked up at him, now pondering the same thing myself.
"Well," I began after a lot of staring. "There must be some. I mean, I know you're not the type - as Frank kindly reminded me - to start dating without reason. And I...I'm not too far from that. I suppose. So there's got to be something, but what?" My eyes stopped focusing briefly while my mind drifted off, thinking deeply. When they re-focused, a thought occurred to me. " you already know what?"
He shifted uncomfortably, earning him a glare from the woman doing his hair, before glancing over at Ray again. It was a hint enough for me.
"I tell you what," I spoke as he opened his mouth. "Why don't we wait until a; poor Ray isn't in the room to listen and b; You don't have all short hair but a single patch on the side of your head - it makes it difficult to take you seriously," He sighed.
"That'd be great," I expelled my own sigh. I knew I was happy, and I knew why. I was happy because the conversation had been delayed. I wasn't sure, then, whether I was ready for what was coming, ready for the inevitable. But, I had reasoned, being the inevitable, I can't easily escape it, can I?
A few moments later, everyone returned.
"Hey, I thought you lot went for coffee?" I asked, taking note of the empty hands.
"Oh, uh, we did!" Explained Mikey. "We just drank it there, you know..." He trailed off. Lying never was, never is and never will be Mikey's strong point. Ever.
"Okay," I agreed, eying him.
"Finished!" Announced a happy voice. I turned and looked up at Gerard - now with considerably shorter hair. I smiled and clapped.
"Very nice job. Hey, I have a friend and I tried to-" I stopped short of asking the woman, now wiping her forehead slightly, who had done his hair anything about working on Bert's hair as I caught Gerard's annoyed look. I slid quickly away from his seat and grinned wolfishly. "Sorry,"
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