Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Eight

by 854439 1 review

Chapter Eight

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2006-10-28 - Updated: 2006-10-28 - 1319 words

When I woke, there was a bright light on my face. Groaning, I reached out
blindly, grabbing the curtains to the bunk and pulling them closed. I opened my
eyes and looked around the bed.

For once I was in shock to find the bunk empty: devoid of a sleeping Gerard.

Groaning once again, thoughts of him lying, inebriated, on the pavement outside
the bus again, I dragged myself out of bed to check. I realised too late that
the bus was moving and stood too quick for my liking on a moving tour bus.

So, after a passing feeling of sickness, I realised that Gerard was not lying

Grumbling to myself about my protective tendencies, I trudged away from the
bunks, horrified to find the first thing I wanted was coffee.

"Mornin'!" Came a happy call. I looked around to see everyone sat on
and around the sofa. My frown became deeper set as I carried on grumbling, words
barely distinguishable to myself, and getting myself a coffee.

"I hate you," Was all I said as I sat on the last available spot
anywhere near them - with Mikey on the floor.

"Aw," Frank pouted.

"Why?" Asked Mikey from next to me, sounding offended. I raised my cup
of coffee.

"That's why. I just woke up with the urge to drink coffee," Mikey

"You know you like it really..." Said Gerard, kicking at my leg
playfully. I scowled up at him.

"You want the burning liquid pouring over your head, don't you?" He
looked around as though he thought I was talking to someone else.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you were talking to me?" I narrowed my eyes at him,
sighing nasally.

"He doesn't mean it," Said Mikey from next to me. "But I still
think you should pour the burning liquid over him," He finished, taking a
sip of his own coffee. I smiled at him before turning back to Gerard, his mouth
hanging open.

"So, you up for a cup of burning liquid being upturned over your
head?" He stared at me for a moment.

"No, not really,"

"Well shut up, then," I said, smirking.


I was glad when the bus stopped, announcing our arrival home and the start of a
long break.

Well, my long break and their break from touring. Gerard was scribbling
furiously into a lyric book and I got the distinct impression he'd be back in it
as soon as he got home.


Not that he made it home.


Before you jump to conclusions: WE DID NOT SLEEP TOGETHER. Jesus, I'd have told
you before hand with those quirky little comments I make all the time. Sheesh.

Dirty minded little-

But, no; he did not make it home, yes; I did wake up in my own bed and yes; he
was lying next to me.

I am telling you now, the sledgehammer wouldn't have worked. How do I say

Waking up next to a rock star (ish) in YOUR bed makes you feel...

No, no that's not it.

Waking up next to Gerard Wa-

No, that's still not it...

Waking up next to ANY star of ANY form in YOUR bed is...

Shit, what next?

Not that I have woken up next to many, in fact, aside from one drunken night
you'll get to hear about soon enough, Gerard really is the only one I've woken
up next to, but I should expect the feeling to be exactly the same.

It's that strange feeling of detachment from the rest of the world.'re seeing through your own eyes, but your mind isn't all there. And
if you're anything like me, it takes a lot to subdue the childish spasms of

But after a while, you come down to earth with a bump, realising even your
thoughts are starting to sound like a crazed groupie fan girl or something.

After I was brought back down to earth, I took a few calming breaths, hoping to
not have to go looking for the sledgehammer or anything stronger than that.

Slowly, I rose from the bed, carefully peeling the sheets away from my body
before creeping out of the bedroom, grabbing my fluffy purple dressing gown on
my way out.

My bare feet made barely any sound as I padded over the carpeted living room,
but made a sticking sound on the kitchens tiled floor as I got two cups out
ready for morning coffee.

I knew he liked Starbucks, but there was no chance in hell I was getting dressed
to go out to fetch coffee in the morning for him.

The kettle was about boiled when there was a soft knocking on the door.
Gingerly, I stepped over, tying my dressing gown closed before opening the door

"Morning," Said Bob from the doorway, an unusual forthcoming air to
him. I frowned up at him. Something was definitely wrong, I could tell from the
smile and how fake it looked. Nevertheless I smiled back up at him.

"Hey...Bob...what's up?" He laughed slightly in disdain.

"Oh, the sky, clouds, sun, moon, stars-but do you know,? He changed
suddenly "What the better question is?" I shook my head slowly.
"What's in your bedroom?" My mouth opened slightly.


"It seems the eldest Way has gone missing," He said, mocking an
English accent and failing miserably, his annoyance visible in his eyes.
"And from what the youngest Way has told me, I should try here first,"
I cursed under my breath. "Is that admittance? He is here, lurking in the
deepest, darkest reaches of your bedroom," I scowled up.

"No, he is not," 'Oh, what a great liar you are' a voice commented in
my head, followed by slow, distant, mocking clapping.

"Oh, really, then why are you making drinks for two?" I looked behind
me, spotting the two cups.

"Oh, I-" 'can't think of an excuse...' My mind finished off silently.
"Need the coffee I'm making," I finished feebly.

"Oh, coffee?" Said Bob to my retreating back. I grunted.

"Yeah, want one?"


I decided to leave Gerard asleep as Bob rounded on me.

"You told me..." He paused to think.

"I told you-" I began to finish for him.

"No, no, no, let me finish, for once I feel the need to be angry at
someone!" He cut me off before going back to thinking. "You told me,
us, that you didn't know if there was anything there. He told us that he didn't
know either...How long has this been going on?" I thought a moment before
shrugging, my mind deciding not to work on that particular morning. "Well,
lets say it was pretty soon after we asked you if there anything between you, it
would most certainly explain a lot of strange things. Why didn't you tell us,
either of you?" I sighed.

"This bit's all 'me, me, me', all right? Well, aside from not being able to
withstand Frank's comment, which you know he'd make if he knew, I don't want
media attention. If everyone knew, someone's bound to slip up on an interview or
something. Plus, I have no idea where this is going so..." I shrugged.
There was silence a moment. "So now there's only Frank and Ray left that
don't know and," There was movement from the bedroom. "Now you can
gruel Gerard for information," I huffed, rubbing my temples.


Actually, by the time he'd finished, I was about ready to just tell Frank and
Ray anyway. He'd already threatened it a few times.

Though it was unlike him to be so openly...angry, really. Well, unless there was
a camera pointing at him. Not that I blamed him, camera's were annoying and he'd
not been told when something DID happen, which I had agreed with when he
explained the question.

But still, we had our reasons...

Okay, that's bull, it all was.
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