Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Downward Spiral

Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2006-10-23 - Updated: 2006-10-23 - 2327 words

Bacon, egg and sausages. That was the first breakfast they got on the tour.
Why? Because I wasn't used to the sofa.

"Come on, up," I said, prodding each of the sleeping bodies after
opening the bunk curtains. Only one, Bob, actually got up. The rest rolled over.

Sighing, I grabbed Mikey's shoulders and rolled him over.

"Get up, now," I said. "Before I let you fall," He squinted
down, being without glasses, but just yawned.

"Drop me then,"

"All right, but you said I could," I stepped back and let go of his
shoulder. He shouted in alarm as he fell out of the bed and onto the floor. The
shouts made Gerard sit up in bed, bashing his head on the ceiling, Ray crane his
neck of bed to look, practically falling out himself and Frank to start laughing
"That worked well," I commented as all four trudged past me, three
nursing heads and legs.


For once, that evening I arrived with them to get set up. However, I spent most
of my time laughing at a drunk Gerard who apparently couldn't play kickball when


I have no idea what he was doing over the three weeks, but either way, he did a
pretty good job of hiding everything when they came to run me through the tour

It was the first night of the tour, and after finally managing to drift off to
sleep, I was woken by a voice from outside and a cold draught.

Snorting nasally, annoyed I'd been woken again; I yanked the covers off me,
standing in one of my less revealing nightgowns before heading off in search of
what had woken me.

I was planning to mash hell out of whoever it was, but I ended up in almost
total shock instead.

As soon as my feet touched the tarmac of the parking lot we were in, the voice
seemed to become clearer. I caught a few words, the voice no longer a muffled
buzz. Creeping around the bus, I spotted the figure hunched against the bus,
mobile in hand. My hand instinctively came up to my mouth, as I stood for a
moment before edging closer.

"I...I can't..." There was a loud sniff before a chocked back sob.
"I just can't..." There was that rattle of a voice from the mobile
before Gerard stood abruptly. "No...No, no," I stood for a moment
before raising a hand, placing it on his shoulder. He jumped slightly before

He studied my face for a few moments. The voice on the other end of the phone
started shouting. After a bit, I lifted the phone back to his ear, urging him on
before the person called the police...

I listened to the one sided conversation. After two hours, a lot of talking and
a lot of rubbing his arm, Gerard had calmed down.

He frowned slightly before nodding, then replying to the phone with a simple
'yeah' and handing the phone to me. I looked from him to the phone before
lifting it to my ear.


"Will you look after him for me. I've sent him to fetch someone; if he
leaves, go with him," I watched Gerard's retreating back before sighing.

"Yeah, all right. What's this about, anyway?"

"He's not feeling very happy to say the least," I nodded before
cutting the phone, heading over to Gerard who had emerged from between two

"I'm going for a walk," He said as I handed him the phone back.

"Can I come?" He looked down at me before nodding.

After a few moments, we were caught up, and got to talk...


I have no idea what time I was awake the next morning; I didn't much care to
look at the clock. What I cared more about was the fact that I could barely
Looking round, I realised why. I was being used as a soft toy by Gerard, who was
lying next to me in, I shortly realised, his bunk.

I think frostbite got to my head, because I have no idea how I got there. My
only recollection is not wanting to leave him alone, just in case.

Looking around, I spotted four pairs of eyes on me. Frowning at them, I
attempted to pry the arms from around my middle, but failed miserably. After a
lot of struggling, I gave in and settled back, running a hand through my hair.

I heard movement and I looked up to see Frank and Mikey staring down at me.

"Need a hand?" Whispered Mikey.

"No, I need someone to pry him off me, not another hand," He rolled
his eyes, reaching down and taking one of Gerard's wrists. Frank grabbed the
other one and, after a bit, there was a gap I could fit through.

I almost literally threw myself off the bed. I sat, rubbing my middle for a
moment, before standing up. I stared at the bunk before shaking my head, taking
a leaf out of Mikey and Gerard's book and fetching myself some coffee.

"What happened?" Asked Ray from behind me.

"I have no idea, don't ask me anything else, can't explain any
better," I snapped, rubbing my eye. There was silence for a moment.

"What about-?" Began Mikey

"Don't ask, it's really not my place to say right now," I turned
around, coffee in hand. "Tip: stay out of my way," I said, walking
through the gathering and out of the bus.


I got back in time for everyone leaving. Instead, while the bus was in motion, I
sat and sulked in a corner. My mind was too crammed full with new information to
process to be bothered with other people.

Finally, as we pulled up for the night's show, I was forced to talk to people.


Looking around the bus, I realised everyone was in either panic or just general
chaos. Sighing, I stood up, starting the coffee maker.

"OI!" Everyone stopped and looked at me. "Right: Bob, get Gerard.
Frank, get coffee. Ray, fetch the make up case for me, and Mikey...just pass it
here," I finished, stepping over to him and taking the straighteners (sp.)
off him. After a few moments, everyone started moving about.

Gerard was up and moving, Mikey's vanity had been sorted out and I could start
on the make up.

I was leaning into the make up case when I heard footsteps followed by the
opening of the freezer. Shaking my head, I slammed my hand on the freezer.

"What was that for?" Asked Gerard. Not looking at him, I waved my
latest, untouched, cup of coffee at him. "Why not-?"

"Because for once I'd like to see you drinking after the show, not
before," I picked the case up as I felt the cup being taken from my hand.
Turning, I carried it past him. "What do you think last night was caused
by...?" I muttered.

As soon as I'd placed the case on the table, four hands reached in, grabbing
what they wanted. I raised my hands in defeat before looking around. Gerard was
stood staring at the floor. I sighed.

"Hands out before you loose them," I said, placing my hand on the top
of the case. The hands suddenly retracted and I shut the case, clipping it shut.
"Right, who wants to do it themselves this time," everyone disappeared
to find mirrors. "I'm definitely a chef," I mumbled. I thought a
moment before turning slightly. "You doing your own?" I asked Gerard,
still staring at the floor.

"Huh?" He snapped out of his daydream, looking up at me.

"Do you want me to do your make up?" I asked, gesturing to the seat
near me. He nodded distantly, meandering over and sitting down. Sliding the case
over, I perched myself on the table facing him, feet either side of him.

He waited until everyone else was out of earshot to start talking.

"Sorry," I frowned, leaning back slightly.


"For last night," I went back to his make up.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," He frowned. "You should be
sorry for this morning. It took two men to get you off me,"

"What?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"If you know how I got there, tell me, but I woke up next to you being
squeezed to death. Comfortable, but taking the saying 'breath taking' too
literally," He laughed quietly. "Now keep still,"


After watching them dive off to the show, I looked around. No way was I cleaning
the place, but I wanted my bed back!

Unfortunately, No matter how hard I tried; the clutter seemed to only be getting
worse. I could barely see the sofa anymore. Finally, I gave in; seating myself
in what space was left.

A few hours later, five bodies clambered into the tour bus. From what I could
tell, none had had a chance to get drunk yet.


The first thing they did was find the closest alcohol and drink it. I would have
shoved everything off the sofa and buried my head under some pillows, but the
clutter on the floor stopped me from doing that.

Slowly, their shouting got louder. Unusually, it stopped getting louder after
only an hour - when they decided bed was a good idea.


It was early before I heard movement. I mean early - it was only two in the

Now, I have long had my doubts as to why Gerard was up at that time. Something
in me says he really did need to go, but the other says 'this is Gerard we're
talking about; he sleeps half the day and spends the other drunk. I should think
he was looking for a reason to be up...'

Either way, he ambled through the bus and outside, then a few moments later he
came back.

My eyes followed him as he hobbled back to his bunk, lying down. I didn't look
away from him, just watched as he tossed and turned in bed. Finally, he seemed
to become still. He wasn't asleep, but he was still.

He was lying facing me, sat on the sofa. From where I was it was hard to tell,
but I was sure that every time he moved I could see two clear, glistening trails
across his face.

After a few moments, his eyes locked with mine.

I have, quiet honestly, no idea how long we stayed like that.

Admittedly, I felt like I was missing something. My tired mind jumped to the
conclusion that, though air depriving, I'd enjoyed waking up next to him. It was
a conclusion I instantly dismissed.

Never the less, I stood up and, taking a few steadying breaths, headed over to
his bunk before perching myself next to him.


Unexpectedly, I didn't need help prying Gerard off me the next morning. Well,
next afternoon. In fact, Mikey had to wake us both up.

"Come on you two, you can't sleep any longer," I groaned and buried my
head further into the soft mound I was half lying atop. I heard a groaning above
me as well and I smiled slightly, remembering what the soft mound was. "No
groans, up. Frank needs his make up," Groaning louder, I raised my head and
looked around.

Once Gerard and me had spotted each other, we paused. Slowly, a grin formed on
both faces until we were giggling like maniacs.

"Are they feeling all right?" I heard in the distance. Still smiling,
I rolled off Gerard, standing as best I could.

I looked down at the bunk before shaking my head, heading off in search of a

Honestly, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. If I'd known what I do
now, I'd have steered clear of him for another week or so. But oh well...


To be honest, nothing much happened that day or the next. Went to the shows, did
the make up, woke up being used as a tension ball...

Nothing much, really.

It was the Sunday off they got the problems started.

I was cleaning in the kitchen, just sorting some of the dishes out, refusing to
eat from slime-ridden plates. Suddenly I heard a thud from outside and the
cameraman we'd picked up during Saturday's show stifling a laugh.

Sighing, the plates clattered out of my hand and onto the counter. I threw the
dishcloth down with the plates before peering out of the windows. I was
unsurprised to find Gerard practically dead on the floor.

Sighing again, I traipsed down the stairs and outside, quick walking over to the
body on the floor, bending down and taking his upper arm. I shook him once to
make sure he was alive.

To my disappointment right then, he was.

Now, not liking being around new people very much, the camera currently focused
on me was un-nerving to say the least. It wasn't that I didn't like cameras; I
just wasn't keen on the people BEHIND them.

"Come on," I mumbled, lifting his arm slightly to encourage him up.
Soon enough, I had Frank helping me too. Finally, he got up, though still
staggering slightly. I leaned over to Frank.

"How much has he had?" He shrugged.

"I wasn't watching..."

I watched for a few moments as he rambled on to the camera. I knew I was still
in shot, and it was the only thing that made me leave.
For the first time in a while, I did not wake up the next morning being squeezed
to death.


Next day, he went missing entirely after the show. Would you believe it, the
first place we looked was in all the local bars?
After some time, I found him, crouched in a darkened corner of a nightclub,
avoiding everyone.
I had to call everyone else so they could help me move him, no way was he
listening to me.
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