Categories > Original > Humor

Important Note Regarding "Rain"

by timeywimey27 1 review

On Rain, Shine and other endevours (is that how you spell it?).

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-03-29 - 165 words - Complete

On writing, "Rain" and other endevours.

So I know not many people have read my stuff, but some people did review my story "Rain" before my computer fucked shit up and deleted the chapter, which I have re-uploaded in case you were wondering.

I am writing 2 stories at once, both about Frank (main character in "Rain"). One shows the happy, cocky, funny, humourous aspect of Frank's personality.
The other, is showing the other, more honest side of Frank. The side he doesn't show anyone, yet pains him everyday. I don't have a title for that one, although I am considering calling it "Shine", if I put the stories in a saga.

It would be a interesting way to show the parallells between the stories. Y'know, "Rain" is a pretty funny and happy story so far, whereas "Shine" is currently quite sad and angsty.

So if you're interested, hit me up at my tumblr (timeywimey27) or on here and I might post "Shine" on here

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