Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Lifetime Like This (Spell Out My Denial)

How Did You Meet?

by AlexisSCREAM 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-02-09 - Updated: 2013-02-09 - 280 words

This isn't the way I usually write, but I wanted to try something different. The titles are going to be the questions that are asked. If you guys want to ask a question that will fit the fic, then go ahead ^^
Also, because the chapters are responses to a single question, the chapters will be short.


It was a sunny day 10 years ago. I was the school faggot, and he was the new kid. I fell for him instantly. He was absolutely fucking gorgeous and typically, I was a socially awkward outcast. But, then again, he didn't strike me as the type who would be popular. He was short - really short - with black and blonde hair and hazel eyes that you could lose yourself in. He wore black skinny jeans and a black and white striped hoodie that day. On his feet were black converse. He certainly didn't look like he'd fit in with the popular crowd. Ever get that impression about someone?

Ah, so I'm not the only one. Good. Anyway, uhm... Where did I get to?

Oh, yeah. So, basically, he was in my art class. He saw me drawing superheroes and asked about them. I, obviously, then had to ruin our totally normal conversation about comic books by telling him he looked fuckable. Yeah... But he went bright red and stuttered, and I was mentally thinking "victory". Why? Because I wanted to pin him against a wall and fu- too much information, actually...

We skipped our next lesson, which was gym. I mean, who even likes that shit? We spent the time discussing music and whatnot instead.

So, yeah... that was how we met.
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