Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco

Giving Blood

by Kaleidoscope_Eyes 6 reviews

Brendon decides to show what an upstanding citizen he is and give blood.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2012-01-28 - Updated: 2012-01-28 - 182 words - Complete

Brendon sat on the chair twiddling his thumbs with a look of terror on his face. He looked around at all the other people giving blood. Spencer stood next to him rubbing the bridge of his nose.

A nurse came over and started fiddling with Brendon's arm. He turned to look at Spencer, "Have you ever given blood before?"

"Yes Brendon, I've told you five times."

"Does it hurt?"

Spencer sighed, "No. It does not hurt."

"What if they miss the vein? Will they just stick the needle in again? What if they miss a second time!"


"What if I pass out? Will the needle fall out of my arm!"


"What if my blood starts spurting everywhere!?"


"What if they can't get it to stop!?"





"The needle's in already."

Brendon looked down where the needle was in his arm and promptly fainted.

I hope y'all liked it, I thought this was just a hilarious idea for a story. Please tell me what you think! I always appreciate comments, negative or positive.
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