Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Laceration Gravity

Chapter 69! ( So I cant resist it any longer)

by the-ghost-of-you 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-12-18 - Updated: 2011-12-18 - 576 words


So he’d smashed her into an emotional mess, again. She cried for what seemed like an age as she lay against my chest on the sofa. Mum had called Bob and was busy feeding Hes in the kitchen while I made an attempt to sort Kat out.

“I never explained to him,” Kat whimpered, “just let him leave. Its all my fault. I’m an evil bitch, you were right I’m a whore and a slut.” her words stung and pain throbbed in my wrists. “I never meant any of that, I was angry at myself for what id done and letting you walk away from me again. You and Hes are the only thing left in my life that means anything. I’d fight to the death for you Love, no one else.” A fear tears ran down my face but I stopped them quickly. I wouldn’t do this. Time to be strong Gerard. You need to be strong boy. No. Not boy. Man. Time to face the music. I was a 30 something, with a teenage lover and baby that wasn’t even mine. Kat pulled herself up from my chest to lay her head on my shoulder and she grasped my hand, her fingers trailing the wounds on my wrists.

“I couldn’t live without you.” She sighed at my admission and squeezed my fingers. Her fingers against my wrist danced like spiders on webs in the early spring dew. “I saw the mess. When I got back I mean. Please Gee, promise you wont do it again. For Hes.” I kissed her forehead, “Never Again Love.”

We lay like that on the couch for hours and as the clock hands began to strike 1pm, Mom opened the door. “Rays coming to pick me up dear, I thought id take Hester out for a few hours, give you two some time to talk.” Both Kat and I nodded and we watched as Mom closed the front door behind her and Hes. I pulled Kat up from the couch as I stood, “What are you doing?” She asked, a weak smile playing on her lips. “Well we need to go to the mall. You and Hes need clothes and I’m afraid we only have a week till Christmas, and no presents to talk of.” I pulled her into me once more and stroked the long tumbling curls against her back.

How did I deserve this? The most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on loved me and wanted me in her life. My family was well and I was happy. For all those people who had been waiting for the crunch, they’d missed it. I wasn’t going to fall heavily anytime soon. Not when I had so much to live for.

{A/N} Hey everyone, so I totally cant resist updating two chapters any longer! Thanks to SarahSTARRR, for again getting me motivated, Chapter 69 and 70 are dedicated to you Sarah ;D. Please keep reading! Lots of Love Kat xxxxx

p.s If you haven't already, please God go and listen to The String Quartets tribue to My Chemical Romance, every song rendition is beautiful, and i've been listening dutifly while writing this, definetly listen to their renditions of the ghost of you and I never told you what i do for a living, they are so beautiful and I cried while listening to the Ghost of you.
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