Categories > Original > Poetry


by ImJustFine 4 reviews

Tears. Or more accurately, the lack thereof.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2011-07-24 - Updated: 2011-07-24 - 96 words - Complete

A poem I wrote when tears shone with their absence.

You don't need water to wash your face.
For that you have tears, the sweet disgrace.
But if your tears refuse to fall,
You'll have no face at all.

You don't need truth to lighten your heart.
For that you have tears, crystalline art.
But if your tears refuse to fall,
You'll have no heart at all.

You don't need time to keep you alive.
For that you have tears, break and revive.
But if your tears refuse to fall,
You'll have no life at all.
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