Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Revenge is so Sweet Chapter 1


by witchinghour1994 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-07-12 - Updated: 2011-07-12 - 12590 words

Chapter 14: Black's next door.

Black Emmett did not spend a good day.

First, he had Potions this morning and had lost 20 points to Gryffindor, all because Ginny spoke instead of the potion and he replied just once. Then Professor McGonagall had given him a point where he had a very bad note, but there was nothing, he did not understand the metamorphosis and had difficulties. Ryan was supposed to help, but right now it was quite distant and preoccupied.

And there he found himself in the infirmary with leeks in their ears because of Ron Weasley, who had thought to antagonize malignant Harry to the point that it loses its usual cool and do not cast a spell that had inadvertently landed on Emmett.

No definitely it did not pass a good day, and to be honest, his early years at Hogwarts he had heard so much by his parents, by friends of his parents then Ryan had not been so great that . He had expected to make the four hundred blows with Ryan, to reform the marauders and make jokes with the Slytherins, he had expected to explore the castle, to live all kinds of fantastic adventures and living the best years of his life. And the reality proves disappointing.

While waiting for Mrs. Pomfrey who was taking care of another patient and had promised to return in ten minutes he was interrupted in his dark thoughts by the unexpected arrival of two people.

- Cuckoo Emmett said in a soft voice Harry, who cast a glance around him, probably to ensure that Ryan and other Gryffindors were not present in the room. You can enter? he asked with a hint of hesitation.

Emmett nodded but did not say a word. He wondered why Harry and his sister came to see.

- I came to apologize Emmett, answered without knowing Harry, who looked really sorry, Emmett would recognize it. It was not you I was aiming for just now but the weasel was really upset and I lost my cool and I'm sorry.

- It does not matter, Emmett said with a faint smile. I know you did not want to hurt me and then it's not very serious, it's just very unpleasant.

Harry nodded and then looked over at Elizabeth's who was watching his little brother hard. This pales in the light of fire.

- You know Harry, he added hastily, I do not think you're the heir of Slytherin.

- Thanks Emmett, he replied with a smile.

- So in that case why do you hang with all those who make life hell for Harry? Elizabeth suddenly intervened in an icy voice.

- I'll let you, 'said a very low voice, and Harry without asking for his he left the infirmary.

- I expect an answer Emmett, she decreed a dry voice, seeing his little brother bowed his head and said nothing. Some of it would have liked to hug and tell him that it was not serious but it did not seem small. Emmett and took different paths for years now, and it was perhaps too late.

- What are my friends, he argued in a weak voice. And try to convince them that this is not Harry but they will not listen. But Ryan does not believe his brother.

- Really? asked Elisabeth aback by this information. In this case it hides his game

- It is weird right now, Emmett confessed, feeling more confident. This summer it is remote and he looks worried. And he keeps looking at you, you, Neville and Harry. I see you out in the hallways or when we're all in the great hall. There is something wrong I am sure.

Elizabeth did not answer, but plunged in deep thought. It was true that Ryan had changed since this summer now that she thought about it. He was no longer on the back of Harry as last year, it was no longer trying to prove he was the best, to belittle his brother by wearing his title boastfully survivor.

- I'll see, she decided suddenly. It was perhaps not spoken in civilian terms with Ryan for over a year, but they knew since they were babies and maybe he would give him what was bothering him. Meanwhile Emmett, she added with determination, you'd better start working, I heard that your grades were not famous, and you better play Gryffindor least I'm not sure this is particularly intelligent. " On the last words she left the infirmary and Emmett plunged in thought.

He had never told anyone but his sister was missing a lot. He was very close to her as a child, but that had changed as they grow. Elizabeth was always with Harry and Neville, and he was with Ryan. Not that he did not like Harry, but he felt between the two twin brothers, it was always a choice. And it was Ryan who-survived. He had defeated Voldemort and it was so incredible that Emmett could not help but feel admiration. And he therefore chose Ryan, without even realizing it. Yet he did not dislike Harry nearby. Of course he was surprised that it is distributed in Slytherin, but he did not understand why Ryan hated him as much.

And there was also the fact that Ryan had changed. At Hogwarts, he was surrounded by his friends, Ron, Dean, Seamus and Ginny to a lesser extent a love that was more numb than anything else. Emmett and felt somewhat useless, too. And admired by all students Ryan, except that they were following Harry Slytherin. It was as if Hogwarts was divided between the two brothers Potter, as both sides clashed, and if there was one thing Emmett Alphard Black hated was conflict.


On leaving the hospital, Elizabeth was half surprised that his best friend was waiting, leaning against the wall and a small smile on his lips.

"You know, it's a nice guy, he pointed out while both went away to the library where they had left their friends to come visit with Emmett. It is not mean just a little low.

- Let's talk about something else Harry agreed, she replied in a tone a little dry, but Harry did not took offense. He knew how Elizabeth could be stale with respect to his feelings.

They came to the library where Jenny, Lucas, Neville and Hermione were waiting. Basically, Harry was supposed to join his friends to work with them but her little interview with Ron and Emmett had been delayed. When he arrived at the library, he had told Elizabeth that the incident was immediately came with him to visit his brother.

- So what are you doing? Harry asked, sitting down next to Hermione and in front of Jenny. The latter, head buried in a dusty old black book, looked up and replied.

- I have a duty to make potions for tomorrow for the bat of the dungeons, and I'm just starting. It's really long to do, she complains in a small voice.

Hermione looked at her while a disapproving tone.

- You know it would not be too long if you were put you there before, she said with a look that reminded him strongly of Professor McGonagall.

Jenny looked like a second head he was pushed.

- Yes, but it would not be so funny, she answered as if it were obvious. And anyway I always think a lot better under pressure.

- How are you? Hermione asked frankly puzzled. Harry noticed that while Lucas was sitting next to Jenny and in front of Hermione trying somehow to hide a giggle.

- Well, yes it makes sense, Jenny explained in a tone that is used to tell kids they should not put your fingers into an electrical outlet. When I'm under pressure because I only have very little time to make a point, or one that I interviewed but I did not learn anything, I become very stressed and my brain works twice as fast and I go out so some very smart on my copy. And I have good grades.

- But it makes no sense at all! exclaimed the Gryffindor in a tone somewhat indignant, and Harry had to keep from laughing.

- So what? Jenny asked with big round eyes. In any case studies it is not important is just to pass the time.

There, Harry thought Hermione was going to syncope. Her mouth was wide open but no words seemed strange to get out of his mouth.

- But how can you say that? she exclaimed after a few seconds of silence where everyone had chosen to laugh too loudly for fear of upsetting. What are you going to do later in life if you do not have the required qualifications or any qualification?

- Writer, replied in a nonchalant tone brown the little girl who scribbled on the parchment in a tone absent. I would become a writer one day and I would be famous, you'll see. Jenny then looked up and stared at Hermione again before adding. In your opinion I need good grades in potions or spells to get there?

- No, Hermione stammered. But this is a dream, if you can not do it, you need a good backup plan, you need some knowledge anyway!

- I did not say that I did not need certain knowledge, there are some courses that fascinate me, like spells or transformations, explained in a tone of the small patient Slytherin. But I'm just saying that in the end I have a dream, a dream that has nothing to do with what is taught at Hogwarts, and I take a lot of recoil. And I'll get Hermione, if you want, you can, you must know what Muggle saying no? "

Hermione shook her head in acquiescence, but said nothing, and silence fell upon the small group that went back to work. After ten minutes, Jenny whispered something into the ear of his best friend, and both after telling Harry and Neville that they would join later in the room on request, out of the library.

"But what took me! she exclaimed in a low voice against the Gryffindor. I do not understand it is as if the words came out all alone in my mouth and I do not even realize. Since when do I reveal in this way my wildest dreams to a complete stranger?

- Yes, I must say I was surprised on this one, Lucas nodded. You're not known for being the person most open to the world, he added mischievously.

- Oh you are you you can talk, she said in a grumpy tone falsely giving it a nudge. You're worse than me, the turtle, she said, insisting on the last two words, a small smile on his lips. The turtle was the nickname she gave her best friend who was indeed a model of reserve. She used to say he had more shells in it, and it would take nothing less than a drill to destroy all the shells. But they could not do anything, both had great sound very sociable and a lot about, in truth they were very reserved about their feelings and never really did not show their feelings. Perhaps this was why they got along as well.

- This girl annoys me, Jenny said suddenly. Not that it is bad or anything but it is still working as if there was nothing else in life. and it is so rational, so square, you have the impression that it was never a child.

- It is nice, the weakly defended Lucas. But it is less funny than you, he added with a smile.

- But no one can be as funny as you, she said in a tone of mock haughty.

- You know that your modesty will eventually kill you, said with a fake sigh of exasperation his best friend.

- You have to die of something, and that at least it would be original, "she replied in a dramatic tone, and both of the same agreement laughed.


That evening the small group meets as usual in the dining room on request for training to learn new spells. Harry and Jenny, who mastered now even more so that all second year and perhaps even third spell with the fate of such disillusionment, the curse of death than the rest of their friends were in the process of learning, the Curse of expulsion, trying to learn right now a lot more complicated than was taught from the fifth year, the spell of an explosion, which could be very useful in a duel. The two Slytherins isolated themselves in the back of the room, which was even greater than usual that day, and s'entraînèrent on mannequins that the room they had provided. The spell was so complicated and required a great power, but also a large concentration. Or that night Jenny was a bit tired, and after an hour proposed to stop Harry, she readily agreed. He himself was still a lot wrong with this spell, the main problem being that it was still struggling to harness his power, he was too nervous and wanted to go too fast, and that he was playing tricks. But over time he hoped to improve.

Until they went to see how others were doing. Apparently Elizabeth and Draco had finally managed to master this spell, which was still on the level of the fourth year, and now they were helping others who were training on various objects such as feathers or bits of parchment. Apparently all were able to remove small objects, but had difficulties with large objects. After another hour during which Harry and Jenny also advised, all more or less mastered this spell, and as a reward they went to the kitchen for a drink of biérabeurre along with the house elves. If Daphne, Blaise and Draco had initially found it strange the idea of ​​being nice and good relationship with the house elves, they were quickly used to it. All spent the rest of the evening in the kitchens of Hogwarts they had learned about by Remus, talking, enjoying each other's company.


Two days later, while Harry was returning from a particularly exhausting Quidditch, he heard voices again.

He was alone in a hallway leading to the dungeons, and suddenly the voices reappeared, even appearing to come from the walls of Hogwarts.

... Blood ... kill me ... just let me kill you ...

Harry ran in the direction from which the voices seemed to come, all fatigue forgotten. Maybe it would catch the Heir of Slytherin in action, who knows.

But it was not the heir of Salazar who was waiting in the hallway. Suspended in the air, Peeves, Hogwarts prankster spirit and nemesis Filch was completely immobile and Harry was a recoil from the spectacle.

Peeves behind, lying on the ground appeared Hermione Granger, too petrified. His eyes and mouth were wide open under the effect of surprise. Harry rushed to his side, even though he knew he could do nothing for the young witch. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him.

- What is happening? asked a low voice behind him. Surprised, Harry turned his head and saw his twin brother who had just arrived.

- Hermione was petrified, soon will find a teacher, said in an urgent voice, but Harry Ryan sat motionless, as if he could not believe his eyes.

- But what peeves? he stammered.

- I do not know, he too was petrified I think Harry shouted impatiently. Soon will look for any teacher! ".

But Ryan did not need to move. Ten seconds later appeared Professor Snape and Harry's living nightmare.

- Potter, what do you do? Lockhlart exclaimed in horror.

- Nothing professor, defended himself vigorously Ryan and Harry looked at him incredulously.

- He was not talking about you idiot, but to me, 'said Harry. I did nothing I came from a professor Quidditch practice when I came across Hermione and Peeves. If you do not believe me you can go ask Flint, it will confirm that I was with my team all evening and I would not have had time to call the monster of Slytherin and a petrified student a ghost, and the more I'm too tired to do that, he added with obvious sarcasm, which manages to smile very fleetingly Professor of Potions.

- Lockhlart go for Dumbledore, he was ordered there in a dry tone. The blond obeyed and soon the two were alone Potter under the piercing gaze of the former Death Eater. If this does not bother Harry, however it seemed greatly disrupt the survivor.

- And you Potter number two what you were doing in the halls at this hour, when it's almost curfew? asked dryly Snape, but Harry could feel the curiosity. Merlin, Rogue would be ecstatic if it was the heir of Salazar Ryan, Harry thought with a touch of contempt. What an absurd idea, as if Ryan could commit such acts, in addition we are Potter, it is impossible that one of us come down from Slytherin.

- I came to meet Harry, I wanted to talk to him, Ryan said a sec.

Snape looked suspicious but said nothing. Then he dismissed them both and made off without asking the twins have left.

- So what do you want me? Harry asked with a smirk once they were out of reach of the irascible Potions teacher, convinced that this was a lie that Ryan had taken out.

His brother looked at him a long hesitation before answering.

- Parents want to know if you come back during the Christmas holidays, he asked, staring at the ground as if it had suddenly become exciting.

- Yes I go, "said Harry in a low voice. He was persuaded to have said to Lupin, and this only confirmed that his brother did not tell him the truth. It was probably nothing important, he reflected. After all it was Ryan, and the life of his brother's actions did not concern at all.

Ryan nodded and then, after a final moment of hesitation on his part went towards Gryffindor Tower.


The next morning Harry suspected it as the news had spread throughout the castle, and students were even more horrified. Who could petrify a ghost, a spirit already dead? It was just absurd and it increased fears among students. Of course, the fact that Harry has been spotted on the scene did nothing to increase his popularity, and this only strengthened the suspicions against him.

- Repeats me again, told him her best friend while they were having lunch at the Slytherin table. Harry sighed, but complied, and once he had finished telling her the scene of the day, Elizabeth remained thoughtful for several minutes. Then suddenly his face brightened.

- I think I understand something, she whispered hurriedly. I'll meet you just now I have to go check something. And without Harry had time to say anything, Elisabeth had disappeared from view.

- What is it? asked Jenny who had just arrived in the hall, yawning full tube. Harry shrugged and told him.

- Another victim? Jenny asked, his face pale. But it is horrible either Granger! "

Harry shook his head in acquiescence. He thought back to Neville, who had been shot by the news and had not even had lunch, which was to be the first time since his arrival at Hogwarts. Harry gave a long sigh, the story became truly alarming. And if the next victim was not only petrified? And if it fell on one of his close friends? What Dumbledore was expecting to do something, after all was it not the most powerful wizard of his generation?

Harry let out another sigh and stood up. It was during metamorphosis and did not want to be late. After all, Professor McGonagall was one of the few professors to enjoy here, he would still not alter this picture.


That evening, Harry lived one of the worst moments of his life.

During the history of magic, right after the course of metamorphosis, he was surprised to see that Elizabeth was not there. It was all the more surprising that he knew that her best friend could not bear to miss a class. So he was surprised but not unduly worried.

Leaving the room along with Blaise he heard the commotion in the corridors and suddenly he saw Emmett Black, who ran to him crying.

- Harry, cried the little Gryffindor, Slytherin and felt the fear is distilled in her body and embrace it. No, it is not possible, he thought with alarm. It can not ...

- Elisabeth, she was ... "Emmett muttered through his tears, and Blaise had to shake to the brother of Elizabeth to calm down. Harry did not need to hear more and without waiting for a moment he ran full speed toward the infirmary, where he knew his friend was.

He opened the door with a crash and saw Professor McGonagall who looked upset and Professor Dumbledore at the head of a bed ... a bed in which was her best friend and Harry felt his heart sink at the sight of the petrified face Elizabeth, probably the person he loved most in the world. His eyes were wide open but were completely empty of expression.

- Mr Potter, Professor Dumbledore began in a grave voice, but Harry did not care. He rushed near the bed where she was and knelt down, taking her hand in his, as if trying to infuse some life and warmth. But of course nothing happened and Harry felt the tears running down her cheeks. He could not believe that her Elizabeth ...

Noises were heard in the hallway and just ten seconds later, Neville, Fred, Daphne and Tracey Draco made their entries in the infirmary.

- Oh, Merlin is not possible, Neville exclaimed furiously, running also at the bedside of Ravenclaw. He started on the other side of the bed and looked at her with amazement.

- Eli, he murmured. Harry, tell me that this is not true, he added, crossing the eyes of his best friend. But he did not hear the petition of his friend. Instead, he turned to the head of Hogwarts and looked at him with undisguised fury.

- What happened to him? he yelled, and everyone in the room jumped in front of this so sudden brightness. How is it that already four students plus one ghost has been petrified in your castle, your custody, you, the greatest wizard of the century! Harry had risen now, and it was undeniable that a sorcerer of only twelve years he had a sacred presence. Dumbledore was staring at him, just kind air was gone from his face but he remained calm, like a parent who is facing a nervous breakdown from one of his children.

- They are petrified that Harry, he replied with a calm. In a few months mandrakes Professor Sprout will be ready and they will wake up and waiting for the faculty and I are doing our best to ensure the safety of all students and discover the identity of the culprit.

- What if the next time they are not just petrified? And if someone dies? If a serious accident occurs? Harry spat. And those few months they will all pass in this state, do you give them the power? You can not even protect your own students, all these legends about you is wrong, you are not a great sorcerer than that! Gasps of amazement followed this statement. Memory not a single student is opposed in this way to Dumbledore, not a sorcerer of twelve he had not yelled at in this way, no one had accused. Harry was playing with fire, but under the influence of pain, it does not even realize.

- Mr Potter is enough, intervened Director of Gryffindor, who had faded considerably. We know you just Shock obvious, but it's not a reason to attack Professor Dumbledore in this way. Return to your dorm or your next class!

- No, I stay with Elizabeth, said stubbornly young Slytherin, and he returned to the bedside of his friend. None of the adults in this room did not dare order it to leave and they soon left the room, leaving adolescents helpless at the bedside of one of their closest friends.


A week later the Christmas holidays began and grudgingly had to take Harry on the Hogwarts Express to return to her parents, leaving Elizabeth behind him at Hogwarts. He had just spent the whole week had passed by his bedside, missing several courses and even a Quidditch practice. He simply could not bring himself to leave his best friend alone, and he could not not see it. It was now that she was petrified that he realized how much she was important in his life. He might have other friends, and even Neville who was like a brother to him, Elizabeth was a landmark and anchor, and without it he felt completely lost.

The return journey was far from gay. None of the young wizards did not feel joyful mood after one of their having been attacked. They talked a little but mostly everyone remained immersed in his own thoughts.

Finally arrived in the Hogwarts Express from King's Cross station and Harry and his friends slowly descended the train. After saying goodbye to everyone, Harry and Neville in the crowd stepped forward to try to find their parents. Suddenly, Harry felt a presence near him and before he could react a blow struck in the face and he fell into unconsciousness.

Chapter 15: The Nightmare Before Christmas Mr Potter.

Harry had a very sore face. It was said that his dear and loving godfather was not gone dead hand. The Animagus was still responding and it was the elder Potter who had paid the price. He had a broken nose, and Evan Black, her aunt was being repaired it in his room at Grimmauld Place, while the other adults tried to reason with Sirius Black downstairs in the living room.

Harry said nothing, too busy brooding dark thoughts. He did not know why he did it was not expected. After all, he was the prime suspect at Hogwarts so why not here in its so-called family? Somewhere he could understand the reaction of his godfather, he himself had gone well in his nerves the headmaster of Hogwarts. But that was only to demonstrate how his sponsor did not know him at all. Anyone who knew full well that Harry would prefer to die rather than hurt Elizabeth.

"Is it going better Harry? asked Evan, after having cast a spell that had cleaned the blood off his face.

Harry nodded but said nothing. He was looking down on her knees and tried to contain the anger and rage that filled him. Black How could he believe for a moment he could attack her daughter? This was the last of véracrasses to be able to think that.

- Do not want to Sirius too, is a parent and it takes a lot of concern for her daughter, then imagine the worst, 'said Evans of his sweet voice.

- I do not blame him, it does not even surprise me to react in this way, 'said Harry in a bad mood. He did not talk about that, especially with the mother of her best friend that he considered almost as a stranger.

Evana gave a little sigh.

- I do not think you're the heir of Slytherin, but you just put in the place of my husband, you can not deny that all the elements are pointing in your direction, she explained.

- And if you all for just one second you put yourself in my place, got angry Harry, fixing his eyes emerald green of her aunt. All because I'm in Slytherin I'm supposed to be bad? Let me remind you one thing, all the Death Eaters were not only Slytherin, if you need that refresh your memory that was your best friend to all, the one who betrayed the Potters had a Gryffindor! So your words full of outdated prejudices and stupid on the houses at Hogwarts you can keep them!

On this little speech upset Harry got up and left the room like a whirlwind, leaving a dreamy Evana Black.

Evana Black was a highly intelligent person. It was not for nothing that she was descended from Rowena Ravenclaw. At Hogwarts, she was among the first class, she showed an amazing insight and a sacred sense of intuition. And generally it was known to know people read. She was the only person not to fully trust Peter Pettigrew, at a time when all suspicions focused on Remus Lupin, the werewolf of service. But Harry James Potter was an enigma to him. She could not understand him, understand his motives, his intentions.

As a child she had carried some affection, even if it could not deny she had a preference for Ryan, who was so cute with his big smiles and laughs often contagious. Harry was much more reserved and shy than somewhere That was easy to forget. Even his own parents. And Harry was at Hogwarts, and there, to his surprise he had been distributed in Slytherin. The House of Death Eaters, Voldemort. And Evans had been afraid. She was afraid it becomes bad, it is moving towards the Dark and embarks with him his valuable Elisabeth. That was why she had left Sirius bellowing to send two children. And she knew that Frank and Alice, and to a lesser extent James and Lily shared his fears. And then when he came home at Christmas she could have seen how it had changed. He had become more sure of himself, he had the assurance and arrogance, he stood erect and seemed proud to be in the house of snakes. He hung out with the children of Death Eaters and children from families of Darkness as Greengrass. And that was scared to Evans. Even Dumbledore had confided his fears. Especially after the troll incident when Harry tried to steal the glory of his brother.

But any part of it, a tiny voice whispered in her Harry was not the one we believed that there was something more in him. But the voice had a hard time expressed in thousands of negative impressions she felt towards Harry. Yet it can not be explained rationally, she felt that Harry was not guilty. This could be the heir of Slytherin.


"But I tell you I do not know how is that possible? yelled Harry, whose patience had long since disappeared. It was in the Black Library, where her parents had taken him so he can discuss with your family.

- But there must be an explanation, his mother cried. How is it possible that you speak fourchelangue while this is not the case with your father or your brother! This kind of skill comes from the family! You can not be the only one!

- Maybe he is a distant ancestor who had this ability Potter, Harry suggested wearily. It was more than half an hour they were here. He had learned that Dumbledore had told the club's dueling incident to his parents, Ryan and not as he would have assumed.

- The Potter family does not have any evil wizard, protested vigorously James and Harry sighed in exasperation.

- Well, better late than never, I am still happy there, he replied with provocation.

- Do not mess with this, her mother screamed, which seemed close to tears. But what the hell happened to you Harry! You were not like this before.

- But what do you know! yelled Harry in turn. You never paid attention to me, there have always been for Ryan, I have never been to you! You are unable to see that I exist or accept me for who I am! I'm in Slytherin because it is the house that is best for me is a house where they made the determination, ambition, ingenuity, and a disdain for the rules, and this latest news does are no defects. It is not because there were twenty years of Death Eaters in this house that history repeats itself!

James was a glimmer of doubt in the eyes but it disappeared quickly and he replied in a firm voice and confident.

- You do not understand what you mean Harry. You were not there during the war, you do not know what we did to our school during the Slytherins. They are perhaps not all the side of Voldemort, but this is the case for 90 percent of them at least! And when your brother, 'added he, with what appeared to be the contempt in his voice, if you are not able to understand how important it is, well, nothing can be for you and then you deserve indeed were you in Slytherin. But certainly not in our family. At these words, James took his wife by the hand and left the library without even a glance at a loss for their son.

The rest of the holiday passed incredibly slowly. Harry's parents had chosen not to punish him, but he constantly applied the treatment of silence and ignorance. It was as if Harry did not exist for them, but at a level ten times worse than what he had suffered as a child. Sirius Black also did not know. Apparently the other adults had managed to convince him that it probably was not the heir of Slytherin Harry, but this did not prevent the animagus throw dirty looks at his godson as soon as he had the chance.

The absence of a cold, however, Elizabeth threw the Christmas holidays. Emmett spent his time locked in his room and when he came out Harry could see that many times he had cried. Neville and he spent all their time in their rooms, they had finished their homework in less than two days and spent the rest of the time to read books or training, but they lacked conviction and envy. And even Ryan did not look in shape. He spent all his time in the garden on her broom to fly alone. Harry was also surprised that his victory over his twin was gone by the wayside, but he soon understood why two days before school at Hogwarts.

All were in the living room having dinner, and Harry was trying to hurry to eat in order to quickly return to her room and avoid the heavy atmosphere, when asked a question to Frank Ryan.

- So when is champion what is your next game of Quidditch? he asked with more enthusiasm than he really felt.

- It's one month after the start against Hufflepuff, said Ryan with a smile. Of course we will win, their team is worthless.

- I still do not understand how you could lose against Slytherin! exclaimed her father. Who is the catcher again?

Silence then invades the table and Harry and Neville looked with amazement that Ryan looked down, the red rose to her cheeks. Remus looked away clearly embarrassed. He knew that Harry was a natural in the team, but ruled that it was not for him to inform his parents, not wanting to be causing more tension than there already. But Ryan had apparently not seen fit to reveal that information to his parents.

- Well what's going on? Lily asked, clearly surprised by the variety of reactions.

- It's Harry the Slytherin Seeker, Neville said with determination, rage against Ryan.

- But this is impossible, said James. In that case why is it that we do not know?

- Because Ryan has seen fit not to tell you, and since you do not write to me when I'm at Hogwarts, I do not think it would interest you to know, Harry said with a nonchalant voice. And before you accuse me of anything, I decided to become a catcher before knowing that Ryan would stand for a position in the team.

All adults except Remus looked at him with unfeigned astonishment, and Harry did not know what it was from. Was it because he was part of the team and they knew nothing, or was it thought he could beat Ryan, and in this case it was frankly insulting.

- But it's impossible, you can not play Quidditch, Sirius muttered, forgetting for a brief moment his animosity to his godson.

- Oh but you did not know it was not necessary to know how to play Quidditch to enter a team, said Harry tit for tat, after a sigh of exasperation. But no one took up the sarcasm except Neville and Remus laughed softly.

- But then you beat Ryan? asked Alice. Then turning to her son, she added. And how does this come you do not tell us ais?

- Maybe it's because as soon as I mention Harry you accuse him of being a Death Eater Junior and you forbid me to go, Neville exclaimed angrily. Why, now that you know is best for the sport Ryan you will begin to treat it properly?

Oh my friend Neville you were too far away, Harry thought with a hint of satisfaction. The expression on the faces of adults were priceless: a mixture of indignation, anger, surprise and shame someone like Evans.

- Do not speak to us like that, he was ordered Franck. You do not understand anyway!

- I am less than Gryffindor I look Dad, do not worry, 'said Neville, causing new murmurs of anger.

- Moony you knew, James asked suddenly, turning to his friend, having noticed that it did not seem to react to this cascade of information and attacks.

- Uh, I'll go look for coffee in the kitchen, he replied, bowing his head and rushing presto, not toward the kitchen but in the direction of the library, and Harry and Neville laughed before the behavior of their favorite uncle.

- It's not funny young people, decreed in a severe tone Lily. And why do not you Ryan did not tell us that your brother was selected in the team?

Ryan rebaissa again eyes to the ground, and Harry wondered why his brother had actually done anything like this. Last year he spent his life telling his actions to parents, even when it had no importance, and there, while it was an opportunity to complain, radio silence. Something was wrong with him.

- I did not want Harry gets angry if I told you, he finally let go in a small voice.

All eyes were turned on as soon as Harry felt a deep irritation win. It was typical of the hand of his brother to want to blame him, why had he not see it coming?

- What do you mean you were afraid that Harry does not get angry? Sirius repeated in a threatening voice. Will Harry ever threatened Ryan thee?

- Of course I have already threatened that I am only in my days, 'said Harry in his place, cheeks red and his eyes flashing. I have nothing else to do anyway it's not like I have classes, homework, friends and Quidditch, or just a life outside of Ryan. Whatever all this is exhausting when you add more that I have to take the time to petrify the Mudblood and traitors to their blood! "He shouted angrily. Without waiting for any reaction, he left the room with a bang and went up the stairs to his room. Once inside, it blocks the door of a movement of the wand angry, took the cd player that Tracey had offered him for his last birthday and put the music blasting in his ears. Gradually he calmed down and allowed himself to enjoy the rolling stones, group muggle he had learned to worship with her friend Muggle.

After half an hour, he heard faintly a knock at the door, and taking off the headphones from his ears, he realized it was his best friend and his favorite uncle, and their opened.

"It is better Harry, Neville asked with a smile. And without asking for his he threw himself on Harry's bed and began to ease.

- What happened after I installed? asked the latter without losing his frown.

- Oh they discussed all at the same time, Sirius was furious and wanted to kick your buttocks but Aunt Evans has stopped. Your mother was crying, Ryan and I stood still after having just yelled I got recorded by my parents and I went in search of mumuse hiding in the Library along with Pinky by eating sweets and we mounted see you, Neville said casually as if he was telling the weather to his best friend.

- Ok, Harry nodded. He looked at his uncle and saw that it looked at him with a smile that seemed to say 'do not worry, everything will be OK'.

- You think I should not take me that way, he said in a tone somewhat abrupt towards Remus.

The latter shook his head.

- No, I think you're right not to let you do by your parents, 'he replied slowly. But you go there may be a bit much when you watch claims to be sarcastic and evil. It's not easy to Sirius now petrified to have her daughter by a monster which we know nothing.

- And you think it's easy for me? shouted Harry. It's my best friend talked about, my sister! Remus believe me if I mug the heir of Slytherin, I kill myself. And the determined look in the eyes of Harry and Neville proved to Remus that he was quite serious.

- Do not get excited against me, Harry, his uncle said in a firmer voice. Do not forget that I am entirely on your side. I condemn the conduct of your parents and I think Sirius was too far to attack you at the station like that. But this is not a reason to add fuel to the fire. Believe me sooner or later your parents will realize the mistakes they made with you and they will regret it bitterly.

- It's too late, Harry murmured. I would never forgive them for calling me that way, take me to a nobody because I'm not Ryan, because I'm not the fucking Survivor! he cried. He collapsed on his bed behind him, right on Neville groaning under the weight unexpected.

- I'm tired, 'added Harry. I'm tired of this family. Remus say you want to adopt me? he asked his uncle to him under the bright eyes of hope. But it was evident to the face that drew on his mouth he was joking. A half.

- If I could I would, replied with the utmost seriousness Remus. But on that I had something to offer you. That would tell you to spend some time at home during the holidays? A week or more if you want! And of course could be Neville and Elizabeth of the game, "he pointed toward Neville, who smiled with satisfaction.

- Soon it could be all summer? Harry asked with hope. And Remus laughed when he saw the head of his nephew. He got up and approached his nephew whom he ruffled his hair. Harry was not to make a pillow and took it swung to his uncle. Began a memorable pillow fight between the three boys.

The day of return to Hogwarts, and while Harry thought he was safe (after all how much drama could not even break out in half an hour?) Took place one last confrontation between Harry and the parents of the latter.

Since Grimmauld Place was five minutes from Kings Cross, it was customary that all go there on foot after the adults have made more lightweight suitcases of course.

Sigurd, the little snake Harry had accompanied it during the holidays. After all he did still not be alone at Hogwarts. During the holidays, by happy coincidence neither parent had stumbled upon a snake that had wandered yet with impunity in the ancient house of Black. In return, he was in Harry's pocket, which apparently was not very comfortable. And he kept moving, which attracted the attention of Frank.

"Harry what is there in your pocket? he asked in a tone frankly curious, even stopping to walk to better observe the pocket of his nephew. This naturally attracted the attention of everyone, and Harry felt the color rising to his cheeks.

- It's nothing, he replied in a tone of mock detached, and pretended to continue walking but his father stopped him.

- Not really moves your pocket, what's in it?

- It's my snake, said Harry forcefully. We can go now?

- You have a snake? incredulously asked his mother, who seemed horrified.

- Yes but it is very nice, and I can talk to him, defended Harry. It's no big deal and we should hurry if you do not want to miss the Hogwarts Express.

But adults did not hear him that way. Alice's mother gave a little cry horrified and Sirius mumbled something under his breath that sounded like 'as Regulus, the spitting image'.

- Do you realize what that means? cried James, who looked very upset by this information. Snakes are animals of Darkness, there is the Death Eaters who as a pet! No Potter worthy of the name does pet snake!

- Yes, but I'm not a Potter of the name, do not you remember? Harry replied with provocation. The blow he received when his father took him by surprise.

- You dirty vermin of Slytherin, whistled James Potter. You disgust me, he spat. Then he turned and went with a bang in the direction of the station, and everyone followed him, except Neville and Harry, whose lip was bleeding. Remus was absent because he had the work, and Harry knew that if this was the lycanthrope, this does not not happen that way.

- Come and Neville, it is important not to miss that train, he ordered his friend who understood immediately that Harry would not discuss what had happened. The two teens ran to Kings Cross and without a word to their parents and uncles / aunts, they got on the train, looking for friends. They found quickly and Jenny Lucas, who were delighted to see them again, then the rest of the gang arrived and started the Hogwarts Express towards Hogwarts, Harry was happy to find. It was the only place he felt truly at home.

Bottom of the form


Chapter 16: so lonely

Hello all, finally chapter 16 of revenge is so sweet! Thank you all for your reviews, and I beat my record, 51 reviews, I waow not expect much, it makes me very happy. By cons, my email address has not worked recently on fanfiction (Merlin knows why) so if you sent me of the MP I have not received!

The next chapter will be posted at the end of the week, simply because from Tuesday until Thursday night and I'm in exams! ARGH! Both say that I count the hours before Thursday night! But in the meantime, here is Chapter 16 of revenge is so sweet ...

Disclaimer: nothing belongs to me except that you will recognize all of OC.

PS: the chapter title comes from a song by Police.

Chapter 16: so lonely.

"So Harry you had a good holiday? asked in a tone so innocent little Jenny, who would have given it without confession with her two pigtails, her pacifier in her mouth, her lips red and her eyes sparkling.

Hmm, do I have a good holiday? Not really no, whatever that could have been worse.

- Okay it was pretty hectic, he replied with a casual nonchalance, and no hurry he told his somewhat strained relations with his parents. Since Jenny and Lucas were not there in the first year, they had not attended the bellowing and others. And not surprisingly the first two years were frightened to learn that the treatment should suffice their friend.

- How dare they say that Sigur is evil? Jenny indignant, on which the snake was coiled. Looking down to the little black snake she began to stroke, and Harry could have sworn that his pet is trying to purr if he could. He could not help smiling. He was soon attached to Sigur, largely because it was very nice to talk to him. The little snake was a teaser, and still young enough. Everything he saw amazed him at Hogwarts, and Harry was much amused to hear his adventures in the huge castle.

- Good and when is what starts to train? Lucas asked, looking up the legs of her best friend which was Sigur. I feel myself rusty during the holidays that they can not perform magic. I'm afraid I have forgotten everything.

- You do not do magic during the holidays? Blaise stepped in amazement. But why?

- Because it's forbidden, exclaimed the Gryffindor. Why worry you?

- It is prohibited for children from families Muggles, Daphne explained, immersed in a game of chess with Blaise. To not only discover the existence of the Muggle world sorcerer and avoid incidents, say, diplomatic.

- But it's unfair, exclaimed Jenny. But if it's any reassurance, he added, turning her head toward his best friend, me either I did not do magic during the holidays because my mother has forbidden me. There was my father's family home for the holidays and they do not know that Mom and I are witches so I had to hide all my stuff in the attic and my stick. What I'm bored!

- Believe me it can not be worse than our own holiday with fatalism Neville exclaimed from behind her copy of The Daily Prophet that he had shamelessly swiped at Draco. But seriously when is it that gives it? he said turning to Harry. I know that without Eli's going to be painful, but it would not be until it grows back with us, he said more gently, and many nodded at those words. Without exception, had their heads turned to Harry, and it felt once more the impression that he was the brains behind the group. This was not as unpleasant feeling, just surprising when you think deeply about how his family treated him and the rest of the world in general.

- We meet this weekend ok? he suggested. Friday night.

- I can not have a reservoir with Lockhlart Friday night, Jenny said angrily.

- Again? Tracey exclaimed in surprise. But what have you done this time?

- I fell asleep while he was playing the weasel and a brother of Eli scenes from the book walk with the werewolves. And when he woke me up and he asked me how it happened that I was sleeping, I told her that in any case I had nothing better to do since I had two eyes, I knew very well read and that if one day I found myself with no social life and a deep desire to be bored I would take a book of his I read, "she replied nonchalantly, continuing to caress lovingly Sigur of its rooms. And it is in an atmosphere punctuated by laughter and good humor that Harry and his friends effected their return to Hogwarts.

However, during the feast of the season, Harry felt uncomfortable and grumpy. Elizabeth was missing and he was still angry with Dumbledore. How it could he not find the one that was behind these attacks? After all it was always a student, a witch so much less powerful than him! Was not he supposed to protect her students?

It was at that moment that Harry decided to act. If Dumbledore did nothing to ensure their safety and find the culprit, it was Harry who would do it and conduct its own investigation. Throwing a vague look at his friends around him at the table, all talking quietly and enjoy the meal, he decided to fend for himself. He would avenge Elizabeth and others, and to tell the truth, he felt a little that his friends, including Neville do not feel more involved than that. After all they were best friends, and somewhere Neville should not be laughing with Daphne, he should not mope and fun as it would not be back among them. Looking back, Harry would realize that this attitude was unnecessary, but in reality it merely reflected one of the deepest fears: what if it was he who had been petrified, do all world would have already forgotten so quickly? After all it was not his parents who were concerned about him, so if his friends did not do it ... But it was a little too young to really understand it.


The return of Harry at Hogwarts was marked by several incidents.

First, two days after the beginning Harry was being Metamorphoses next to Blaise, he was surprised to be accosted by a Hufflepuff Susan Bones, a little redhead who he had never spoken but that 'he knew by name. He also noticed that she had been part of the anti-Harry earlier this year.

"Excuse me Harry is it that I can talk to you? she asked a tiny voice full of hesitation, and Harry turned to her, frankly curious and somewhat hostile. He nodded at him to tell him to say what she had to say.

- I just wanted to apologize for having suspected of being the heir of Slytherin, she confessed with regret in his voice. I realize now that as your best friend was petrified it can not be you.

- What if it had not been petrified you'd come apologize? asked, his voice harsh, and Susan stepped back when they saw the emerald green eyes ablaze. It's too easy to come see me now you regret saying that just because my best friend was also petrified!

- I'm sorry, I ... stammered, and she returned to running almost its place at the other end of the room.

- But what are you doing? violently whispered in his ear while Blaise Professor McGonagall entered the class and all sat in silence.

- What what what me? Harry lost his temper. This girl has a lot of nerve to come see me like that when she thought I was a monster there are only a few weeks all this because I am a potter in Slytherin!

- Yes, but she had the courage to admit mistakes and try to fix them! Blaise replied. And if my last year I decided not to grant you a second chance at the beginning of the year? And if I had this picture simply apathetic and unpleasant that you identify? We would not be here today and your only friends are Eli and Nev. "

That shut up Harry for the rest of the course, and it was good because Blaise did not feel in the mood to make him the conversation.

But that was not why Harry had come to hear about it.

At lunch time, then they ate their potatoes without much conviction, Neville came to see him at the Slytherin table.

"What possessed you to attack Susan Bones in this way? asked he somewhat abruptly.

- I have not attacked, defended himself with a bad temper Harry grew. First Blaise and Nev, but what they all had now to defend this stupid Hufflepuff? I simply remind him a few facts.

- Susan is a very nice, replied his friend Gryffindor. Unlike many others, she can admit mistakes and has the courage to try to reconcile them. And she has never been too bad to you, I will make you say.

- Oh, the Slytherin got angry. So just because miss coming to understand that maybe appearances were deceiving and maybe I do not mean just a Slytherin who seeks to steal the glory of his unworthy brother, I should take her in my arms and thank see I'm not that horrible! I do not need to apologize, he said abruptly, getting up from his table, attracting the attention of many people in the hall. I need an apology from anyone, he added, his voice stronger, they are stupid enough to believe this nonsense about me, well it's a shame for them! "And these words, he went out with a bang of the great hall, under the eyes or somewhat amazed some people angry, but he did not care. It was just so tired.

Its not naturally guided to the infirmary, where a curtain hid her best friend. Mrs. Pomfrey, who was accustomed to see the young man and liked him, gave him a small nod in the direction of Elizabeth silent, and without having it repeated, he passed under the curtain and moved to bedside of her best friend.

"If only you were there Eli, he said after some minutes of silence during which he had observed the Ravenclaw, tears in his eyes. I miss you, you know, he said in a tone of forced gaiety. No one in the morning to m'enquiquiner because I did not headed for what it would do anyway, no one to give me sarcastic remarks about the blond Gominet we as a teacher of defense, no one to trust me, he added after a moment's hesitation. I know you do not get along, and that's probably why it is easier to give me. The holiday was awful, he said, removing his glasses. The Potter, Longbottom your father and all think I have something to do with the attacks, they think I'm kind of mini Voldemort, I will always go wrong. Plus they have discovered the existence of Sigur, and let's just say it was not very gay.

When I came to Hogwarts, it's easy to forget that my family is a failure, except when I see Ryan of course, but it's easy to ignore, to pretend that everything was normal on that side. But when I see them all, I can not help but to hope, to want miraculously they change and take care of me for a change. I know that I am not a survivor, but still! Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different if I had been allocated elsewhere, and then after I realized they would have just continued to forget me. And it's just that I do not understand why, when I see my brother, I can not help but think that I am worth much more than him. But apart from yourself and others no one seems to see it. "

Harry paused, realizing that it made him a very foolish to act out his feelings in this way, the usual time that he never did. But he knew, that except in cases of force majeure, it does not entrust this to someone who was awake and could understand, listen. He looked at Elizabeth with undisguised affection. She, Neville, Remus and his friends at Hogwarts was the only family he could claim to have. Without them it would probably have gone wrong. Elizabeth was his sister, along with her best friend, and if it something happens, it would never recover. He could not imagine a day in her life where she was not present, he could not imagine not being able to talk to him whenever he felt the urge, to see her laugh and smile, see her blue eyes start sapphires lightning, his sarcasm, his intelligence ... Everything that made her Elizabeth, the Elizabeth.

He regretted having won against Neville, who represented as much for him. But he was so fed up right now, his vacation had been such a disaster that for a moment it had been easy to take it out on someone and that person was a little Hufflepuff. But Harry does not swerve, he could not forgive those who had so misjudged in the first place simply because of his home or his family name.

Casting a glance at Elizabeth, he stood up and vowed he would find the person responsible for these attacks, and that it would pay dearly. Then he went under Potions


The defense resumed workouts so. Before the holidays, all were able to master the spell of extinction, while Harry was comfortable with the fate of explosion. While he was helping Jenny had a little trouble blowing up things with a power equal to that of Harry, the others began to learn the spell cutting, which may cause some injuries of moderate severity. From what Harry had seen the last weeks before the holiday, except for him and Jenny, Daphne and was Draco who seemed to be the most able to learn spells of defense and dueling. He had even spoken to Draco who had revealed that he had attended many false duels between his father and his friends, these fake duels consisted of more training, exercises that do not lose the hand. And the little Draco had retained a lot of techniques. His major problem was that it lacked a little power. Harry felt he wanted to start his spells too quickly, and therefore did not put enough force, power. But generally, all were good, it was undeniable, some had their strengths and all were making rapid progress. But for some it was not enough.

While they were all sitting in sofas that Harry, the owner of the room on request, had managed to bring up, it was Neville who unwittingly had a brilliant idea.

"Does one of you has done the duty of the Metamorphoses process of transformation of an animal in a small object? Neville inquired with his fellow second year. The metamorphosis was in fact not the favorite material of Gryffindor, which often ended up with extra homework done by Professor McGonagall.

- But I did it, 'said Draco. Why did you trouble?

- I am a real quiche in Meta, Neville admitted sheepishly, and many smiled with the use of the term. Remember Neville to invent names and insults the most 'colorful' shall we say.

- I can help you if you want, suggested the Slytherin. And in return you could possibly slip me some tips in botany for duty on mandrake, I have some difficulties.

- As long as there is no one who can help me in astronomy, then asked Jenny. I have a duty to be done on Wednesday I do not know what constellation it looked last week but I fell asleep.

- But when you do not sleep? Tracey exclaimed with joyous disbelief. But I'll help you if you want, she added cheerfully. Suddenly, when all had fallen into a comfortable silence, an idea crossed his mind.

- Why is it that would be limited to defense against the forces of evil? she asked suddenly, taking everyone by surprise. All looked up to her and she continued the momentum. Yes it is nice to improve in defense, but it might work on other subjects. Each of us has a favorite material, facilities in some areas. We could share it with all of us! Most teachers are excellent, but they did not have time to take care of us individually. Whereas if we work together, we get better all good except the first Harry is already everywhere, she said nonchalantly.

- It's not a silly idea, Blaise shot back, chin in hands and seemed in deep thought. In addition, some materials may be useful for improving defenses.

- Like what? Lucas said.

- And many such metamorphosis. Imagine that you could transform a stone into a weapon! Even the potions can be helpful.

- And some plants also added Neville. They are right, he said more towards Harry, who said nothing, which was surprising to him. It was indeed in full reflection. He found this very good idea, but strangely was not particularly excited in the sense that it would take even longer. And between Quidditch, the defense sessions, evenings with homework, he only had little time to devote to his own personal projects, as he liked to call his readings of black magic, and that he did not involve his friends. However, he ends by speaking in front of eyes turned to him. Once again he realized that his friends took him for even unconsciously their leader, or leader or something of that sort here. For now he was not on that suit him entirely.

- Good idea but I would prefer to focus exclusively on defense against the forces of evil at the moment, he said slowly. You can always include a few spells or some kind of metamorphosis, but we should focus on defense in the meantime, and who knows maybe next year we will have a teacher who will be worth it, "he joked . His friends laughed at this remark, but he saw that some were disappointed, they would have wanted Harry teaches them more than the defense. But now, he did not really feel the inclination, but maybe later when Elizabeth was awakened and arrested the heir of Slytherin.


The following Saturday took place a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Given their recent defeat against Slytherin, Gryffindor had to win this game in which Harry had decided not to attend, the main reason being that her parents would be present, and it would do him no good to see them. In addition, he wanted to enjoy an afternoon of quiet and solitude to study a little over a book from the library on Black spells and customs in duels used black magic, enjoy the fact that all his friends were gone see the game.

Harry had taken refuge in the library was deserted. He was immersed in the study of the customs used in duels between two people practicing black magic, and it fascinated him. Notwithstanding the fact he had a larger family of sorcerers is siding with white magic, he was inextricably linked to this branch of magic so ostracized. He realized by reading different books that many considered spells of black magic could be incredibly useful in combat, and he wanted all learn. What mattered after all, this was not the type of magic that was used, but the goals we sought to achieve. The only limitation that arose was that of the unforgivable. Harry had read a lot on this subject and had come to the conclusion that he would never seek to launch these spells, they were too horrific.

Then he read a passage of black magic rituals to increase his power and his ability, he heard a deafening crack, and turning the head to the left of where the noise seemed to come, he saw an old acquaintance.

"You're not Ryan Potter! Dobby exclaimed, tears of frustration growing in his big bulging eyes. In fact, Harry had almost forgotten the existence of the little elf who came to visit him during the summer, and did not even talk to his friends.

- Hi Dobby, the accused replied sarcastically. That I owe the honor of your visit?

- Harry Potter Dobby mocked, blamed the little elf, who advanced slightly towards the sorcerer. Harry Potter has been passed to his brother and made false promises to Dobby and now that he-a-beat-it-on-which-does-not-to-pronounce-the name is in danger, great danger, and nothing that Dobby could be prevented from returning.

- As far as I know my brother was not terrified by the heir of Slytherin Dobby, a dry voice replied Harry. For it is about that which you wanted to protect him, you know the heir of Slytherin, you know who is behind these attacks! He got up and walked toward the little elf, threatening. It looked all around him, as if trying to see if anyone could hear.

- Yes Dobby Dobby knows but can not say anything else his family would kill him! he exclaimed with fear in his voice, and Harry suddenly felt a deep pity for the little elf. But Dobby in Harry Potter may be that this is not the first time the Chamber of Secrets has been opened! Dobby blinked as if to understand something about Harry but he did not know what.

- It has already been opened, Harry said more to himself than the elf. But how is it that nobody talks about? And when was it? he asked suddenly, his attention to reattach the elf.

- Dobby can not say anything, Harry Potter, "said a little voice in acute elf. Dobby must go now, and before Harry could not stop him, the little elf had disappeared from the library.

This elf is odd, thought Harry with a touch of irritation. He wants to warn me of danger but does not say who is behind. And how did he know that Ryan was at Hogwarts? And when the Chamber of Secrets she opened the last time? By whom? Someone had to be stopped I think, and now it must be the child or a descendant who in turn plays apprentice demons by attacking the students it deems worthy of study at Hogwarts. But who could have interest to rid Hogwarts of 'blood-de-mire and traitors to their blood? A priori, it has to be a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, it seems logical that his heir has been distributed in Slytherin but not an obligation. Emmett is a descendant of Ravenclaw yet it was distributed in Gryffindor! And petrifying the students in this way, the student must be a very powerful, very talented, someone was probably in sixth or seventh year, probably even in the seventh year he may have waited for his last year s' some fun before leaving Hogwarts!

Yes but who?

Head full Harry left the library and went to his ward, the way he met his friends who told him the game of Quidditch, and Harry understood why Dobby came to see.

The match had started normally, but after several tens of minutes it had become obvious that something was wrong with the Bludger, who kept attacking Ryan, despite the efforts of substitutes Weasley twins who ended up staying paste catcher in the Gryffindor to ensure that it is not injured by the Cognard, but it made the game more difficult. Ryan had finally seen the Snitch, but when he reached out to grab the small golden ball, the rogue Bludger hit him right in the arm, and within the scope of the pain Ryan had dropped its broom, falling twenty feet high.

"It's Dumbledore which slowed his fall while your father was the Cognard erupted in the sky, Blaise told excitedly on their way in the common room all snakes. And parents rushed to him, Lockhlart wanted to repair his arm, but apparently your mother has stopped and took care of itself. From what I saw there did not seem very bad shape, just a little shaken. But no one understands what happened. Result Ravenclaw won 220-70 and Gryffindor is permanently out of play for the cup this year. "

Is that just Cognard Dobby? After all he let slip that he had done everything to prevent Ryan to come back? But to enchant a Bludger! Yes but it can not be anyone else, everyone loves Ryan at this school! All this is just too weird, I must discover where the Chamber of Secrets was opened in the past, and by whom.


The next day, while traveling in the Great Hall to take his lunch, before returning to the library, Harry at the corner of a corridor fell on his sister who apparently came out of the infirmary where he's spending the night. And it did not look happy.

"I must speak to you Harry, he ordered a dry voice, and for a moment Harry was taken aback. It did not really see what his brother could be good enough to talk. But he turned and gave her his best smile sarcastically made-in-Slytherin.

- What do you want? he asked nonchalantly, leaning on the wall. It was clear in its stance that no one cared very medium that Ryan wanted to tell her but her sister chose not to pay attention.

- Well I want to know why a house elf came to visit me last night, claiming that I had promised not to return to Hogwarts because it was too dangerous for me, he cried out with force, arms folded across his chest, looking visibly upset.


- It's Dobby, explained nonchalantly. He came to see me this summer, apparently unaware that the famous Ryan Potter had a sister and took me for you. I made him promise that he leave me alone, it does not hire me for anything.

- And it does you're not occurred to me to talk, or talk to our parents! Ryan exclaimed indignantly. He says that great dangers threaten me this year, he has even enchanted a Bludger to hurt me enough that I get home! This elf is crazy, I do not understand what he wants.

- It does not come yourself to the idea in your little bird's head that he wanted to protect you from the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets? Harry replied dryly. Ryan turned pale on hearing this, but said nothing. Embarrassed, he looked down at the ground.

- You should be more careful Ryan, his brother advised him. After all that you could very well be the next victim.

- It is impossible, said Ryan forcefully, raising his eyes to his brother, but Harry could see he was scared and that was just bravado. I am a Potter.

- And you think maybe it gives you protection, Harry spat. You're the number one target for this kind of people you come from a family of traitors, you have defeated Voldemort, I think you should be very careful, after all, almost all those attacked were more or less part of your entourage. Hermione and the twins were in your house and Elizabeth is part of your family.

- And you fear nothing, perhaps? Ryan replied, more frightened than angry.

- I'm in Slytherin, Harry said as if it were obvious. I doubt strongly that the heir of Slytherin attacking those of his own house. And everyone knows how I am close to my family, so it protects me, unlike you!

- Yet you are the most treacherous of us all, Ryan spat with contempt, but stepped back when he saw his brother get out his wand from his pocket and point it at him.

- You said Ryan? Harry asked in a threatening tone by playing with his wand. Ryan was beginning to seriously annoy.

- It's good I go, Ryan said a tiny voice. Harry wondered if ...

- Oh wait, he cried when his brother was gone. He ran after him and caught up quickly.

- What do you want? asked Ryan who turned upon hearing his brother behind him. Clearly he seemed to be afraid.

he asked.

he asked curiously.

Harry shook his head.

- What?

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