Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH6 - Two Of A Kind

by GuardianOfLight 3 reviews

Adam duels Adam

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-06-01 - Updated: 2006-06-01 - 1029 words

Chapter 6 - Two Of A Kind

Dimension: 165 - Earth
Date: 19th July 2001 AD
Country: USA - California
Location: Sunnydale - The Magic Box
Time: Afternoon

"Would you care to try that again?"

The first Adam got to his feet and flicked a bit of plaster off his shoulder.

"Well, well, well. It looks like the big G has finally shown up. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show at all. After all, these are your charges, are they not?"

Adam (the one in the doorway) did nothing.

"Well come on. You're not just going to stand there. Let me have it."

"You know better than to mock me." warned the one in the doorway, still wearing the hard expressionless stare.

"Oh go on. You know you want to," the other one continued to taunt.

The one in the doorway held his ground.

"Oh come on big G. Show me what you've got."

The one in the doorway nodded slowly. "If you insist."

A blast of fire leapt from his hand and exploded halfway between the twins where the fireball collided with an identical fireball coming in the opposite direction, exploding in a flash of fire setting the nearby remains of the wooden shelves alight.

Another fireball followed which was easily deflected by the first twin, setting another shelf alight. He returned fire, but the fire was blocked by the one in the doorway. The twin in the shop drew a sword much like Adam's own except the blade and hilt were pure black. Adam drew his own which was glowing white.

There was a tense moment as they sized each other up. In one swift parallel movement they flew at each other, jumping from their positions at either end of the shop, colliding in the middle, swords clashing and wood flying.

Blows were exchanged, dodged and sent so fast that the onlookers couldn't keep track of the movements.

Blades clashed in a dazzling display of skill unrivalled in this world.

The battle continued for at least a minute before the action seemed to freeze. The first twin had the white sword through his shoulder. He grunted in pain before being blasted off the sword and flying across the shop towards the door by a fireball to the chest.

"Leave." Adam warned as his twin unsteadily regained his footing.

The twin didn't move.

Adam thrust his arm out.

"Naur." [Fire]

A huge ball of fire, bigger than anything seen so far, rocketed towards the twin and engulfed him. He howled in pain, turned tail and retreating from the scene, attempting to put the fires out.

Adam then turned to Glory in such as to say, "One down".

His expression quickly turned to one of serious concern.

During the fight, while everyone had been transfixed, Glory had moved slowly behind Dawn who had moved forward and was now standing in front of where the table usually was and had now proceeded to grab her in a head lock.

Dawn began to struggle getting everyone's attention. They moved very rapidly in Glory's direction.

"I would stop if I were you Adam...and the same goes for all of you little people, because if you move any closer I might be tempted to maybe...snap her neck," she said in that insanely cheerful voice of hers. "So get out of the way, children, or your little schoolgirl gets it."

She started edging towards the door as everyone else moved around her while also trying to get closer without making it obvious.

"You know that is an empty threat Glorificus," Adam commented from his position only two meters from the Hell God. "If you kill her, you can't open that portal."

"Yeah well in case you haven't noticed I'm little bit crazy. Here's an idea. Maybe I could just suck out her brain," she said, gripping Dawn tighter and causing the others to flinch forward. "Ah ah none of that, you don't want to do anything stupid now do ya? See ya."

She made a dash for the door, taking Dawn with her.

Two very fast objects dashed through the door, collided with Glory and sent her flying back to the bottom of the steps.

The first object, which turned out to be Black Panther, dragged the now unconscious Dawn, who had passed out, away from Glory, before returning to help the other object which turned out to be Lylacor who was currently biting and scratching the living daylights out of Glory.

The Scoobies rushed over to Dawn and put out the fires that started during the fight.

Adam let out a piercing whistle, which stopped the animals in their tracks and summoned them to his sides.

Glory staggered to her feet, bloody and torn. "Damn you and those infernal beasts Adam. Damn you." she spat out. The animals growled.

"I'm going to get her. I swear it." she announced before running out of the shop.

When Glory had left, all eyes turned to Adam and the animals, some in thanks, some in astonishment, some in fear at the fact that there was a Panther in the room with them.

The panther turned to Adam and jumped up to him. In mid flight, it reduced in size turning into Mystique, who Adam caught in his arms.

"Good work, my friends," he thanked the animals, scratching Mystique under her chin.

"I didn't know she could do that?" Buffy asked while wearing her confused face, which she realized she was wearing all too often these days.

"If you think that's impressive, you should see them at their grandest."

No one even wanted to ask what he meant.

Adam, still with Mystique in his arms, walked over to Dawn, who had regained consciousness but who was shaking with fear. He knelt down in front of her and brushed his hand down the side of her face.

"Sîdh." [Peace] he whispered calmly before removing his hand.

Dawn instantly grew still and calm. He smiled and stood up as Mystique jumped into Dawn's lap and nuzzled her hand in comfort.

"I guess you are wondering who that was." After some agreeing murmurs, he continued.

"That was my brother."
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