Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where the animals should go...

I promise I'll stop bugging you guys with author's notes...

by UndergroundCinnamon 2 reviews

really, I do.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-06-28 - Updated: 2011-06-28 - 540 words

I'm currently typing up the second part of Tarantula (Tarantula prt 2: tarantula), and, if all goes according to plan, there will also be a third part. And then well, all I'm gonna say is that frerard-lovers shall be happy! least for a little while... But, I would like your opinions. I'm not sure the last chapter was my best, writing wise (I felt as if it was missing something, but I can't figure out what), and while browsing through FicWad I noticed that, as a whole Where the animals should go was rated as trainwreck. So I'd like your HONEST opinions about what you think about this story (that doesn't mean tell me I should go fuck myself or anything, or advise me to die) but whether or not you actually are enjoying the story. I know I have trouble with punctuation sometimes (I'm trying to improve it), but if you've noticed any other noticeable, repetitive, and slightly (or extremely) annoying mistakes please let me know. After all, I really want to get better at writing, and the better the grammar/punctuation/spelling/vocabulary, the more you can enjoy it :D
(and I'm going to try and cut back on author's notes XD) but, I just would like to know whether or not you are enjoying this story.
Also, I've had this idea for another fanfic in my head for quite some time, but I'm not sure if I should wait till Where the animals should go is finished, or if I should just start writing it. I'm fine with either, but I wanted to ask you guys cuz if I'm working on two different stories at once (well, I always am, but I mean worrying about posting them on FicWad XD), updates on both might take a bit longer. So, let me know what you guys think

and, A huge giant thanks for those of you who have reviewed so far, without your reviews, I probably would of given up after chapter 2. So, props to you guys! hands over candy, cookies, pizza, whatever it is you guys like. giant internet bear hugs to you!

(oh, and a random piece of info: I was (don't judge me for this, I'm sure most of you do the same XD) but scrolling through Frank's twitter, and (a while back) he'd tweeted that all the world's best foods start with P (Pizza, Pretzal M&Ms, etc...) so, since I was very bored (and am a true fangirl at heart) I started thinking up my own list, and realized that the world's best foods also start with C. Not just P. observe:
P: Pasta, Pizza, Pretzel M&Ms, Panera bread, Poppyseed muffins, Pesto, Pretz, Pringles (I would of written Poptarts, but I actually don't like them that much...)
C: Coffee, coke (zero), caramel, chocolate, candy, cookies, chips, cherries, cheese, champagne, cheetos, cheez-its, ...
and that's what I could come up with, but I'm sure I forgot a ton, so if you can think of anymore, please let me know! (Or if you can think of any other letters)
wow, that was random. Anyways, I love you all, and please let me know what you think about Where the animals should go.
xx, a.
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