Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Dark Angel

Cover My Eyes

by death_b4_disco 1 review

'A few screams followed. Gerard swerved round the corner, blood was splattered on the windows. Blood was pouring out from under the door.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [V] [R] [Y] - Published: 2010-05-07 - Updated: 2010-05-07 - 416 words

Warning, the next chapter contains abuse/sexual abuse so, well, be warned! If you don’t want to read it, it’s the stuff in italics so skip it.

Lucy’s eye fluttered open, shocked by the coldness in the room. She went to move her arms from the side of her head, so she could wipe her side fringe out of her eyes. To her alarm, her arms were attached to the bed frame by shackles. She began to panic, tugging at the constraints around her wrists and ankles looking down se realised another thing; she was naked. She heard a whimper next to her. Rachel, her six-year-old sister was tied up the same, but gagged. She looked over Rachel’s shaking naked body to see Hannah and her mother both beaten and bruised on the floor, blood trickling down the side of Hannah’s head, both were out stone cold. Lucy began to cry, rattling the bars in an attempt to get out of the constraints; she had no idea going on.

Gerard rushed down the hall by the trolley, holding her tiny, cold hand all the way. He hated hospitals at the best of times, even more when he had no idea what was going on. Lucy’s Body tensed again, her back arching as she let out another scream.

Blood trickling down her bare chest, Lucy crawled towards the door a harsh laugh coming from behind her.
“Lucy, where do you think you’re going? I haven’t... tarnished you yet!” A large hand grabbed the back of Lucy head, making her scream as a candlestick hit her in the back of head, causing darkness to take over.

Gerard’s hand shook as he picked up the coffee from the machine. Some spilt over the side of the cup, causing him to curse. He had been chucked out of Lucy’s hospital room while they sorted out what on earth was wrong with her. Beeping and screams were seeping out of the isolation room she was in. Suddenly, there was a ‘NO LUCY DON’T!’ and a loud bang. A few screams followed. Gerard swerved round the corner, blood was splattered on the windows. Blood was pouring out from under the door.

A/N: SORRY! I know I said Sunday but gosh, so much has been going on! All this weekend I’m at parties so I won’t be able to update but soon my pretties, soon. R&R!
Lu x
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